Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 281 Tang 3 is defeated!

Chapter 281 Tang San Defeated!

The three dragons returned, and the aura cloak slowly fell behind Han Xiao's shoulders.

He lifted the fish intestines and Taotie, and looked at the slightly embarrassed Tang San without changing his face.

"Han Xiao, I will not lose this battle."

Tang San's gaze was firm, what he was holding in his hand was the fragments of the Eight Spider Lances that had been shattered by the giant dragon.

"Let you see, the real Tang Sect unique knowledge!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang San rotated his wrist, and the fragments of the Eight Spider Lances in his hand flew towards Han Xiao from all angles like a boomerang.

Han Xiao was like a cat, trembling at a high frequency, dodging this almost all-round attack with no dead ends.

However, the flight trajectories of these fragments overlapped and collided with each other, bursting out with even more terrifying power, and grazing towards Han Xiao again.

Tang Sect's hidden weapon technique ranked tenth, Bat Wing Reincarnation!
Han Xiao kept dodging, but the speed of these eight spider lance fragments did not subside in the slightest. Every time they collided in the air, they flew to all angles of Han Xiao at a faster speed.

This is the bat wing reincarnation, after each combined attack, a new reincarnation will be formed, which lasts until the target dies.

Tang San flicked the Blue Silver Grass in his hands, constantly trying to disrupt Han Xiao's pace.

However, what shocked him was that Han Xiao's movement skills were so good that he could dodge every time he dodged.

Seeing that his opponent was suppressed, Tang San didn't hesitate at all, the Blue Silver Grass disappeared, turned his wrist, and a quaint little hammer appeared in his hand.

Immediately, he stepped on the shadow of ghosts and set out to stop Han Xiao.

"Batwing reincarnation, you can't break it!"

Tang San shouted, and the Haotian Hammer fell from the sky.

"is it?"

The corners of Han Xiao's mouth curled up, looking at the Clear Sky Hammer, which contained tremendous power, his eyes did not fluctuate at all.

Then he flicked his wrist violently, and countless thin scarlet threads suddenly appeared in his hand.

These thin lines are formed by the condensation of murderous aura, even with the Purple Demon Eyes, they cannot see them clearly.

Han Xiao's ten fingers shook rapidly, as if he was controlling a marionette.

Then the fragments of the Eight Spider Lances scattered in the air turned around and flew towards Tang San in unison.

"how is this possible?"

Tang San's complexion changed drastically. Looking back carefully, he realized that when Han Xiao dodged these Eight Spider Lance fragments, he always passed them. Could it be that these red threads were stuck to the fragments at that time?
What shocked him was that Han Xiao would have mastered the flight trajectory of the batwing reincarnation in such an extreme time, and trampled these Eight Spider Lance fragments for his own use.

Tang San turned around and stopped attacking, his hands showed bursts of white jade color.

Afterwards, he collected the pieces of Eight Spider Lances that flew towards him one by one like picking stars with both hands.

Xuanyu's hand can detoxify the poison, coupled with his extremely skilled technique, he doesn't have to worry about these fragments accidentally hurting himself.

However, just as he took back these fragments, Han Xiao began to counterattack.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Tang San, the gluttonous glutton in his hand piercing every vital point of Tang San like a storm.

What is amazing is that Han Xiao was able to attack Tang San madly with one hand, while manipulating these fragments with the other.

The trajectory of the eight spider lance fragments in the air became elusive, even if Tang San wanted to catch them all, it would be difficult, let alone under Han Xiao's onslaught.

In desperation, Tang San had no choice but to slap the 24 bridges on the moonlit night at his waist. In an instant, countless hidden weapons centered on himself, exploding like a kaleidoscope of fireworks.

These hidden weapons collided with the fragments of the Eight Spider Lances controlled by Han Xiao in the air, rubbed out countless sparks and fell to the ground weakly.

Seeing this, Han Xiao shook out the fish intestines hidden in his wrist, crossed his two blades, and split the air in front of him into countless pieces.

Tang San gritted his teeth, and swung the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand: "Chaotic Cloak Wind Hammer Method!"

This small hammer was thrown like a tiger by Tang San, even though this chaotic cloaking hammer method was just the Haotian School's entry-level casting technique, it was extremely aggressive under Tang San's improvement.

Tang San's hammer and Han Xiao's double blades collided continuously in the air. After Tang San swung the 81 hammer, the two sides came to an end.

For a while, the two were unable to tell the winner.

Tang San looked at Han Xiao with only incomparable solemnity, and he put his hands on his waist slowly, knowing that if he didn't use the Tang Clan hidden weapon he created, he would definitely be eliminated.

But at this moment, an extremely strong crisis suddenly rose from his heart, and his strong sixth sense issued a fatal warning.

Tang San turned his head suddenly, his pupils trembled.

I saw a fragment of Eight Spider Lances spinning towards him rapidly.

Haven't all these fragments been resolved?
Cold sweat dripped down Tang San's forehead, and only then did he realize that Han Xiao had secretly hidden a fragment of the Eight Spider Lances from the very beginning, just waiting to use it now!
A shrill scream echoed in the arena.

This fragment of Eight Spider Lances from Tang San's body returned to the mother's body, deeply inserted into Tang San's waist.

In the auditorium, someone sighed, someone opened their mouth subconsciously, and someone clapped their hands silently.

This battle has become extremely enjoyable from the beginning of teamwork to the final one-on-one duel.

But it seems that this battle is about to come to an end.

"You want to kill me?"

Han Xiao walked slowly, walking towards Tang San step by step with double blades in hand.

"Move, move!"

Cold sweat dripped down Tang San's forehead, but he found that Han Xiao's attack seemed to have deliberately hit his vitals, and he seemed to have lost control from the waist down.

Although it is extremely difficult for his bones to be injured by virtue of his flexibility, it still limits his lower body in a short time.

"This is a competition, not an Asura field." Tang San held on weakly, "If you want to kill me, you will definitely be stopped by the referee here."

Hearing this, Han Xiao smiled: "Why, do you really think that only you can make trouble secretly?"

From the preliminaries to the present, Tang San secretly laid hands on many teams, and even completely ruined the soul master careers of several members of the Heaven Dou Royal Team.

And the reason for all this is only because the domineering Prince Xue Xing refused to accept them as students.

Just because of one person, Tang San hated all the members of the entire academy.

Tang San's face became extremely ugly, "You, how do you know?!"

"Your tricks are all left over from my play, how do you say I know?"

Han Xiao looked at Tang San with interest, thinking about how to kill him here.

The easiest way is to use Taotie to insert the tender meat three inches below the neck, where it is very close to the main artery, plus the complex gap on the Taotie blade, although it will not kill Tang San in a short time, but it will definitely affect Tang San after a long time. The main artery, Tang San will undoubtedly die at that time.

Or use a needle half a meter long to insert into Tang San's ankle to stop the blood circulation, after three days his whole body will be swollen, his blood will coagulate and he will die.

(End of this chapter)

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