Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 314 The Story of the Little Squirrel and the Human-faced Owl

Chapter 314 The Story of the Little Squirrel and the Human-faced Owl
In the sky, the human-faced owl was about to cut Qian Renxue's delicate skin with its sharp grapple.

However, at this moment, a loud noise came from the ground.

It stopped what it was doing and looked down.

After a loud noise, the ground of the basin began to tremble, densely packed with spider webs.

The moist red soil also began to dry up, looking down from the sky, it looked like wrinkles on an old man's body.


The human-faced owl was a little worried about his companion.

However, in the next second, the ground cracked, countless boulders were pulled up in place, and the flowers, plants and trees sank deep into the ground.

Just like the movement of the earth's crust, the strata collapsed suddenly after losing the support of the dragon's spine, and the ground was scorched.

Qian Renxue stared blankly at the ground, and then, she saw a man slowly walking out from the flames.

The raging flames were attached to his broken cloak, unable to contaminate Han Xiao at all.

Those gray eyes gleamed under the flames.


When the human-faced owl saw his partner being held by Han Xiao, he was impatient and swooped down.

Han Xiao just glanced at it coldly, and cut off one of the squirrel's tails.

The blood fell, and the squirrel let out a scream.

The human-faced owl didn't dare to move anymore, it knew that as long as it made another rash move, its good brother might become a soul ring.

Qian Renxue landed beside Han Xiao, looking at the Son of the Earth in Han Xiao's hands in disbelief.

"You actually defeated it underground."

I remember Qian Daoliu once said that they were curious for a while, so they chased the Son of the Earth for a few days.

It turned out that the fighting power of the Son of the Earth underground was several times more terrifying than that on the ground.

It is also for this reason that they finally chose to leave.


Han Xiao smiled coldly, "Do you see that this is underground?"

Hearing this, Qian Renxue looked at the ground.

She was surprised to find that after being blasted by Han Xiao, the ground exposed hard soil.

And those fragile red soils are like the milk cover on this layer of land.

"From the very beginning, your grandfather has been deceived. This little animal is not a son of the earth at all."

"If I remember correctly, the basin was discovered after we ascended.

However, on the top of the mountain, how could there be such a large basin?
The specialty of this gadget is not to drill into the ground at all, but to build a layer on the ground, so it gives people an illusion. "

Standing on the magma from the very beginning, Han Xiao felt strange.

This pool of small magma seems to have been transported from other places.

As time got longer, Han Xiao became more and more sure, so he was dragged into the ground voluntarily by the squirrel.

Because he knows that as long as the underground is false, there must be a way to destroy it.

Qian Renxue opened her mouth and looked around in disbelief.

It seems that once this setting is accepted, everything in this basin in memory becomes false.

It's like a spider web.

Once someone steps into this piece of red soil, the Son of the Earth can feel it instantly.

Thinking about it this way, it's not surprising why such spirit beasts are so rare.

Every inch of land in the Star Dou Forest is unowned, which soul beast would allow this thing to build a house in front of their eyes?
However, what made Han Xiao curious was.

It is simply unheard of for two soul beasts of different races to have such a good relationship.


The little squirrel waved its paws, as if urging the human-faced owl to leave.

Afterwards, it whispered something to the aura cloak.

After listening to the translation of the aura cloak, Han Xiao's face became a little weird.

Afterwards, he still said coldly: "It is impossible to reconcile the relationship between humans and spirit beasts."

"what are you guys saying?"

Qian Renxue looked at the man and the beast curiously.

After Han Xiao hesitated for a moment, he still shook his head: "It's okay."

He didn't expect that the little squirrel was willing to become his soul ring, and also begged Han Xiao to let the human-faced owl go.

Seeing that Han Xiao was indifferent, the little squirrel anxiously waved its two little hands again.

Han Xiao learned from the translation of the cloak of aura.

It turns out that this little squirrel, like its kind, has been hunted down by the spirit beasts of the Star Dou Great Forest since childhood, and this human-faced owl is the hunter.

After catching the squirrel, the human-faced owl did not rush to kill it, but stayed in its nest.

However, the natural enemy appeared, and the human-faced owl was dying after fighting with him, and was finally rescued by the little squirrel.

From then on, the two soul beasts walked together.

The little squirrel is the top architect in the soul beast world, helping it build a perfect nest.

The human-faced owl also protects the little squirrel and drives away the surrounding spirit beasts.

"You mean, you voluntarily become my soul ring, as long as you can spare the human-faced owl?"

The little squirrel nodded repeatedly, and made New Year greetings with its two little hands.

"Okay, I promise you."

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Qian Renxue's expression changed: "Han Xiao!"

"Don't be in a hurry."

Han Xiao looked up at the human-faced owl. This nearly 10-year-old soul beast already had wisdom.

"It is willing to die for you. It only hopes that you can break through 10 years. At the same time, we promise to help you hunt down natural enemies. Do you agree?"

Only 1 years away, the human-faced owl can become a 10-year soul beast.

The human-faced owl's face became complicated.

Then shook his head and refused.


The little squirrel quickly waved its paws to communicate with it.

This time, the aura cloak did not translate for Han Xiao.

I don't know what they said between them, the human-faced owl fell silent, and immediately revealed the sadness of human beings.

It nodded with difficulty, then gave the little squirrel a hard look, and turned its back to the two of them.

"I'll absorb the spirit ring first, and then we'll go hunt the natural enemies of the human-faced owl together."

"That's a 9-year-old Cangxuan Howling Eagle, which is more suitable for your eighth spirit ring than the Human-faced Owl."

Han Xiao opened his mouth to explain.

With the help of a human face owl, they can easily kill it.

However, Qian Renxue ignored the second half of Han Xiao's sentence: "What are you talking about, you want to absorb the soul ring?"

Her expression became surprised.

Han Xiao nodded, "Just now, I broke through."

Qian Renxue didn't react.

She didn't expect that Han Xiao would become a soul saint in the battle with the little squirrel.

17 years old, soul sage.


Even Qian Renxue couldn't do it.

"Human-faced owl, you go to collect information around the natural enemy's nest now, I, Han Xiao, promised you, and I will definitely do it."

The human-faced owl nodded and left quickly.

It seemed to know what was going to happen the next moment, and it didn't dare to take another look, for fear of regretting itself.

"let's start."

After the human-faced owl left, Han Xiao let go of the little squirrel and took a deep breath.

The age of the little squirrel is infinitely close to 7 years, which is 5 years longer than the 2 years of the soul saint.

But because the little squirrel was sacrificed voluntarily, the extra year is not a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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