Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 280 Awakening of the aura cloak, the cloud rises and the dragon rides!

Chapter 280 Awakening of the aura cloak, the cloud rises and the dragon rides!
Ma Hongjun landed from the sky, and kept stuffing sausages into his mouth, the battle just now seemed to consume a lot of his soul power.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing have also separated, they are both meditating and constantly recovering their soul power.

The Shrek Seven Devils didn't seem to intend to hold back, and all they released were their most powerful moves.

"do you died?"

Ma Hongjun looked expectantly at the arena that had been devastated to the point of disrepair.

With such terrible damage, even the Soul Emperor couldn't survive, right?

A breeze picked up and the smoke dispersed.

Looking in Han Xiao's direction, everyone's pupils trembled, and they looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

"No, it's impossible, how is it possible?!"

Ma Hongjun cried out in shock, a wave of despair came over his face, his calf was trembling.

I saw Han Xiao standing in the center of the arena with a calm expression. The surrounding floors seemed to have been cracked, and raging flames were still burning on the ground.

A lavender cloak was draped around Han Xiao's body, fluttering cheerfully with the breeze.

The cloak looks ordinary at first glance, but it seems to contain magical power when you look closely. The three dragon embroidery on the back of the cloak is so lifelike under the sun, it seems that it will emerge from it in the next moment.

In the stands, a somewhat excited Xue Qinghe stood up directly.

His eyes burst out with a ray of light: "Is it finally here?"

"what is that?"

Ning Fengzhi at the side was a little stunned, squinting his eyes and looking at the cloak behind Han Xiao.

He also saw the goodness hidden in the cloak.

"It seems to be Wuhun."

Sword Douluo made a judgment based on his rich experience.

"The martial spirits I have seen, there are eight thousand if not ten thousand. I have never seen such a special martial spirit."

Bone Douluo shook his head and laughed.

In the main stand, the corner of Bibi Dong's mouth, who had always been expressionless, finally curved.

"After so many years, he really hasn't let us down."

Ghost Douluo let out a long sigh, and began to recall the past again.

In the arena, Tang San looked at the cloak behind Han Xiao, feeling a deep crisis for some reason.

"Everyone, back off!"

With a roar, he took the lead in retreating.

If I didn't guess wrong, it was this weird cloak that blocked Ma Hongjun's full blow.

The Seven Shrek Monsters didn't dare to be careless, they all retreated ten feet away, staring at Han Xiao vigilantly.

However, what they didn't expect was that Han Xiao didn't look at them at all, and gently stroked the cloak on his body.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The Lingguang cloak swayed happily, and then a childish voice came: "Okay... long time no see."

"You can talk?!"

Han Xiao was a little shocked.

Although the aura cloak had a certain degree of consciousness before, it was unable to convert it into language.

To Han Xiao's surprise, he did not expect that Lingguang Cloak could communicate with Han Xiao after such a long sleep.

"I'm now... super... super super powerful."

The clumsy sound of the aura cloak reached Han Xiao's mind.

Looking at the dancing aura cloak, Han Xiao felt a little helpless.

If the aura cloak before sleeping was a baby, then he is more like a three or four-year-old child now.

"In my territory, there are three younger brothers, they were conquered by me..."

A cloak of aura sums up obscure language.

Han Xiao's pupils shrank. If he guessed correctly, the three younger brothers mentioned by the aura cloak should be the three dragons stabbing behind it.

What he didn't expect was that such a terrifying creature was called a little brother by it.

"Look what he's doing!"

In the distance, Ma Hongjun pointed to Han Xiao and said.

"It seems to be talking to the cloak."

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun laughed aloud: "I'm afraid I've burnt my brain out for talking to the cape."

"Fatty, Xiao Ao, don't be careless."

Tang San frowned, for some reason he always felt that the cloak behind Han Xiao was an extremely terrifying existence.

Hearing the ridicule of Ma Hongjun and Oscar, the Lingguang cloak started to dance with teeth and claws.


Han Xiao felt a little funny.

"Hit...kill them."

The voice of the aura cloak was a little hurried.


Han Xiao looked up at the Shrek Seven Monsters, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Now it's his turn to fight back.

Han Xiao took a deep breath and grasped the cloak tightly.

At this moment, he felt that he and the aura cloak in his hand seemed to be one, and the three giant dragons behind it seemed to be about to move.

"bring it on!"

Han Xiao violently tore off the cloak behind him, pouring his soul power into it: "Yun Qi Long Xiang!"

He waved the aura cloak in his hand, and in an instant, three giant dragons emerged from the cloak.

The blue dragon is on the left, the thunder dragon is on the right, and the golden dragon is in the center!

Qian Daoliu, who had been dozing off behind the stands, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at the three giant dragons entrenched in the arena in disbelief.

Xue Qinghe couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes, and his hands were shaking violently.

So strong, this is my opponent, Qian Renxue!
Ning Fengzhi and the Sword Bone Douluo behind him also had expressions of disbelief.

Looking at the roaring dragon, Yu Xiaogang trembled all over. This was the crushing from the depths of his soul.

Bibi Dong smiled slightly, as if she had expected it a long time ago: "Come on, this is the biggest stage for you to shock the world."

In the arena, looking at the giant dragon rushing towards him, Tang San didn't hesitate at all: "Quickly disperse!"

As soon as the words fell, he stepped on the ghost shadow and ran towards the distance.

The place where the giant dragon passed by was a mess, sweeping towards everyone with an extremely powerful soul power.

At this moment Ma Hongjun's face was filled with only panic, he wanted to run but it was already too late.

The giant dragon pierced through his body, and a bloody arrow spurted out. Ma Hongjun fell into a coma and fell heavily to the ground.

On the other side, Qinglong and Leilong also swept away the fleeing crowd, attacking wantonly.

"Flying sausage!"

At this moment Tang San had no time to take care of his good brother, he chewed the flying sausage into pieces.

It was only at this time that everyone reacted and took off quickly.

But how can a dragon not fly?

The Shrek Seven Monsters were like poor flies being rampaged by a giant dragon.

Seeing this, Tang San gritted his teeth, and the Eight Spider Lances appeared behind him, his figure becoming extremely flexible.

Then without the slightest hesitation, he blocked the Eight Spider Lances in front of him.

With a bang, these tough spider legs were shattered under the terrifying impact, and Han Xiao fell heavily to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

Even though the Eight Spider Lances had completely shattered, it still blocked this fatal blow for Tang San.

As for the remaining seven monsters, they had already been cleared out of the arena by Han Xiao's blow. If it weren't for the referee's protection, even auxiliary soul masters like Oscar and Ning Rongrong would have died.

With a flick of Han Xiao's wrist, the three giant dragons obediently flew back into the aura cloak.

At this moment, only Tang San and Han Xiao are left in the arena.

(End of this chapter)

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