Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 319 Killing the Soul Beast!

Chapter 319 Killing the Soul Beast!

At this moment, the two of them were sitting cross-legged on the ground, speeding up the recovery of their soul power.

At their feet, lay the corpse of Cangxuan Howling Skyhawk, and that black and red soul ring.

Han Xiao stood up and picked up the scattered feathers.

This Cangxuan Xiaotian Eagle is full of treasures, especially these feathers, as natural ornaments, are loved by the nobles of Heaven Dou, and each feather can fetch a high price in the market.

One must know that this Cangxuan Howling Skyhawk is a soul beast that has been infinitely close to 10 years.

The texture on the feather is even more exquisite and three-dimensional.

However, Han Xiao collected these feathers not just to make some accessories.

He has personally experienced the hardness and sharpness of feathers.

It would be unimaginable to make it into a weapon.

"Give me one."

Qian Renxue couldn't bear to watch Han Xiao put the feathers into the soul tool one by one.

"Didn't it be agreed that you only need the spirit ring, and I will take all the rest?"

Han Xiao frowned, and the movement of retracting the feathers involuntarily accelerated.


Qian Renxue was very angry.

She wanted a feather, originally intending to make it into an ornament to commemorate the hunting of the soul beast.

But who would have thought that the stinky man wouldn't even give him a feather if he didn't understand the amorous feelings.

"Bring it!"

Simply, Qian Renxue stopped asking, and asked for it directly.

In the end, she still personally selected three feathers with different appearances, put them back into the soul tool with satisfaction, and decided to go home and ask craftsmen to transform them into silver ornaments.

"Oh, right."

Qian Renxue took out a pure silver soul bone from Cangxuan Xiaotianying's body and handed it to Han Xiao.

"You're lucky. This quasi-10-year-old soul beast produced a soul bone. I took a look, and the age is infinitely close to 10 years."

After receiving the soul bone, Han Xiao looked at it in front of his eyes.

This is an enlarged version of a feather, the 9-year-old Cangxuan left leg bone.

After Han Xiao thought for a moment, he did not absorb it directly, but poured out all the soul bones in the soul guide.

This trip to the Star Dou Great Forest was beyond Han Xiao's imagination.

There are ten soul bones in total, which can definitely attract many soul masters to join.

Looking at the spirit bones on the ground, Qian Renxue looked as usual: "Among these spirit bones, you can absorb Cangxuan's left leg bone, and this 7-year-old spine is also good."

"You hunt for the soul ring first."

Taking back the soul bone, Han Xiao said to Qian Renxue, "I will protect you."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at the human-faced owl, and said: "I know very well that humans and spirit beasts cannot coexist, but I promise you, I will take its power to go farther and farther, and become an existence that shocks the world. "

"We are destined to meet again."

Han Xiao said these words very seriously.

The human-faced owl glanced at Han Xiao complicatedly, nodded and turned to leave.

Maybe the little squirrel chose to become Han Xiao's soul ring, which is really not a bad thing.

After the human-faced owl left, Qian Renxue also adjusted her state to the best, and began to absorb this extreme soul ring.

In the jungle far away, Lin Xian and others witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

"Lin... Lin Xian, soul bones, piles of soul bones."

The soul masters were already dumbfounded, and halazi flowed from the corners of their mouths.

Ever since they were young, they had never seen a single soul bone, let alone so many soul bones placed together like this.

At this time, Lin Xian's body couldn't help shaking. He never thought that Han Xiao would have so many soul bones in his hands.

"Kill kill kill kill!"

In his eyes, only those few soul bones remained.

"Kill the two of them, and we will each have a piece of soul bone."

Lin Xian's words made everyone's eyes red.

He didn't need to boost morale at all, the soul bone placed there was the best catalyst.


A soul master frowned, "What about others, they were standing there just now, why are they gone?"

After hearing this, everyone realized that Han Xiao disappeared without a trace.

"Quick, go find him, don't let him escape!"

Lin Xian urged anxiously, he didn't want the fat sheep to run away like this.

Everyone got up together, and they were about to split up to find Han Xiao.

However, at this moment, a silver light flashed in the sky, which happened to be inserted into the neck of a soul master.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone looked like frightened rabbits, and Lin Xian almost jumped up.

Only then did they realize that the soul master was still standing there, but his left arm had been stained red with blood.

At this time, everyone realized that the soul master was already dead.

He died standing up, without even releasing his martial soul, his eyes were full of terror.

"What... what's going on?"

Someone is already panicking.

However, after saying this, he stopped in place and slowly touched his neck.

Immediately, a wet and viscous liquid was touched.

It was his blood.

The soul master pulled out the hard object inserted in the neck, and watched it under the sunlight.

It was a silver feather that glowed in the light.

The soul master's expression was always fixed on the obsessed expression.

He died looking at the feather before he died.

"What... what's the situation?"

Everyone panicked.

In less than 5 minutes from now, their hunting team had already killed two soul masters.


Lin Xian felt goosebumps all over his body, turned his head hastily, but there was no one there.

Sunlight shines through the green leaves and scatters on the soft soil.

It was quiet all around, only the sound of a few people moving their feet from time to time.

A silver light suddenly lit up from a distance, instantly mobilizing everyone's attention.

After a while, however, nothing happened.

At this moment, countless silver feathers swept from all directions.

They wanted to release the Wuhun, but Feather's speed was too fast.

The necks were pierced one after another, and the expressions of the soul masters were always frozen in horror.

"Who, come out!"

Lin Xian was completely panicked.

He looked around, and the life that was still alive just now had turned into sculptures, looking at him with terrified eyes.


A subtle voice sounded, Lin Xian released his martial spirit, his eyes didn't blink, and he didn't dare to look away.

Han Xiao's figure slowly appeared, holding a few silver-white feathers in his hands.

"You, it's you!"

Lin Xian's expression became extremely frightened.

Immediately, he pretended to be calm, and apologized in a low voice: "Hey, brother, it's really our fate to meet you here. You should have hunted that soul beast before, right?"

Lin Xian tried to get away with it.

Han Xiao didn't talk to him, and looked at him expressionlessly.

"Ahem, brother, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

For some reason, just looking at him indifferently, Lin Xian always had the feeling of being targeted by a terrifying spirit beast.

Han Xiao picked up a blood-stained feather and said slowly: "Soul beast, I'm done killing it,

Now, it's time to kill you. "

(End of this chapter)

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