Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 257 The Referee Team Investigation, Platinum Bishop Salas!

Chapter 257 The Referee Team Investigation, Platinum Bishop Salas!
Only now did he realize that the two were not at the same level at all, so how could they fight?
The same soul king, why is there such a big gap?

Feng Xiaotian clenched his fists, his nails deeply embedded in his flesh: "The fifth soul skill, Tornado Wind Blade!"

In an instant, countless cyan whirlwinds slowly gathered towards Feng Xiaotian.


Countless hats were flying, and the wind was so strong that even the audience in the stands were affected.

"How do you block this blow?!"

Feng Xiaotian yelled loudly, waved his hands, and countless small whirlwinds rushed towards Han Xiao.

These small whirlwinds combined with each other in the process of rushing towards Han Xiao, becoming bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a huge tornado centered on him.

In the wind field, Han Xiao's Killing Armor remained motionless, without affecting it at all.

However, in the next instant, Han Xiao's figure appeared from the wind field, as fast as a ghost.

"not good!"

Looking at Han Xiao who jumped up, Feng Xiaotian turned around and was about to hide.

But his speed is fast, and Han Xiao is even faster.

In desperation, Feng Xiaotian had no choice but to soar into the sky, as long as he flew high enough, it would be impossible for Han Xiao to touch him.

The maximum distance from the ground of Gale's wings is 50 meters, and he does not believe that Han Xiao can reach a height of 50 meters in one leap.

Looking at Han Xiao who was getting farther and farther away from him, Feng Xiaotian let out a long breath.

He was about to speak when his expression suddenly changed.


On the stands, Xue Qinghe shook his head.

Just when everyone thought that Feng Xiaotian had escaped from Han Xiao's pursuit, suddenly the killing armor on Han Xiao's body turned into nothingness.

Immediately afterwards, countless thin scarlet threads slowly emerged on Feng Xiaotian's body.

"Is it left when Feng Xiaotian kept attacking just now?"

Looking at the thin scarlet thread wrapped around every joint of Feng Xiaotian, Xue Qinghe lowered his head in thought.

Thinking about it carefully, how could Han Xiao let Feng Xiaotian keep suppressing him?

With his personality, there must be a purpose in doing so, right?

Director Feng's face changed drastically, as if he guessed something bad happened: "Referee, stop the game!"

After saying this, he ignored everyone's obstruction and rushed into the venue.

Looking at Feng Xiaotian in mid-air, Han Xiao took a deep breath and slowly clenched his fists.

In an instant, the tough thin thread cut Feng Xiaotian's skin, blood was wanton.

"what is this?!"

Feng Xiaotian panicked and hurriedly wanted to get rid of these thin lines.

But at this moment, he was like a bug crawling into a spider's web, and he had become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Immediately afterwards, Han Xiao yanked the thin thread in his hand.


The shrill screams echoed in the Great Soul Arena.

There were scarlet scars all over his body, and the wings behind him became dripping with blood, falling from the sky.

"Stop, we admit defeat!"

Director Feng pushed the referee away and rushed into the big soul fighting arena.

Han Xiao didn't continue to strike, and withdrew the thin thread of murderous aura.

"Smile, are you alright?"

Director Feng received the unconscious Feng Xiaotian who fell from the sky: "Quick, medical soul master!"

The scars on his body were already too horrible to look at, and they were deeply cut into the bones.

After a while, the medical soul master came in and started the treatment.

"I declare that Canghui Academy is victorious!"

The other party's teachers have all entered the arena, so naturally there is nothing to say.

The referee's voice echoed in the Great Soul Arena.

After a moment of silence, applause roared.

Whether it is Feng Xiaotian or Han Xiao, they have dedicated an extremely exciting battle to the audience.

They deserve a round of applause.

"and many more!"

Just when Han Xiao was about to leave, Director Feng stopped him.

"I request that the Tiandou referee team strictly investigate this person!"

His eyes were red, he stared at Han Xiao bitterly, and roared hysterically.

In three matches, Dai Mubai's arm was crippled, seven members of Tianshui Academy were almost burned to death, and now Feng Xiaotian was covered in scars all over his body.

Han Xiao seemed to be telling everyone that the team games they were watching were nothing more than show-stopping games.

"Hmph, I want to ask all the referees, is it possible that it is also my student's fault for being strong?!"

Shi Nian also took the risk of offending Kamikaze Academy and stood up.

The colleges of both sides were at war with each other, and neither of them would give in.

"It's a shame to have a quarrel here!"

At this moment, three men came over.

One of them, known to Han Xiao, is Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect.

Standing beside him was Prince Xue Xing.

As for the last man in a white silk robe and top hat, Han Xiao had never seen him before.

"Sect Master Ning, His Royal Highness Prince Xue Xing, Lord Salas!"

Director Shi Nian and Feng did not dare to be rude when they saw the visitor.

"Everyone may wish to come to my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to discuss this matter, this is also what the Emperor thinks."

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly at both sides, and made a gesture of invitation.

Did Emperor Xue Ye really have his eye on Han Xiao?
Shi Nian looked gloomy and rolled his eyes.

Although there have been incidents of inviting foreign aid in previous competitions, the Heaven Dou Empire has always turned a blind eye.

After all, it can comprehensively improve the strength of all teams in the Heaven Dou Empire, why not do it?
But this time Han Xiaoqiang was a little too strong.

Although his age meets the competition requirements, he won all three battles by himself, and his life has already been placed in front of the throne of Emperor Xue Ye.

"Dean Shi, let's go?" Director Feng patted Shi Nian on the shoulder and flicked his sleeves: "Could it be that you dare not go?"

Shi Nian really didn't dare to go, but after seeing Han Xiao's eyes, he felt relieved: "Director Feng, don't ignore what I just said, self-confidence is not necessarily a good thing."


Quan Nian was pretending to be a ghost at that time, he entrusted someone to take care of Feng Xiaotian, and strode away.

The audience in the stands seemed a little disappointed.

After all, if you can watch two games with one ticket, it can be said to be blood money.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, living room

Ning Fengzhi beckoned, and the maid served top quality green tea in front of everyone.

"Everyone, Qibao Temple is small, so please entertain me if this tea is not suitable for you."

Ning Fengzhi cleaned the tea table with an apologetic face.

Prince Xue Xing at the side took a sip of tea: "Sect Master Ning was joking, the annual output of this dragon mother tea tree is probably not only a few catties, Xue Xing is terrified to be entertained by the suzerain like this."

When Shi Nian heard this, he coughed quickly and looked at the bottomed teacup with some regret.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't drink so fast.

Han Xiao quietly watched Ning Fengzhi and Prince Xue Xing playing the autumn wind, without saying a word.

It seems that Qibao Glazed Tile School and Tiandou Imperial Family's attitude towards Wuhun Palace is not as harmonious as imagined.

Salas, who sat in the main seat from the beginning to the end, didn't say a word, and didn't even move the tea.

He didn't open his eyes until the two of them finished exchanging pleasantries: "Feng Lie, why are you dissatisfied?"

That Feng Lie had already prepared the manuscript in his mind, and was waiting for someone to ask:
"My lord, this son has violated the rules of the competition and caused serious injuries to the contestants with multiple shots. If it goes on for a long time, how many geniuses in the Heaven Dou Empire will be destroyed by his hands!"

After listening to Feng Lie's complaint, Salas did not respond, but looked at Han Xiao with intriguing eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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