Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 311 Strange Soul Beast!

Chapter 311 Strange Soul Beast!
As the warm wind blew, the pungent smell of sulfur and soil entered their nostrils.

Han Xiao leaned over, picked up a piece of soil with two fingers, put it between his nose and sniffed.

"Not right."

He frowned: "Basin, magma, swamp, how could these three terrains all appear in this small place?"

"There is also the weakly alkaline red soil on this land."

Four types of terrain that are extremely difficult to generate are mixed together, what is this place.


Suddenly, Han Xiao's pupils locked tightly, and he grabbed Qian Renxue beside him.

The latter understood, and his wings flew up.

The two left the ground in an instant, and in the next second, two huge palms drilled out of the ground and grabbed them.

With a loud noise, the palm caught an air.

"What is this?!"

Qian Renxue's pupils shrank, and the pupils trembled.

Once the speed slows down a bit, the two of them will be crushed to pieces by this giant hand.


Han Xiao hugged Qian Renxue in his arms, wrapped the two in the cloak of spiritual light and rushed towards the magma.

In the next second, two black sharp blades appeared in the sky, which seemed to cut the white cloth in half.

This series of attacks made the two of them tremble with fear.

Han Xiao held Qian Renxue in his arms like a princess, and stepped on the magma. The body of ice and fire did not burn his body.

"What the hell is this?!"

There was still some shock in Qian Renxue's beautiful eyes.

However, it took a second for her to realize that she was lying in Han Xiao's arms.

Feeling the hard chest, looking at the clear and distinct corner of the mandible, her heart couldn't help but the deer bumped wildly, she broke free and floated in mid-air.

"It's also the first time I've seen this kind of soul beast."

Watching the hand gradually disappear into the ground, Han Xiao's eyes showed incomparable solemnity.

If the body of this soul beast is hidden in the ground, then according to the size of this hand, this soul beast should be at least 50 meters high.

What is the concept of 50 meters?
You must know that the height of the giant ape, the king of the forest, is only seven or eight meters.

Can this soul beast stand up to five or six titanic giant apes? !

What a joke.

And what was the scratch in the sky that day, why did it linger for a long time?

The two exchanged a look, ready to fight.

However, after a while, the spirit beast did not attack the two of them again.

"It's magma, its fists can't penetrate the magma."

Han Xiao looked at his feet, and immediately rushed forward.


Qian Renxue's complexion changed. She knew that Han Xiao had to obtain the information of the soul beast, so she could only act in a hurry.

The moment Han Xiao stepped onto the ground, two giant hands emerged from the ground and swept towards him.

Han Xiao stepped on the dark bee without a shadow, and his figure swayed sharply.

With this blow, the red soil and trees were thrown up, and they flew into the air.

Immediately, without waiting for Han Xiao to catch his breath, the second blow came again.

He slammed his feet to the ground, and his right leg glowed with black light.

Soul broken!
This kick contained a mighty force.

Oddly enough, the ground undulated like the surface of water.


The palm sweeping towards Han Xiao slowed down.

Seeing this, Han Xiao saw Tuqiong's dagger, and the two blades slashed towards his arm.

However, the soul beast also seemed to be aware of the power of Han Xiao's weapon, and quickly avoided it.

It seemed that this kick had guessed it, and the soul beast became extremely angry.

The frequency of its hands shaking began to gradually increase, and it rushed towards Han Xiao again under the gust of wind.

Everywhere they went was in ruins.

Han Xiao had no choice but to jump into the air.

"Qian Renxue!"

With a loud shout, Qian Renxue's eyes flashed, and she darted towards Han Xiao.

In the next second, two slash marks like black ink appeared in the sky again out of thin air.

In mid-air, the two looked at each other, Han Xiao's eyes were like a pool of well water, without any fluctuations.

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth, and the holy angelic sword appeared in her hand, she let out a coquettish cry, and slashed fiercely towards the ground!
"Fifth Soul Skill, Angelic Holy Sword!"

This sword, like a fiery red ravine, split the soft ground into two halves.

And Han Xiao in the air waved his big hand, and the aura cloak appeared from behind, eating the two cut marks that hadn't rushed towards Han Xiao directly into his mouth.


A strange cry sounded like a mouse from the ground.

The two fell down together, the vigilance on their faces remained undiminished.

"do you understand?"

Han Xiao looked directly at the place where the sound came from, and said.

"Ah, it's really interesting."

The corners of Qian Renxue's mouth curled up, and she spoke slowly.

I saw a squirrel about the size of an arm slowly crawling out of the gully.

This squirrel has light yellow fur, six long furry tails, and a pair of mung bean-sized black eyes with anger.

"Son of the Earth!"

Qian Renxue couldn't believe it and exclaimed, "It's still from Liuwei."

No one thought that this cute-looking little squirrel would turn out to be a ten-thousand-year soul beast.

"Grandpa once encountered this kind of soul beast once during the training with that Haotian patriarch Tang Chen."

"It's just that the little squirrel seemed to know that grandpa is very strong, so he ran away."

Qian Renxue recalled the interesting stories Qian Daoliu told her.


The little squirrel, Son of the Earth, waved his two little paws and looked at Qian Renxue with even more anger.

"Is there a possibility?"

Han Xiao turned his head and looked at Qian Renxue: "This soul beast is the one Qian Daoliu met back then?"

Qian Renxue's complexion also became strange.

It shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?

However, the angry look of the little squirrel seemed to be the case.


Qian Renxue covered her small mouth, hiding her peerless smile, "This little squirrel is so cute, I don't even have the heart to kill it."

Immediately she frowned again: "But I remember that person said that there is an 9-[-]-year-old soul beast here?"

"The little squirrel in front of me is only 6 years old."

Han Xiao expressionless, pointed to the sky: "That 8-year-old soul beast is in the sky."


Qian Renxue suddenly raised her head, only to find that the sky was azure blue, how could there be any shadow of a soul beast?
At this moment, that black ink-like slash appeared out of thin air again, and came straight towards the two of them.

Wherever the black ink passed in mid-air, everything was cut.

It was like a freehand ink painting, branching into countless paths and attacking the two of them.

This blow was much more terrifying than before.

Qian Renxue's complexion changed drastically, and she was about to raise her sword to meet her.

However, at this time, all six tails of the little squirrel were inserted into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, his mouth made a strange movement.

In an instant, six giant hands broke through from the ground, surrounding the two of them in the middle.

The two soul beasts were angry.

"One is the sky, the other is the ground. The soul beast in the sky is the 8-year-old soul beast he said. I think it has the ability to hide its body like a chameleon."

Looking at the ugly Qian Renxue beside him, Han Xiao said:
"Don't you understand? We were deceived by that group of people."

(End of this chapter)

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