Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 327 346. The Power of the Sovereign

Chapter 327 346. The Power of the Sovereign
There were bursts of coldness in the air.

Tai Tan also realized that he said something wrong and lowered his head.

His fiery straight temper is really annoying at times.

"Elder Tai Tan thinks that I, Han Xiao, are connected to the Spirit Hall?"

Han Xiao's voice was very calm, but in this calm, there was a storm.

Sweat dripped from Titan's brow.

"To be honest, before this, I was intercepted and killed by three titled Douluo from the Spirit Hall in the Star Dou Forest."

As soon as the words came out, everyone's face changed drastically, and they all stood up from their seats.

"If the subordinate neglects his duty, please ask the suzerain to punish him."

They didn't protect Han Xiao well, and they blamed him immensely.

"It's not your fault."

Han Xiao pressed his hands down, his face still expressionless.

"If Elder Ghost hadn't acted, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to see me now."

Hearing this sentence, everyone felt incredible.

Ghost Douluo even torn face with Wuhundian in order to help Han Xiao?
What is this operation.

"Employing people is not suspicious, and suspicious people are not. This is the purpose that I, Han Xiao, have always believed in."

"No matter what enmity there was before, everyone is now under the brotherhood, and it is what we have to do to carry forward the brotherhood."

"If it's because of those old things, I, Han Xiao, can't afford this kind of person."

Tai Tan lowered his head, his face was ugly.

The remaining two were also silent, not saying a word.

They all received assistance from Han Xiao, and they knew that this young suzerain would definitely be able to create a piece of the world.

Moreover, they could clearly feel that Han Xiao was a lot stronger in this meeting.

That terrifying aura was even comparable to theirs.

"Please punish the suzerain."

As soon as Tai Tan gritted his teeth, he was about to kneel down.

However, Han Xiao's speed was extremely fast, and he appeared in front of Tai Tan in an instant, grabbing his wrist.

"My brotherhood doesn't have the rule of kneeling."

As he spoke, he took Tai Tan up with one hand.

There was an irrepressible shock in the latter's eyes.

When Han Xiao was on his wrist, Tai Tan could feel an extremely powerful soul force pulling him up.

Will I still be this boy's opponent?

Looking at Han Xiao, whose face was watery, Tai Tan was shocked.

He is a Contra whose limit is close to that of a Titled Douluo.

It's like this, he doesn't even have the confidence to defeat Han Xiao.

"Elder Titan, are you still seated?"

Han Xiao saw that Titan was still standing there.

"it is good."

Only then did Tai Tan react and quickly settled down.

This matter came to an end, and everyone accepted Ghost Douluo.

"By the way, you just said, what is difficult to say?"

Han Xiao propped his face with one hand and asked casually.

After hesitating for a moment, Tai Tan gritted his teeth and said, "It's Yang Wudi, he wants to lead the Pozhi clan into the sect."

As early as a week ago, Yang Wudi had approached Tai Tan and told about this matter.

Nowadays, no sect dares to accept the Po Zhi Clan.

Even Ning Fengzhi declined Yang Wudi politely.

The reason is also very simple, because of the death of Yang Wudi's younger brother, the Po Zhi Clan massacred members of the Spirit Hall.

Although this matter was suppressed by the Clear Sky School, the Po Zhi Clan was kicked out of the Clear Sky School because of this.

But everyone knows that Wuhundian will not forget.

Sooner or later, they will bloodbath the clan.

Helpless, Yang Wudi had no choice but to count on Han Xiao who had promised 3000 million gold soul coins.

"What do you guys think?"

Han Xiao scanned the crowd slowly and asked casually.

"It's all up to the suzerain."

The three elders did not hesitate at all, and pushed it to Han Xiao again.

"Then let's see each other first."

Han Xiao looked at Titan.

"I'm bringing him in right now."

After a while, Yang Wudi who had been waiting outside the mansion was led in by Tai Tan.

He looked a little haggard, as if he had been affected.

"Sect Master Yang, long time no see."

Han Xiao smiled slightly.

Yang Wudi responded with a hard smile from the corner of his mouth, and immediately said:
"Brother Han, I wonder if the terms we talked about before count?"

For the first time, Han Xiao planned to give Yang Wudi 3000 million gold soul coins, but was rejected by the other party.

The second time, Han Xiao only gave 1000 million golden wedding coins, which was considered a humiliating offer, and he slammed the door out.

But now, Yang Wudi only hopes that Han Xiao can give him 1000 million relocation expenses.

Because he understands that only by uniting with the other three major families can he have a chance to survive.

"Conditions, what conditions?"

Han Xiao was confused and asked.

Yang Wudi coughed: "Brother Han once promised me that if you give my clan 1000 million gold soul coins, my broken clan will belong to Brother Han."

"Why don't I remember this deal?"

Han Xiao's words sent chills down Yang Wudi's back.

"Did I say that?"

Han Xiao looked at Zhou Tong who was on the side.

"Report to suzerain, you didn't say that."

Zhou Tong was decisive.


Yang Wudi's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

"Sect Master Yang, maybe I really said this before, but that is also in the past.

The price of pork is changing every day, not to mention such a big thing as sect affiliation, are you right? "

Han Xiao's explanation was watertight and impeccable.

Reluctant to come at first, now regret it?
Go dream.

It is this kind of person that Han Xiao will not get used to.

"Then how can Sovereign Han let my Broken Clan join?"

Yang Wudi looked embarrassed, but he still asked.

At this time, although he had 1 regrets in his heart.

But I also know that there is nothing I can do.

If there is a way, he will never come to Han Xiao.

"The Broken Clan is good at herbalism, I only have one condition."

"After moving into the sect, the Po clan must donate all the prescriptions for the disciples of Canghui Academy to learn from Wuchang.

At the same time, three teachers who are proficient in herbology must also be sent to Canghui Academy to teach. "


Without even thinking about it, Yang Wudi directly refused.

What a joke!
The Pozhi Clan's development to the present is all due to this single-handed medicine.

If the prescription is spread, wouldn't it be the same as breaking their foundation?

"Come on, see off!"

Han Xiao raised his hand without any hesitation.

Yang Wudi gritted his teeth: "Brother Han, can we discuss it again?"

With a loud noise, the wooden table was shattered into powder by Han Xiao.

A killing intent gradually appeared on his face.

"Yang Wudi, I let you enter Lei's house because of the old relationship between you and the elder of my sect.

I gave you chances several times, but you rejected them all. Do you think my fraternity really wants you as a hot potato now? ! "

Han Xiao's patience has reached its limit.

He has been a human being in two lives, and he has never seen such a grumpy person.

"Sect Master Han, we really can't give you the prescription."

Yang Wudi's voice trembled a little.

"Then tell me, what's the use of your sect!"

Han Xiao drank coldly.

"The three major sects have all contributed the core technologies they have mastered."

"Only you, the layout is so small, it's ridiculous!"

"My fraternity will never raise idlers!"

(End of this chapter)

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