Chapter 315 Windfall!

Han Xiao took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and sat cross-legged.

A dark ten thousand year spirit ring floated out of the little squirrel's body, gently rushing towards Han Xiao's body.

Perhaps it was because both parties merged voluntarily, which was different from the feeling of merging the soul ring before.

Han Xiao only felt as if he was in a warm ocean. The soft sea water gently patted his body, and the pores all over his body opened comfortably.

He never thought that the painful thing of absorbing a soul ring could be so comfortable.

Gradually, Han Xiao felt as if his soul was floating in the sky. He could feel the soft clouds around him and the breeze on his face.

Slowly opened his eyes, the soul ring fusion was successful.

There was no pain or accident in this fusion.

It's like it's part of your own body.

Han Xiao released the martial soul, purple purple black black black, and the configuration of the soul ring was extremely terrifying.

And his seventh soul ring, although the light that bloomed was not too strong, it seemed to be a part of Han Xiao's body.

"It seems that the soul beasts voluntarily fuse, and the soul skills produced by the soul ring will also be enhanced."

Feeling the changes in his body, Han Xiao thought secretly.

Many people think that the most important soul ring for a soul master is the ninth soul ring.

Actually it's not the case, the seventh spirit ring is the most important most of the time.

All soul masters have the same seventh soul skill, Wuhun Avatar.

What his release brings can only be paid, which is much more terrifying than imagined.

And this seventh soul ring fused with Han Xiao, Han Xiao can even feel the breath of the little squirrel above it.

He couldn't wait to try his seventh soul ability.

But before that, he had to do one more thing.

"follow me."

Han Xiao walked towards the ruins in the distance.


Qian Renxue frowned, although she was puzzled, she still followed.

"I made two deals with it."

Han Xiao picked up the ruins all over the ground with his hands, "The first transaction let go of the human face owl, the price is that the little squirrel resource becomes my soul ring."

"The second transaction is to help the human-faced owl kill natural enemies. As for the price..."

Speaking of which, Han Xiao blasted away the gravel in front of him with a punch, and a cave about one meter deep appeared in front of him.

The entrance of the cave was covered with a layer of black tough mucus. Under the protection of this mucus, the cave was unexpectedly not damaged by the big explosion.

Han Xiao snapped his fingers, and a ray of flame rose from the black slime.

Immediately, a smell of asphalt came, causing the two of them to cover their noses.

The mucus softened little by little as it could be seen with the naked eye, and finally turned into a pool of black water.


Seeing the things placed in the cave, Qian Renxue opened her mouth wide with disbelief.

"That's the price it pays."

Han Xiao stepped across the black water and walked into the cave.

There was a bright light shining in the cave, and the things placed there were enough to drive the soul masters all over the world crazy.

Those were soul bones, piles of soul bones lying quietly on the ground.

"How, how is it possible?!"

Qian Renxue couldn't believe it, it was her first time seeing so many soul bones.

Han Xiao counted, there are nine soul bones, large and small.

Among them, there are many spirit bones over 7 to [-] years old.

There is even an 8-year-old left arm bone.

"Squirrels have a characteristic, that is, they like to hide goods, and coupled with their hate-attracting physique, countless spirit beasts have wanted it to die for tens of thousands of years, and they all ended up here. It is not a good idea to hoard so many spirit bones. It's rare."

What's more, there are also soul masters who strayed into the forbidden area. With the terrifying strength of the two of them, even the title Douluo will have a headache.

Han Xiao inspected these spirit bones, his voice did not fluctuate at all.

What is the concept of these nine soul bones?
Together with the remaining soul bone in Han Xiao's pocket, there are ten pieces in total.

In other words, as long as he is willing, he will arm himself into a superman with soul bones at any time.

"I'm five yuan, you four yuan, how about it?"

Han Xiao pointed to these soul bones and said casually.

If it wasn't for Qian Renxue holding back the Human Face Owl, he wouldn't have been able to get rid of this spirit beast.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiao didn't have any hesitation or hesitation, and Qian Renxue froze in place.

This is a soul bone.

No matter how close teammates are, they will turn against each other because of a soul bone and kill each other.

But Han Xiao, actually wanted to give her four soul bones so lightly?
It seems that in Han Xiao's eyes, this is not a priceless soul bone, but a candy bar.

"I do not want."

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue's voice softened involuntarily.

Immediately, she hesitated, and said: "I suggest you not to swallow these soul bones rashly."

She wants to inherit the angel inheritance and obtain the angel suit.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the six angel spirit bones are on his body at the same time.

Only by using these six spirit bones at the same time can they be stimulated to the 10-year level at the same time and become a god-like existence.

And based on Han Xiao's strength, Qian Renxue is sure that he will be valued by a certain god.

If he inherits the divine costume at that time, these spirit bones will actually hold Han Xiao back.

Of course, each god's inheritance is different, and the reason why Qian Renxue said this is only based on the harshness of the angel's inheritance.

Han Xiao turned his head and looked directly at Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue was flustered and did not dare to look at Han Xiao.

She didn't know why she said such a thing.

You must know that the inheritance of angels is the top secret of the Qian Family.

Although she didn't reveal too much, with Han Xiao's intelligence, he can fully know from this sentence that the most powerful of their angel inheritance is the soul bone.

Han Xiao didn't continue this sensitive topic, and didn't continue to be polite to Qian Renxue, and put the ten soul bones into the soul guide.


Qian Renxue looked into the distance, with a gleam in her eyes.

Hao Te and Oscar walked over from a distance, a little embarrassed: "It's us."

Seeing the two of them, Qian Renxue's eyes flashed murderous intent: "You still dare to come?"

In an instant, seven spirit rings bloomed, and this time Qian Renxue did not avoid suspicion at all, revealing her angel spirit.

If Han Xiao hadn't cleverly broken the situation, the two of them might have become the dinner of the soul beast.

"Please don't get me wrong, we're here to help."

Hot said quickly.

On the other hand, Oscar just stared straight at him.

He felt the terrifying soul power that Han Xiao had not yet fully digested.

This person, within a day, broke through to Soul Sage? !

"Help? The soul beasts are dead, why do you help, to share the spoils?"

Qian Renxue sneered disdainfully.

"We didn't mean that."

Hao Te waved his hand quickly, his heart was even more shaken.

What he didn't expect was that these two people actually dealt with those two terrifying soul beasts.

It's terrifying.

"What about that person?"

Seeing that there were only two people coming, Qian Renxue frowned.

She wants to kill the soul master who lied about the information.

(End of this chapter)

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