Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 324 Ghost Douluo Appears!

Chapter 324 Ghost Douluo Appears!
Is Han Xiao the opponent of Title Douluo?
If in the heyday, with all the cards in the hole, coupled with the terrifying combat experience, you can indeed have the strength to fight.

Considering his current state, let alone defeating Snake Lance Douluo, even the chance of escaping is slim.

The sharp snake spear brushed against his cheek, and streams of blood flowed out.

"Although I can see through the opponent's next move, is my body unable to keep up?"

Han Xiao retreated steadily, but his heart was extremely calm.

The three dragons that have been released one after another for a long time, now Han Xiao has no strength to fight Snake Lance Douluo.

The other party was shameless and sent three Title Douluo to hunt and kill Han Xiao.

But there is no way, this is the way in this world where strength is respected.

"Han Xiao, although I, She Long Douluo, can torture those opponents who are about to die."

"However, in order to complete the task, I can only kill you directly."

A venomous look flashed in Snake Lance Douluo's eyes: "I have to admit your talent, but your decision was wrong."

"If I were you, no matter how much I hated Wuhundian, I would hide in the dark, like a little snake, constantly improving my strength, and I will bite him hard someday."

"But you, ignorant of the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, dare to challenge the authority of the Spirit Hall, then obediently die!"

As soon as the words fell, the spear in Snake Lance Douluo's hand burst into a green color, and then stabbed out.

Like a rattlesnake coming out of its hole to hunt, spitting out scarlet letters.

However, looking at She Long in front of him, Han Xiao frowned.

He always felt something was wrong.

If the opponent really wanted to kill him, why didn't he just use the ninth soul ability and talk so much nonsense?
Han Xiao retreated suddenly, but how could his current speed be faster than the spear in She Long's hand?

Seeing that the spear was about to stab Han Xiao's throat.

At this moment, a black shadow came from a distance at an almost indescribable speed.

Han Xiao only felt a hand wrapping him, and then the scene in front of him became blurred.

In the next second, he appeared a hundred meters away from She Long.

And right beside Han Xiao, stood a man in a black robe who looked like a ghost.

This person is none other than Ghost Douluo.

"Ghost, do you want to defect to the Spirit Hall?"

Piercing Blood Douluo didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin, who came out halfway, turned out to be Ghost Douluo who worked together.

Ghost Douluo ignored Snake Lance Douluo, and turned to look at Han Xiao: "His Royal Highness asked me to come, you did a good job."

Being able to say this, Han Xiao knew that Ghost Douluo had been secretly observing his battle with Jianglong Douluo from the very beginning.

After all, his martial soul is the best for hiding. If Han Xiao finds out, don't be a Titled Douluo.

"His Royal Highness asked me to bring you a sentence."

Ghost Douluo's voice was still sinister: "She said, time is running out, this is the last time I will help you."

"So, the last time she helped me, she gave me a title Douluo, didn't she?"


Ghost Douluo's gloomy voice was a little helpless, and he immediately raised the elder's waist card: "As you guessed, I am now homeless."

After saying these words, the elder badge in his hand suddenly shattered into pieces.

The corner of Han Xiao's mouth slowly curled up: "Come to me, I will give you a chief elder."

"Then, thank the suzerain."

Seeing the two singing together, She Long was dumbfounded.

"Ghost, are you crazy?" He directly reprimanded Ghost Douluo angrily, "Give up your position as the elder of the Wuhun Hall and go play house with a child."

"But I've been promoted." Ghost spread his hands, and he was a little cute: "Now I'm the chief elder."

These words made She Long choke and almost passed out.

Can a chief elder who is not a popular sect be compared with the elders of Wuhundian?

What's more, Ghost Douluo's martial soul is imprinted on the elder's order, how many people are there for this great honor?
"She Long, don't talk too much, let's see if your snake spear is sharper today or my ghost is faster."

Ghost Douluo smiled sinisterly, and took a step forward.

She Long's complexion was uncertain.

Although the relationship between the two is not considered close, they have worked together for many years. If they really fight, the strength of the two sides will naturally be comparable.

But with Ghost Douluo's ability, if he wants to escape with Han Xiao, even if he gives She Long two legs, he won't be able to catch up.

"Ghost, it was Bibi Dong's decision that you betrayed Spirit Hall."

Jianglong Douluo, who was recuperating at the side, asked suddenly.

"Stop talking nonsense, hit if you want to fight, and if you don't fight, I will leave with the suzerain."

Ghost Douluo sneered, but did not answer Jianglong Douluo's question.

But any fool knows that even if Ghost Douluo is more focused on Bibi Dong, he will never agree to his request.

The reason why Ghost Douluo is willing to Han Xiao is inseparable from the fact that he has witnessed Han Xiao's growth for so many years.

He believes that if Han Xiao is given a certain amount of time, he will definitely become the overlord.

Jianglong Douluo's face was so gloomy that water condensed, and his eyes scanned his surroundings.

Of the three titled Douluo, one was defeated by Qian Renxue, and he was seriously injured by Han Xiao, only She Long still had the ability to fight.

But only this Ghost Douluo who came out directly broke the plan.

"If you don't fight, we will leave."

Ghost Douluo smiled coldly.


She Long's complexion changed, of course he couldn't let Han Xiao go.

Once this hunting plan fails, with Han Xiao's intelligence, it will be a hundred times more difficult to kill him quietly.

"No way, She Long, you don't really think I want to fight you, do you?"

Ghost Douluo sneered, grabbed Han Xiao, turned into a black shadow, and disappeared in place.

He wasn't a fool, of course he knew that if there was a fight, the opponent would definitely drag Jianglong Douluo to heal his injuries.

At that time, the two Titled Douluo will attack, it will be very difficult to escape.


Seeing that the meat in his mouth just ran away, Jianglong Douluo, who has always been irritable, vented his anger in his heart.

How should I communicate with Qian Daoliu?

In order to ensure that hunting Han Xiao was safe, he also used his enshrining authority to mobilize two Title Douluo hidden in Tiandou City.

The three titled Douluo couldn't kill a little soul saint.

If this spreads, it will definitely be ridiculed by the people of the world.

"Six offerings, this is the end of the matter, I will take the young lady back first."

She Long carefully lifted Qian Renxue onto the approaching carriage.

"Hmph, She Long, the mission entrusted to you by the Great Priest is not just for you to protect his granddaughter."

Jianglong Douluo snorted coldly, and said angrily.

If it wasn't for Qian Renxue's hindrance, he could have killed Han Xiao.

Hearing this, She Long's expression turned cold: "Miss is human, you let her sneak into Tiandou since she was a child, and live a life of fear every day.

Now, do you want to deprive her of the rights she likes? ! "

It is true that She Long hates Han Xiao, but he is also very clear that during these days in Tiandou, Qian Renxue is only happy when she is with Han Xiao.

In his heart, Qian Renxue's happiness is more important than anything else.

"Her surname is Qian, this is the fate that the Qian family must bear!"

Jianglong Douluo's complexion was extremely ugly.

"I don't care about that."

She Long didn't give Jianglong Douluo any face at all, and directly drove the carriage away.


Jianglong Douluo had no choice but to vent his anger on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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