Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 300 Domineering Clear Sky School!

Chapter 300 Domineering Clear Sky School!

As expected of the Haotian School who was once the leader of the three schools, although he has retired, he still has the confidence.

Even among the villagers guarding the gate, the weakest one is the Soul Venerable, and the rest are all Soul Sects.

"Dare to break ground on Hao Tianzong's head, are you tired of living?"

The middle-aged man covered his chest and said weakly.

The slap of Han Xiao just now turned his internal organs upside down, and his heart was pounding even more.

What shocked him even more was that this palm of Han Xiao did not release his martial soul.

What kind of strength is it that can make a shot?

"I see who dares!"

Tai Tan snorted coldly, and took a step forward.

In an instant, eight spirit rings surrounded his body, and the terrifying spirit power immediately made those around him subconsciously take half a step back.

As far as he is concerned, he will not attack Haotianzong unless it is absolutely necessary.

But now is the time to show your loyalty.

"A bunch of lunatics!"

Seeing the strength of Titan Contra, the middle-aged man turned around and ran up the mountain.


The old man sighed and shook his head.

"Tang Lie, is Haotianzong rotten to the bone?"

Tai Tan snorted coldly, and kept warning the group of soul masters with his captivating eyes.

It can be said that the Haotian School is cowardly and proud, they dare not face the Wuhun Palace, but they never bow their heads, and they don't take other sects seriously.

Titan just wants to say, my lord, times have changed.

After a while, two men in plain robes jumped down from the top of the mountain.

Seeing Han Xiao and Tai Tan, the man exclaimed: "Grandpa Tai Tan, why are you here?"

"Tang Hu, the Clear Sky School doesn't even plan to take the patriarch's decree?"

Tai Tan seemed to know this man, and said angrily.

Tang Hu cast a helpless glance at the middle-aged man beside him, "Grandpa Tai Tan, he's just doing his job."

"Why, doesn't the duty of the janitor include reporting to the superior?"

Han Xiao, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly spoke.

Tang Hu frowned and turned to look at Han Xiao.

"Little Tiger, it's his hands that moved."

The middle-aged man complained.

"Who are you, please?"

Tang Hu nodded, his voice a bit cold.

He still has a little awe of Titan, and that's because the old man watched him grow up.

But for Han Xiao, he didn't have the slightest respect.

"The benefactor of Haotianzong."

Han Xiao raised his head and looked down at Tang Hu.

"What a big breath."

Hearing this, Tang Hu laughed back angrily.

Without the slightest hesitation, he backhanded the Clear Sky Hammer, and six spirit rings slowly emerged.

Unexpectedly, this young man turned out to be a soul emperor.

"Tang Hu, are you crazy?!"

Tai Tan's complexion changed, and he stood in front of him, scolding Tang Hu angrily.

"Grandpa Tai Tan, get out of the way, no one in this world dares to hurt my Clear Sky School!"

Tang Hu was not in a good temper either, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes looking at Han Xiao.


Han Xiao smiled, and said with a look of disdain: "The most dignified sect has been shrunk here for decades after being frightened by the Wuhun Palace. If you can say such a thing, I think the Haotian School will lose face."

"I am going to kill you!"

Tang Hu's eyes had already crushed Han Xiao to pieces.

Killing and punishing the heart, Han Xiao's words undoubtedly touched the deepest pain of Haotianzong.

"Tang Hu!"

Tai Tan was a little weak, but he still stood firmly in front of him.

He didn't want the final benefit he had exchanged for Haotianzong with the whole sect to be ruined by this stunned young man.

Han Xiao shook Taotie, and said coldly: "Titan, you step back."

"I want to learn and learn. The best weapon in the world, the martial soul, is the most powerful dagger in my hand."

In fact, the group of Haotianzong is like this, Han Xiao can also understand.

After all, these aborigines have lived here for so long, and they have completely separated from the outside world.

The people in the sect basically grew up from childhood to adulthood, and they don't need to look up and look down.

So they are extremely repulsive to outsiders like Han Xiao.

Not to mention Han Xiao, even if it was a Titan, this group of people still resisted.

Han Xiao didn't intend to spoil them either.

Since you don’t know how to communicate, then compete with someone whose fist is harder. This is Han Xiao’s purpose.

"Hey." Tai Tan let out a long sigh, and stepped back to the side.

He knew that this trip to the Haotian School was no longer peaceful.

Han Xiao confronted Tang Hu and hooked his fingers at him.

Without the slightest hesitation, Tang Hu dragged the giant hammer in his hand and charged at Han Xiao.

His speed is not fast, but every step is extremely solid, as if rooted deep in the soil.

That terrifying aura is even more like a tiger descending a mountain, or a dragon entering the sea.

Han Xiao moved, without any fear, and went straight up.

The Taotie in his hand opened his teeth and danced his claws, unleashing a 36 consecutive slashes that evolved from Tang Chen Haotian Jiujue.

"Haotian Jiujue?!"

Tang Hu's complexion changed drastically, and he was a little panicked for a moment, so he quickly raised his hammer to resist.

The so-called Haotian Jiujue was created by Tang Chen. It squeezes all the power of the Haotian Hammer through nine different points of force, and can achieve incomparably terrifying power.

And Han Xiao changed and split these nine postures, and refined these nine postures into 36 postures.

During this time Tang Hu has been learning this move from the elders of the Haotian School, thanks to him being able to recognize it.

Han Xiao's dagger is getting stronger and stronger. Compared with the long-handled hammer, the dagger has very little power point, but in Han Xiao's hands, Taotie seems to have become a giant hammer.

He has thoroughly researched the dagger weapon.

Before swinging the ninth cut, Tang Hu couldn't hold on any longer, flew backwards, and fell heavily to the ground.

He straightened up like a carp, and the hands holding the Clear Sky Hammer were already numb from the shock of Han Xiao's power.

"Why do you know my unique skills?"

Tang Hu looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

"Of course it was given to me by your ancestors."

Han Xiao's words made Tang Hu pay attention to Han Xiao's eyes.

Leaving aside the Haotian Order, just the difficulty level of Haotian Jiujue cannot be learned in a day or two. It must be taught by hand, and it has to rely on personal comprehension.

So Han Xiao must have been taught by a certain Haotianzong powerhouse.

However, what Tang Hu didn't know was that he had only learned Haotian Jiujue once.

Tang Chen only demonstrated once.

"Can you show me the Haotian Token?"

Tang Hu didn't dare to be careless anymore, and said in a low voice.

"Why, let you see that you can recognize it?"

Han Xiao's voice was extremely cold, and he glanced at everyone: "Obviously you only need to bring me into the sect, and you elders will naturally be able to tell whether the Haotian Order is true or false. If it is false, just cut off my head. Didn't you untie the knot in your heart for many years?"

"I don't understand why you guys want to complicate such a simple thing."

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Tang Hu's expression became extremely ugly.

This matter was indeed dishonestly done by their sect.

Han Xiao looked at Tai Tan, and his voice was a little more irresistible: "You have also seen it, it's not that I don't want to return the Haotian Token to them."

After finishing speaking, Han Xiao turned around and strode away.

(End of this chapter)

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