Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 326 345. Suspicion!

Chapter 326 345. Suspicion!
The ten soul bones were thrown on the ground by Han Xiao like trash.

Everyone was silent for a moment, completely dumbfounded.

Does Wuhun Hall have ten spirit bones?
They only know that in the highest level competition, Wuhundian only takes out three spirit bones as rewards.

Moreover, those three spirit bones were only taken out when the Wuhun team was extremely strong.

And to obtain these soul bones, there is only one requirement, good character and learning.

This is a soul bone.

"I want to ask, is this true?"

Someone asked weakly.

"Of course." Han Xiao smiled slightly: "As long as the student is good enough and achieves No.1 in all subjects, he can naturally get it."

"Besides, students who contribute to the school and the empire can also get a soul bone."

These conditions do not seem difficult.

But only Han Xiao knew that it was almost impossible to get the first place in all subjects.

You want a soul bone, and others also want a soul bone.

His purpose is to make this group of students involve.

As for the second method of obtaining spirit bones, make a contribution.

This contribution can be large or small, what kind of contribution can one obtain this soul bone?
Only Han Xiao has the final say.

"Don't worry, Canghui Academy is undergoing restructuring. Joining Canghui Academy, your children will only have a bright future."

"In addition to providing high-end teaching, our college is also able to ensure that students find a suitable sect or sect before graduation."

Han Xiao quoted the system of volunteering from the previous life.

At that time, the newly graduated students will join the fraternity association to provide a steady stream of fresh blood for the sect.

Under the protection of the Brotherhood, Nick's business empire and black market developed rapidly.

Han Xiao's industrial chain will completely complete self-production and self-sale.

"Han Guanjun, my child has no other requirements, but hopes to be like you."

"That's right, my kid also said that if you come to Canghui Academy, it's enough to be guided by you twice."

Han Xiao shined in the All-Soul Master Elite Competition, coupled with the spread effect of advertisements,
Now he is already the object of worship of young soul masters.

"Parents, rest assured, I, Han Xiao, promise that I will never hide anything."

Hearing this, everyone was satisfied.

After praising Han Xiao a few more words, they all dispersed.

For them, the future of their children is the most important thing.

"It's been checked."

Ye Zhiqiu came in a hurry: "They are all small colleges that are not popular, and they don't see others well."

Han Xiao nodded.

Big schools don't bother to use such low-level methods.

"What year?"

"The dean is in the office."

Led by Ye Zhiqiu, Han Xiao and Ghost Douluo came to Shi Nian's office.

Pushing open the door, he was found sitting on the seat.

I haven't seen him for such a long time. His hair is loose and his eyes are sunken.

"Brother Han, you are finally here!"

Seeing Han Xiao, Shi Nian's eyes burst into light.

"Dean Shi, let's get straight to the point."

Han Xiao remained expressionless, refusing meaningless flattery:
"During this time, I established a sect outside, can Canghui Academy belong to my sect?"

Every Dazong will have a college dedicated to cultivating disciples, which is also their foundation.

Shi Nian's pupils shrank.

Immediately wanted to change the subject: "As expected of Brother Han, he created a sect while talking and laughing, and I admire it all the time."

"I helped you drive away those troublesome parents, and I may have made a lot of promises."

Han Xiao sat down without authorization: "You can ask the teacher present."

The complexion of Shi Nian changed, and a bad premonition rose.

Under the narration of the teacher at the side, his complexion became more and more ugly.

This is to cut first and play later.

Han Xiao seemed to have made up his mind that he was unwilling to give up Canghui Academy.

So I made bold words to those parents.

At that time, if Han Xiao is really rejected, those parents will definitely turn Canghui Academy upside down if they don't see the promise fulfilled.

Cold sweat trickled down his temples.

Looking at the extremely calm young man in front of him.

I knew at the time that I couldn't play him.

If he really rejected Han Xiao, he might not even know how he died.

"Dean Shi doesn't have to be afraid, if he doesn't want me to contact other colleges."

Han Xiao smiled slightly: "I just want the teacher to brainwash the students and keep sending talents to my sect

That's all. "

"As for your position, none of that will change."

Han Xiao didn't have the time to teach and educate people.

After careful consideration, Shi Nian gritted his teeth: "Okay."

He knew it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Instead, there could be an opportunity.

It is an opportunity to really push Canghui College into the number one college.

"Then, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Han Xiao smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand.


In the evening, Lei's house.

Chen Mo and the others looked tense, standing in the lobby extremely stiffly.

On the seats were the three of Tai Tan, Bai He and Niu Gao.

After receiving Han Xiao's order, they gathered in Lei's house again.

"Titan, do you think the suzerain will really agree?"

The white crane looks worried and wears a silky white robe.

It seems that Han Xiao's funds are in place, and even the quality of clothes has been improved.

"Whether the suzerain agrees or not, we still have to speak."

Tai Tan let out a long sigh, and his expression was a bit troubled.

"Why can't you open your mouth?"

At this moment, Han Xiao led Ghost Douluo over.

"Sovereign; young master!"

Indicating that everyone does not need to be polite, Han Xiao sat in the main seat.

"Sect Master, this is..."

Looking at Ghost Douluo standing beside Han Xiao, everyone's expressions became dangerous.

Of course they knew Ghost Douluo's fierce reputation.

This right-hand man next to Bibi Dong appeared beside Han Xiao.

Does it mean...

Has Han Xiao returned to the Wuhun Palace? !
Thinking of this, everyone looked disappointed at Han Xiao's expression.

I thought he could lead everyone to break the rule of Wuhundian.

But never thought that Han Xiao would take the lead in joining the enemy.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Han Xiao took the fruit from Xue Qingwu and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Elder Ghost, let me introduce myself to everyone."

"Ghost Douluo, ghost."

Ghost Douluo is still unsmiling in front of outsiders, and every word is worth a thousand dollars.

"Of course we know Your Excellency. You are the right-hand man of His Highness the Pope."

Tai Tan snorted coldly, and went straight to the point: "Sect Master, can you explain why the loyal dog of the Wuhun Palace appears here."

Han Xiao stopped eating fruit and looked at the questioning crowd.

"Leave Wuhundian and submit to me, it's as simple as that."

Han Xiao still explained to everyone.

Unexpectedly, everyone in Titan didn't buy it:

"Sovereign, although the three of us are old, our brains can still change."

"He is Bibi Dong's most loyal dog, how could he leave Spirit Hall?"

"Could it be that the suzerain thinks we are fools?"

The atmosphere was frozen at this moment, and Han Xiao's expression turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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