Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 258 Silent Guardian!

Chapter 258 Silent Guardian!
"Boy, what do you think?"

Salas looked at Han Xiao meaningfully.


Han Xiao was taken aback for a moment, the words of the Bishop of Salas seemed to have some deep meaning.

The two had never met each other before, so it seemed a little close to use this title when they met for the first time.

Ning Fengzhi looked at the two of them, a little surprised.

Obviously, he also noticed what Salas called Han Xiao.

"I'm just fighting with all my strength. If you warn me for this reason, I will stand up and let my opponent fight in the next game."


Feng Lie's fingers trembled a little.

Han Xiao's words are obviously telling everyone that the opponent's strength is too weak, and he is just playing normally.

Salas smiled slightly and spread his hands: "Feng Lie, you can't let him play fake matches, can you?"

After the words had been spoken, even Prince Xue Xing was a little surprised.

After receiving the instructions from Emperor Xue Ye, he and Ning Fengzhi originally planned to protect Han Xiao.

But what they didn't expect was that Salas, who was still thinking about how to solve it before coming here, took the initiative to speak for Han Xiao.

What is the relationship between the two?

Prince Xue Xing was thoughtful, and lowered his head in thought.

"Sir Bishop!"

Feng Lie's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly turned to look at Prince Xue Xing.

The relationship between Shenfeng Academy and Prince Xue Xing has always been very good. There are three of them here. Since Salas supports Han Xiao, he naturally puts his hopes on Ning Fengzhi and Prince Xue Xing.

"Ahem." Prince Xue Xing didn't look at Feng Lie's eyes, "Young people, it's normal that you can't grasp the severity."

After a short thought, he decided to help Han Xiao regardless of his relationship with Wuhundian.

"Your Highness, why do you..." Feng Lie looked at Prince Xue Xing in a daze as if struck by lightning.

At this moment, he still doesn't know that the poor Kamikaze Academy has become a scapegoat for political struggle.

"Okay, Director Feng, I will ask my portable medical soul master to see Xiaotian later, I believe he will be fine."

Ning Fengzhi patted Feng Lie's shoulder, with a standard smile on his face.

These words are equivalent to giving Feng Lie a step down.

"I...I know."

Sitting on the chair dejectedly, Feng Lie let out a long sigh.

Since these three people who symbolize the top of the power pyramid of the Heaven Dou Empire have said so, even the dean of Shenfeng Academy has nothing to say.

Shi Nian looked excited and heaved a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know why the three of them helped Canghui Academy, at least Han Xiao didn't have to be suspended for this, and that was enough.

Sometimes knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing.

The discussion about Han Xiao's suspension soon ended, and Ning Fengzhi sent everyone away one by one.

Halfway through, Han Xiao bid farewell to Shi Nian and went to look for Salas.

To his surprise, Salas seemed to guess that Han Xiao would come, and did not go too far.

"I guessed that you would come to me."

Salas showed a kind smile, as if looking at the junior.

"Why help me?"

Han Xiao stood side by side with him, walking towards the Spirit Temple in Tiandou City.

"An order from above."

Salas did not hide anything, and told Han Xiao directly.

If the guess is correct, the above in Salas's mouth should be Bibi Dong.

After all, his position was placed in the Spirit Hall, and no one dared to order him except Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong.

"Her Majesty the Pope asked me to tell you that I hope that when I see you next time, you will be able to stand up to the golden generation of Wuhun Temple with your own strength."

Although Salas already knew that Han Xiao had left the Spirit Hall, he looked at Han Xiao with admiration.

"I understand."

Han Xiao nodded and sighed secretly.

Favor is the worst thing to repay. Although Han Xiao is trying to distance himself from Spirit Hall and Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong doesn't seem to want to do this.

"My lord, the Spirit Hall in Tiandou City should not be easy during this period of time, right?"

Han Xiao pointed to the bench in the distance, and had no intention of leaving.

Now that Bibi Dong has come to help him, it's time to put the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School's disintegration plan on the agenda.

Salas frowned, "How do you know?"

Since Yu Yuanzhen was defeated, Wuhundian became the public enemy of Tiandou Empire and Qibao Liulizong.

Although on the surface, the two forces did not dare to provoke him, but they secretly united and twisted together.

Salas, who is restrained everywhere, is quite distressed, which can be seen from the negotiating table just now.

Han Xiao guessed the situation of the Spirit Temple just by relying on the details of the three of them getting together for just an hour, which shocked Salas a little.

"Hasn't the bishop thought of changing the current situation?"

Han Xiao looked at Salas, there was no emotion in his eyes.

Salas laughed dumbfounded, and shook his head: "The close relationship between the Heaven Dou Imperial Family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is no longer a matter of a year or two, how can it be resolved if it is resolved?"

Although the Heaven Dou imperial family is also afraid of the ever-growing Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, it is clear that for them, finding a way to get rid of the number one public enemy, the Wuhun Palace, is the first priority.

The family of the Star Luo Empire has great achievements, and the Spirit Hall cannot penetrate at all. The largest force in the Heaven Dou Empire has also chosen to form a group. This can be said to be extremely difficult for the Spirit Hall that wants to swallow the two empires peacefully.

Han Xiao shook his head and said, "It's really impossible to fall apart, but how about making these two forces suspect each other?"

"It's unrealistic. Now that the elite competition is being held, Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi won't care about it."

Salas rejected Han Xiao's proposal.

He sighed secretly inwardly.

If it continues, when it comes time to suppress it by force, they will be the first to be unlucky.

At that time, the Wuhun Hall located in Tiandou City will meet the wrath of the spirit masters under the Tiandou Empire.

"I have a way to disintegrate the alliance of these two forces. It depends on whether the bishop is willing to cooperate."

Salas turned his mind and looked at Han Xiao with a little more meaning in his eyes.

At first, Salas just regarded him as a genius, and nothing more.

But looking at it now, Han Xiao seems to have changed in the eyes of Salas.

"Tell me, how do you do it?"

"From now on, stop all the difficulties of the Spirit Hall against the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. I believe it should be easy for the bishop to do this, right?"

Hearing this, Salas' eyelids twitched.

Stop all assistance from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect?
You must know that since Yu Yuanzhen's death, Wuhundian has become a good brother of the Blue Lightning Bawangzong, constantly sending resources to it.

At the same time, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect must also open its sect, and at the same time send disciples to join the Spirit Hall.

For both parties, it can be said to be mutually beneficial and win-win.

But now it is too big for Wuhundian to give up its cooperation with the Blue Lightning Bawangzong, and Salas can't afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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