Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 316 Soul Beast with 9-Year Limit!

Chapter 316 Soul Beast with 9-Year Limit!

Hearing this, Hao Te and Oscar looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

Hao Te still had selfish intentions and chose to let Lin Xian leave.

After all, they are brothers who have experienced life and death together.

"For this matter, we will go to him later to settle the score."

Qian Renxue saw through Haote's thoughts at a glance, and snorted coldly.

Immediately, she issued an eviction order to the two of them: "We are fine, you can leave now."

People's hearts are separated by belly, who knows if these two people have seen piles of soul bones?

"Okay, it's fine."

Seeing Qian Renxue's vigilant expression, Hao Te had to step back with Oscar.

From beginning to end, Han Xiao watched from the sidelines without speaking.

"You knew the man was lying, didn't you?"

After waiting for the two to leave, Qian Renxue looked at Han Xiao and asked.

Before thinking back carefully, she found that Han Xiao was too calm when he saw the two soul beasts.

As if it had been predicted.

"I'm just speculating."

Han Xiao spoke lightly.

He saw through Lin Xian's clumsy lie at a glance.

When a person is lying, his eyes will float up unconsciously, and his hands will make small movements subconsciously.

Lin Xian has all these two points.


Qian Renxue seemed dissatisfied because Han Xiao didn't tell her.

At this moment, the human-faced owl descended from the sky.

Under its leadership, the two headed towards Cangxuan Xiaotianying's lair.

The sun and the moon traveled together, and because of the human-faced owl, the surrounding spirit beasts retreated one after another.

The surrounding dense forest is also fading, and the surrounding scene has also begun to turn into a wasteland.


Han Xiao waved his hand, his eyes locked on the towering canyon in the distance.

Ahead lies a bottomless abyss.

"Don't use Wuhun."

According to the cloak of spiritual light, the lair of Cangxuan Xiaotianying is on the opposite side of the cliff.

This kind of soul beast is extremely vigilant, and it will be disturbed if there is any sign of trouble.

Qian Renxue nodded and followed Han Xiao silently.

Han Xiao's figure is like a spirit ape, and he stepped on a stone pillar with a light leap.

Then he used his strength to pull Qian Renxue down in front of him.

Although Qian Renxue can soar in the air, her agility has become her shortcoming.

There are very few borrowing points for this kind of cliff, and if one is not careful, he will fall into the abyss.

The speed of the two was extremely slow, but there was still an accident.

It may be that the stones under their feet could not bear the weight of the two of them, and the moment Qian Renxue jumped towards Han Xiao, it actually loosened.

The two of them immediately fell into the cliff like a kite with a broken string.

Seeing this, Han Xiao hugged Qian Renxue, who was as light as nothing, with one hand, and the other hand flew out, sticking firmly on the stone wall.

Looking at Qian Renxue, who was terrified in her beautiful eyes, Han Xiao shook his head, and then quickly swayed his figure.

Immediately afterwards, like a gymnast, he jumped up by inertia and landed on a stone pillar.

This series of movements is extremely difficult, not only extremely testing his strength, but also the flexibility of the body is more important.

Once the step is not stable, the two of them will fall instantly.

After stabilizing their figures, the two slowly moved forward again.

Finally, after crossing the cliff, a mountain peak isolated from the outside world appeared in the eyes.

"This mountain top belongs to Cangxuan Xiaotianying."

Han Xiao's eyelids twitched, the Star Forest was really vast.

In addition to the titan great ape and the azure bull python, there may be some kind of terrifying creature living in the forest.

"Once the human-faced owl appears in the sky above this area, it will be spotted by the Cangxuan Howling Skyhawk."

Han Xiao whispered to Qian Renxue beside him: "The two of us sneaked into its lair, don't hold back."

Qian Renxue nodded.

She knew very well that if she wanted to kill a soul beast that was close to 10 years old, she must use some special method.

Then, the two climbed up to the top of the mountain little by little.

Just halfway up the mountain, I heard a snoring sound.

The two looked at each other with a flash of hope.

Unexpectedly, God-given opportunity, this soul beast happened to be sleeping.

Not daring to delay any longer, they subconsciously quickened their pace, and finally saw the Cangxuan Howling Sky Eagle.

This 9-year-old soul beast is about the size of a tank, with feathers like silver cast on its body.

A stench came, and the two couldn't help covering their nostrils.

According to the book, Cangxuan Xiaotianying likes to eat people, especially young and beautiful women.

After eating its leftover bones, it will be brought back to the lair like a trophy.

In the air, the rotten smell became more and more intense, and the two stood beside Cangxuan Howling Skyhawk.

The distance is so close that you can even see the gilt lines on its feathers.

Han Xiao and Qian Renxue each touched the side of Cangxuan Xiaotianying, and looked at each other.

Immediately, the majestic soul power was released instantly, attacking from both sides.

That terrifying force swept through the dust and crashed into the two wings of the Cangxuan Howling Eagle.

With this blow, both Qian Renxue and Han Xiao directly released the fifth spirit ability.

A miserable cry resounded through the sky, Cangxuan Xiaotianying woke up in severe pain, and immediately soared into the sky.

The wings spread out a full dozen meters, and the powerful force spread the two of them apart.

The aura cloak appeared behind him, and Han Xiao gradually stabilized his figure in mid-air.

On the other side, Qian Renxue also flapped her wings and flew into the sky, circling half a circle.


He could clearly see that there was a crack about half a meter long on the wings of the Cangxuan Xiaotian Eagle.

The few silver feathers fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two rushed towards Cangxuan Xiaotianying again.

It looked at Han Xiao and Qian Renxue angrily, but it didn't expect that such an ant would dare to attack the noble self.

Immediately, the wings shook, and countless feathers shot towards the two of them.

The speed of this feather is unimaginable, and it has reached Han Xiao in less than a second.

"not good!"

Han Xiao's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly put the aura cloak in front of him.

These feathers seemed to be inserted into a soft sponge and fell off one after another.

However, on the other side, Qian Renxue seemed to be struggling, so she had no choice but to activate the spirit avatar.


At this moment, there was a hissing sound from the sky, and the human-faced owl hiding in the distance had already moved out.

Cangxuanxiao Tianying actually showed a touch of human banter on its face, it just waved its wings lightly, and countless feathers slowly condensed into a long sword, stabbing directly at the human-faced owl.

"Han Xiao, it will break through to 10 years soon!"

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and shouted, with a trace of fear in her eyes.

10 million years!
Even the human-faced owl did not expect that the Cangxuan Xiaotianying had been hiding its strength.

The human-faced owl had no choice but to dodge, but was still pierced by the sharp sword.


As soon as Han Xiao gritted his teeth, he couldn't care about these things at this time.

Just like the devil descended from the sky, he is really the god of Tai Sui in the world!
The first soul skill was released, and countless murderous auras condensed into groups covered him.

(End of this chapter)

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