Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 337 356. Han Xiao VS Ju Douluo!

Chapter 337 356. Han Xiao VS Ju Douluo!
However, Han Xiao turned his wrist, held the dagger upright, and swung it diagonally towards the Soul Sage.

This sudden change of move made him lose his balance.

And the fish intestines in Han Xiao's other hand pierced the heart.

Blood poured out, Han Xiao pulled out the fish intestines, and his figure disappeared.

The soul sage didn't have any power to resist, and fell to the ground in just ten seconds.

Before everyone could breathe, Han Xiao's figure disappeared again.

"Retreat quickly, go find Elder Ju!"

The female soul master's complexion changed, and she screamed.

"No one can leave."

Han Xiao's figure suddenly appeared, appearing between the two soul masters.

After that, he drew out his dagger and closed his move.

The two soul masters fell to the ground without even the slightest resistance.

Han Xiao's eyes were red with murderous intent.

Under the killing god domain, the strength of these soul masters has been greatly weakened.

"You two, come and cover me!"

In less than 5 minutes, only three of the original seven-member team remained.

In order to take Xiao Wu away, someone must show up for Wuhundian.

The vines seem to want to burrow quickly into the ground.

Han Xiao glanced lightly and just stomped his feet.

In an instant, countless stones rose from the ground.

The female soul master's complexion changed drastically, with a look of disbelief.

After absorbing the son of the earth soul ring, Han Xiao also got his earth affinity.


Looking at the two soul masters rushing towards him, Han Xiao just held Taotie across his chest.

Afterwards, the fifth spirit ring and the sixth spirit ring lighted up at the same time.

The fear of death permeated the hearts of both of them.

They stood there in a daze, and at some point a hideous wound appeared on their necks.

Han Xiao raised his footsteps and walked between the two.

From beginning to end, there was no expression on his face.

" will kill her if you get close to me!"

The female soul master wrapped the vine around Xiao Wu's neck.

She didn't dare to look at Han Xiao's eyes.

"Did you kill it?"

The corner of Han Xiao's mouth slowly curled up.

At some point, a figure suddenly appeared behind the female soul master.

Sensing danger, she turned her head slowly.

But I saw Han Xiao, who was like a god of death, and the dagger that had already arrived in front of him.

The entire team was completely wiped out by Han Xiao in just 10 minutes.

Han Xiao wiped the double blades and walked in front of everyone.

"At the moment of life and death, there is nothing wrong with reducing the number of deaths to a minimum."

Han Xiao turned to look at Chen Mo.

The latter's complexion has turned rosy, and he is gradually breathing.

"You take everyone back first."

Zhou Tong nodded, and immediately realized something was wrong: "Master, what about you?"

Han Xiao looked at Ghost Douluo, and said slowly: "Let's meet Ju Douluo."


Ghost Douluo's expression was a bit complicated.

The battle with Sibling Brothers has finally arrived ahead of schedule.


Ju Douluo, Yan, and Xie Yue quickly shuttled through the forest.

They looked a little nervous, they had just come out from the depths of the Star Dou Forest.

There, the large army was still fighting fiercely with the titan great ape and the azure bull python.

"Elder Ju, there should be nothing wrong there."

Yan's voice was low and confident.

After receiving the letter from the strong man, they rushed over quickly.

The purpose is to ensure that this plan is foolproof.

"If something goes wrong, will you be responsible?"

Elder Ju frowned, for some reason he had a bad premonition.

Then Han Xiao is too evil, and it is necessary to prevent all possible occurrences.

Yan was choked, but did not speak.

"I don't know how Nana is doing now."

Xie Yue frowned.

"The reason why His Highness the Pope asked her to go to the capital of killing is naturally sure."

Chrysanthemum Douluo's voice was soft and cold: "What's more, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight, and this is also her choice."

Yan sighed.

Since the battle with Han Xiao, Hu Liena has become more haggard and depressed.

She voluntarily found Bibi Dong and wanted to enter the killing capital.

So far, more than a year has passed.


Ju Douluo said coldly.

For some reason, he always felt something was wrong while walking.

This kind of strangeness comes from Title Douluo's perception.

What made Ju Douluo strange was that the strong man didn't reply to him again.

It stands to reason that a lineup of one Soul Douluo and six Soul Saints can definitely deal with Chen Mo and the others.

But why is there no movement in front, not even the sound of fighting.

Is it over?

They agreed that a signal flare would be fired after Xiao Wu was captured.

Suddenly, a black figure appeared from the lush jungle on both sides.

This figure was extremely fast, and rushed straight to Yan who was supported by Santo at the end.


Chrysanthemum Douluo shrank his pupils, and threw out a chrysanthemum without any hesitation.

The chrysanthemum seemed to be flying slowly in the air, but it floated in front of Yan in the blink of an eye.

The black shadow collided with the chrysanthemum, and violent fluctuations spread around.

"Old ghost!"

Even if he didn't need to look, Ju Douluo knew exactly who this sudden shadow was.

Ghost Douluo stood still, looking straight at Ju Douluo: "Yueguan, I never thought you and I would meet in this capacity."

"Elder Ghost, why did you appear here?"

Yan and Xie Yue looked happy, and they were about to walk towards Ghost Douluo.

"Come back!" Ju Douluo screamed: "A group of idiots, can't you see that he doesn't belong to the Spirit Hall anymore!"

Yan's complexion changed, he still remembered that Ghost Douluo had attacked him just now, if Ju Douluo hadn't attacked him, he might have died.

"Old ghost, now we are in charge of our own affairs, and I will not hold back from you."

Ju Douluo took a step forward, his voice was cold.

"Yueguan, that's what I want to say." Ghost Douluo stared at Yueguan, "It's just that this time your opponent is not me."

Hearing this, Yueguan's expression changed.

Who else could that be?
As if realizing something, he suddenly raised his head.

Han Xiao, who was wearing a cloak of spiritual light, descended from the sky, stabbing Ju Douluo with his double blades.

A chrysanthemum bloomed instantly on top of Yue Guan's head, blocking the blow.

"I didn't expect you to take the initiative to deliver it to your door."

The corner of Yue Guan's mouth curled into a sinister smile.

Afterwards, the chrysanthemum on the top of the head exploded, turning into countless sharp petals, and blasting away in all directions.

These seemingly beautiful petals instantly leveled the surrounding forest.

And Han Xiao was expressionless, and wrapped the aura cloak around his body.

When these petals touched the cloak, they were instantly bounced off.

"Who gave you the courage to want to be my opponent?"

Yue Guan smiled coldly, and waved two pairs of slender, pale hands in the air.

Those petals instantly condensed into a blooming chrysanthemum.

Afterwards, countless flowers split and exploded all over Han Xiao.

Obviously, from the very beginning, Ju Douluo did not intend to leave Han Xiao a way out.

Although Bibi Dong had warned him not to touch Han Xiao.

But he was the first to sneak attack Ju Douluo.

He had a fair reason to kill him.

These chrysanthemums surrounded Han Xiao in the center, and the soul power generated by the instant explosion made Yan and Xueyue almost suffocate.

A huge puff of smoke lifted into the sky, and everyone dared not look away, staring at the center of the smoke.

Han Xiao had nowhere to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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