Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 299 Entering the Clear Sky School!

Chapter 299 Entering the Clear Sky School!

"How about it?"

Bai He looked at Niu Gao who got out of the carriage, feeling a little uneasy.

"Sovereign atmosphere."

Niu Gao's face was flushed, as if rejuvenated by the second spring of his life: "Come in, your Min clan needs him."

Bai He nodded, took a deep breath, and got into the carriage.

Seeing Bai He smiled awkwardly at himself, Han Xiao nodded: "What's the matter with Sect Master Bai?"

It seemed that the group of old foxes had already started to panic.

"Brother Han, my old Baihe just wants to know, if I can join your organization, will there be any benefits?"

Bai He's tone was weak.

After all, during the time when they left the Clear Sky School, if there was no support from the Lizhi Clan and the Yuzhi Clan, they would have disbanded long ago.

"Does the Min clan have any specialties?"

Han Xiao tapped the table lightly and asked casually.

"Ahem, although our family is only good at speed, if it is put on the battlefield, it will definitely be the strongest scout."

The so-called scouts are individual soldiers who go down to the depths of the place to collect information during the battle.

If you want to become a scout, you have extremely high requirements for your concealment ability, speed, and vision.

In battle, owning an elite scout unit can give you the upper hand.

But this is also limited to fighting, the world is peaceful, and this profession will lose its effect.

This is why the Min family is the poorest.

Han Xiao Siding looked at Baihe: "If Min's clan is willing to surrender, I will allocate 1000 million gold soul coins for expenses every month, how about it?"

Bai He staggered and was supported by Han Xiao.

"Sect Master Bai, be careful, the carriage is quite crowded."

Looking at Bai He, who could no longer hide his shock and surprise, Han Xiao smiled slightly.

Ten million gold soul coins is almost equivalent to a month's expenses of a first-class sect.

Bai He originally thought that Han Xiao would sell the Min clan as long as he gave him [-] gold soul coins per month.

But what he never expected was that Han Xiao was so generous.

"From now on, the lives of all members of the Minzhi Clan belong to Sect Master Han."

Without the slightest hesitation, Baihe knelt down on one knee and presented the highest courtesy.

"Hall Master Bai please get up quickly, there is no need to be polite."

Han Xiao smiled slightly, and helped Bai He up.

At this time, Tai Tan and Yang Wudi were frantically entangled in the room.

One couldn't let go of his face, and the other was still thinking about the previous suzerain.

Seeing Bai He and Niu Gao walking in with happy faces, they immediately went up to meet them.

"How about it?"

Titan asked anxiously.

"Old ape, I don't have time to reminisce about the old days. I want to gather all the strong men from the Hui clan."

Niu Gao waved his hand, he came to say goodbye to Tai Tan.

Han Xiao gave him a big project, which required the concerted efforts of the whole clan, and all members must be allowed to live in within three months.

Niu Gao was very excited, because Han Xiao gave him enough trust and let him play freely.

This is definitely an opportunity for him to show his ambitions at an advanced age.

"I'm going back first."

Bai He couldn't hide the smile on his face.

He wants to immediately use the golden soul coin given by Han Xiao to let the Zongmen live a good life.

"Two things with eyes open to money!"

Seeing the two leaving in a hurry, Yang Wudi said indignantly.

Isn't it just rich? What's so great about it?
Although he said this on his lips, when he thought of the 3000 million gold soul coins confiscated by Han Xiao, Yang Wudi felt a stab in his heart.

Seeing that Tai Tan was restless, he coughed: "Old ape, I went out for a stroll and haven't come for such a long time. I almost forgot what I'm like in your sect."

After he finished speaking, he quickened his pace, wishing he could run out.

Han Xiao sat calmly in the carriage. For him, the ownership of the four major families was already within his reach.

"Young master, Yang Wudi, the broken clan, please see me!"

"Let him in."

Looking at Yang Wudi who looked cramped, Han Xiao smiled slightly.

"Sect Master Yang is here, what's the matter?"

"Han Xiao, let's get straight to the point." Yang Wudi gritted his teeth: "Give me 3000 million gold soul coins, and our whole clan will submit to you."

"But I have one condition, the Broken Clan must be completely independent."

Yang Wudi Lion opened his mouth, he knew very well that Han Xiao would not agree.

However, the deal was all negotiated, and Yang Wudi was trying to get the most benefit from Han Xiao when he gave such a high price.

The small space in the carriage fell into silence. Han Xiao bowed his head and sipped the tea, but did not answer him directly.

Yang Wudi felt a little bored, so he couldn't help loosening his robe.

"Sect Master Yang, my small temple can't accommodate a big Buddha like you."

Putting down the teacup, Han Xiao couldn't hear any emotion in his voice.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiao rejected him directly, and Yang Wudi became a little anxious: "Han Xiao, there are some things that can be discussed, and you young people are just anxious to make a conclusion."

Hearing this, Han Xiao sneered in his heart.

In a hurry to draw conclusions?

This Yang Wudi didn't take himself seriously at all. He joined him for the sect's profit. Even if he robbed Han Xiao again, he wouldn't want such a person.

"Sect Master Yang, since you want to talk, let's talk."

Han Xiao looked directly at Yang Wudi, and said, "If the Pozhi clan joins the brotherhood, I will give you 2000 million gold soul coins as a moving fee."

"That's it?"


Yang Wudi became anxious, "Where's the 3000 million gold soul coins you agreed on?"

How come the price has shrunk so much in less than half a day?
Han Xiao spread his hands helplessly, "Sect Master Yang, my family doesn't run a bank, and the gold soul coin industry is limited."

"What's more, first come, first served, the Yu Clan and the Min Clan come first, I will naturally divide the best between them."

Hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Yang Wudi was short of breath for a while, a little out of breath.

"This condition, our broken clan cannot agree."

Yang Wudi responded forcefully.

"Then there's nothing to talk about, Sect Master Yang, please go back."

Han Xiao served tea to see off the guests.


Yang Wudi flicked his sleeves, turned and left.

From beginning to end, Han Xiao did not ask to stay.

He was very aware of Yang Wudi's situation.

According to the current situation, no one would dare to accept the Po Zhi Clan.

He has become a hot potato.

Once someone brings the Po Zhi clan into the sect, they will face the revenge of the Wuhun Temple.

And returning to Haotianzong is even more impossible.

Therefore, there is only one way before Yang Wudi, and that is to submit to Han Xiao.

"Old ape, I will move the sect here immediately. Together, the two of us will never dare to invade the Spirit Hall rashly."

Back to the Lizhi Clan, Yang Wudi said indignantly.

Since Han Xiao gave a humiliating offer, then simply disrupt Han Xiao's plan.

Tai Tan patted Yang Wudi on the shoulder, shook his head and sighed: "Old Goat, the hearts of our four major families have been broken."

"I just figured it out. We are already old. Unlike before, we can lead the sect forward. The future of this continent belongs to young people."

A generation will eventually get old, but there will always be someone who is young.

Their era is over. Instead of rotten to the bone and waiting to die, it is better to hand over the whole clan to Han Xiao to play games.

"Are you going too?"

Yang Wudi stared wide-eyed, looking at Tai Tan in disbelief.

"I believe in him."

Tai Tan didn't look back, turned and left.

Inside the carriage, Han Xiao looked at the Titan in front of him, expressionless.

"Titan patriarch, are you serious?"

Tai Tan nodded, his gaze was firm: "As long as Brother Han returns the Haotian Token to the Clear Sky School and helps Tang Hao to be rehabilitated, the Lizhi Clan will all submit to you without any conditions."

"Chief Titan, I can promise you the first condition, but the latter condition may be difficult."

"Although Tang Hao was born again, as far as I know, the purpose of his appearance was to save his son, and he disappeared after a short while. Even I couldn't find him."

"What's more, do you really think that with Tang Hao's personality, if you give him the Haotian Token, would he really want it?"

Tai Tan smiled bitterly, that's right, Tang Hao would never use this method to commit crimes and meritorious deeds.

"Then little brother Han will return the Haotian Token to the sect leader. I have only one condition."

Titan sighed.

He understands that this is the last thing he can do to Haotianzong.

"does it worth?"

Han Xiao looked directly at Tai Tan, and this hale and hearty old man showed a bit of vicissitudes on his face.

After breaking away from Haotianzong, the Lizhi Clan has nothing to do with it.

If he did this, Haotianzong might not appreciate it.

"Brother Han, don't worry, after this matter is over, our Lizhi Clan will have nothing to do with the Clear Sky School, and there is absolutely no way we have half-hearted feelings for you."

Tai Tan quickly opened his mouth to explain.

"Okay, I promise you, I will go to Haotianzong with you tomorrow."

Hearing this, Tai Tan was shocked and knelt heavily on the ground: "Tai Tan, thank you suzerain for fulfilling it!"

The old man, who was almost over a hundred, had tears streaming down his eyes.

Early the next morning, the two of them headed towards the Haotian School without procrastinating.

As for Zhou Tong and others, those who should practice returned to the mansion to practice, and those who should manage various affairs also devoted themselves to it.

"Hao Tianzong has been hidden for many years, can he guarantee the strength of that year?"

Along the way, Han Xiao asked casually.

Tai Tan respectfully said: "Return to the suzerain, although the lord...Tang Hao has left the sect, but I can be sure that the Haotian School has definitely not abandoned their martial arts in these years, on the contrary they are still accumulating strength."

He recalled: "I still remember that before we left the sect, the six elders of the Clear Sky School had already reached the peak of Contra. Luo."

Although there are not many Titled Douluos in the Douluo Continent, the number of Titled Douluos hidden under the iceberg is at least double that recorded.

Not all Title Douluo are willing to show their faces.

They are more often like a hermit, unwilling to participate in secular disputes.

Han Xiao lowered his head and thought, if these titled Douluo were to fight against those old priests, they might not be able to gain much advantage.

What's more, Wuhundian also has a lot of soul masters.

"Sovereign, the small mountain village ahead is the only way to Haotianzong."

Titan interrupted Han Xiao, pointing to the inconspicuous small mountain village ahead.

Han Xiao nodded, and the two walked to the entrance.

Just as they were about to go in, several villagers who had just returned from farming stopped in front of them.

"Please leave here, outsiders are not welcome in our village."

It was a middle-aged man who spoke.

Han Xiao glanced around, and the eyes of these villagers were full of xenophobic hostility.

"Is Tang Hu there?"

Tai Tan turned sideways slightly, protecting Han Xiao behind him.

Hearing the word Tang Hu, everyone was shocked.

"you are?"

The vigilance dissipated in everyone's eyes, but they still stared at Tai Tan with doubts.

At this moment, a somewhat old voice came: "Is it Big Brother Titan?"

The person who spoke was a vicissitudes of life old man, walking from a distance on crutches.

When he saw Tai Tan's face clearly, he stretched out his trembling hands: "It's really you."

Tai Tan searched the memory in his mind, hesitantly: "Is it Tang Lie?"

The old man named Tang Lie nodded: "Brother, it's me."

Both of them were a little excited and exchanged pleasantries.

From Tai Tan's mouth, he learned that this old man was a member of the tribe who had a close relationship with Tai Tan.

When they were young, the two often forged iron together.

"Titan, is the patriarch of the Power Clan?"

"Yes, it's the Power Clan."

"Something's wrong, I remember that the Power Clan left the sect?"

These members of the Haotian School with foreign surnames are very young, and they don't have much impression of those old events.

"Is there any evidence from the family?"

The middle-aged man frowned, interrupting their reminiscence.

"We are here this time because we have important matters to find the suzerain."

Tai Tan said to the middle-aged man.

"Without a token, one cannot enter the sect."

With a cold voice, the middle-aged man blocked the two of them from the door.

"The so-called token refers to the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul."

Tai Tan whispered in Han Xiao's ear, frowning.

The rigidity of the Clear Sky School is top-down, there is only one condition to enter the Clear Sky School, and that is the Clear Sky Hammer.

In addition, even if there are big things, they cannot enter.

Han Xiao took a step forward and tried to negotiate with the man: "We came to Haotianzong this time to return the sect's token, Haotian Token. If you don't have the right to let me in, please inform your higher-ups."

This can be said to be comprehensive.

He knew very well that what this middle-aged man did was his duty, so he didn't intend to make things difficult for him.

"Haotian order?"

The middle-aged man's eyebrows twitched, and then he laughed loudly: "Your brain is not bad, Haotian Ling has long since disappeared. Even the elders in the sect have given up hope and gave up looking. If you prevent it, you can have a relationship with me, Haotianzong, right?"

Everyone laughed together and looked at Han Xiao mockingly.

Anyway, change to a reasonable excuse.

Han Xiao's eyes turned cold: "The Haotian Token is in my hands, all you need to do is inform your superiors."
"Since you said that the Haotian Token is in your hands, why don't you take it out for us to feast our eyes on?"

The middle-aged man hugged his shoulders and looked at Han Xiao with a mocking face.

Han Xiao smiled: "Okay, I'll let you see it."

As he spoke, he slowly put his hand on the soul guide.

Everyone looked at Han Xiao together, looking like they were watching a play.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Han Xiao suddenly took a step forward and slapped the middle-aged man in front of him.

The middle-aged man's complexion changed. He didn't expect Han Xiao to be so bold, and quickly released his martial soul.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple and black, with five soul rings surrounding his body.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man at the door turned out to be a soul king.

However, Han Xiao's palm was extremely fierce, and before he could swing the Clear Sky Hammer, he slapped the man's chest.

The middle-aged man stepped back several tens of feet, spit out a mouthful of old blood, and looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

Only then did everyone react, and they released their martial spirits one after another, surrounding Han Xiao and Tai Tan tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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