Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 290 The 6th floor of the Huntian star map, the secret!

Chapter 290 The sixth floor of the Huntian star map, the secret!

However, at this moment, the aura cloak appeared out of nowhere, wrapping the sharp claws in all directions.

It turned out that from the very beginning, Han Xiao planted the fragments of the aura cloak in the lynx.

Even without the sharp claws, this palm still slapped Zhou Tong with stars in his eyes.

"It's all scattered!"

When Han Xiao’s voice came, everyone didn’t dare to be careless, and quickly scattered aside.

Han Xiao knew that the lynx was burning its own vitality.

Lynx's big ears trembled, and she suddenly turned her head to look at the place where Han Xiao was hiding.

With just one sentence, its keen sense of hearing has already captured Lin Xian's position.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lynx rushed to Han Xiao's position desperately.

Even if it dies, it will be buried with Han Xiao.


Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they all chased after him.

It was too late, Lynx accurately found the location where Han Xiao was hiding, and rushed forward desperately.

However, at this moment, three giant dragons roared out of the grass and rushed straight towards the lynx.

Looking at the giant dragon rushing towards him, Lynx's eyes were filled with only panic.

Everyone was so blinded by the strong light that they couldn't open their eyes. When they came back to their senses, the lynx had turned into pieces of meat.

Only the dark soul ring was still quietly floating in the mid-air.

"so close."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, and hurried to Han Xiao's side.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little out of strength."

Han Xiao waved his hand, sat cross-legged on the ground and immediately recovered his soul power.

Summoning three giant dragons at once is still a bit difficult for Han Xiao's current soul power.

After a while, Han Xiao adjusted his physical condition to its peak.

Xiao Wu and Xue Qingwu also came, and everyone looked nervous.

"Young master, take out the lotus first, and if there is any problem, we will take the elixir for you immediately."

Tang Tang clenched his hands nervously, looking like an old mother.

Han Xiao helped his forehead helplessly: "Can't you have more confidence in me?"

He has always been sure of things.

"Take it out, just in case you need it."

Under everyone's earnest persuasion, Han Xiao had no choice but to take out the pot of lotus and let Xiao Wu keep it.

"The two of us went to investigate the situation nearby. Once a powerful soul beast appears, Tang Tang, you immediately take them away. Did you hear that?"

"it is good."

Tang Tang changed his previous hippie smile and nodded solemnly.

Han Xiao took a deep breath and began to try to integrate with the soul ring.

In an instant, the terrifying soul power of the dark walker lynx fluctuated wantonly in Han Xiao's body.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Han Xiao's skin has seeped blood beads.

Immediately afterwards, bumps the size of hills bulged up on Han Xiao's body, and then sunk in instantly.

"The soul power is about to overflow."

Tang Tang's complexion changed greatly, with a look of worry.

"Sister Tang Tang, what do you mean by that?"

"If you compare a person to a container, then the soul power is the water in the container, and the level determines the content of the container."

Tang Tang explained patiently: "However, this container cannot hold water. That is to say, if you want to fill it up, you must accurately calculate the amount of water. Once it is too much, the bottle will explode."

"And the wanton soul power is the state before bursting the bottle."


Hearing Tang Tang's explanation, Xiao Wu and Xue Qingwu also became worried.

"No, it shouldn't be, the young master has leapfrogged several times to absorb soul rings, and the number of years has dropped by a lot."

Xue Qingwu shook her head, wanting to help Han Xiao share the pain, but found that she couldn't help at all.

Xiao Wu said: "No, it's not the same. The higher the age of the soul beast, the more terrifying its strength will be."

Tang Tang nodded and forced herself to calm down: "Xiao Wu, prepare the lotus."

"it is good."

Once Han Xiao's condition deteriorates again, she will stuff the lotus into Han Xiao's mouth without hesitation.

However, just when Han Xiao's body was getting worse and worse, and Xiao Wu had already put his hands on the lotus, a sudden change occurred.

Stars began to appear on Han Xiao's body, and his skin became more transparent.

The sky was dark, and Han Xiao's body was completely transparent, like a star map of the human body, and the astrology was constantly changing.

Seven stars-seven kills-greedy wolf-breaking army, each star map evolved one after another, and finally turned into a shining star.

"what's going on?!"

Xue Qingwu covered her small mouth, for fear that her loud voice would affect Han Xiao.

Tang Tang shook her head, it was also the first time she saw her.

"Look, the bulge on Han Xiao's body is getting smaller!"

Seeing this phenomenon, Xiao Wu said in surprise.

These soul powers that were about to overflow seemed to be resolved one by one by the stars all over Han Xiao's body, and finally flowed into Han Xiao's dantian.

Then, an incomparably powerful soul power shook.

"Suck... the absorption was successful?"

Tang Tang blinked, a little unbelievable.

You must know that such a situation of overflowing soul power will eventually turn into a powerful time bomb that will detonate.

Han Xiao can digest it and completely absorb the soul ring. What kind of genius must be able to do this?
At this moment, Zhou Tong and Chen Mo rushed over desperately.

"An enemy attack?!"

Zhou Tong looked around vigilantly, and Chen Mo directly put on a fighting stance.

After they felt a surge of soul power that only soul saints could have, they ran back without the slightest hesitation.

"Master, he broke through."

Tang Tang looked complicated, and after opening his mouth, he spoke.

"I know, what about the enemy?"

Zhou Tong glanced at Han Xiao whose soul power was gradually withdrawn, still vigilant.

"What kind of enemy? The fluctuation of soul power just now was released by the young master."

Tang Tang patted Zhou Tong's back angrily.

"What did you say?!"

Chen Mo and Zhou Tong were dumbfounded.

The sudden fluctuation of soul power just now can only be emitted by soul sages and above.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that you really can't look at Han Xiao with common sense.

Han Xiao slowly opened his eyes, the mist dissipated, and a touch of excitement rarely appeared in his eye sockets.

The Huntian Star Chart has finally broken through!

At the juncture of life and death, the star map that had been dusty for a long time in the lower abdomen began to rotate, absorbing and diluting the terrifying soul power of Nightcrawler Lynx little by little, and finally transformed it into Han Xiao's use.

For him now, the Huntian star map has reached the sixth floor, heavenly secret!

Only when you reach this level can you spy on the secrets of the sky, and even predict the enemy's next actions in advance.

The realm above becomes more mysterious.

According to the description in ancient books, if one can reach the ninth layer of crape myrtle, one can even change one's fate against the heavens and forcibly change the fate of others.

It's a pity that even Han Xiao in his previous life has never reached this level.

However, after the seventh-story giant gate, Han Xiao has no experience of climbing up, and he is afraid that his cultivation will become slower and slower.

Shaking his head, Han Xiao stopped thinking about it, and immediately looked up at the concerned crowd.

He wanted to try the abilities brought about by his sixth soul ring and the Heavenly Secret Realm.

Seeing Han Xiao's gaze, Chen Mo only felt the chrysanthemum tighten, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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