Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 267 Han Xiao VS Blazing Academy!

Chapter 267 Han Xiao VS Blazing Academy!

Unexpectedly, the players of the two teams changed uniforms uniformly.

The team uniform of Canghui Academy is a white-green gradient, and there are faint off-white splashes of ink on both sides of the waist, which vaguely looks like an ink painting.

The Blazing Academy's team uniform is even more insane, with red and black rendering, and the fiery red below seems to spread upwards.

The only thing the two uniforms have in common is the fraternity logo on the pant leg and chest.

Obviously, Nick has reached an agreement with Blazing Academy.

As for Canghui Academy, Han Xiao was there, and he just said it, and he agreed without taking a cent.

The referee fired a gun and the game started.

But unexpectedly, the members of both teams did not move.

"Brother, do you really want to do this?"

Huo Wu's face was stiff, with reluctance written all over her face.

Huo Wushuang was also a little helpless, and he let out a long sigh: "The dean has repeatedly emphasized that it only takes two or three seconds, and Renren will pass."

The team members of both sides had a good understanding at this moment, and at the same time, they took out a drink from the soul guide, raised their heads and drank it completely.

"Physical energy, beyond your imagination!"

The voices of the team members spread throughout the entire Great Soul Arena, and the audience was a little confused.

This is the earliest advertisement. There is no TV, no posters, and it can only be promoted in this form.

But for these entertainment-deprived residents, this never-before-seen method is so novel.

"Look, these soul masters seem to be drinking the same as our drinks."

I don't know who screamed out first, and only then did everyone notice.

"Do these soul masters also like to drink?"

Someone said in surprise.

For them, soul masters are an extremely noble profession, and this competition has made some soul masters sought after by thousands of people.

"Did you hear what they said, this is like some kind of energy drink, which can enhance a person's potential in a short period of time!"

The one who spoke was Tom, who was mixed in the crowd.

"Damn, let me tell you why I feel hot all over, and I'm full of energy!"

"Hey, I also drank the drink that Huo Wu drank, does it mean that we drank the same cup together?" An old man smiled wretchedly.

"Where can I get this drink? I still want it!"

"Damn it, the person who delivered the drink has already left!"

The mood of the audience became excited. It was such an exciting thing to have the same style as these soul masters who could only watch from a distance.

Even some nobles began to ask their servants to find the source of this drink.

Ning Fengzhi who was sitting on the main stand frowned.

As a businessman, of course he has seen through this simple and crude marketing method at a glance.

At this time, Xue Qinghe was also holding a cup of the same drink in his hand, looking thoughtfully at Han Xiao in the arena.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

He found that he couldn't see through this man more and more.

In the soul field, Han Xiao looked calm.

This was his first step in bringing the business empire into Heaven Dou City.

Beverages are the condiments that are most suitable for people's lives. After today, he believes that the people living in Tiandou City will have a cup in their hands.

Once fame is achieved, it will have a chain effect, and it will only permeate into life.

"Do you still fight!"

Seeing that Cang Hui's team didn't release their martial soul, Huo Wu angrily reprimanded.

"Why, in a hurry to lose!"

Not to be outdone, Cang Hui fought back.

"Just relying on your group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp?"

Huo Wushuang smiled coldly, his whole body burst into flames, the music behind him took on the shape of a dragon, his body gradually swelled, a layer of fiery dark red scales covered the surface of his skin, and a short horn about three inches protruded from the top of his head .

This is his martial soul, the one-horned fiery dragon.

He inherited the spirit of Chi Huo Dean, and his attack is extremely powerful, and he even ranked in the top five in the ranking of the strong attack spirit in this competition.

"Huoyun, Huoyu, follow the plan!"

Huo Wushuang shouted in a low voice, and the two tall and thin men behind him nodded and approached Han Xiao from both sides at a very fast speed.

"Sister, let's get rid of this group of miscellaneous fish first."

Huo Wushuang looked at the students of Team Canghui and smiled coldly.

Looking at the oncoming man, Han Xiao had no expression on his face.

Is this a plan to use two people to contain me first, and then quickly clean up the rest?
It seems that before the game, Blazing Academy had already discussed the tactics, and finally seven people besieged Han Xiao.

The corners of Han Xiao's mouth slowly curled up. In this case, it's just a good time to warm up with these two people.

Huoyun and Huoyu are a pair of twin brothers, both of them are quick attack martial souls, Huohe.

Both sides raised their feet from mid-air to stab Han Xiao at the same time, and the first soul ring lit up.

Half a crane leg!
The two were like two straight spears, piercing Han Xiao's ears at the same time.

In an instant, Han Xiao moved, his body turned slightly, and his center of gravity was pressed down. He held ice in one hand and fire in the other, and grabbed the ankles of the two with lightning speed.

Brother Yunyu's complexion changed drastically, and he felt that his feet were being clamped by a vise.

"There is fire!"

Huo Yu let out a loud cry, only then did he realize that his legs had been spread by flames, burning upwards continuously.

"What fire, it's clearly ice!"

On the other side, Huoyun's legs were already covered with frost, and he lost consciousness.

They didn't intend to underestimate the enemy, and released their soul skills directly in the first blow.

The two brothers are confident that as long as this move is hit, the opponent will go into shock and lose their hearing for a short time.

It's a pity that they met Han Xiao.

Playing gymnastics in front of Han Xiao is undoubtedly like playing an ax in front of the patriarch.

"No, go back and save Yunyu!"

Huo Wushuang eliminated a team academy with one punch, and seeing his teammates defeated with just one move, he drank at Huo Wu.

Unspoken, the two turned around and rushed towards Han Xiao.

This person is stronger than they imagined!


Looking at the two people rushing towards him, Han Xiao smiled coldly, and threw Huo Yun Huo Yu at them.

Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu didn't care about attacking Han Xiao, and quickly took over the two of them.

Seeing that the two men closed their eyes tightly, Huo Wushuang's expression darkened.

As expected, the two were unable to continue fighting.

If the referee is not allowed to send the two out for treatment, their legs may be entangled with stubborn diseases for a lifetime in the future.

After sending the two out of the arena, Huo Wushuang looked at Han Xiao with a gloomy expression, and put on a fighting stance.

In their expectation, Huoyun and Huoyu are cannon fodder, and they can drag it on for as long as they want. As long as he and Huowu get rid of those trash from Canghui team, the battle will be easily resolved.

But what they didn't expect was that the two lasted only 10 minutes, which was too little.

"Do you still want to fight? I'm afraid that if I accidentally miss, your teacher will make trouble again."

Han Xiao lightly dusted his white clothes and trousers, and asked calmly.

Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu's complexion changed drastically, humiliation, naked humiliation.

As the twin stars of Blazing Academy, when did the two receive such treatment?

(End of this chapter)

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