Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 297 Recognition of the 4 Great Families!

Chapter 297 Recognition of the Four Great Families!
"I won!"

Although his hands were so numb that he lost consciousness, his armor was still there.

Niu Ben was overjoyed, showing a victorious attitude, wanting to greet the cheers.

However, in the next second, his face became painful.

His complexion was like a jujube, panting like a dying rhinoceros.

"what happened?!"

Niu Gao stood up abruptly.

"Look at the wall behind Niu Ben!"

At this time, everyone noticed that there were countless densely packed scarlet knife edges on the wall, and they shuddered.

"I lost."

Niu Gao let out a long sigh, and sat back down again.

As a master, he certainly understands that in order not to hurt Niu Ben, Han Xiao not only pierced through his defense, but also transferred the damage to the wall behind him with his superb control.

In this battle, the Yu Clan lost completely.

When Niu Ben was carried away by the medical team, Han Xiao set his sights on Yang Wudi who had a dark complexion.

If it is as expected, this person will definitely try his best to make things difficult for Han Xiao.

"Elder Tong, go and meet him."

Yang Wudi turned his head and waved at the old man beside him.


Yang Tong nodded and jumped into the arena.

Sure enough, Han Xiao guessed right.

In order to win this game, he dispatched a soul saint.

"Yang Tong, a level 72 assault-type battle soul saint, a martial soul-breaking gun."

Yang Tong narrowed his eyes and arched his fists.

Han Xiao was also a little more interested, and immediately released the martial soul.

"Han Xiao, Level 61 Sensitive Attack Department Battle Soul Emperor, Martial Soul Gluttonous."

In an instant, the two terrifying soul powers fought against each other.

When people saw Han Xiao's terrifying soul ring configuration, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

The eyes of the four elders were even more radiant.

They still underestimated Han Xiao too much. Since the other party can release regardless of realm, they must have confidence.

But Tai Long and the others still wanted to rely on the confrontation at the same level to earn back their face.

"You won't blame me for bullying the younger generation, will you?"

Yang Wudi asked the other three with a serious expression.

"Invincible, if he can't come up with some means, this kid can easily accept our four big families."

Bai He sighed helplessly.

If he had known that Han Xiao's soul ring configuration was so terrifying, he would have become a soul sage.

"However, I think he is already prepared to face an opponent who is a level higher than himself."

Niu Gao snorted, his complexion was not very good-looking.

"He's quite sure that no Contra will make a move."

Titan shook his head and laughed.

In fact, there is not only one Contra in the four major families.

It's that they didn't even know that this trip would have such a thing.

And the elder Contra of the Lizhi Clan also happened to be away from the sect.

"I don't believe he can really cross a big realm."

Yang Wudi sneered, and looked into the arena intently.

At the start of the game, Han Xiao did not hesitate at all, and retreated quickly.

Immediately his sixth soul ring burst into black light.

The sixth soul skill, Riding the Wind!
He intends to kill this soul sage immediately.

Yang Tong's expression froze, and he pursued him relentlessly.

The two chased and fled, Han Xiao began to wave the Taotie in his hand, countless sharp blades were like reed flowers all over the sky, and they all rushed towards Yang Tong.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Yang Tong smiled coldly, his spear was like a phantom, and he stabbed countless spears in a row.

However, Han Xiao's speed is getting faster and faster, and there are more and more sharp blades.

Although ten seconds is short, it does indeed double the explosive bonus.

Even the soul sage is somewhat powerless in the face of a sudden outbreak.

In desperation, Yang Tong had no choice but to hold the spear across his chest, and quickly spun his hands to block Han Xiao's sharp blade.

Seeing that ten seconds will pass, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

At this moment, Han Xiao threw out the fish intestines with an extremely concealed movement, hidden among the densely packed sharp blades.

"not good!"

Yang Wudi, who is Contra, of course saw Han Xiao's trick of hiding the needle in the cotton.

However, the distance between the two sides was too close, and Han Xiao's movements were too concealed, and the thrown fish guts directly pierced through the defense of the soul-breaking gun.


Yang Tong's complexion changed drastically, his soft intestines bypassed the soul-breaking gun, and went straight for his face.

No matter what, he never thought that Han Xiao's sudden outburst turned out to be a cover, and the real fatal blow was this last throw.

The [-]% strength bonus at the last second, plus the bat wing reincarnation learned from Tang San.

The horror of this blow is unimaginable.

At this moment, a long spear pierced the sky and appeared directly above the trajectory of the fish intestines.

The two collided, and the soul-destroying bullet flew out, but the fish gut just changed its trajectory slightly, scratched Yang Tong's skin, and was deeply inserted into the hard granite rock wall.

"you win."

Yang Wudi appeared in the arena, retracted his spear, and looked at Han Xiao with a complicated face.

The shot he threw used almost all his strength.

But even so, it only slightly changed the flight path of the fish intestines.

"I've heard for a long time that Sect Master Yang's Soul Breaking Spear can destroy everything in the world. Seeing it today, it really lives up to its reputation."

Han Xiao arched his hands and withdrew his martial soul.

Hearing Han Xiao's compliment, Yang Wudi's expression eased a lot, "Come with me."

In the meeting room, there are familiar people again.

However, this time the protagonist seems to have been replaced by Han Xiao.

"Brother Han, can you show me the magical weapon you threw out at the end?"

As soon as the door was closed, Tai Tan couldn't wait.

Although the group forged and sold by the Power Clan is nobles.

But even the titans are very interested in divine weapons that can crush martial souls.

"of course."

Without hesitation, Han Xiao handed the fish intestine hidden in his wrist to Tai Tan.


Taking the fish intestines carefully, Tai Tan's voice trembled a little.

"How is this done?"

Soft swords are not uncommon in Douluo Continent.

There are also some noble girls who like sharp weapons commissioned Titans to make them.

However, despite using the most advanced technology, the soft sword is not sharp, and it is very easy to wear and tear.

This is the first time Titan has seen something so sharp and soft as a fish intestine.

"Ancient method refining."

Han Xiao can't be said to be beaten by Ou Yezi, can he?
"Which craftsman, no, which master made this sword?"

Titan asked hurriedly.

As he entered old age, he had no desire to improve his soul power, and he devoted himself to casting.

Han Xiao shook his head, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"The old man asked too many questions."

Titan thought that Han Xiao didn't want to say it.

Han Xiao's voice was a little melancholy: "The master who forged this sword is dead."


Titan was a little lost.

I thought I could find another like-minded friend, but I was impatient with the timing.

Returning the fish intestines to Han Xiao, Tai Tan sat back in his chair, muttering about his pity.

"Han Xiao, you not only faced the attributes that our four major families are best at, but also defeated your opponent across borders. I, Yang Wudi, recognize you."

Yang Wudi looked directly at Han Xiao and said.

The other three elders also nodded.

Han Xiao smiled slightly and took the main seat: "Then, it's time for us to talk about the merger."

(End of this chapter)

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