Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 288 Soul Beast That Will Assassinate!

Chapter 288 Soul Beast That Will Assassinate!
Hearing this, everyone's expressions instantly became strange.

Just for a while, a breakthrough is about to happen?

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Mo assigned work: "The three of you are going to set up a camp, Zhou Tong will go find a hidden and quiet place for the young master to practice, and I will protect the young master."

"it is good!"

The tacit understanding in Tiandou City was once again shown, everyone finished their work in an orderly manner, and the camp was set up before dark.

Han Xiao was meditating in the cave, Zhou Tong and Tang Tang were bickering outside, Xiao Wu and Xue Qingwu had already become one, and Chen Mo was reading books by the campfire alone.

A week later, Peng within the cave emitted an incomparably surging soul power.

"It's done."

Everyone was surprised, Qi Qi looked calm, and Han Xiao walked out slowly.

For them, Han Xiao's terrifying talent is a sense of security that they can follow wholeheartedly.

Chen Mo walked up to Han Xiao with his notebook and began to report: "Master, after seven days of searching by Zhou Tong and I, we found a 3000-year-old tapir living 3 meters away from the northeast, 2000 meters west of it. There is a pack of wolves in the size of six or seven wolves, and the ghost face of the wolf is 2 years old."

Zhou Tong continued: "Master, I found a group of golden-backed army ants in the southwest corner of the Sunset Forest. Each head is more than ten thousand years old. I dare not get too close, but I can be sure that the ant emperor of this group of army ants It must be 4 to [-] years old."

Speaking of which, he hesitated.

"On the way back, I also felt an extremely terrifying breath of a soul beast. If I guessed right, that soul beast hidden in the dark is at least 5 years old."

Chen Mo frowned, a little dissatisfied: "Why didn't you report this matter to me?"

Zhou Tong scratched his head in embarrassment: "Damn, how embarrassing it is to be scared away by the soul master, not to mention that the young master of the soul beast can't absorb it."

You must know that the age of the soul emperor to absorb the soul ring is 2 years, and the two know that Han Xiao can leapfrog the absorption of the soul ring, so the selected soul beasts are all 4 to [-] years old.

So Zhou Tong didn't investigate the information about this mysterious soul beast just to save trouble.

Chen Mo nodded and looked at Han Xiao: "Master, this is probably the case with the surrounding soul beasts."

After finishing speaking, everyone fell into silence, waiting for Han Xiao's choice.

"Have all the surrounding spirit beasts been cleaned up?"

"Destroy them all."

Han Xiao nodded, "Tang Tang, Zhou Tong, you two will follow me to find the mysterious soul beast, Chen Mo, you stay here to protect Xue Qingwu and Xiao Wu."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and Zhou Tong was even more annoyed.

Sure enough, as he guessed, Han Xiao still chose the extremely terrifying 5-year-old soul beast.

"Master, I understand that your physical fitness is extremely strong, and you can leapfrog to absorb spirit rings, but ten thousand year spirit beasts are different."

Chen Mo painstakingly persuaded: "Every 1 years, the strength of the soul beast will be terribly improved, and the spiritual power will become stronger. A soul beast of 5 years is already the maximum age for a soul sage to absorb a soul ring."

Han Xiao nodded: "I understand."

Unlike the previous soul rings, if Han Xiao forcibly absorbs the 5-year soul ring, he might be shocked into a fool by the terrifying mental power.

Han Xiao couldn't be more clear, but he still has to do it.

It's just because my Huntian star map has stayed in the broken army for too long, and it is even farther away from the seventh-level secret.

He had to go through this life and death to reach the pinnacle of his previous life.

"Don't worry, I won't die."

Seeing that everyone was worried, Han Xiao spoke.

Chen Mo said, "I'll go too."

Xiao Wu nodded: "Don't worry, Big Brother Chen has sprinkled the powder to disperse soul beasts around here, Qing Wu and I don't need to protect."

Xue Qingwu nodded firmly.

For them, it is even more urgent now to prove that they are not a burden.

Under Zhou Tong's leadership, everyone headed all the way to the southwest of the Sunset Forest.

"and many more."

Han Xiao waved his hand, and everyone stopped.

"There were traces of powerful soul beasts here."

Han Xiao squatted down, checked the wet soil in front of him, put it between his nose and sniffed it.

The survival rules of the Sunset Forest are extremely strict, and the spirit beasts eat the weak and the strong. The roads here are spacious, and the spirit beasts appear more densely.

However, apart from this kind of footprints, there are no other footprints of spirit beasts, which is enough to show how powerful this spirit beast is, and all spirit beasts respect it at a distance.

"Master, if I remember correctly, I should have felt the aura of this soul beast there."

Zhou Tong pointed to the hill in the distance and recalled.

There is a certain distance between the two, but not too far.

"When did we meet?"

"Two days ago."

Hearing this, Han Xiao lowered his head and thought carefully, then raised his head suddenly:
"If the route is correct, it should be around here."

After the words had been spoken, everyone's faces were startled, and they were all in disbelief: "What?!"

How could it be near them.

Chen Mo has been vigilantly checking his surroundings, but he has never caught the breath of a soul beast along the way.

You must know that after taking the Nine Petals of Meditation Lotus, he is about to break through to the Soul Sage, and he is only a short shot away.

Even so, he couldn't detect the spirit beast's breath.

What kind of monster is this soul beast?


Han Xiao's complexion changed, and he rushed towards Tang Tang, who was standing at the back of the team.

In mid-air, he quickly released the first soul skill Tai Sui, his murderous aura condensed, and a triangular scarlet shield appeared in his hand.

At this moment, a black shadow descended from the sky, so fast that only Han Xiao reflected it.

With a loud noise, the black shadow slammed into Han Xiao's shield firmly.

Han Xiao only felt that his entire right arm was about to be shattered into pieces, and he flew upside down.


Zhou Tong and Chen Mo's complexion changed greatly, and their hearts were filled with anger. One appeared behind Han Xiao, caught him, and the other punched the black shadow.

However, here, Sombra was extremely agile, and he loved to fight even if he couldn't take a hit, and disappeared into the darkness.

"Are you all right, master?"

The three quickly observed Han Xiao's injury.

Han Xiao shook his head, his face had turned pale.

"Bastard, come out to me!"

Chen Mo was possessed by the lion king and roared angrily.

Han Xiao shook his head and stopped the silence that wanted to irritate the shadow.

"If you guessed correctly, this should be the soul beast that almost collided with you."

"What did you say?!"

Everyone looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

They have never seen a soul beast that wants to assassinate humans.

"Maybe, it has been eyeing you from the beginning."

Han Xiao slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

Is this a plan to find their camp through Zhou Tong and wipe them all out?

Han Xiao stood up slowly, and the shield in his right hand turned into a hideous sniper rifle.

Assassin vs. Assassin, let's see who is more patient.

(End of this chapter)

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