Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 317 Breaking out!

Chapter 317 Breaking out!

Immediately, a layer of scarlet armor condensed on the surface of Han Xiao's body.

Even the knife in his hand is ten feet long.

A horizontal slash, mixed with a terrifying knife gesture.

However, Cangxuan Xiaotianying's reaction was faster, and his figure twirled a few times in the air before dodging directly.

Immediately, he turned around and rushed directly to Qian Renxue behind him.

There was a hint of greed in its eyes.

For a moment, Qian Renxue panicked.

Although there is a huge difference between a 10-year soul beast and a 9-year soul beast, with her strength, it is absolutely impossible to fight against a soul beast that is about to break through 10 years.

A long and disturbing howl came from a distance, and the human-faced owl continuously released its own sonic attacks.

However, the Cangxuan Xiaotianying only froze in the air for a second, and the speed did not stop at all.

The moment it grabbed Qian Renxue with its claws, time and space suddenly stopped.

Afterwards, its body began to slowly retreat as if the reverse button had been pressed.


Han Xiao descended from the sky, holding his scarlet sword in his hand.

Cang Xuanxiao Tianying didn't panic at all, soared up and faced Han Xiao directly.

Its feathers began to soar, and just when the Taidao was about to stab its body, it locked it firmly.

"not good!"

Han Xiao's complexion changed, these feathers like sharp knives were actually absorbing his own soul power.

Immediately afterwards, the sword dissipated, and Cang Xuanxiao Tianying opened his mouth.

Qian Renxue's pupils retracted, only feeling her heart being pierced.

Her hands were shaking violently, and her eyes were fixed on this scene.

Han Xiao's body fell into Cangxuan Xiaotianying's mouth.


its neck beating,
Combing the hair on his body with satisfaction.

Han Xiao was eaten by this soul beast.


With a shrill neigh, Qian Renxue rushed towards the Cangxuan Howling Sky Eagle desperately, and the rising flames of the Holy Angel Sword in her hand became more and more dazzling.


Han Xiao clenched his teeth, as if a mummy was tightly wrapped in the aura cloak.

He felt that he was gradually falling from the sticky and soft wall.

Then, the body was continuously squeezed and fell to the ground.

It's like a fetus returning to its mother's body, surrounded by darkness, so crowded that it can only curl up its body.

Is this the stomach of Cangxuan Xiaotianying?
Han Xiao thought extremely calmly.

Gradually adapting to the darkness, he saw that the leaking clothes had turned into fibers.

"It's horribly corrosive."

Han Xiao was secretly shocked. Fortunately, he was protected by the cloak of spiritual light, otherwise his bones would have turned into water at this time.

The situation is more difficult than imagined.

Han Xiao calmly thought about how to get out.

He took out the fish intestines and tried to cut the stomach wall.

However, it seems that the gastric mucosa is too slippery, and the fish intestines are bounced off as soon as they touch it.

In addition, the space is too small, and there is no way to display the power.

"Lingguang, can you summon three dragons?"

The aura cloak transformed into two hands, and then crossed them across Han Xiao's chest, making a gesture of rejection.

Then, it pointed to the mucus in the stomach, as if urging Han Xiao to get out quickly.

"Is that the only way?"

Han Xiao frowned, and actually sat in the stomach of Cang Xuanxiao Tianying.

"Be patient."

He said to the aura cloak, and immediately he seemed to be the only one left in the world, with no other thoughts.


Qian Renxue's eyes were already red, like an emotionless machine, waving the holy sword infinitely.

And Cang Xuanxiao Tianying's body was extremely sensitive, but he just dodged, and his eagle eyes showed a hint of mockery.

Her heart was completely in a mess. Although the sword in her hand was not weak at all, if it continued like this, it would only consume soul power and become its collection.

On the other side, the human-faced owl has also reached its limit, waving its two wings with great effort, and its face is full of exhaustion.

Its strength is not weak, but it has been restrained by natural enemies, and its ability has been greatly reduced.

There is a little squirrel, it can hide in the ground and spend days and nights with the Cangxuan Howling Eagle.

However, in the sky, it is absolutely no match for the Cangxuan Howling Skyhawk.

In the eyes of Cangxuan Xiaotianying, one person and one beast have become playthings, and it needs to be tortured a little bit, watching the other party die in struggle.

"Angel true body!"

At this moment, Qian Renxue had already decided to exert her last strength.

After casting the seventh soul skill, her aura instantly soared, like a Titled Douluo.

Cangxuanxiao Tianying's eyes flashed a look of solemnity.

It didn't expect that this human being could explode with incomparably terrifying power in the end.

However, it was too late.

I saw silvery white feathers began to grow on Qian Renxue's body.

Gradually, there were more and more feathers, crazily sucking her soul power.

Without the blessing of soul power, the angel statue can only turn into nothingness in the end.

And Qian Renxue's body can only maintain the flying state.

This is where the Cangxuan Howling Eagle is truly terrifying. Its feathers can parasitize the human body silently.

Afterwards, when the opponent releases the terrifying soul power, it will appear instantly and absorb it.

Qian Renxue opened one eye wearily, looking at the Cangxuan Howling Sky Eagle that was slowly flying towards her.

"Is it all over?"

"Really, why are you angry? You are obviously such an annoying person."

Qian Renxue shook her head helplessly, but in her heart, she did not regret it at all.

Seeing the Cangxuanxiao Tianying flying in front of him, the open mouth slowly approached him.

Qian Renxue's heart was not disturbed at all.

However, there is no way for Zangxuan Xiaotianying to enjoy this delicacy.

Its throat began to swell, gradually filling up that face.

Afterwards, the aura cloak mixed with disgusting slime came out of its mouth.

"how is this possible?"

A look of light flashed in Qian Renxue's eyes.

Of course she knew who the owner of this cloak was.

But, hasn't he already been eaten by the other party?
The aura cloak seemed to be suffocated, greedily sucking in the fresh air.

Immediately it gave a thumbs up to Cangxuan Xiaotianying, and turned it upside down.

Although Cangxuanxiao Tianying couldn't understand the gesture, for some reason, he felt as if he had been greatly insulted, and rushed towards the Lingguang cloak with a long howl.

At this moment, it stopped suddenly, looking anxiously at its feathered belly.

A strong uneasiness made it fly in the air like headless chickens.

It desperately hit the hard stone wall with its lower abdomen, even though the stone wall became fragments, the strong sense of uneasiness did not disappear.

Click, a crack appeared on the lower abdomen.

Then, like an avalanche, more and more cracks appeared.

Cangxuan Xiaotianying's abdomen burst into sword light, and countless feathers fell off to the ground.

In the next second, Han Xiao burst out.

Although the blood slanted out like a waterfall, Han Xiao's body was spotless and not contaminated at all.

Behind him, there are six short knives of different shapes floating.

This is Han Xiao's seventh soul skill, Taotie Avatar!
(End of this chapter)

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