Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 268 Prepare for the Finals!

Chapter 268 Prepare for the Finals!
"I kill you!"

Huo Wushuang's voice was like thunder, and his feet stepped out a path of red flames, rushing towards Han Xiao mixed with scorching wind and waves.

Huo Wu beside him clasped his hands together, and the four soul rings in front of him slowly gathered together and began to blend together.

"Fusion ring, it is fusion ring!"

In the auditorium, a soul master lost his voice.

They didn't expect that Huo Wu would directly use her innate skill Fu Huan.

This trick can instantly release the soul power that can be released when several soul rings output skills, and release the soul power greatly in an instant to use a soul skill.

The biggest advantage of the fusion ring is its strong explosive power. In the case of fusion ring, the output of one's own soul power is maximized, and the power of the soul skill used at this time will be doubled.

"Oh, he's lost."

A man wrapped up like a mummy stared at the field, and said firmly.

If it weren't for listening to the voice, it would be impossible to tell that this person is Feng Xiaotian who was defeated by Han Xiao.

"Really? I don't think so."

Shui Bing'er, who was as calm as water, hugged her shoulders and snorted coldly.

Feng Xiaotian shook his head and said with a broken smile: "Shui Bing'er, once Huo Wu starts to melt into the ring, he will definitely use that trick. The degree of horror is unimaginable."

Having said that, a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

Huo Wu shouted: "The fourth soul skill, Huo Wu Yaoyang!"

In an instant, a sun appeared in midair.

This huge white fireball flew towards Han Xiao's direction.

"Help me!"

Huo Wu's face was a little pale, as if the load of this blow was not small.

The teammates beside him nodded and poured soul power into the white light ball one after another.

In an instant, the entire Great Soul Arena was covered by dazzling white light, and Han Xiao's figure slowly disappeared, only Huo Wushuang, who was still running wildly with the flames all over his body, could be vaguely seen.

"go to hell!"

Huo Wushuang's sharp claws emerged, his body began to swell, the scales all over his body burst out with golden-red light, and his whole body was burning with fiery flames.

Looking at Huo Wushuang and Huo Tuan running towards him, Han Xiao raised his lips slightly: "It's finally interesting."

Taotie appeared in his hand, and the fifth soul ring instantly burst into black light.

The audience stood up and looked at the situation in the arena without blinking.

I saw that in Han Xiao's direction, a black light suddenly appeared.

Gradually, the black glow began to slowly devour the whiteness, one yin and one yang, it turned out to be like a Tai Chi.

"Fifth soul skill, Hanba!"

The voice seemed to come from hell, and the audience in the stands clasped their arms and trembled.

Ning Fengzhi's complexion changed drastically, and he stood up directly from his seat: "Hurry up and save people!"

As soon as the words fell, the referee rushed into the big spirit fighting arena from all directions at an extremely fast speed.


A scream resounded in the Great Soul Arena, and only fear remained on the faces of the audience, and some children even burst into tears.

"Elder Sword."

Ning Fengzhi looked at Jian Douluo, who nodded, and took a deep leap into the big soul fighting arena.

The black glow that almost swallowed the soul field began to dissipate little by little.

In the soul field, Han Xiao stood there expressionless, Huo Wushuang fell at his feet, and Huo Wu in the distance hugged her trembling delicate body tightly, her pupils constricted, as if seeing something frightening.

And the remaining weak-willed people had already collapsed to the ground, pointing their faces tightly, as if they were having a nightmare.

Shi Nian also jumped down, grabbed the hand of an unconscious team member and checked, "Fortunately, he just lost his soul, and it just so happens that my martial soul can help him recall his soul."

Shi Nian breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid of being complained about this kind of thing again.

Dean Chihuo also rushed over, looking at his biological siblings with a rather ugly expression.

However, although he was a little dissatisfied, he didn't say it out: "Dean Shi, let's start quickly."

After all, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang were the first to use their strongest killer moves regardless of the safety of their opponents. Could it be that Han Xiao still had to stand and let them fight?
"I declare that Canghui Academy wins!"

The referee raised his hand with a loud voice.

Xue Qinghe's eyes were piercing, thoughtful.

That is his fifth soul skill?

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when Han Xiao released the fifth soul skill, Xue Qinghe's heart trembled.

Although he didn't see clearly what Han Xiao's blow was like under the light, but with his veteran combat experience, he knew that this blow was terrifying!
Do you really want him to continue growing?

Qian Renxue was a little confused.

Immediately, he quickly shook his head and put this thought behind him.

I am the inheritor of the Angel Wuhun, with an innate spirit power of level [-], how could I be afraid?

Han Xiao ignored everyone and walked towards the soul master passage.

In the next few days, the last few games went very smoothly.

Han Xiao solved the last soul master, and the referee fired a gun, announcing the end of the game.

Canghui Academy has become the well-deserved No.1 with a record of all victories.

Even in the last few games, the members of these colleges didn't even dare to fight after seeing Han Xiao, for fear of becoming disabled in the first battle.

Under the passionate speech of Emperor Xue Ye, the preliminaries are over, and the next fifteen teams that will advance will go to the place where the finals will be held, Wuhun City.

As an emperor, of course Emperor Xue Ye could not leave Heaven Dou City without authorization.After the speech, Emperor Xue Ye announced that Prince Xue Qinghe would represent him as the envoy of the Heaven Dou Empire to participate in the judging work of this competition.

Wuhundian attaches great importance to this finals. During the promotion competition, Wuhuncheng has specially opened up a place as the venue for the finals of this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

At the same time, Wuhun City announced the decree.During the start of the competition, non-spirit masters are not allowed to enter to watch the competition.Not even nobles.In this way, the final finals added a bit of mystery.

Heaven Dou Empire deliberately prepared fifteen huge luxury carriages for the upcoming competition.

After all, the next match symbolizes the glory of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Early this morning, the students and teachers of the fifteen teams all gathered in front of the Heaven Dou Palace, heading towards Wuhun City.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Han Xiao let out a sigh of relief. The rules are cumbersome and the game with a long schedule is finally coming to an end.

On the other side, the Shrek team.

Tang San and the others looked into the distance, anxious.

"Little San, do you think Boss Dai can catch up?"

Oscar said with some worry.

During this period of time Tang San almost went to the auction house except for the competition, and finally bought the fairy grass that could speed up healing for Dai Mubai.

Coupled with Dai Mubai's strong resilience, Dai Mubai still has a chance to appear on the stage.

Of the Shrek Seven Monsters, only the seven in one can burst out with the most powerful strength.

At this moment, a figure walked slowly from a distance.

"Boss Dai!"

Ma Hongjun smiled happily when he saw the visitor.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Qi Qi surrounded Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai still had stubble on his face, smiled at Tang San and said, "Little San, thank you."

If it wasn't for Tang San's fairy grass, he would still be lying on the bed right now.

(End of this chapter)

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