Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 296 It's at your fingertips!

Chapter 296 It's at your fingertips!

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

The white crane like a dead tree waved his hand, "Chen Xiang, come here."

A young girl landed on the arena silently, her white robe was falling slowly, her hair was short, she looked like a swift.

"Your little granddaughter also brought it, why don't you let us meet?"

Niu Gao looked at the slim Bai Chenxiang in surprise, his eyes were full of admiration.

Speaking of her granddaughter, the old tree of white cranes blossomed: "She doesn't like to get involved with these interests."

"Baihe, your granddaughter is amazing, she became the soul king at a young age."

Even Yang Wudi was envious when talking about Bai Chenxiang.

Hearing this, Bai He felt more and more at ease, as if all these years of hard life were worth it.

Tai Tan stared at Han Xiao, who was standing there like iron, with piercing eyes: "It's better to be careful, this kid has some skills."

It stands to reason that the single-wheel strength of the powerful orangutan of the Tai family is not in vain even if it exceeds a level.

But Han Xiao was able to easily throw Taino out without releasing his martial soul, which shows its horror.

"rest assured."

Bai He is very confident in his granddaughter: "Our Bai family is good at speed, so we won't fight fiercely with him."

Tai Tan didn't speak, and set his eyes on the arena.

Han Xiao looked at the girl in front of him calmly, and said slowly: "You don't need to declare your family name, just start."

Bai Chenxiang looked at Han Xiao with great interest: "You seem to want to defeat our best field, so in this battle, do you want to stand still and get beaten?"

Facing the attacking soul master, the best way is to maneuver around and look for opportunities.

However, Han Xiao did not do this. Instead, he faced the terrifying power of the Li Clan.

"This time we are competing for speed."

Han Xiao was a little surprised, he didn't expect Bai Chenxiang to guess her thoughts.


Bai Chenxiang tied the loose hair together with a rubber band: "But you may not be as fast as me."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Chenxiang turned into a white light and shadow and dissipated in place.

Those long, slender legs moved at extremely fast and neat steps, and the white robe swept straight behind him, like a white swallow.

Han Xiao stepped on the dark bee without a shadow, and every step he stepped on seemed to be inadvertent, and his whole body was affected by a single hair.

The two took a few breaths, and their footsteps had already filled the arena.

Bai Chenxiang became more and more anxious, her braids were floating in the air, like a kite falling from the sky.

Not only is she fast, every movement is neat and tight, she seems to be in one place, but also seems to be strung in all directions, like swallows flying around returning to their nests.

On the other side, Han Xiao's movements seemed chaotic, with no routine at all.

But after slipping away a few times, Bai Chenxiang found out depressedly that she couldn't catch Han Xiao, on the contrary, Han Xiao almost touched the corner of her clothes a few times.

The chaotic pace seems to reveal a boundless law.

It was as if he had merged with this vast arena, leaving only himself.

Bai Chenxiang's space was squeezed more and more narrow, his movements were restricted, and he staggered.

Everyone was worried and didn't dare to say a word, for fear of affecting the speed match between the two.

Bai He even stood up, his eyes widened, and he looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

Sometimes, being fast doesn't matter.

After a while, Han Xiao stopped, blushing and heart beating.

"Why don't you continue?"

Seeing this, Bai Chenxiang was a little irritated.

She was aggrieved, like a swallow that was supposed to soar in the sky was imprisoned in a cage.

Han Xiao expressionless, slowly raised his hand.

In his hand, the rubber band lay quietly.


Only then did Bai Chenxiang react, and quickly touched the swan's neck.

Her rubber band was snatched by Han Xiao at some point, and she didn't notice that her hair was loose.

A ray of red glow spread to the ears, Bai Chenxiang did not dare to look at Han Xiao: "I lost."

After she finished speaking, she jumped off the arena and hid in the crowd.

Han Xiao turned his head, "Next."

There were four old men in the stands, their faces were covered with wrinkles.

Two opponents in a row, neither blushing nor heartbeating.

Han Xiao's tyranny exceeded their expectations.

It seems that a killer move must be used.

"Niu Ben, you go!"

"Yes, Father!"

There was a bang, and the arena trembled three times.

A tower-like man stood in front of Han Xiao.

Unlike the muscular men of the Lizhi Clan, although this Niu Ben doesn't look muscular, it is as hard as a piece of iron.

Their martial spirit Iron Armored Giant Rhino is a purely defensive martial spirit.

"Boy, I'm Niu Ben, a level 64 defense-type battle soul emperor."

The sound of a bull rushing to an urn is like a big bell in a big boat.

He took off his shirt with a flick of his hand, revealing his iron-like muscles.

"Since you want to beat our best field, how about we play like this this time?"

While speaking, he moved his muscles and bones, crackling.


A hint of cunning flashed in Niu Ben's honest eyes: "Our Wuhun Iron Giant Rhinoceros is not suitable for one-on-one combat, and is good at defense. As long as you can break through my defense within three moves, our Niu family will recognize you!" .”

Looking at the strong man who was honestly scratching his head, Han Xiao sneered inwardly.

This Royal Clan looks silly, but they are very shrewd.

If they are really stupid, can they live more and more nourishingly during the years of leaving Haotianzong?

Niu Gao often dealt with nobles and was even more tactful.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao raised a finger.

Niu Ben frowned his thick black eyebrows, "Isn't ten tricks a bit much?"

Han Xiao shook his head, "One move."

"I only make one move, if you can catch it, I will lose."

As soon as the words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

To become one of the four major clans affiliated to the Haotian School, apart from being proficient in building abilities, its defensive power should not be underestimated.

And Han Xiao actually said that one move would break the defense of the iron giant rhinoceros.

Who gave the courage?
Niu Ben's face turned cold, and he bumped his fists, "Come on!"

He will use all his strength.

If it was really smashed by Han Xiao in front of the four clans, their Yuzhi clan would become a laughing stock.

"But I have one request."

"Just say what you want."

"You can't use spirit rings."

"I thought you were going to ask for something, come on!"

Niu Ben didn't think too much about it, and put his two thick arms across his chest, making a defensive posture.

After releasing the martial soul, his whole body was covered in pitch-black armor, and it was no exaggeration to say that he was armed to the teeth.

Han Xiao took a deep breath, pressed his body forward, and took a standard horse stance.

"Are you still planning to use Martial Soul?"

Niu Ben could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

Han Xiao ignored him, and the noise around him was swallowed by the tide in his mind.

In the sky, it seemed that he was the only one left.

Afterwards, Han Xiao lowered his shoulders and raised his right palm.

Niu Ben's pupils shrank, subconsciously working harder.

He saw a cloud of scarlet in Han Xiao's palm.

Although he didn't know what it was, he was a little afraid.

Han Xiao supported his right foot and slowly raised his left foot.

Then, he stepped forward with his left foot, and dense spider webs suddenly appeared on the granite floor of the entire arena.

With the elbow on the shoulder and the palm on the elbow, with the momentum of stepping forward, an infinite force burst out from his slender palm.

This palm originated from the hammer of Taijiquan, which was improved by Han Xiao and turned into a palm.

With a muffled sound, Han Xiao's palm firmly patted Niu Ben's arms.

The iron plate sank in like plasticine, leaving a clear palm print.

Niu Ben's face turned pale, and he took half a step back, his feet sunk in the soil.

People forget to breathe, waiting for the result.

(End of this chapter)

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