Chapter 309 Help!

"Quack quack!"

In the air, the bird king flying in the middle made an ugly cry, as if mocking.

"Xiao Ao is obedient! You are a unique genius, you are still young, I will cover, you go."

Hot slapped Oscar on the back, urging him sharply.

"Brother Hot."

Oscar felt as if something had been stuffed into his throat, and his voice became choked.

But before the two left, this group of clever soul hunting birds saw through their plan, and all flew towards Oscar from the sky.

"Support, come and support!"

Haote's complexion changed, and he turned into a thick giant bear in the blink of an eye.

Everyone quickly released their soul power and rushed towards the direction where the two were.

It's a pity that it's too late.

More than a dozen ten thousand year spirit beasts attacked at the same time, and the direct power they brought was terrifying.

However, at this moment, a meteor streaked across the sky, attracting everyone's attention.


A scream echoed, and this meteor just happened to be inserted into the wing of the Hunting Bird King, nailing it to the tree trunk.

It wasn't until this time that everyone could see clearly that it was not a shooting star at all, but a nearly transparent dagger.

"Two favors."

Han Xiao and Qian Renxue came out from the grass and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"It's him!"

Oscar's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't help clenching his fists.

Of course he recognized Han Xiao, if not for him, Shrek Academy would not have declined so quickly.

"Two is two."

Qian Renxue snorted, scanned the crowd, and frowned slightly.

"Both of you, please help us."

A flash of brilliance flashed in Hao Te's eyes. Just now, Han Xiao's hand of God can be said to be amazing.

"Come on, my martial soul is not easy to shoot."

Qian Renxue looked at Han Xiao beside her, and said.

"so troublesome."

Although he said so, Han Xiao still pulled out Taotie and walked towards the crowd.

The soul hunting birds neighed angrily at Han Xiao, as if warning him to mind his own business.

"Make me a flying sausage."

Han Xiao looked at the soul hunting birds scattered in the air, and said.

Oscar was stunned for a moment before reacting.

He recognized me!
Although it was just a match, the whole team was defeated by Han Xiao alone, coupled with the grievances between Tang San and Han Xiao, Oscar couldn't help but hate him.

But for some reason, when Han Xiao recognized him, Oscar was slightly happy.

This feeling is like being appreciated by a big shot.

"Xiao Ao, hurry up."

Seeing that Oscar was still in a daze, Hao Te hurriedly urged him.

It was only then that Oscar realized that there was no time to delay, and quickly released his soul power: "Okay."

Han Xiao swallowed the sausage, and a pair of transparent wings grew from his back.


Qian Renxue hugged her shoulders, looking like she was enjoying the show.

They actually want to fight against this group of soul hunting birds in the air, but the sky is their best field.

The wings trembled at a speed that almost turned into a phantom, and Han Xiao jumped up and rushed into the air.


With a light hook of his finger, the fish intestine nailed to the hunting bird flew back into his hand in an instant.


The bird king let out a roar, and the flock of birds began to form formations in the air, blocking him in the center.

Immediately afterwards, these soul hunting birds began to pounce on Han Xiao in turn.

Their claws are as sharp as knives, piercing the air.

Han Xiao moved his whole body with a single stroke, and his arms swung greatly.

The tip of the sword drew thin white lines in the air, stabbing and slashing, running and flashing, with the wind in the hands, these two sharp blades seemed to be endowed with souls in Han Xiao's hands.

All the defenses turned into fatal flaws in front of Han Xiao's double blades.

With just a few moves, the group of soul hunting birds were beaten to pieces and their formation was messed up.

Seeing this, Han Xiao chased after him, and launched the Shadowless Bee in the air.

The sky seemed to be gradually squeezed and shrunk. In the eyes of the hunting bird, Han Xiao's figure was everywhere.

And they are like headless flies, circling around Han Xiao.

"Fifth soul skill, Hanba!"

There was a scarlet flash in Han Xiao's eyes, and his double blades crossed, and they slashed at the injured bird king with all their strength.

The threat of death frightened it enough in an instant, and it screamed, so it had to run away at full speed.

Seeing that the elder brother gave up first, the younger brothers also lost the will to fight, and followed the bird king to fly away.

The wings disappeared, and Han Xiao landed lightly.

In the whole process, Han Xiao drove away the birds in less than 5 minutes.

Everyone was also dumbfounded. Is this a soul emperor?
"Let's go, the hunting bird attaches great importance to the nest, but it was scared away. If you are still there when you come back, you will definitely work hard."

Han Xiaoyun retracted the double blades calmly.

Even if he is a soul emperor now, it is impossible for him to kill more than ten thousand year soul beasts by himself.

So he simply used his momentum to scare off the group of silly birds.

"Thank you brother!"

Hao Te cupped his hands gratefully.

On the other side, Oscar had a complex expression.

He was obviously an opponent, but Han Xiao actually helped him.

He even teamed up with himself to kill more than a dozen thousand-year-old soul beasts.

In fact, in Han Xiao's heart, he didn't regard Oscar as an opponent at all.

There are winners and losers in the game, and it's just not enough strength.

If the opponent is listed as an enemy because of a momentary failure, then the situation is too small.

Of course, what is more important is that for Han Xiao, Shrek is obviously not qualified to be his opponent.

"By the way, have you encountered any soul beasts that are close to 10 years old?"

Qian Renxue asked Haote.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and they looked at the stunning woman in front of them strangely.

"How many years?"

Some people suspect that they have heard wrong.

"Eighty to ninety thousand years would be fine."

Qian Renxue said after thinking for a moment.

In pursuit of the ultimate year, it is better to find a soul beast that matches one's martial soul.

Everyone was completely dumbfounded.

I thought Qian Renxue was Han Xiao's girlfriend, but I didn't expect her to be more terrifying than Han Xiao.

At this age, do you plan to break through to Contra or Title Douluo?
Seeing everyone dumbfounded, Qian Renxue frowned: "Yes or not?"

"Yes." A soul master quickly replied: "Go straight north from here, there should be a top-level soul beast there."

"Know the information?"

Qian Renxue's eyes lit up, and she continued to ask.

The soul master smiled wryly: "At our level, let alone look at it, we dare not get close. That kind of powerful soul beast can burn us to ashes with a single look."

"I see."

Qian Renxue nodded, turned around and walked towards the direction pointed by the soul master.

Before leaving, Han Xiao fixed his gaze on Oscar.

"Thank you."

Oscar said in a stiff voice.

This period of experience has made him mature, and now thinking about his past actions, he only feels extremely naive.

"If you are interested, you can come here and find me."

Han Xiao glanced at Oscar lightly, and handed over a business card.

(End of this chapter)

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