Chapter 318 Greed!

The seventh soul skill of a normal soul master basically shows the real body of a soul beast, or inflates the weapon in his hand.

However, Han Xiao's seventh soul skill is different from it.

Unleashing the seventh soul skill, Taotie transformed one into six, and divided it into six weapons with different shapes.

Among these weapons were the military bayonets he had used, the full moon scimitar, and the triangular army thorn.

When the seventh soul skill is used, the power of the soul skill released by Han Xiao or the attack will be increased by six times.

In other words, when Han Xiao releases the fifth soul skill once, each weapon will be released repeatedly.

Han Xiao realized that this is the soul skill obtained by the soul beast's voluntary sacrifice, and it is so strong that it is not at the same level.


Qian Renxue looked at Han Xiao who was floating in the air with double blades on his feet, and was speechless.

At this time, her mood was mixed, like a patient who was diagnosed with cancer and suddenly told him that it was a misdiagnosis.

"It's not over yet."

Han Xiao turned around and looked at Cangxuan Xiaotianying, the solemnity in his eyes did not fade away.

I saw that it had become violent after being disemboweled, smashing its carefully built lair to pieces.

A piece of blood sausage was lifted out of his body, and the hideous wound on his abdomen made people dare not look directly at it.

This is the vitality of a 9-year soul beast.

With one point of Han Xiao's finger, the four sharp blades pierced the sky and shot towards the Cangxuan Xiaotianying like dazzling meteors.

The sharp blades spun half a circle in the air, attacking towards its wings' neck and injured abdomen one after another.

Cang Xuanxiao Tianying had already suffered from Han Xiao's body, so he didn't dare to be careless.

Although it was seriously injured, it didn't affect its flexibility too much, and it dodged hastily.

Unfortunately, it met Han Xiao.

"The second soul skill, Yasha!"

Han Xiao shouted loudly.

At this moment, four Han Xiaos appeared at the same time, holding that sharp weapon.

Then, they flanked Cangxuan Xiaotianying.

With a long howl, countless feathers wrapped the Cangxuan Xiaotian Eagle, gradually forming a ball made of feathers.

The moment the sharp blade touched the feather, sparks flew everywhere.

"Prepare to give it the final blow."

Han Xiao glanced at Qian Renxue, then rushed up holding the fish intestines.

No matter how powerful the absolute defense is, it will inevitably have vital points.

And Han Xiao has already seen through the key point of Cangxuan Xiaotianying.

I saw him tossing and turning like a swallow in a rainy night, the fish gut in his hand was like a rattlesnake coming out of its hole, and the whistling wind was like the sound of a snake spitting out a letter.

Immediately afterwards, Han Xiao stabbed out with a sword, and the soft blade pierced directly into the ball.

A miserable cry sounded, and the Cangxuan Xiaotian Eagle withdrew its feathers, and a hideous wound appeared on its neck.

Finally got you.

Han Xiao raised his hand, and the sharp blade in the air returned to his hand.

Immediately afterwards, his speed was so fast that it was difficult to catch, slashing and chopping, with the sound of wind in his hands, six sharp blades slashed across every part of its body.

The panicked soul beast wanted to escape, but Han Xiao's speed was too fast.

In less than 30 seconds, he had already swung thousands of slashes.

Each slash was precisely aimed at the root of the feather.

In less than 30 seconds, Han Xiao pulled out all the silver-like feathers on this glorious eagle.

The current him is no different from the roast chicken that has not yet been baked.


Han Xiao withdrew his intestines and looked at Qian Renxue who had already flown into the sky at some point.

The angel drew out the holy sword and chopped it down.

This sword seemed to be a judgment, a sanction from a high god.

A flash of determination flashed in Cang Xuan Xiao Tianying's eyes.

Suddenly, its sharp claws and the golden beak fell off one after another, turning into the most terrifying sharp weapon in the world, against the sword of judgment.

When each Cangxuan Howling Eagle evolves into a 10-year soul beast, its feathers, sharp beak, and sharp claws will fall off one after another.

This is the eagle slough.

After the transformation is successful, the Cangxuan Howling Eagle will evolve into a 10-year soul beast.

And Han Xiao removed his feathers, which undoubtedly accelerated the process.

This battle has reached the most critical time.

If Cangxuanxiao Tianying cannot be killed, and the opponent is promoted to a 10-year soul beast, Han Xiao and Qian Renxue will die.

"Don't think about it!"

Han Xiao shouted loudly, and the six short swords merged into one at this moment, turning into a simple long sword seven feet six inches long.

He held the long sword in his hand, and the soul power radiating from his whole body was no less than that of Titled Douluo.

The aura cloak behind him also summoned three giant dragons at this moment.

Qian Renxue didn't dare to be careless, and swung her sword again, the momentum also reached Title Douluo.

In the low sky, the human-faced owl slanted upwards. It risked its life to prevent the evolution of the Cangxuan Howling Skyhawk.

The violent fluctuations spread, and the mountain turned into nothingness.

In the air, Cangxuan Xiaotianying's body fell rapidly, and one of its wings had already fallen off, dying.

Qian Renxue's holy sword was approaching, piercing through his body in an instant.

Before dying, the long howling of the Cangxuan Howling Eagle echoed in the canyon.

It is not reconciled, obviously it can become a 10-year soul beast immediately, and become the overlord of the sky in the Star Dou Forest.

But in the end, he was killed by these two such weak humans.

In the distance, Lin Xian took a group of soul masters from the hunting team, looking at the flattened canyon, and swallowed.

"Are we still going?"

A soul master's voice trembled.

The terrifying soul power that burst out can definitely reach the standard of Title Douluo.

"Go, why don't you go?"

Lin Xian gritted her teeth: "They must have exhausted all their strength in order to kill that powerful soul beast, and we took advantage of it."

"But what if they still have the energy?"

Someone worried.

One can imagine what the result will be then.

"You trash, the soul beasts killed by the two of them are at least 9 years old. If you can explode a soul bone, have you thought about the value in it?"

Hearing this, everyone's breathing became heavy.

Although soul beasts of more than 9 years may not necessarily produce soul bones, what if?
You must know that a thousand-year-old soul bone is placed in the world, it has a price but no market.

Let alone 9 years!
"I did it!"

Once someone gritted his teeth, he couldn't resist this huge temptation.

Lin Xian grinned, with greed in his eyes: "Let's touch it slowly, and wait until the woman absorbs the spirit ring before doing it."

"But what if the man recovers?"

Someone asked worriedly.

After all, Han Xiao's posture of driving away the hunting bird alone still made them feel lingering.

"Heh, that man driving away the soul hunting bird is nothing more than a bluff. With just a few of us, we can't kill a soul emperor?"

Lin Xian smiled coldly.

He thought that Qian Renxue must be the one who could produce such terrifying soul power, and as for Han Xiao, it was nothing more than a layman.

"Okay, what you said makes sense."

Everyone nodded and agreed with Lin Xian's idea.

Immediately, they started walking in the direction of Han Xiao and Qian Renxue.

(End of this chapter)

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