Chapter 271 Reunion!
The back of his head was like long eyes, he raised his hand and firmly grasped Xue Qingwu's wrist, unloaded, turned over, Xue Qingwu drew a perfect arc in the air, and landed on the ground.

"Not bad, this time, you can touch me within two centimeters."

Zhou Tong grinned and nodded in relief.

During this time, in order to strengthen Xue Qingwu's combat experience, the best way is to fight.

Xue Qingwu pouted, and threw the dagger to the ground, apparently dissatisfied with herself.

"Your center of gravity is too low."

At this moment, a cold voice came from a distance.

Everyone looked into the distance, and saw Han Xiao leaning against the door with a blank expression on his face.


Tang Tang and Zhou Tong surrounded him and asked about the current situation with a smile.

Chen Mo behind him was a little shocked. It stands to reason that he could detect this distance with his mental strength.

But everyone present did not notice Han Xiao.

He got stronger again.

"Master, shouldn't the center of gravity be lowered during the assassination, so that it is more secretive?"

Xue Qingwu looked like a curious baby, waiting for Han Xiao's answer seriously.

"You put on the latent action just now."

Han Xiao walked behind her.

Xue Qingwu nodded obediently, in a half-squatting posture.

Han Xiao stretched out his index finger and middle finger and tapped her waist.


This sudden movement made Xue Qingwu blush.

"How do you feel?"

Han Xiao asked seriously as if he didn't see it.


Xue Qingwu's voice murmured, her ears flushed.

Han Xiao frowned, "Try to move your center of gravity to this position."

Speaking of Han Xiao's fingers across the training clothes, Xue Qingwu trembled all over.


At this time, her body has no strength at all, so how can she make such a movement.

"Young Master!" Tang Tang couldn't stand watching anymore, and took Han Xiao's hand away, "Xiaoxue has grown into a big girl."

Han Xiao looked at Xue Qingwu. Now she has a slender figure, her willow waist is even more slender and flexible, and there are a few strands of hair hanging on her red and beautiful face.

Han Xiao frowned. When she was a child, he checked her body completely, so why is he shy now?

"I'm ok."

Xue Qingwu took a deep breath, let go of excessive thoughts, and squatted down with a solemn expression.

Under Han Xiao's guidance, she found that there was indeed something wrong with her previous lurking posture.

"When lurking, the power point of the waist is extremely important. If it is too high, it is easy to be found. If it is too low, the body will not be able to exert force."

Han Xiao opened his mouth to explain, and he patiently explained to everyone.

The reason for doing this is to let these people become Canghui's lecturers in the future to impart more knowledge about assassins.

Fortunately, Chen Mo and others are all elites, so they can see through.

"How's the preparation going?" Han Xiao asked Chen Mo looking at the people who kept trying.

Chen Mo nodded, "I have made all the preparations, if there is any problem, I can retreat from Wuhun City immediately."

Han Xiao nodded, and after a few more instructions, he turned and left.

Three days passed in a flash, and the finals in Wuhun City finally started.

Compared with the commercial preliminaries, the finals did not have many spectators, and there were no complicated advertisements.

But the people who can come to watch are all famous soul masters from various forces.

And the purpose of this finals is also to select the most powerful soul master team.

Canghui Academy became one of the three seeded teams by relying on their terrifying record of unanimous victories, with all byes in the first match.

The Shrek team on the other side was also very lucky to draw Blazing Academy, which abstained from voting.

The knockout format is cruel, there is only one match, a total of 32 teams, and only one chance, if they fail, they will be out.

In the second round and the third round, the goddess of luck still favored Canghui Academy. They met a team from the Star Luo Empire, and Han Xiao solved it no matter what he did.

However, in the fourth round, that is, the battle for the top four, only the eight most powerful teams in the entire continent remained.

This time, Goddess of Luck stabbed him in the back, allowing him to draw the team that has the best chance of winning the championship in this year's All-Soul Master Elite Academy, the Wuhun team.

Looking at his right hand, the knife raised by Shi Nian was trembling.

"Dean Shi, don't be impulsive!"

Ye Zhiqiu, who had just returned to the tavern, saw this scene, his complexion changed drastically, and he rushed forward to hug him tightly.

"Let's talk about what's going on, but don't make fun of Miss Wu!"

Ye Zhiqiu desperately persuaded.

Shi Nian looked at his right hand, trembling with anger, and finally pressed the knife heavily on the table.

"This stinky hand, I really want to chop it up!"

Shi Nian sighed deeply, and collapsed on the sofa dejectedly: "Three soul kings, those are three soul kings!"

Before coming here, Shi Nian firmly believed that Han Xiao was invincible in the world.

But after watching the second round and the third round, he was stunned.

The Wuhun team has three soul kings, what is the difference between this and the direct default champion?
Of the three soul kings, the remaining four are all top match soul masters.

No matter how powerful Han Xiao is, can he kill three soul kings by himself?

And that old enemy, Shrek Academy, even showed terrifying team cohesion, beheading opponents one after another with a strong tacit understanding.

In addition, there is also a kamikaze academy that has absorbed the blazing academy.

No matter which academy they compare with, their Canghui Academy's paper strength is the lowest.

At this moment, Han Xiao came down from upstairs.

"Brother Han, I'm sorry for you!"

When Shi Nian saw Han Xiao, his eyes turned red instantly.

Han Xiao frowned, "What?"

"Ahem." Ye Zhiqiu coughed twice, not daring to look him in the eyes: "Our next opponent is the Wuhun team."

"If you don't wake up, you can scold me. In fact, I am content to be here."

Shi Nian said boldly.

"Well, I see."

Han Xiao's face remained the same, without any change.


Shi Nian and Ye Zhiqiu were stunned: "There are three soul kings in the Wuhun team."

They thought that Han Xiao didn't know the strength of the Wuhun team.

However, to their disappointment, Han Xiao remained expressionless: "I know, I fought them before."

"Who's winning?"


The two looked at Han Xiao in a daze, unable to say a word.


Pope's Point, Chamber of Deliberations.

Pope Bibi Dongduan sat on the main seat, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo sat next to her respectively, standing in front of them was the team member named to represent Wuhundian Academy.

Xie Yue, Yan and Hu Liena stood at the front.

"Do you know who the opponent you are going to face next is?"

Bibi Dong asked calmly.

"Your Highness, don't worry, we will definitely win Canghui Academy!"

The three of Xieyue agreed very respectfully.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's eyes turned cold, and he glanced at the three of them: "I think you three are stupid in cultivation!"

Xie Yue's complexion changed, and they quickly lowered their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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