Chapter 322 Fight!
The wind and rain are coming, and the building will collapse.

Countless trees were uprooted, spirit beasts fled in all directions, and from a distance, a huge dragon hovered.

The Coiling Dragon Stick was blown up by the Jianglong Douluo Dance, and the giant dragon on the stick came alive, sweeping countless terrifying soul powers towards Han Xiao.

However, Han Xiao didn't panic at all, Mount Tai collapsed before him without changing his face.

His hands had already turned into phantoms, and the wind blades created by the six sharp blades split the air, forming fine sword nets.

The giant dragon roared, and the waves of attacks became more and more fierce like waves.

As a level 96 titled Douluo, Dragon Subduing Douluo never imagined that a soul sage could persist in his hands for such a long time.

However, even more incredible things continue to happen.

"Three dragons come out!"

Han Xiao shouted loudly, and the aura cloak whirred.

Then, three giant dragons appeared in the world.

In an instant, time seemed to stop, space seemed to be torn apart, and Jianglong Douluo's eyes showed disbelief.

The dragon on the coiling dragon stick trembled unexpectedly, losing the aura it had just had.

It's like little brother meets big brother.

However, Han Xiao's Long Ke didn't give him any face at all, he was swept into the clouds, and gradually disappeared into the realization of everyone.

"Han Xiao, what did you do?"

Jianglong Douluo's complexion changed drastically, and he roared at Han Xiao.

His Martial Soul Coiling Dragon Stick, as the level continues to increase, can really summon the soul in the stick.

And all his soul skills are based on the power of the dragon entrenched in the stick.

Once the dragon soul is drawn away, it will be an iron rod.

What made Jianglong Douluo flustered was that he felt that his connection with the Dragon Soul was getting less and less.

Is there really a soul skill in this world that can abolish other people's martial souls?

What are you kidding, how is it possible?

Jianglong Douluo comforted himself.

He has lived for so many years, and he has never seen such a weird soul ability.

Now is not the time to think about that.

Jianglong Douluo picked up the iron rod in his hand, and the golden dragon carved on the rod became darker and darker. He then danced twice, his voice humming.The barrel of the gun fell to the ground and stomped on the ground, like eighteen bronze figures.

Immediately, he picked up the stick, shaved up and down, sometimes brave and fierce, sometimes soft like a spring, it can be said that both hardness and softness have been achieved.

For a while, the stick was like a shower of rain, and it was overwhelming, and the point where it was pointed was Han Xiao's vital point.

I have to say that Jianglong Douluo's stick technique really has everyone's style.

Unfortunately, what he met was Han Xiao.

Long-handled weapons and short-armed weapons fought, and it seemed that the battle had already been won before it even started.

However, Han Xiao can tell the world that superb techniques can completely make up for the defects of weapons.

I saw him stepping on the seven stars, squatting more and more tossing and turning, passing by the stick a few times, and coming to Jianglong Douluo, see you!

Jianglong Douluo naturally knew that if the stick was too far away, it would be difficult to exert force, so he stepped back and rotated the stick in his hand.

This is what Han Xiao was waiting for.

Just as he held the stick in front of his body and began to spin, he directly sent out the fish intestines hidden in his sleeve.

In an instant, the fish intestines were rolled up by the stick, cutting Jianglong Douluo's arm.

Jianglong Douluo's complexion changed drastically, he knew he had been tricked, but it was too late to stop what he was doing.

At some point, Han Xiao had appeared behind him.

Soldiers who, deception also!
The head of trickery is the dagger!
Han Xiao swung the Taotie, cut through the strong wind, and rushed straight to the back of the neck.

The fourth soul skill, the universe is a stick!
Jianglong Douluo had already fallen into a disadvantage in this weapon fight, and had no choice but to use soul skills.

The iron rod in his hand became more and more fierce, and he swung it behind him without looking at it.

How could a titled Douluo's soul ability be resisted by a soul saint?
The distance between the two sides was so close and the speed of the stick was so fast that Han Xiao couldn't dodge at all.

The stick hit Han Xiao firmly on the head.

Subduing Dragon Douluo was overjoyed.

The stick has been with him for dozens of years, and the feeling of smashing his head is all too familiar.

But when he turned his head, he didn't see the headless Han Xiao, but the air.

How can it be? !
Jianglong couldn't believe it.

The second soul skill, Yasha!
In the shadows, three Han Xiaos filed out.

Han Xiao is not a fool, of course he knows that the gap in soul power between the two is impossible to make up.

What appeared behind him was not Han Xiao himself at all, but a clone!
Jianglong Douluo swiped the stick in his hand, and directly dealt with the remaining clones.

Then, he found that Han Xiao had disappeared.

Subduing Dragon Douluo clenched the iron rod, and swept around vigilantly.

This battle is far more complicated than he imagined.

Looking up at the sky, the stick dragon had disappeared. Although he didn't know the result of the battle with the three dragons, Dragon Subduing Douluo felt that the dragon's aura was getting weaker and weaker.

No, we must hurry up and end the battle.

He has a bad premonition that if Han Xiao is not eliminated, the stick dragon will be swallowed by him.

At that time, his Wuhun will become an ordinary iron rod.

After making up his mind, Dragon Subduing Douluo directly unleashed his strongest killer move.

He held the stick across his chest and turned it with both hands.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and finally the long stick seems to become a disc.

Afterwards, the disc split into two, and was separated by Jianglong Douluo's hands.

He quickened the pace of his feet, like a bulldozer, where there was no grass growing.

"Han Xiao, come out and die!"

Subduing Dragon Douluo roared angrily.

He has no time to spend with Han Xiao any longer.

Since you can hide, then push everything around you to the ground!
Qian Renxue kept waving the holy angel sword in her hand, and waves of golden swords smashed towards Porpoise Douluo.

However, Thornfish Douluo was only defending, and had no intention of attacking at all.

"Blood, do you only know how to defend?!"

Qian Renxue was furious, and her movements became more violent.

She was extremely aggrieved in this battle, the Porpoise Douluo's goal seemed to be to delay her time, no matter how he attacked, it was only defense.

However, whenever Qian Renxue wanted to support Han Xiao, he would jump in front of Qian Renxue and block her way.

"Young master, don't blame me, my martial spirit is playing with poison, if I accidentally poison you, I won't be able to explain it over there."

Dolphin Douluo made a bow to Qian Renxue.

He said it on his lips, but he refused to give up an inch.

"Okay, okay!"

Qian Renxue held her breath in her throat, "I thought you, like She Long, were loyal to me."

She Long, titled Snake Spear Douluo.

All along, he has been secretly protecting Qian Renxue, and is only loyal to her.

"My lord, have you ever wondered why She Long, who has been hiding in secret to protect you, didn't come this time?"

After Thornfish Douluo ate a ray of sword light, his body swelled rapidly.

Qian Renxue's pupils shrank suddenly, she understood.

This is not daring to see myself.

Those elders, what they are loyal to is not an individual, but the organization of Wuhundian.

When a threat is growing rapidly, Wuhundian will do everything in its power to eliminate it, even if you are the young master of Wuhundian, you can't stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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