Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 321 Battle with Title Douluo!

Chapter 321 Battle with Title Douluo!

If Han Xiao slowed down by a second, his body would be pierced by this stick.

As soon as Qian Renxue's expression changed, she was about to release her martial soul.

"Don't release the martial spirit yet."

Han Xiao's words made her react immediately.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and her martial spirit was too dazzling, if released, it would directly reveal the positions of the two of them.

The Coiling Dragon Stick trembled slightly, then pulled out from the ground and disappeared into the night sky.

Then there was no more sound, as if it had never appeared before.

Han Xiao swept around, his eyes were extremely solemn.

Someone is going to kill him!
And the person who killed him was a Titled Douluo.

Soon, Han Xiao figured it out.

Besides Wuhundian would send a strong man named Douluo to kill him, who else?

Han Xiao turned his head and looked at Qian Renxue who looked wary.

"I have no idea!"

Qian Renxue saw through the meaning in Han Xiao's eyes, and said hastily.

When she came out to hunt the soul ring, she only told the porpoise douluo who had been secretly guarding her.

Suddenly, Qian Renxue understood everything.

"Stab blood, come out!"

Without the slightest hesitation, she stood up directly, angrily yelling at the darkness in the distance.

Her answer was calm.

Then, a sigh came from a distance: "Miss, he is the one named by the priest to kill, I can't choose."

When Qian Renxue heard this, her expression changed.

Unexpectedly, grandpa had already become murderous, and even wanted to use the people around him to kill Han Xiao.

She looked at Han Xiao in the dark and made a gesture to wait.

"I want to know whether it is Grandpa Jianglong or Grandpa Qianjun who is here today?"

"Or, are both of you here?"

After a while, an old man came out from the darkness.

The old man was tall and vigorous, with muscles that were about to explode hidden under the wide robe.

Han Xiao's pupils shrank, he had seen this old man before.

Level 96 Subduing Dragon Douluo, Wuhun Panlong Stick.

When he was in the Wuhun Hall, Han Xiao intentionally or unintentionally inquired about the news of the six major offerings.

This old man once kindly stopped him by the shoulder.

"Xue'er, why are you here?"

Jianglong Douluo was also secretly shocked when he saw Qian Renxue.

I was still in a hurry.

I wanted to kill Han Xiao in the wild, quietly, and there was no need to dispose of the corpse.

But she didn't expect Qian Renxue to be here.

He turned his head to look at Lian Xue, who looked directly into the distance, as if trying to separate himself from the relationship.

"Grandpa Jianglong, don't pretend."

Qian Renxue's voice was very cold.

She knew very well why Grandpa wanted to kill Han Xiao.

The king of Haotian, who once terrified the soul masters of the whole continent, seems to have given the inheritance to Han Xiao.

But Qian Renxue didn't care. With Han Xiao's talent and ability, it was strange that he was not valued by the powerful senior.

Since they all have the qualifications to become gods, it is enough to see the outcome after returning from becoming gods.

"Xue'er, I understand your thoughts, but please don't make things difficult for grandpa."

Jianglong Douluo's voice sank.

Han Xiao, no matter what, will die today.

Qian Renxue's face changed drastically, and she understood Jianglong Douluo's determination.

Before Qian Renxue could speak, Jianglong Douluo rushed towards Han Xiao's hiding place at an unrivaled speed, holding the Panlong stick in his hand.

He had already found out.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qian Renxue released her martial spirit directly, and the eighth spirit ring burst into light.

The pitch-black sky was rendered golden yellow.

Suddenly, a golden giant sword appeared in the red stratus clouds, and thrust towards Jianglong Douluo.

She directly released her strongest killing move.

However, at this moment, Porpoise Douluo jumped up, floating in the air like a huge balloon, and swallowed the huge sword into his stomach in one gulp.

Afterwards, his body began to swell up, becoming as big as a hot air balloon, and it was about to be burst, but in the end it deflated little by little, turning into a thin stick.

There was ecstasy on his face: "What a powerful soul skill, congratulations miss!"

Fortunately, he digested it fast enough, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to stop this sword that lifted the sky.

"Blood, what are you going to do?!"

Qian Renxue said angrily when she saw that her full blow was blocked by blood pricking.

Lixue knelt on the ground with a respectful face: "Han Xiao must die today, this is the wish of all worshipers, please understand, miss."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue was a little powerless.

Jianglong Douluo's figure was unreal, the coiling dragon stick seemed to be transformed into a lifelike golden dragon, every time a stick was poked out, the sound of the piercing wind was like a dragon's whistle.

Han Xiao's sixth and seventh soul skills were simultaneously released at this moment, and his speed was explosively improved.

Under the powerful blessing of Chengfeng and Wuhun Avatar, Han Xiao's momentum soared, and he even approached Title Douluo.

"Han Xiao, you will die today!"

There was a deep murderous intent in Jianglong Douluo's eyes.

Qian Daoliu was right to be worried, just relying on the level of Soul Sage, he could reach the soul power of Title Douluo.

If the opponent is allowed to develop for a few more years, the consequences will be disastrous.

At that time, Han Xiao will become the biggest enemy of Spirit Hall.

Thinking of this, without the slightest hesitation, he directly released the spirit avatar.

The next moment, the Coiling Dragon Stick in his hand began to change shape, gradually changing, and turned into a giant dragon held in his hand.

"I won't show mercy."

Subduing Dragon Douluo sneered and sent out the dragon.

Looking at the long stick that was about to hit, Han Xiao only felt that he was about to be sucked in. The huge sense of oppression made him breathless.

Han Xiao quickly collected himself, not daring to wait any longer, and swung the six sharp blades beside him countless times in the air.

According to the theory, with the blessing of Wuhun Avatar, the bonus effect of Chengfeng will be multiplied by six, and the duration will also be multiplied by six times.

The giant dragon shattered the dense net formed by the sharp blades. The two went back and forth, but they couldn't stand a stalemate, and it was difficult to tell the winner.

"Blood, what are you still looking at?"

Jianglong Douluo was a little anxious, he knew that Han Xiao had a weird displacement skill.

If they dragged on and let Han Xiao go, it would be even more difficult to catch Han Xiao next time.

"Yes, six offerings."

Thornfish Douluo nodded, and his figure became more and more inflated.

However, at this moment, a holy sword was inserted in front of him.

"Miss, don't embarrass the blood."

Porcupine Douluo squinted his eyes, his figure became more and more bulging.

"Bleeding, if you repeat it, I don't want to say it again."

A flash of determination flashed in Qian Renxue's eyes.

The air was almost frozen, Li Xue narrowed his eyes: "Okay, then let me see how much Miss has improved during this time."

As soon as the words fell, that clumsy body instantly rolled towards Qian Renxue.

Unexpectedly, his speed was not weak at all.

Without any hesitation, Qian Renxue directly released the seventh soul skill, Angel Avatar.

The two titled Douluo fought against Soul Sage and Contra, and they seemed to know who the winner was without thinking too much.

However, Han Xiao didn't have the slightest plan to escape.

He has long wanted to fight against the peak powerhouse in this continent.

(End of this chapter)

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