Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 336 355. Han Xiao Arrives!

Chapter 336 355. Han Xiao Arrives!
Time goes back to 30 years ago.

At that time, it was the full-scale war between Wuhundian and Haotianzong.

In order to allow soul masters to continuously enter the battlefield, Wuhundian set up a wartime training team.

And Chen Mo is a student in the team.

His grades were extremely good, and he even disabled the students in mock battles.

The lion dance has a strong reputation and once became a key student cultivated by the tutors.

However, after being on the battlefield once, Chen Mo seemed to be a different person.

He became silent and timid, and it was after that time that his personality changed drastically and he refused to participate in the war again.

No one knows what happened on the battlefield that day.

And the story that follows is the battle of the century between Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen.

The strong man looked at Chen Mo who was walking towards him step by step, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

In that simulated battle, he was watching from the stands, watching Chen Mo tear the arm of a soul master.

At that time, Chen Mo showed such eyes.

Like a waking lion, the king of beasts.

"Don't panic, he's only one person!"

The strong man retreated subconsciously, yelling to embolden himself.

Chen Mo's aura was too strong, it made them forget to attack for a while.

He swung his fist violently, and the lion on the fist opened his eyes and let out a roar that shook the sky.

The raging flames exploded in the air, and the billowing heat made it impossible for them to open their eyes.

"kill him!"

The strong man showed a ferocious face.

Seven people, like seven hungry wolves, pounced on Chen Mo at the same time, trying to eat him.

And Chen Mo, like that ferocious lion, was covered in bruises and his eyes were fierce.

"The eighth soul skill, Lion Awakening in the Prison of Fire!"

Chen Mo shouted angrily, and the flames all over his body quickly condensed, forming a lion made of flames.

At this moment, that terrifying power even briefly reached the realm of Titled Douluo, suffocating the seven of them.

The strong man saw the lion pounced on him, and was about to turn around and run away.

However, a hand suddenly appeared and grabbed his arm.

The raging flames spread instantly.

The frost on the strong man's hand melted instantly, and under the burning of the flame, he felt that his bones seemed to become soft.

"Madman, he wants to trade his life for his life!"

Seeing Chen Mo's self-mutilation attack, the strong man was terrified.

The raging flames fluctuated violently like a turbulent river.


The strong man only felt that at this moment, his arm lost consciousness.

"Kill him, kill him quickly!!!"

The brawny man was like crazy, screaming in fear.

Countless fatal attacks hit Chen Mo, but his expression did not change at all.

The terrifying flames gradually spread on the strong man's body.

If this continues, his body will be burned through.

A flash of determination flashed in the strong man's eyes, and he grabbed the burning arm with one hand.

Immediately, forcefully.

Drenched with blood, exposing thick bones.

He staggered two steps and fell to the ground.

And the sleeve was empty inside, and Chen Mo was still holding his right arm tightly in his hand.

Chen Mo didn't move, still clutching that arm.

And his body was already covered in cuts and bruises.

"Dead, dead?"

The strong man didn't dare to get closer, and asked cautiously.

Everyone stopped and continued to attack, looking at Chen Mo who was like a sculpture with vigilance.

They seem to have forgotten that there is only one person in Chen Mo.

"Catch people first, don't forget that there is another person hiding in the dark."

Everyone did not forget Zhou Tong who was still hiding in the dark.

"Do not worry."

The female soul master opened the vines, revealing the unconscious Xiao Wu hidden in the tree.

"The soul beast is still there."

The strong man nodded and looked around.

Xue Qingwu had disappeared, leaving only Chen Mo who was still standing there.

The strong man stood up and staggered towards Chen Mo.

His hands were still trembling uncontrollably.

"Look at the appearance of that trash of yours, no matter how strong you are, you still lose in front of me?"

The strong man sneered, and raised his hand to slap Chen Mo's burnt face.

Suddenly, the keen sixth sense tingled.

The whistling sound of piercing the air hit from a distance, and he turned his head almost subconsciously.

In the next second, a flying sword brushed against the side of his face.

It's dangerous, if you take another step slower, you will die.

"Is the reinforcements coming?"

The strong man smiled coldly: "That's all."

However, when he saw the shocked look of his teammates behind him, he frowned.

"Captain, watch out!"


He turned his head slowly and looked behind him.

I saw that dagger turned around in the air, turned around and rushed towards him again.

The speed has skyrocketed several times.

How can it be? !
The strong man looked puzzled.

He couldn't figure out how this straight flying sword could do it.

Maybe, he didn't have time to think about it.

The sword stuck straight into his neck, and the sticky blood wet his clothes.

"Cough cough!"

He tried to say something, but found he could only cough up blood.

Then, his body softened and he knelt down in front of Chen Mo.

The audience was eerily silent!
Where this flying sword came from, no one knows.

Two figures descended from the sky and appeared in front of Chen Mo.

"Save people first."

Han Xiao was expressionless, and squinted at Chen Mo behind him.


After taking the nine-petal Jingxin lotus handed over by Han Xiao, Ghost Douluo stuffed it into Chen Mo's mouth.

"Sect Master, I can't swallow it!"

Ghost Douluo was a little anxious.

No matter how he stuffed it, Chen Mo didn't respond at all.

"Don't worry."

Han Xiao turned his head and looked at Chen Mo.

Then, stars burst out from his eyes.

Back in time!

Blood swirled in the eye sockets.

However, Han Xiao's expression did not change at all.

Until, Chen Mo's face began to turn rosy, and he subconsciously swallowed the lotus petals.

Seeing this scene, Ghost Douluo heaved a sigh of relief.

You must know that when a person is dying, he can swallow subconsciously.

If it cannot be swallowed, it means that it will die in the next second.

When he saw Chen Mo swallowing the petals unconsciously, even Ghost Douluo felt that he had no chance.

However, to everyone's surprise, Han Xiao was actually able to snatch Chen Mo from Death.

"Where's Xiao Wu?"

Han Xiao turned his head to look at the air beside him, and there was no emotion in his tone.

I just saw circles of vortices appeared in that space, and then Zhou Tong walked out holding the unconscious Xue Qingwu.

With grief on his face, he knelt on the ground: "Master, Zhou Tong is willing to accept the punishment!"

"Xiao Wu is inside the vine created by that woman."

"I see."

Han Xiao nodded, pulled out the fish intestines stuck in the strong man's neck, and flicked it casually.

The green weeds were rendered red.

There was nothing stained on the dagger.

Half of Han Xiao's expressionless face was covered in bright red blood, like a **** of hell.

He moved.

In the next second, he appeared behind the nearest soul master.

The soul master looked flustered, and stretched out his hand to block the Taotie falling from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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