Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 298 Invisible Crisis!

Chapter 298 Invisible Crisis!

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle, the four old men looked at each other, then I looked at you, and finally it was Tai Tan who spoke first.

"Brother Han, let's discuss this matter later. Why don't you come to our Lizhi Clan to stay for a few days."

Tai Tan rubbed his hands, obviously intending to procrastinate.

Han Xiao smiled coldly.

These old-fashioned people were indeed as pedantic as he had guessed.

Immediately, his voice became cold:

"If you all want to watch the Zongmen be wiped out by the Wuhun Palace in the end, I, Han Xiao, will leave now without saying a word."

The four old men looked at each other in blank dismay: "Boy Han, what do you mean by that?"

"Yeah, for so many years, Wuhundian has been living very well."

Bai He nodded.

In fact, for them, the conditions proposed by Han Xiao can be said to be extremely attractive.

But after so many years, these patriarchs who originally obeyed the Haotian School evolved into suzerains, and after tasting the sweetness of separating the family, they were naturally unwilling to obey others.

Even if it is the original book, it is based on the fact that the Wuhun Palace showed its fangs, and the four major clans chose to submit to the Tang Sect.

Especially for the Pozhi clan and the Lizhi clan, before they separated, at least half of the net profit from their side business every month should be distributed to Haotianzong.

Han Xiao got up and glanced at everyone: "If I guess correctly, Ning Fengzhi's first crisis order will spread to all sects in a few days."

The corners of everyone's eyes trembled. Since Han Xiao could say this, it proved to be true.

The four watched Han Xiao leave helplessly, and no one said anything to persuade him to stay.

"What do you think of this matter?"

Tai Tan asked in a deep voice.

"If it is beneficial to our four families, you can trust him."

Niu Gao said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, after all, he is the person that the ancestors fancy, and the eyes of the ancestors must not be wrong."

Yang Wudi shook his head: "How can you be sure that he really met the ancestor?"

"Maybe, this Haotian order is from him..."

Halfway through, Tai Tan interrupted: "Yang Wudi!"

"Did you come here today to fight?"

Yang Wudi snorted coldly, knowing that he was wrong, so he didn't say any more.

But everyone knew very well what Yang Wudi was going to say in the second half of his sentence.

For a while, the room fell into silence.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open.

A servant staggered in.

Tai Tan frowned and was about to get angry, but when he saw the black letter tightly clutched in his hand, his complexion changed instantly.

"Bring it quickly."

A long time ago, the major sects made an agreement that if there is a crisis involving the entire continent, they will be conveyed in black envelopes.

This matter, only the older generation suzerain knows.

After reading the contents of the envelope, Tai Tan's expression became extremely heavy.

"What did you write?"

The three old men widened their eyes and moved closer to Tai Tan.

Tai Tan's hand holding the envelope was trembling, and he said with a look of disbelief: "Those elders under Qian Daoliu are still alive and well."

"What did you say?!"

Hearing this, cold sweat broke out from everyone's back instantly.

Many years ago, Qian Daoliu announced to the whole continent that all the elders under him were killed in battle, and he himself retired, no longer meddling in political affairs.

When the news of these elders' fake deaths came out, Qian Daoliu's wolfish ambition of choosing to accumulate strength in secret is self-evident.

"What did the letter say?"

Yang Wudi asked anxiously.

Tai Tan slumped on the chair: "Ning Fengzhi specially wrote it, suggesting that we return to Haotianzong."

Any fool knows who would be the first to deal with it if Wuhundian wanted to take action.

"My younger brother Yang Wushuang died because of Haotianzong's cowardice and wronged him. Now he wants me to go back on my knees. It's better to let the Wuhun Palace step down the broken clan!"

Yang Wudi became extremely excited.

After thinking for a while, Bai He said: "You say, if the Wuhun Palace really wants to beat the Clear Sky School, will the elders hand over the school to protect themselves?"

"What did you say?!"

Titan looked surprised.

Niu Gao sneered: "It's not impossible. Didn't they also move to the forest because of the Spirit Palace?"

Each of the four major families opted out for different reasons.

But it is impossible for them to return to the Clear Sky School.

For a while, the room fell silent.

Niu Gao got up first, and walked out the door: "Old Rhinoceros, what are you going to do?"

"Go invite the suzerain."

The expressions of the three changed.

They didn't expect Niu Gao to be the first to choose Han Xiao.

Bai He gritted his teeth and followed out.

Outside the gate of the Power Clan, Han Xiao's carriage did not leave.

Zhou Tong saw Niu Gao coming out in a hurry, so he went up to meet him: "Please."

Niu Gao looked surprised: "He knew I was coming?"

Zhou Tong raised his head, "The young master has figured it out."

In fact, just after leaving the Lizhi Clan, Yu Tianqing's carrier pigeon came and told him about it.

So Han Xiao speculated that other sects should have received the news at this time, so he decided to wait at the door for a while.

Niu Gao took a deep breath, arranged his clothes slightly, and squeezed into the carriage.

The huge body occupied three-quarters of the position of the carriage, and this strong old rhino was a bit cramped sitting there.

"Sect Master Niu, has he thought it through?"

Han Xiao looked directly at Niu Gao's huge body, and his momentum did not lag behind.

Niu Gao nodded, showing a simple and honest smile: "I want to ask, what benefits can we give our sect with you?"

Han Xiao didn't speak, he threw out two scrolls and threw them into Niu Gao's arms.

Looking at the contents of the scroll, Niu Gao's expression became agitated.

"This, what kind of supernatural work is this?"

The content in the scroll is the rushing chariot and chariot from the previous life.

"If the Royal Clan is willing to join my brotherhood and immediately enter the state of combat readiness starting tomorrow, I will bear all the funds needed for the construction of equipment. Remember, it is all funds."

"Beyond that, I promise the most complete protection to the Royal Clan."

Han Xiao said and waved the token Dugu Bo gave him in front of Niu Gao.

"This token, do you know it?"

Looking at the token, Niu Gao's complexion changed.

You must know that the most troublesome thing for him is that the whole clan is all iron rhinos, and they don't have much attack power.

The full defense proved that the Yuzhi Clan must be at a disadvantage in their communication with other sects.

And the Elephant Armor Sect is the one that targets it the most.

It can be said that these two promises of Han Xiao are all on point.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

Without the slightest hesitation, Niu Gao knelt down on one knee:
"Meet the Sect Master!"

He knew very well that since he wanted to join Han Xiao, the scene must be full.

"Tomorrow, I will return to the sect and dispatch a group of craftsmen to establish the sect."

Niu Gao understood that now he is already a grasshopper tied to the same rope with Han Xiao, Han Xiao lives, he lives, Han Xiao dies, he dies.

(End of this chapter)

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