Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 339 358. Sending You On Your Way!

Chapter 339 358. Sending You On Your Way!

"I mean, is it possible that this is the ninth soul ability of a senior Title Douluo?"

"Are you kidding? You've never seen a Titled Douluo at first glance. Rao, those seniors couldn't have created the vision of heaven and earth, right?"

It was indeed as the soul master said.

In the Douluo Continent, even the titled Douluo couldn't break the universe and turn the sun and the moon upside down.

The reason why Han Xiao was able to cause the vision of heaven and earth was because the infinite wind blade he swung out and the three thousand miles of rolling blade formed a hedge.

Finally, guide the heaven and the earth and create visions.

If it would be dark if he waved his hand, Qian Daoliu might have already built his own coffin.

At this time, the priceless golden thread Uesugi on Ju Douluo's body was broken into pieces.

The white and tender skin like a woman is exposed to the air.

His long hair is disheveled, and the huge chrysanthemum on his body has faded.

No one could have imagined that a titled Douluo could be forced into such a mess by a soul saint.

"Han Xiao, His Excellency the Pope will definitely remember what you did today, and wait until the Hall of Spirits destroys you!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo was still provocative.

In his eyes, Han Xiao has become a dead person.

Han Xiao smiled coldly: "Really?"

He stepped on the seven stars, he was as fast as lightning, he stepped on the feathers, and stood in mid-air.

Afterwards, the phantom of Cangxuan Xiaotianying appeared behind Han Xiao.

"This trick is for those who were killed by you!"

Han Xiao shouted angrily, and the whirlwind under his feet turned into silver feathers.

He pointed to the sky.

Countless feathers cover the sky.

"Look at it!"

Outside the Star Dou Great Forest, no one dared to step into the Star Dou Great Forest.

Their eyes stared blankly at the sky.

At this moment, the sky was rendered silver, making it impossible for people to open their eyes for a while.

Those silvery-white feathers fell from the sky, and Ju Douluo, who was crazily fleeing together.

At this moment, Ju Douluo could no longer maintain his composure.

He felt the threat of death.

"The ninth soul skill, the chrysanthemum is broken, the ground is full of wounds, and the flowers are heartbroken!"

Very long soul curse.

If Ju Douluo read more slowly, he might have been shot into a sieve.

The chrysanthemum in his hand swelled several times.

Then, start spinning.

The speed of rotation became faster and faster until it became a golden storm.

Under the gust of wind, the mist emitted covered the entire valley with a golden veil.

The dense feathers were involved in the golden vortex, and at this moment the two released their strongest killing moves at the same time.

Chrysanthemum Douluo's soul power was exhausted, and his already feminine and fair complexion became even paler.

The soul power confrontation between the two sides produced a violent shock.

Feeling the surrounding momentum gradually subside, Ju Douluo let out a long breath.

It seemed that this move was blocked by himself.

However, when he looked at Han Xiao, he saw an inexplicable arc on the corner of the other's mouth.

"what happened?!"

A bad premonition spread in my heart.

Suddenly, there was a stabbing pain in the arm.

He quickly lowered his head, only to find that at some point, there were three silver feathers stuck on his right arm.

And the whole arm was also turning purple at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Ju Douluo was shocked.

"Take your arm first, save your dog's life and take it later."

Although these three feathers could not cause fatal damage, Han Xiao cleverly sealed several fatal parts.

If Ju Douluo didn't deal with it in time, this arm would be useless.

"Han Xiao, you wait for me."

Chrysanthemum Douluo looked at him with incomparable resentment, and then ran into the distance.

Han Xiao didn't chase him any further.

One is that he has exhausted all his soul power now, and the other is that Ju Douluo is not lying, he can feel dozens of soul masters approaching here quickly from a thousand meters away.

If you continue to fight, the gain will outweigh the loss.

"go back."

Han Xiao looked dignified and said.

"Sovereign, where are the two of them?"

Ghost Douluo turned his head to look at Xie Yue and Yan.

The two buddies looked complicated, and they didn't even dare to look up at Han Xiao.

Once upon a time, they regarded Han Xiao as the target of catching up.

However, this goal is getting farther and farther away, and now even the exhaust gas can no longer be smelled.

What made it even more difficult for them to accept was that Ghost Douluo, who was once extremely respected, now called Sect Master Han Xiao.

This made the two of them unacceptable for a while.

Without procrastination, the two quickly headed towards the direction of Tiandou City.

Along the way, Han Xiao was extremely cautious, relying on his strong anti-stalking awareness in his previous life, he got rid of several stalkers.

Two days later, the two of them traveled far and wide, and finally returned to the mansion.

At this time, Zhou Tong Tang Tang had already greeted him at the door.

"How about it?"

Han Xiao walked towards the room, while Ghost Douluo took the captured Xie Yue and Yan into the wine cellar.

"It's almost healed, but the martial soul cannot be used for a short time."

Zhou Tong and Tang Tang had deep self-blame on their faces.

This trip to the Star Dou Great Forest, they were too careless.

They even forgot to inquire about the arrangement of Wuhun Hall in advance.

Pushing open the door, Han Xiao saw Chen Mo lying on the bed with a pale face.

"Small... young master."

Chen Mo forced his body to sit up: "The subordinate is incompetent and has caused trouble for the young master."

Han Xiao waved his hand and looked at Ghost Douluo: "Before this, did Bibi Dong have the idea of ​​hunting and killing Xiao Wu?"

Something is wrong with Bibi Dong!

This is the most important.

Once, when Han Xiao and Bibi Dong went to the Star Dou Great Forest, Bibi Dong once said that she would never move Xiao Wu.

But now, why are they making such a fuss and dispatching elites?

With her personality, she must be responsible for what she said.

Han Xiao is not worried about the retaliation that Wuhundian will have on him in the future.

I have already made complete countermeasures.

What worried him was Bibi Dong's state.

You must know that when Han Xiao came into contact with Tang Chen, he discovered that some kind of soul beast could change people's minds.

It even gradually controls people completely.

Bibi Dong has helped herself too much along the way, and Han Xiao will never allow this to happen.

"I'm planning to go to Wuhundian."

After a while, he spoke.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

"Master, no!"

Everyone hurriedly dissuaded.

"Yeah, it's not like you don't know about Qian Daoliu's thoughts."

Everyone knows that Han Xiao stopped Wuhundian's plan, and the other party will definitely hate him.

Going to the Wuhun Temple at this time is like sticking your head into the bloody mouth of a tiger.

"Don't worry, I have the numbers."

Han Xiao said slowly: "Zhou Tong, you and Elder Ghost will be responsible for everything in the days when I'm not around."

"I have prepared three kits here. In case of emergency, open them according to the above tips."

After receiving the three kits, Zhou Tong carefully placed them in the soul guide.

After telling everyone about the relevant matters, Han Xiao headed towards the wine cellar.

At this time, Xie Yue and Yan were shrinking in the damp cellar, and the surrounding darkness swallowed up their sense of security bit by bit.

With a creak, the iron door was slowly pushed open.

The glare of the sun made them unable to adapt for a while. Under the rendering of this light, Han Xiao's body seemed to be covered with a golden cloak.

Han Xiao stood on the stairs, condescending: "Long time no see."

(End of this chapter)

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