Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 328 347. Han Xiao VS Yang Wudi!

Chapter 328 347. Han Xiao VS Yang Wudi!
Yang Wudi took a deep breath, his fists trembling uncontrollably.

Maybe it was just like what Han Xiao said, he was too aggressive.

Twice, Han Xiao made two very sincere offers for Yang Wudi.

As for myself, I rejected it because of my headstrong personality.

"I can understand your pain."

Han Xiao looked at Yang Wudi blankly.

In fact, Yang Wudi was so vacillating, he could understand.

When he was in Haotianzong, he paid too much for the sect.

His son and younger brother were killed by the Spirit Hall, Haotianzong didn't say anything about it, and even hoped that Yang Wudi would calm down.

Being so useless made him hate Haotianzong.

Seeing that the enemy who killed his brother and son was at large, he was unable to avenge him.

This kind of pain made Yang Wudi disheartened, so he huddled in the small city of Star Luo Empire and became a drug dealer.

Hearing this, the eighty-year-old man lost control of his emotions, his eyes were red, and his chest heaved violently.

For so many years, no one has ever said this sentence.

Even if Haotianzong apologized to him, he wouldn't be like this.


Bai He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes.

In this farce, it is impossible to tell right from wrong.

"But that's not a reason for me to give you unlimited opportunities."

Han Xiao said, "How about we make a bet?"

Yang Wudi calmed down and asked, "How do you bet?"

"You and I fight, if you lose, you are willing to join the brotherhood; if I lose, you can follow the first deal, and you don't have to contribute medicine to the brotherhood."

As soon as the words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

"The suzerain can't!"

Titan White Crane Niugao said at the same time.

After getting along for many years, they knew Yang Wudi's strength.

Although he looks like a Contra, he is the most powerful of the four clans.

The ultimate attack attribute and the soul-breaking gun are not weak even in the face of Title Douluo.

"Sovereign, if you want to fight, let me go."

Ghost Douluo's voice was gloomy.

Han Xiao raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

Afterwards, he looked at Yang Wudi: "Can you agree?"

Han Xiao knew that with Yang Wudi's self-willed personality, if he didn't convince him, even if he joined the brotherhood, everyone would not have the same heart.

"It's true."

Even Yang Wudi looked at Han Xiao strangely.

He also didn't understand the decision Han Xiao made.


Han Xiao's face remained unchanged, he got up and walked towards the backyard.

"If you agree, come on, just let everyone here be a witness."

In the backyard of Lei's house, there is an extremely open space.

The two confronted each other, and the rest stood in the distance.

"Elder Ghost, if any problem arises, you and Bai He must rush forward."

Tai Tan looked at the two people who were at war with each other, with a worried expression.

"Don't worry, everyone, I will never let Boy Han die under my nose."

Ghost Douluo said in a deep and solemn voice.

On the other side, Bai He also nodded heavily.

Although Han Xiao has broken through to Soul Sage, everyone still doesn't believe that he will be Yang Wudi's opponent.

"Sect Master Han, I, Yang Wudi, never like to bully the small with the big. I admire your talent and ability. We can discuss this matter again."

Yang Wudi was a little hesitant, regardless of winning or losing, he would join the brotherhood.

If you really broke Han Xiao, how should we meet in the future?

Han Xiao shook his head, and said slowly: "Sect Master Yang, this is my final bottom line, let's fight with all your strength."

He understood that if he wanted to make Yang Wudi submit to him willingly, he had to defeat him.

"it is good!"

Yang Wudi was full of energy, flipped his wrist, and the Soul Breaking Gun appeared in his hand.

He sank down, pointed his spear at Han Xiao, his gaze was as sharp as a falcon: "Then Yang will not be polite."

As soon as the words fell, Yang Wudi moved.

He came straight to Huanglong with one hand, his steps were solid, each step was deeply rooted in the ground, the soul-breaking gun was in his hand, as if he had been endowed with a soul.

This shot was so oppressive that Han Xiao had to dodge it.

As expected of the ultimate offensive spirit, the best offense is defense.

After missing a single shot, Yang Wudi returned to the nest with a stretched figure like a wild goose, and once again stabbed several times.

The soul-breaking gun was swayed by the sound of his dance, and the gun seemed to be transformed into countless clones, each time it was poked out, it became more fierce and fierce.

Han Xiao dodged one after another.

He couldn't help but marvel in his heart, this Yang Wudi's marksmanship not only grasped the momentum of breaking the army, it was even more exquisite than Jianglong Douluo's stick technique.

This series of punctures was like an eight-level gust of wind, making Han Xiao breathless.

"In this case, let's see whose weapon is sharper."

A flash of fighting intent flashed in Han Xiao's eyes, and Taotie and Yuchang appeared in his hand at the same time.

Then, in his eyes, Yang Wudi's movements became slower and slower.

Han Xiao slashed sharply with his double blades, and even caught the tip of the spear that was sent.

For the first time, the martial souls of the two began to strengthen their feet.

Yang Wudi's complexion changed, his forearm and forearm, he shook the gun violently, knocking out the double blades, and retreated step by step.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Han Xiao's clamp not only clamped the soul-breaking gun, but also blocked Yang Wudi's next attack.

It's Han Xiao's turn.

He holds double blades in a figure-eight shape, presses every step, sweeps and cuts, and thrusts forward.

In his hands, the double blades seemed to be dancing butterflies, but the direction the butterflies went was Yang Wudi's vital points.

This move is exactly the Eight Cutting Sword that Han Xiao learned in his previous life.

There is a similarity between the soul-breaking gun and the soul-breaking gun. Both of them abandon defense and only focus on offense.

The two sides went back and forth, hand-to-hand combat, all of which were the purest weapon collisions, and everyone outside the arena was hooked.

"Yang Wudi gave up soul skills in his later years and specialized in spear skills. If he called himself the second in weapon fighting, no one would dare to call him the number one."

Bai He fixed his eyes on the two people in the battle, and sighed sincerely:
"The suzerain's double thorns are evenly matched. I, Baihe, admire it."

You must know that Yang Wudi is a pure aggressive soul master, all soul rings are only attached with a single attribute, in order to achieve this, the soul rings obtained each time are produced from the same kind of soul beast.

It is precisely because of this reason that his dependence on soul skills is much smaller.

And Han Xiao chose to fight against his advantage, obviously giving him a hand.

Yang Wudi also noticed Han Xiao's exertion, and became angry from his heart.

However, this fire can only be burned on himself. He tried to distance the two of them several times, but Han Xiao was like a dog's skin plaster, and he was dead on his body.

"The first soul skill, shock!"

In desperation, Yang Wudi had no choice but to release the soul skill first.

A burst of explosive energy suddenly burst out from his body, and the soul-breaking gun in his hand was vibrating and neighing extremely fast.

The powerful soul force made Han Xiao keep retreating, his hands numb.

Yang Wudi, who got the space, the second soul ring, the third soul ring, and the fifth soul ring burst out at the same time.

These three soul skills all have abnormal boosting abilities.

(End of this chapter)

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