Chapter 310 Scam!

For unknown reasons, Oscar took the business card handed over by Han Xiao by accident.

He is no longer a child, so he is naturally very clear that among the Shrek Seven Monsters, he is the only one who is the most worrying.

Tang San's father is the Titled Douluo, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai don't have to worry about identity anymore after defeating his brother.

Although Ma Hongjun has no power, he can rely on his powerful martial spirit to make a name for himself.

As for Ning Rongrong, needless to say, the identity of the princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is enough to represent everything here.

Thinking of Ning Rongrong, his heart ached.

For some unknown reason, Ning Rongrong's attitude towards him has always been lukewarm under his hard pursuit.

It is precisely because of this that his belonging to himself became vacillating when he left.

It seems that it is not bad to choose a powerful force?

"You want to recruit that person into your sect?"

Qian Renxue asked with great interest.

"Don't you think his martial soul is interesting?"

The two walked all the way in the direction pointed by the hunting team.

"Give up, Wuhundian once tried to recruit Shrek Academy, you are not unaware of their grievances."

For Oscar, he still wants to choose the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"I just mentioned it casually."

Of course Han Xiao knew that he didn't expect Oscar to join the brotherhood.

The two traveled northward all the way and noticed something was wrong.

This place has reached the hinterland of the Star Dou Great Forest, and there should be thousands of years of soul beasts everywhere.

But after walking for so long, not a single soul beast appeared.

"Be careful, we should have reached the territory of that soul beast."

Han Xiao scanned his surroundings vigilantly, and Taotie appeared in his hands at some point.

It's very close to a 10-year soul ring. If you sneak attack on the two of them, you won't be able to beat them.

Qian Renxue nodded, her beautiful eyes were also full of vigilance.


"Lin Xian, when did a soul beast that was nearly 10 years old appear there, why didn't we know?"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and he frowned at the person who showed the way.

The hunting team has been operating together all year round. If there is such a powerful existence, there is no reason for him not to know about it.

Lin Xian chuckled, and ran his hand across his neck, "Brother, you don't know, I got the news about this soul beast from a dying person."

Hao Te nodded and didn't pursue further.

After all, their teams also have their own activities.

It would not be surprising if the news was obtained by chance.

"Is there any problem with the news?"

Hao Te confirmed again and again.

As the captain of this hunting team, he knew a truth very well.

If you want to hang around in the soul master, you must repay what you have been kind to.

For Hot, Han Xiao is his savior.

"Hey, of course there's no problem."

Lin Xian's smile gradually became cruel: "It is true that there is a soul beast that is close to 10 years old, but that fierce beast haunts in pairs, and there is a female beast that is 6 years old beside it. "

"What did you say?!"

Hot's pupils trembled, and Oscar looked at him in disbelief.

"Why don't you tell me about this!"

Oscar grabbed Lin Xian by the collar and said angrily.

"Don't be in a hurry."

Lin Xian chuckled and forcibly broke away Oscar's hand.

"What's more, they didn't ask if there were any other soul beasts."

An 9-[-]-year-old soul beast can barely deal with it with the full strength of Han Xiao and Qian Renxue.

But what if there is another 6-year-old soul beast?

What's more, soul beasts in pairs generally have a very high tacit understanding, and mutual cooperation can often bring about the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

"Lin Xian, you are fucking crazy, that is your savior!"

Hao Te looked at Lin Xian in disbelief.

"Benefactor? Shit benefactor!"

Lin Xian's face became ferocious: "They just want to show their strength and give away their hypocrisy!"

"Why, the soul beasts that we tried so hard to kill, even almost with our lives, didn't even catch their eyes."

"Why should I tell these people that as soon as they wake up their martial spirits, they take off with the golden key in their mouths? How much effort and hard work we have put in to achieve today's achievements. Why are those people able to have it as soon as they were born?!"

Lin Xian roared hysterically.

"And you, Oscar."

Lin Xian turned his head and pointed a certain head at Oscar: "What are you pretending in front of me, isn't it that you are born with full soul power? What's so awesome about it?"

"Boss, let's not leave yet, wait for those two people and the soul master to lose out, and then go to reap the results."

"Based on their clothes, there must be a lot of valuables on them."

Lin Xian licked her scarlet lips with a greedy expression.

Oscar and Hao Te looked directly at Lin Xian with cold eyes.

This man has gone mad.

"Xiao Ao, let's go back."

Hot turned his head and strode back to the original road.

"it is good."

"What are you going to do?"

Lin Xian's complexion changed, and he hurriedly chased after him.

"Lin Xian, from now on, you have nothing to do with our hunting team."

"If you leave now, I can pretend that I didn't see it. If you still don't leave, don't blame me, Hao Te, for not remembering the old relationship."

A murderous intent flashed in Haote's eyes, and the spirit possessed him.

Unexpectedly, this was Haote's answer, Lin Xian was extremely angry: "You bunch of idiots, this is the world of soul masters, how can you have any bullshit affection!"

After saying this, Lin Xian was afraid that Haote would make a move, so he parted ways with the team.

"Lin Xian, wait for me!"

"Boss, I'm really sorry, I still have my mother at home."

Of the hunting team of more than a dozen people, only Hao Te and Oscar remained.

The rest of the people all left with Lin Xian.

"Has the conscience of this group of people been eaten by dogs?"

Looking at the people leaving, Hao Te sneered.

"Brother Haote, you can go back if you can't."

Oscar was surprisingly calm.

"What nonsense!"

Hao Te patted him on the shoulder hard, "I don't want to feed the dog in my heart."



Han Xiao and Qian Renxue were back to back, scanning their surroundings vigilantly.

This kind of action can give the two more time to face the sneak attack.

They have been here for a day, and the uneasiness in their hearts is getting stronger.

It was as if there was a pair of eyes in the dark, staring at them all the time.

"Han Xiao, do you feel the position of the soul beast?"

Qian Renxue asked quietly.

"I can't feel it."

Soul beasts with extremely high ages have certain hidden abilities, and soul masters cannot detect them at all.

"be careful."

The two kept turning their eyes, their spirits tensed to the extreme.

Here is a sunken basin, and the surrounding trees seem to have not been cleaned for hundreds of years, and they grow luxuriantly.

In the direction of their right hand, there is a small magma, bubbling.

The ground is rough and wrinkled, and the line of sight is severely blocked.

(End of this chapter)

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