Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 323 3 Titled Douluo!

Chapter 323 Three Title Douluo!

Qian Renxue didn't speak anymore because there was no need to continue.

Then let's fight.

Countless golden holy swords sprinkled from the sky and inserted into the ground.

She slowly flew into the air, her blond hair scattered around, like an angel descending.

Then, she raised her hand and pointed, the holy sword let out a hissing trembling, soared into the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, and rushed towards the Porpoise Douluo.

"Good come!"

The Porcupine Douluo's stature continued to swell, and countless barbs appeared on the surface of his body.

Even he didn't dare to be careless, and directly used the spirit avatar.

Countless holy swords pierced him into a sieve.

Dolphin Douluo spat out a mouthful of blood arrows, and his body flew backwards.

Seeing this scene, Qian Renxue breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally solved.

However, just when she was going to help Han Xiao.

A spear landed at Qian Renxue's feet.

The spear was about six feet long, and a lifelike poisonous snake was entangled on the spear.

Qian Renxue showed a disappointed expression, she couldn't be more familiar with the owner of this spear.

"She Long."

A tall, thin man slowly stepped out of the shadows.

The person who came was the Title Douluo who had been guarding Qian Renxue, She Long.

"Why, don't you dare to look me in the eyes?"

Qian Renxue sneered.

She didn't expect that it was this man who was willing to give his life to stop her in the end.

She Long lowered his head, and his voice was like a poisonous snake spit out letters: "Miss, Han Xiao has been using you all this time, he doesn't deserve your protection like this."

"Why, do I need your permission to do what I do now?"

"She Long dare not."

Snake Lance Douluo lowered his head, his voice was a little hurried.

"In that case, get out of the way!"

Qian Renxue shouted coquettishly, pointing her sword at She Long.

At this moment, she is determined, and no one can stop her.

She Long didn't speak, but pulled out the spear on the ground, already showing his attitude.

Qian Renxue's face was a little dignified.

Although she had dealt with Thornfish Douluo, she had consumed almost all of her soul power, and now she has no fighting ability.

But even so, Qian Renxue still did not put down the holy sword.

No matter what, she will fight to the end.


The forest that Jianglong Douluo passed by has been flattened.

However, even so, no trace of Han Xiao was found.

"Could it be possible to let him run away?"

Jianglong Douluo looked serious.

But Long Mingming was still fighting in the sky with his own stick. It stands to reason that if Han Xiao really ran away, he should be able to feel it over there.

what happened?

Subduing Dragon Douluo felt a little unbelievable.

Where else could he hide?
Just when Jianglong Douluo was wondering, he suddenly felt the ground under his feet squirm.

His expression became a little ferocious.

caught you.

Immediately, stomp on the ground.

In an instant, the hard ground shattered instantly.

Han Xiao got out from the ground, looking a little embarrassed.


Subduing Dragon Douluo smiled coldly, and raised the Coiling Dragon Stick in his hand.

Roar! ! !
A dragon's roar shattered the layer of clouds, and a huge dragon was seen in the sky from far to near, coiled on the iron rod.

The three dragons summoned by the aura cloak did not appear.

"Evil animal, I once gave you a chance, if you stay in the Wuhun Hall well, you are already a holy son now.

Since you don't cherish it, then die in peace! "

After saying this, Dragon Subduing Douluo rushed towards Han Xiao with the Panlong Stick in his hand.

The giant dragon coiled around the stick kept roaring.

Looking at Jianglong Douluo who was getting closer, Han Xiao didn't have much panic on his face.

Even, as if he was frightened by the terrifying soul power, he remained motionless.


Jianglong Douluo shouted angrily, and the dragon was about to devour Han Xiao.

However, a strange scene happened.

When the Coiling Dragon Stick was only five centimeters away from Han Xiao, Subduing Dragon Douluo suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

It wasn't that he suddenly softened his heart and wanted to save Han Xiao's life.

Even Jianglong Douluo was shocked, looking at the Coiling Dragon Stick in his hand in disbelief.

I saw that the dragon in the stick wrapped Jianglong Douluo's arm tightly without knowing when, unable to move a bit.

A bad premonition rose in my heart.

Just now he was too excited to feel this dragon soul.

However, now that he realized something was wrong, he was busy perceiving it, only to find that the Coiling Dragon Rod in his hand didn't respond at all, just like an ordinary iron rod.

"What is the situation, how is it possible?!"

Jianglong Douluo completely panicked, desperately trying to contact the dragon soul in front of him.

However, the dragon entangled its arm more and more tightly, even about to explode.

"It's not fun at all."

Han Xiao looked at the aura cloak that appeared in midair at some point, and said expressionlessly.

Hearing this, it drooped its hood in high spirits.

In the air, the aura cloak had already devoured the dragon soul in the Coiling Dragon Stick.

Waiting in the sky until Jianglong Douluo relaxes, pretending to be a dragon soul.

Jianglong Douluo lowered his head in disbelief, and found that there was a fish intestine sword sticking out of his chest.

Blood, shed little by little.

He didn't expect that he was really defeated by Han Xiao.

Lost in the hands of a soul saint with a difference of twenty levels.

There is more and more blood, fish intestines can penetrate everything, and naturally they can also penetrate the heart of Jianglong Douluo.

However, just when Han Xiao was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, a long spear pierced from a distance.

In desperation, Han Xiao had no choice but to back away.

Snake Lance Douluo appeared next to Subduing Dragon Douluo, and handed him a pill:
"My lord, this elixir can help you stop bleeding."


Jianglong Douluo slumped in front of the junior, and his expression was a little ugly.

But still took the pill and took it.

He didn't dare to take Han Xiao's blow too seriously. If the blood doesn't stop, it will endanger his life.

When the strength reaches Title Douluo, death becomes difficult.

Unless the head is chopped off, or the heart is completely pierced, otherwise it will not die easily.

"My lord, let me handle this person."

Snake Lance Douluo pulled out his spear and looked at Han Xiao with cold eyes.

Three Titled Douluo.

No one would have thought that Wuhundian would send three titled Douluo to kill Han Xiao.

This kind of big battle was only experienced by Tang Hao back then.

However, the difference is that Tang Hao is a Titled Douluo, while Han Xiao is just a little soul beast.

Turning to look at Qian Renxue, she was already unconscious, leaning against a big tree in the distance.

And the remaining soul power of oneself is not enough to activate the soul bone skill of space transfer.

He has no way out, either die or fight.

"Han Xiao, you will die today."

Snake Lance Douluo twirled a spear and looked at Han Xiao as if he were dead.

However, Han Xiao wasn't afraid at all, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

He hadn't experienced this kind of desperate situation for too long.

In his eyes, fighting spirit was burning.


Han Xiao yelled, holding Taotie and fish intestines, and strode towards Snake Lance Douluo.

(End of this chapter)

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