Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 279 The Perfect Coordination of the Seven Shrek Monsters!

Chapter 279 The Perfect Coordination of the Seven Shrek Monsters!

Han Xiao's second soul skill, Yasha!
This is the soul ring he obtained from the ghost two-headed wolf, which can create a clone for his own use.

Compared with Jing Ke Presenting Dagger and Han Yan, this soul skill is not powerful.

But if it is used well, it will become the most terrifying soul skill.

Looking at Oscar who was like a lamb in front of him, Han Xiao stretched out his fangs.

"From the beginning, the auxiliary soul master he planned to assassinate was Oscar."

Tang San was dripping with sweat, it turned out that attacking Ning Rongrong was just a cover.

The distance between the two sides was too far, Tang San and the others could only watch helplessly as Han Xiao stabbed the gluttonous glutton towards Oscar's neck.

"Oscar, fly!"

Ma Hongjun blasted away the ice, desperately rushing towards Oscar.

Oscar nodded, and violently bit the flying sausage in his mouth.

A pair of transparent wings suddenly grew from his back, vibrating at a very high frequency, and leaped into the low sky.

Han Xiao slammed into the air with one blow, and looked at Oscar, who was flying fast in mid-air.

"Hey, I can fly, I can't think of it."

Oscar, who survived the catastrophe, raised his middle finger at Han Xiao and quickly flew towards the seven monsters.

Han Xiao was expressionless, as if he didn't care about his ridicule. After thinking for a while, he slowly put down the wrist on his waist.


Seeing that the fast attack was not successful, Tang San shouted loudly.

Shrek strangely placed Ning Rongrong and Oscar at the end of the team, apparently to guard against Han Xiao's second assassination.

"Fatty, use that trick."


Tang San and Ma Hongjun looked at each other, the thoughts in each other's mind were self-evident.

"We're here to harass."

After putting down these words, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing rushed towards Han Xiao.

"Confront me head-on if you have the guts!"

Dai Mubai let out a roar of a tiger, and directly activated the third soul skill, White Tiger Vajra Transformation.

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing split into multiple clones, rushing towards Han Xiao from different directions.

Han Xiao turned to the side of the cave, holding two swords, and slashed rapidly.

The frightening thing is that every time he slashes, he predicts Zhu Zhuqing's movements in advance.

For a moment, Zhu Zhuqing who took the initiative to attack was quickly suppressed by Han Xiao instead.

"Use that trick!"

Dai Mubai's complexion changed, he understood that if they continued, Han Xiao would find a breakthrough in their attack instead.

After that, he stopped chasing Han Xiao and ran towards Zhu Zhuqing.

The bodies of the two collided together, bursting out a deep blue light.

Nether White Tiger!

This is the martial soul fusion technique exclusive to the two of them. It not only has the terrifying attack power of the evil-eyed white tiger, but also inherits the speed of the ghost civet.

Dai Mubai let out a tiger roar, turned around a few times, appeared beside Han Xiao, and slapped his Tianling Gai with his palm.

Han Xiao's figure retreated violently, the double blades drew a cross in the air, and the blades rushed towards Dai Mubai with the sound of howling wind.

This time, Dai Mubai didn't have the slightest fear, he slapped the huge tiger's claws towards the blade, and an extremely powerful aftermath spread to all directions.

Dai Mubai retreated a few feet in a row before stabilizing his figure, the incredible king Han Xiao.

He didn't expect Han Xiao to be so terrifying, and he could barely compete with Zhu Zhuqing after merging with him.

"Boss Dai, enough is enough."

Tang San looked at Han Xiao whose figure was also shaken backwards, the third spirit ring and the fourth spirit ring bloomed light at the same time.

In an instant, countless blue silver grasses emerged from Han Xiao's feet, forming a tough cage.

Han Xiao turned around, and the double blades cut the fragile blue silver grass into pieces.

The cage was broken, but at this moment, countless blue silver grasses drilled out again, binding Han Xiao's joints tightly like hemp rope.


Tang San panted violently, the user's two bindings seemed to have cost a lot of spirit power.

Ma Hongjun's third soul ring lit up, and his figure flickered, appearing above Han Xiao's head.

His cheeks swelled rapidly, and his entire face turned red.

His second soul ability and first soul ability burst out with light at the same time.

The second soul skill Phoenix in Fire, when activated, the flame of the Phoenix is ​​enhanced by 30.00%.

The third soul skill Phoenix Wings Sky Soaring, the flame of the phoenix instantly increased by [-]% after activation.

It can be said that Ma Hongjun's strongest attack method is not the fourth soul skill Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike, but the first soul skill after continuously gaining strength, Phoenix Firewire.

Under the blessing of the second and third soul skills and the blessing of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, Ma Hongjun's attack ability reached an extremely terrifying level at this time.

It is no exaggeration to say that his flame has been able to burn everything.

However, although this blow is powerful, it will take too long to stack up the boost and charge, and it is difficult to hit all of them on the opponent.

So he had to cooperate with Tang San's control skills.

"go to hell!"

A look of ferocity flashed in Ma Hongjun's eyes, and a column of extremely thick flames shot towards Han Xiao who was restrained by the blue silver grass.

There was a loud noise, filled with fireworks, and Han Xiao was restrained by this blow, and he could not escape at all!


A soul master in the stands sighed involuntarily.

It has to be admitted that the Shrek team's ability to cooperate is indeed flawless, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai who are feints, Tang San and Ma Hongjun who are the main attackers, each of them has displayed their best skills.

"Qinghe, what do you think of this match?"

Ning Fengzhi looked at the smoke in the arena and asked.

Xue Qinghe smiled slightly, and gave a perfect answer: "No matter who wins the final victory, they are all the academy of the Heaven Dou Empire, aren't they, teacher?"

"Hahaha, you are getting better at talking."

Ning Fengzhi smiled helplessly, and continued to focus on watching the game.

Xue Qinghe beside him had bright eyes and clenched his fists: "Come on, let me see your weird second martial soul."

Yu Xiaogang clenched his fists, his eyes were bloodshot, he was even more nervous than the team members who were fighting.

From time to time, he turned his head to look at Bibi Dong in the main stand.

"Bibi Dong, have you seen that today is the day I, Yu Xiaogang, slap all of you in the face!"

Yu Xiaogang's face was flushed, he had waited too long for today.

He wants to tell the whole world that everyone is a frog in a well with eyes but no pearls!
In the main stand, Bibi was expressionless, and beside her, Ghost Douluo wound up the clockwork.

"Your Highness, why did the great offering come here?"

Bibi Dong lightly parted her red lips: "Naturally, it's here to restrict me."

"Restrict you?"

Ghost Douluo was a little astonished, "Could it be that someone else will attack him?"

Bibi Dong didn't respond to Ghost Douluo, her expression became a bit more serious.

"If that's the case, do you want me to..."

In the middle of speaking, Bibi Dong shook her head: "Let's watch the game, Elder Ghost."

Hearing this, Ghost Douluo shook his head and sighed.

He knew very well that after this battle, what Han Xiao lost was the protection of the Spirit Hall, and what he would face at that time would be the top powerhouse in this continent.

For Qian Daoliu to come here, it seems that he has already made up his mind.

In the arena, everyone's eyes were focused on the place where the thick smoke gathered.

(End of this chapter)

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