Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 289 4-year-old soul beast, the dark walker lynx!

Chapter 289 4-year-old soul beast, the dark walker lynx!
Everyone looked at each other and surrounded Tang Tang in the center.

The soul beast also knew that Tang Tang was the weakest in their team, so he chose to attack her first.

Han Xiao chose to hide behind a tree and set up a spy.

You must know that the position of the soul beast is hidden in the dark at this time, and Han Xiao's movements are very likely to be seen by it.

Chen Mo tensed up in a defensive posture, while Zhou Tong used his sharp eyes, waiting to launch a counterattack at any time.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the silence around the forest was terrifying.

Han Xiao blended with nature like a statue, without any violation.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, and Han Xiao's pupils shrank suddenly, coming!

His keen sixth sense made him turn his head quickly, and a black shadow descended from the sky with terrifying speed, rushing towards Han Xiao's back with precision.

However, Han Xiao didn't panic at all, staring at the black shadow.

This is a pure black lynx, with a pair of fangs almost as long as a human's forearm, a vigorous figure, and a pair of pupils that radiate oily green light.

Seeing that it was about to hit Han Xiao, the lynx let out a low growl. As long as it hit, those sharp claws would tear him into pieces.

"Tang Tang!"

Han Xiao's voice was extremely calm.

Hearing this, Tang Tang, who had been preparing for it, burst into light at the same time as Han Xiao and Chen Mo.

Looking at Han Xiao who was gradually blurring, Lynx was a little surprised. When it blinked again, it saw that Han Xiao had disappeared, and standing under it was Chen Mo who was ready to attack at any time.

The third soul skill of Eternal Light, swap positions!
As long as there are two people with marks, no matter where they are, they can switch instantly.

Han Xiao knew that he was passive in the first sneak attack of the lynx, so he used this trick to lure the lynx out of the darkness.

Chen Mo collided with the lynx, the sharp fangs were only a few centimeters away from him, and he could even smell the stench from the lynx's mouth.

"What a terrifying power."

Chen Mo's legs were already deeply embedded in the soil. He did not expect that this lynx was not only extremely fast, but also extremely powerful.

There was a gunshot, and the scarlet bullet pierced its big fragile ear.


The lynx was in pain and roared loudly, and those eyes almost tore Han Xiao to pieces.

"Flaming Fist!"

However, before it could chase Han Xiao, Chen Mo struck at its head with a fiery punch like a heavy hammer.

The strongest punch of the top soul emperor, even it can't resist it.

In desperation, Lynx had no choice but to dodge, and was about to hide in the dark to prepare for the second round of attack.

However, during Chen Mo's delay, Tang Tang's second teleportation array was ready, and in the blink of an eye, Zhou Tong appeared behind Lynx.

"Little beast, dare to attack us?"

Zhou Tong grinned ferociously, gearing up.

Blocking back and forth, lynx looked around in a panic, but found that Han Xiao had disappeared at some point.

Clearly, the roles of hunter and prey have been reversed.

"It turned out to be this soul beast, the Dark Walker Lynx!"

Chen Mo exclaimed when he saw the light gray fur with skull pattern on the back of the lynx.

There are very few records of this kind of soul beast in the book, not because the soul beast is rare, but because all the soul masters who have encountered the dark walker lynx are dead.

The reason why Chen Mo knew this information was from the leader of the Wuhun team who had the ability to feign death.

In that battle, they encountered the dark walker lynx in the forest, and all four soul sects and two soul kings were eaten.

It may be because the lynx was full, so it just bit off one of his arms in the end.

This kind of soul beast is extremely smart, not only does it know to sneak attack the weakest auxiliary soul master first, but also its extremely strong concealment ability makes it impossible for Title Douluo to find them.

Therefore, this lynx is named the dark walker in the forest.

The amber-like eyes of the dark walker lynx rolled around. Although they were surrounded by front and back at this time, Tang Tang also lost his protection.

Suddenly it moved, and this time its speed was even several times faster than before!
In an instant, he passed by Chen Mo and went straight to Tang Tang behind him.

It understands that if this woman doesn't die, the elusive space soul ability will be extremely troublesome.

But what made Lynx feel that something was wrong was that Chen Mo and Zhou Tong had no intention of stopping it, they still stood where they were.


A question mark appeared in Lynx's mind.

However, before it could think too much, Han Xiao, who was hiding in the dark, had already given the answer.

Three bullets were shot at the lynx at the same time, directly predicting all the actions it can go out in the next step.

The lynx's ears were still in severe pain and bleeding, and the terrifying bullets made it unable to bear it, so it turned around and ran towards the dense grass on one side.

However, Han Xiao seemed to be omniscient, and the fourth bullet fired was aimed exactly in the direction it was going.

At this time, lynx was very regretful, but it did not expect to be pecked by geese.

If he had attacked Han Xiao in the first place, it might have ended.

This murderous bullet hit the lynx's thigh with precision.

Drenched with blood, although the speed and attack power of the lynx were terrifying, its defense ability was not that outstanding.

The murderous bomb pierced through the thick fur, splashing blood.

This bullet is extremely tricky, if the lynx is slower, it will hit its soft belly directly.

The lynx suffered from pain and slowed down.

It wanted to turn around and run away, but Zhou Tong and Chen Mo were ready to block all the way out.

And Tang Tang in front of him hides a sniper who is elusive, and he never dares to rush up.

There are wolves in front and tigers in back, so angry it can only growl in place.

However, Han Xiao didn't intend to give it time to vent its anger, and fired three bullets again.

Three bullets were shot, one shot hit the back of the lynx, and the other shot accurately hit its lower abdomen.

At this time, the lynx has become a trapped animal, consuming the rest of its life.

"Master, leave the rest to us, you just wait for the last knife."

Zhou Tong wiped the corners of his mouth, and walked towards the lynx step by step.

"Be careful of the dog jumping over the wall."

Chen Mo followed Zhou Tong vigilantly. There were very few records of this kind of soul beast, and it might burst out with unexpected power.

Zhou Tong nodded, and the two rushed towards the lynx at the same time. They didn't intend to hold back and used their strongest killing moves one after another.

At this moment, the hairs on the lynx's back stood up, and the wounds on its body began to heal and scab at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Its power and speed strengthened again, and it rushed towards the weaker Zhou Tong desperately.

Chen Mo punched lynx on the back firmly, but lynx's figure only trembled, and the speed did not slow down at all.

"not good!"

Zhou Tong said inwardly, he couldn't resist the lynx's full blow.

Those sharp claws were about to smash Zhou Tong's head into a rotten watermelon.

(End of this chapter)

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