Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 329 348. Han Xiao, the Rich and Enemy Country!

Chapter 329 348. Han Xiao, the Rich and Enemy Country!
"No face!"

Seeing that under the blessing of soul skills, the soul-breaking gun in his hand became more and more terrifying, Niu Gao reprimanded.

Bai He and Ghost Douluo did not speak, their spirits were tense.

They knew that the battle between the two had entered the most critical period.

Yang Wudi planned to use this blow to decide the winner. Once Han Xiao was in danger, the two would rush forward in an instant.

"Eat my shot!"

He shouted loudly, with the spear in his hand mixed with the momentum of breaking the army, he rushed towards Han Xiao.

One shot kills all methods!

Han Xiao felt that this shot had surpassed some Title Douluo.

However, just when the gun was about to hit Han Xiao, the aura cloak suddenly appeared from the gun, wrapping the tip of the gun tightly.


Yang Wudi's face changed drastically.

The tip of the gun was wrapped, and the gun lost momentum.

Han Xiao leaned towards Yang Wudi's arms, letting go of the spear point.

When Yang Wudi saw this, he didn't care about the shock and turned around quickly.

But who would have thought that Han Xiao instantly stepped on the foot he wanted to raise, and then kicked Yang Wudi's hand.

With a loud bang, the soul-breaking gun fell to the ground.

Yang Wudi leaned over to take the gun, but Han Xiao smiled coldly:
"Give you!"

With a slight tap of his toe, the Soul Breaking Spear turned and flew towards Yang Wudi's chest.

At this time, Yang Wudi's movement happened to meet the Soul Breaking Spear, no matter how experienced he was, he panicked.

In desperation, he had to grab the gun sideways.

However, Han Xiao's double blades were already on Yang Wudi's neck.

The audience was silent.

Yang Wudi had already grasped the soul-breaking gun tightly, and wanted to exert more force, but the coldness on his neck told him,
If Han Xiao hadn't kept his hand, he would have died.

"I lost."

Yang Wudi closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

In this battle, he lost completely.

From beginning to end, Han Xiao didn't even release his soul skills.

It's not that Han Xiao is too strong, but that he just restrained Yang Wudi.

Attacking with all your strength, without relying on soul skills, was exactly what Han Xiao wanted.

Coupled with the abnormal parasitic ability of Lingguang Cloak, it directly blocked Yang Wudi's full blow.


Yang Wudi knelt down on the ground, convinced: "I, Yang Wudi, see the suzerain!"

This battle completely convinced him.

Recalling this battle, he admired Han Xiao's fighting skills.

The young man sensed his characteristic of fighting more and more bravely, and interrupted him several times when his fighting spirit was at its peak.

How many people can have this kind of terrifying observation ability, even if they are Titled Douluo?

Han Xiao helped Yang Wudi up, "Patriarch Yang, it doesn't have to be like this."

"As I said, the fraternity doesn't have these rituals of kneeling."

Yang Wudi got up and looked at Han Xiao with admiration.

"Sect Master Han, I will return to the clan right away and move the people here."

"No need."

Han Xiao raised his hand, "Now that the four clans are gathering, I have something important to discuss with you."

Inside the mansion, Han Xiao looked at everyone.

Now the strongest forces of the Brotherhood are gathered here, level 95 titled Douluo Guigui, level 82 Contra Yang Wudi, level 86 Contra Titan, level 81 Contra Baihe, and level 84 Contra Niu Gao.

Among them, under Yang Wudi's full strength, his strength is close to that of Titled Douluo.

This kind of configuration has completely surpassed the former Blue Electric Overlord Sect.

If he really started a war with the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect back then, his strength would not even be weaker than him.

You must know that the four major clans all have extreme characteristics. If these abilities can be used together, it will definitely have the effect of one plus one greater than two.

But Han Xiao understood that it was still impossible to fight against the mighty Spirit Hall.

Not long after, Nick and Xiao Qinglong, who had received Han Xiao's letter, also rushed over.

So far, all the characters in Han Xiao's industrial chain have been assembled.

"Baihe, the Minzhi Clan is in charge of handing over the dark net with Xiao Qinglong's subordinates, and is responsible for collecting intelligence."

Although the scouts under Xiao Qinglong's scouting skills over the years are not bad, they are extremely difficult to manage because of the mixed spirit masters and the fact that most of these soul masters are local hooligans.

Once Baihe is allowed to intervene and these people are managed and trained in a unified manner, the speed of inquiring about news will be qualitatively improved.


The two said in unison.

"Yang Wudi, Tai Tan, the two of you handed over to Nick, and infiltrated medicine and casting into the streets and alleys of the Heaven Dou Empire."

No matter what age, drugs are always huge profits, and Han Xiao intends to use this method to control the economic lifeline of the Heaven Dou Empire.


The three answered in unison.

"In the end, Niu Gao is fully responsible for the construction of the sect, and if he lacks money, he will directly report to Nick."

During this time, Niu Gao has already built the prototype of the sect.

"All the young soul masters in the sect will be sent to Canghui Academy to study."

Han Xiao continued.

"Nick, how's your revenue lately?"

Han Xiao looked at Nick and asked.

The business empire is the foundation of the Brotherhood.

Without the support of a strong gold dollar, this force would not have been able to be established.

"Reporting to suzerain, now we have infiltrated the food, clothing, housing and transportation industries in all regions of the Heaven Dou Empire."

"The Star Luo Empire is controlled by the White Tiger Douluo, and the management is extremely strict. We have only infiltrated its border areas now."

"In the past few months, the average monthly revenue has been 8000 million gold soul coins."

8000 gold soul coins!

Everyone took a deep breath.

Sure enough, most people's money is still the best earned.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect has harvested the golden soul coins of soul masters and rich men, and in a few years has become incomparably rich.

Han Xiao, on the other hand, targeted the market at civilians, and his monthly income was comparable to that of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

What's even more frightening is that this income is still growing.

Once the Star Luo Empire is completely infiltrated, Han Xiao will become the richest person in the whole continent by then.

However, he was not very excited, and nodded as if everything was expected.

Afterwards, Han Xiao turned his head to look at Xiao Qinglong: "How is the matter of asking you to collect soul bones?"

Xiao Qinglong chuckled, grabbed the soul guide on his waist and shook it.

All of a sudden, four or five spirit bones fell to the ground.

"Master, these five soul bones cost a total of 8000 million gold soul coins."

Han Xiao glanced at the soul bone and nodded.

8000 million, five soul bones, this price is not particularly high.

These soul bones, at worst, are only a thousand years old.

"Good job."

After receiving the soul bones handed over by Xiao Qinglong, Han Xiao picked out four of them.

"These four pieces, you take back from each clan as a reward."

Seeing that Han Xiao picked out four pieces casually, everyone's eyes were straightened.

No sect would randomly use soul bones as prizes.

"Sect Master, our broken clan doesn't need soul bones."

Yang Wudi stood up first.

"My Li, Min, and Yu clan don't need it either."

The four patriarchs stood up together and looked directly at Han Xiao.

"Please leave the soul bone to yourself, suzerain!"

(End of this chapter)

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