Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 295 Challenge the 4 Great Families!

Chapter 295 Challenge the Four Great Families!

Is it still a problem if it can be solved with money?
At least for Han Xiao, the last thing he lacks is money.

The commercial empire has risen, and the residents living in the Heaven Dou Empire may not know it, but almost all their daily necessities have been replaced by Han Xiao's products.

The 3000 million gold soul coins are just Han Xiao's one-month dividend.

Han Xiao spread out the map of the Heaven Dou Empire on the table, and drew a circle on it casually:

"If the suzerains are willing to submit to me, the younger generation plans to buy this vacant land for the use of the Niu suzerain, and establish a sect even more luxurious than the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School."

Niu Gao looked at the red circle on the map, his eyelids twitched wildly: "This piece of land should cost at least 5000 million gold soul coins."

The price of the 5000 million gold soul coins does not include construction costs.

The four old men couldn't sit still any longer and gathered around the map with different expressions.

Han Xiao nodded. With the intelligence network of the black market, Nick’s business empire, and the support of Canghui College, the first college, the only thing left is the last piece of the puzzle, a steady stream of soul masters.

To be honest, the reason why the business empire and the black market developed so smoothly was due to Dugu Bo's reputation.

But Han Xiao knows that this name cannot be used for a lifetime, he needs an iron fist.

In Douluo Continent, the strength speaks for itself, but the fist is not strong enough. The industrial chain that has been painstakingly built may collapse in an instant.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yang Wudi stroked his goatee, already a little moved, while Niu Gao began to think about how to build a sect with such a large area.

As for Baihe and Taitan who have been silent all the time, Han Xiao also has a way to deal with it.

Immediately, he spoke:
"I know that what you are most worried about is nothing more than suspicion that my rank is too low and my qualifications are insufficient."

"But I would like to ask, what level is Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, and why does he have two top titled Douluo willingly assist him?"

Hearing this, everyone was slightly moved.

"Everyone can rest assured to investigate. I am not the son of some giant merchant. These golden soul coins are obtained in a proper way. I saved them little by little."

"You are all suzerains, and you must also understand that for the sect, funds are the most troublesome and critical part."

"Aren't these golden soul coins enough to prove my ability?"

Han Xiao propped his hands on the table, slammed the ground loudly, looked directly at the four Contras, and his aura was not weak at all.

He analyzed the matter from two points of view, and no matter how he calculated it, the four sects were the ones who got the most power in the end.

After a long silence, Tai Tan said, "We old guys are not important, no matter what you say, you have to convince the boys below."

"Yes, the soul master still counts with hard fists, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is a family business."

Bai He agreed, and at the same time pointed out that Han Xiao was secretly changing the concept.

The corner of Han Xiao's mouth curled up in an undetectable arc.

This negotiation went according to his expectation from the very beginning, and these old foxes finally jumped into his trap.

Immediately, he smiled slightly:
"In this case, why not have a wheel battle?"

Han Xiao saw the four old men looking up at him at the same time, and immediately said: "You can send the strongest of the sect to the ring, no age limit, no level limit."

"Of course, the four of you don't bully the kid."

This can be said to be extremely rampant.

Seeing Tai Tan's face, Han Xiao suddenly pulled down: "Why, is it because there is no one in our four major sects?"

"Isn't this the best way to prove your strength?"

Han Xiao explained to the four people: "If it's a battle between the same realm, at most you can get your disciples to agree, but only by crossing the realm can everyone be convinced, right?"

He understood very well that it would not be difficult for the four major sects to submit them to his name at the same time.

The most difficult thing is how to twist the four of them into one rope.

Only by leapfrogging the challenge can you be completely convinced.

With the strength of his soul emperor, Sui couldn't kill Contra, but Han Xiao still had confidence in going back and forth with the soul saint.

"it is good!"

Yang Wudi smiled coldly: "It just so happens that those from my sect also came over, let us see your strength!"

The three nodded, and Niu Gao said in an old-fashioned way: "Young man, sometimes there is a price to pay for being crazy, are you sure there is no limit to the level?"



The battle field of the Power Clan, the inner three floors and the outer three floors are full of people.

"Hey, what's the matter, all four grandpas are here?"

A disciple of the Lizhi clan looked curiously at the four patriarchs sitting in the judges' seat.

It's been a long time since I saw this scene.

"Someone put down harsh words and kicked the hall, regardless of age and level, and challenged our four major sects."

The disciple of the Minzhi clan beside him pointed to Han Xiao who was sitting cross-legged in the center of the arena, closing his eyes and meditating:
"Here, this is the grandson."

"Enough to pretend!"

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed to ignore it, ignoring the booing crowd, the disciple of the Lizhi Clan said disdainfully:
"With this small body, it's not enough for me to hit ten."

Regardless of male or female, the Lizhi Clan regards strength as beauty.

In their eyes, a body like Han Xiao is bean sprouts.

At the moment when everyone was discussing, Tai Nuo pulled up from the spot and jumped onto the arena.

"Clan of Power, Level 58 Soul King Taino!"

Tai Nuo punched Han Xiao, he had long wanted to fight with him.

Han Xiao raised his eyelids slightly, and when he heard the shouts of the tsunami from the mountains, he slowly got up and hooked him.

"Release the martial soul."

Tai Nuo frowned, five soul rings surrounded his body.

"Hit you, no need to release."

As soon as the words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

"Brother Tai Nuo, kill him!"

"I don't even know the fuck!"

Tai Nuo's look at Han Xiao also gradually cooled down.

"it is good!"

He smashed the floor with one foot and rushed towards Han Xiao like a chariot.

Swinging out a punch, he went straight to Han Xiao's face.

Han Xiao turned sideways slightly, and the fist wind blew his hair.

Tai Nuo changed his move, and swung his thick forearm sideways, but it didn't decrease.

Han Xiao raised his palms and held the sweep forcefully.

Immediately flexing and stretching, pressing down with both palms, it actually drives Tai Nuo's body.

His thighs slammed hard, and his hard knees lifted, stabbing Taino's face.

Four or two thousand pounds.

Han Xiao's series of supple moves are all due to ingenuity.

Tai Nuo's complexion changed drastically, his waist and abdomen exerted force, and he quickly retreated.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiao seemed to see through his movements, and sent his body into that broad chest.

Han Xiao pressed his chest with one hand, grabbed his joints with the other, and swept his legs violently.

In a panic, Tai Nuo lost his balance and fell in the direction of Han Xiao.

These two hundred catties of strong men were about to be crushed on Han Xiao, but his face remained normal.

The hand on his chest was violently pulled up Tai Nuo, grabbed it and threw it.

The whole set of actions flows smoothly.

With a loud noise, Tai Nuo fell heavily to the ground like a boulder rolling down the mountain.

The whole place was silent.

The people who were still booing lost their voices and looked at Han Xiao in a daze.

Han Xiao looked at Tai Tan sitting in the referee's seat, and spit out three words:

"Next person."

(End of this chapter)

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