Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 270 Putting down Bibi Dong!

Chapter 270 Putting down Bibi Dong!

Yu Xiaogang never thought of himself as an unfortunate person. After living for 50 years, he once had the most perfect woman in the world, and now he also has a talented apprentice.

He has experienced a life that countless people can't imagine.

"Before coming here, I thought a lot about it." Yu Xiaogang smiled wryly, "But when I saw you, I didn't know what to say."

Bibi Dong's voice was very soft, but in this softness there was some coldness that repelled people thousands of miles away:
"Xiao Gang, it's been 20 years, there are some things that should be forgotten."

"Yes, it should be forgotten. Those sweet pasts and painful memories should all be thrown into the trash can."

Yu Xiaogang avoided Bibi Dong's gaze, feeling a twinge of pain in his heart.

Bibi Dong's eyes were like a sharp knife, tearing his heart apart.

"I took in an apprentice a while ago."

Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath, enduring the grief in his heart.

"I know, you want to ask about twin martial souls, right?"

Bibi Dong nodded and said casually.

"How do you know?!" Yu Xiaogang's voice was a little excited: "Could it be that you have been secretly following me all these years?"

After saying this sentence, Yu Xiaogang regretted it.

He obviously already had Erlong, so how could he say such things to other women?

Bibi Dong: ...

"Then you should also know..."

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang's pupils suddenly shrank.

Tang San used the Clear Sky Hammer more than once in the competition, according to Bibi Dong's character, he would definitely send someone to assassinate him.

But what he didn't expect was that Bibi Dong shook her head.

"The grievances and grievances of the predecessors will be resolved by the predecessors. I don't intend to pursue them anymore."

"Over the years, I have been stuck in these trivial matters and grievances in the past, and I couldn't extricate myself for a while. I am not afraid of your jokes. A child actually let me untie these knots and let me learn to look forward."

Bibi Dong smiled, a fleeting determination flashed in her eyes.

Why does she keep helping Han Xiao, even if the other party is unwilling to join the Wuhun Palace.

That's because she saw what she yearned for in Han Xiao.

Absolute rationality, calm judgment, and a sharp blade that cuts everything.

Han Xiao's knife is sharper than hers.

At the same time, Bibi Dong also understood that they were on the same path, which was why she helped Han Xiao almost unconditionally.

"Looks like you've let it go."

Yu Xiaogang shook his head and sighed.

Bibi Dong got up and looked out the window: "Xiao Gang, you go back, I won't tell you about the backlash of the twin martial souls."

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, got up and chased after him: "Bibi Dong, you haven't walked out of that painful experience yet."

From Yu Xiaogang's point of view, Bibi Dong's reluctance to tell him the secret method to solve the backlash of twin martial souls is due to the past grievances between the two.

But he never thought about why Bibi Dong told Yu Xiaogang this precious secret method?

Bibi Dong couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "Do you know how I spent every night when I was attacked by twin martial souls? Do you know how many kinds of poisons I tried to solve the backlash? Do you know how many times I brushed shoulders with the god of death? pass?"

Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth, looked at Bibi Dong with a distressed face, and was about to speak, but was blocked by Bibi Dong's words.

"You don't know how precious this secret technique is to me. I haven't even met your apprentice face to face. Why should I pass on this priceless treasure to him? Could it be because you and I had a relationship before?"

Bibi Dong threw the floor loudly, looked directly at Yu Xiaogang: "Then tell me, Yu Xiaogang, do I owe you?"

"Or, can you come up with something equivalent and exchange it with me?"

Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth and was speechless for a while.

Immediately his body trembled, pointing at Bibi Dong, his eyebrows twitched together: "Then do you know the reason why I left you? Why didn't you investigate, why didn't you retain, why didn't you ask the previous old Pope?" ?!"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's expression turned cold: "Yu Xiaogang, what do you know, and what can you know with your strength?"

"Go away. As I said, there is no right or wrong for our separation. If you want to blame it, you can blame fate."

Bibi Dong flicked her sleeves, as if she had given the order to chase away the guests.

"Sure enough, even you, even you look down on me!"

Yu Xiaogang's eyes were wide open, and he stretched out his hands to grab Bibi Dong's shoulders, but was shaken away by her soul power.

"Your obsession is too deep, and there is no cure." Bibi Dong glanced at Yu Xiaogang pityingly, and then said: "Come, see off."

As soon as the words fell, four heavily armed Templars rushed in, and they set up Yu Xiaogang and were about to leave.

"and many more!"

At this moment, Bibi Dong raised her hand to signal to stop.

Yu Xiaogang's pupils lit up, looking at Bibi Dong with hope in his eyes.

"Take back his elder token and send him away."

These words made Yu Xiaogang feel cold all over, as if he was in an abyss.

How many late nights, whenever he picked up the token, he would think of his past with Bibi Dong.

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang fully understood that Bibi Dong really let go.

Some stories will only be stories after all, and the one who stays with you in the end will never be the craziest love.


Everyone walked into Wuhun City all the way, and all kinds of magnificent buildings instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Even Ning Fengzhi, who was accompanying Ning Rongrong, lamented the handwriting of this master craftsman.

Under the leadership of Xue Qinghe, all the teams settled down one after another.

The relevant personnel of Wuhundian sent news that the finals will start in three days.

After arriving at Wuhun City, everyone who was joking along the way also became serious.

After more than 20 days of exhaustion, they needed three days to adjust their status, but they didn't have the heart to visit this luxurious Wuhun City.

However, as soon as Han Xiao returned to the hotel, he left the room.

After all, this city is all too familiar to him.

In the inner city of Wuhun City, Zhou Tong and others are training.

Xue Qingwu was holding a dagger and wearing a tight-fitting vest, her eyes were locked on Zhou Tong who was standing in the distance, like a silver fox ready to hunt.

In an instant, she moved at an extremely fast speed, which was somewhat similar to Han Xiao's movements.

Zhou Tong slammed to one side, and punched Xue Qingwu in front of him without holding back.

However, a surprising scene appeared, Xue Qingwu's figure slowly dissipated, leaving behind a series of afterimages.

"Is this the ability of Snow Fox?"

Tang Tang, who was watching from the side, exclaimed.

Disguise and confuse the opponent's sight, so as to achieve an unexpected blow.

At this moment, Xue Qingwu appeared behind Zhou Tong at some point, piercing his aorta with a dagger!
Obviously, after not seeing her for a few years, her strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Seeing that the dagger was about to pierce Zhou Tong's neck, Zhou Tong moved.

(End of this chapter)

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