Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 340 359. Go Meet Bibi Dong!

Chapter 340 359. Go Meet Bibi Dong!
This is the best time and the worst time.

In the Douluo Continent, if you are a strong man, you will be chosen by the heavens, and you will have a powerful martial spirit and talent.

Then you will enjoy thousands of crowds from the moment you step into the path of soul master.

However, those soul masters with poor talent can only be praised.

It's like the appearance of Han Xiao, like a mountain, standing in front of those geniuses who should have stood on the top of the mountain.

He is the hunter of geniuses, their nightmare.

Yan looked at Han Xiao who walked down the cellar with complicated eyes.

Once upon a time, he had the power to fight against the opponent.

But now?
Just like what Han Xiao said, it’s been a long time no see, but goodbye is one sky and one earth.

Han Xiao poured himself half a glass of red wine rich in Barak Kingdom.

Afterwards, the scarlet liquid in the wine glass was gently swirled.

"Wuhundian, which makes the world only dare to bow their heads, will give up their two most talented students one day. It's really ironic."

Han Xiao took a sip of the red wine and sighed.

"Han Xiao, you don't need to talk about this, if there is no Wuhundian, would you be where you are today?"

Xie Yue looked ugly.

Han Xiao hit a fact that none of them wanted to admit.

"You're right, Spirit Hall has given me a lot."

Han Xiao put down his wine glass, his expression unchanged.

Immediately, he spoke slowly: "But I want to ask, what is the purpose of Wuhundian training me?"

"Do you want me to be their dog for a lifetime?"

The expressions of the two of them changed, and they said coldly: "Working for the Wuhun Palace is something that many people can only wish for."

He seems to have only one point of view in their hearts.

That is, I saved you, and you must repay with your life.

This is moral kidnapping.

There is no need to continue talking.

Be a traitor, be a traitor.

He doesn't care about these.

"Let me ask you, has Bibi Dong been acting abnormal recently?"

Han Xiao looked at the two of them.

Hearing this, a flash of surprise appeared on Yan's face.

Xie Yue said coldly: "Why, do you want to use your tricks to sneak attack the Pope? It is impossible for us to tell you."

"It seems that you are not much different from me."

"You fart!"

"As Bibi Dong's student, I should be able to see the teacher's changes. What if she is killed?"

Xie Yue looked directly at Han Xiao, and retorted coldly: "First of all, with the teacher's strength, no one in this world can harm her, not to mention, even if she has abnormalities, there are us."


Han Xiao smiled: "Can you do it?"


Xie Yue was so angry that she couldn't speak.

But indeed, as Han Xiao said, with their strength alone, Bibi Dong would be annihilated with a flick of a finger.

"I'll give you two choices now."

Han Xiao raised his finger: "One, tell me about Bibi Dong's abnormality, and take me back to the Spirit Hall."

"Second, stay here forever, waiting for the Wuhundian who abandoned you to come and rescue you."

After finishing speaking, Han Xiao drank the rest of the wine in one gulp: "Choose."

He didn't have much patience with the two of them.

Yan's expression was cloudy and uncertain.

"Xieyue, maybe he can really..."

"Yan, are you crazy?!"

Xie Yue stopped loudly, "Don't forget, he is a traitor of the Spirit Hall!"

"What I have to do now is to repay Bibi Dong."

Han Xiao looked directly at Xie Yue, "Bibi Dong won't treat me as a traitor, that's because she knows I'm just like her!"

The wine cellar fell silent.

Xie Yue and Yan lowered their heads, as if they were experiencing intense ideological struggle.

"Some time ago, Xie Yue and I went to ask the teacher about martial arts."

Yan said to himself, Xie Yue beside him didn't stop drinking.

"When I came to the Pope's Palace, I saw several dead bodies on the ground, and her expressionless face."

Speaking of this, he was a little frightened.

The look in Bibi Dong's eyes, until now, he still can't forget.

"It's hard to imagine that the teacher would show that kind of look, as if looking at us like a dead person."

Yan's voice trembled a little, "You know, although the teacher treats his subordinates extremely harshly, he would never have executed him unless he had committed a felony."

But on that day, Bibi Dong killed four of his subordinates.

Han Xiao frowned, and it was exactly as he had guessed.

Bibi Dong definitely had an accident, and the problem is not small.

"Have you noticed any details?"

Yan was a little embarrassed, "Honestly speaking, the look in His Highness the Pope's eyes has scared me silly."

"Purple light."

Xie Yue, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"I saw a purple light overflowing from the corner of the eyes of His Highness the Pope's love."

With lingering fear in her heart, Xie Yue continued: "When I saw that purple light, I suddenly had an urge to kill, like a beast that lost its mind."

"His Highness the Pope seems to be trying his best to suppress that purple light."

Purple light?

Han Xiao thought carefully.

He still remembered that when Tang Chen was controlled by the bat spirit beast, there was a similar red light in his eyes.

Is it a spirit beast?

But how could there be a soul beast that could control Bibi Dong in the whole continent?

"It's not too late, let's go now."

Han Xiao called out Taotie and waved his hand casually.

The chains on the two of them instantly became two halves.

Xie Yue and Yan had complicated expressions on their faces. They never expected that Han Xiao would let them go so easily.

"Sovereign, I will go with you."

The three left the wine cellar, Ghost Douluo seemed to have heard what they said.

Han Xiao shook his head, "Elder Ghost, you still have to stay here."

"Bibi Dong is affected in some way, I don't guarantee that she will start a war."

Ghost Douluo nodded, his face serious.

The current situation seems calm, but in fact it is precarious.

"I see."

Seeing that the once respectful Elder Ghost now has such an attitude towards Han Xiao, the two feel like they are living in a dream.

"Let's go."

After Han Xiao got ready, he looked at Xie Yue and Yan.

This time, he had a hunch that it might not be as easy as he imagined to enter the Spirit Hall.


Wuhun Hall, Pope Hall.

Ju Douluo knelt on the ground, trembling crazily all over.

One of his arms fell to the ground like a piece of plasticine.

"What did the medical soul master say?"

Bibi Dong glanced at that arm and asked.

Her voice was calm, but there was a storm in this calm.

"It can't be saved."

The elderly medical soul master sighed: "The three places where the blood in the arm must pass through have all been necrotic, and I'm afraid it won't be able to be saved."

"Impossible, how is it possible?!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo's complexion changed drastically, and his voice was urgent, "I am a Title Douluo, how could the Title Douluo's body be destroyed so easily, there is definitely a chance!"

"Elder Ju is right. Title Douluo's body does have a strong self-healing ability."


Seeing Ju Douluo's bloodshot eyes staring at him, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's not easy to hurt you. I've healed thousands of arms, and I've never seen such a domineering one." The sharp weapon can directly destroy the internal structure completely."

"Even if you use fairy grass, it's impossible."

Hearing this sentence, Ju Douluo trembled all over.

It was like a death sentence for him.

What is the difference between the Title Douluo who lost an arm and the tiger without fangs?
He raised his head and looked at Bibi Dong in fear.

The latter was expressionless, as if staying out of the matter.

"I have fairy grass. At least half of the fairy grass in the whole continent is in my hands. As long as you can save this arm, use it as you like!"

Ju Douluo's tone became pleading.

He knew that he had failed to protect the two geniuses of the Spirit Hall, if he lost his fighting power again, the position of elder would have to be replaced.

Master Soul sighed, "Elder Ju, amputation is the best choice for you now, if you wait until the congestion spreads to drive away, I'm afraid..."

Hearing this, Ju Douluo collapsed to the ground.

His eyes dimmed.

"Elder Ju."

At this moment, Bibi Dong spoke slowly: "I don't understand, I gave you a month's arrangement time to hunt 10-year-old soul beasts this time, a top-level Anbu team, and more than [-] soul beasts. Holy."

"Why, in the end, you not only couldn't even catch a soul emperor, but even sacrificed seven people and got two people arrested?"

"Can you tell me why?"

Bibi Dong's voice became colder and colder.

She made such a careful plan, but it turned out to be a failure.

No one can accept it.

"Han Xiao, it's Han Xiao!"

Ju Douluo panted heavily and said hysterically.

"He disrupted my plan. If he and the ghost hadn't appeared suddenly, the 10-year-old soul beast would have been delivered to your side."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's pupils fluctuated slightly.

After that, it was faintly visible that her hands were trembling slightly.

It's just that the trembling was well hidden.

"Elder Ju, facing emergencies and accidents are not within your consideration?"

This time, Bibi Dong's voice carried a strong killing intent.


Chrysanthemum Douluo's face was ashen, his lips could not help but tremble.

But the person who killed him halfway was Han Xiao!
"You are no longer worthy of the position of elder."

Bibi Dong was condescending, looking down at Ju Douluo: "The plan has failed, and your strength has been greatly reduced. Who in the whole hall will obey you?"

"There is a vacancy in the steward of the internal affairs hall of Wuhundian, you can fill it."

The steward of the internal affairs hall?

Ju Douluo froze in place.

He is the core elder of the Wuhun Temple, the man whose Wuhun is printed on the elder's order!

Now, he actually wants to manage those trivial matters?


Bibi Dong looked at him, and faintly uttered two words.

A trace of resentment flashed in Ju Douluo's eyes.

The imperceptible aura emanating from it made him almost out of breath: "Yes."

He had a premonition that if he didn't withdraw his life, he would lose his life.

In the gigantic Pope's Palace, only Bibi Dong was left.

There was a dead silence in the room.

Bibi Dong stood under the shadow, unable to see her expression clearly.


The three of Han Xiao rode fast all the way and finally arrived around Wuhun City.

"Going forward, we will reach Snoke Town, which is the closest to Wuhun City. Let's go there and rest for the night first."

At this time, the sky was dark, and the three of them traveled intensively for a week.

Exhaustion was written on Xie Yue and Yan's faces.

"I know better than you guys around here."

Hearing this, both of them were a little embarrassed.

They almost forgot Han Xiao's time in Wuhun Palace.

In the previous game of cat and mouse, he memorized the map of the entire Wuhun City by virtue of his powerful memory.

The three of them stepped into Snooker Town, which was extremely wealthy under the protection of the halo because of its proximity to Wuhun City.

They even surpassed some cities in the Heaven Dou Empire.

However, when the three of them stepped into the town, they felt something was wrong.

The small town that used to be full of laughter and laughter is now deserted even on the widest road.

Although it was dusk now, according to common sense, this should never happen.

"what happened?"

Yan frowned.

He once heard from the seniors of the Wuhundian that the Snooker town was bustling at this time.

These soul masters often come here to find some fun.

Han Xiao looked at both sides of the road. The fruits were scattered all over the ground, and they were all trampled into mud.

"There was just a fight here."

Looking at the messy booth and the blood stains in the corner, Han Xiao said slowly.

"What fight, don't be kidding."

Xie Yue shook her head, "Snoke Town is under the protection of our Spirit Hall, which sect dares to make trouble?"

"Yes, according to common sense, when the soul masters from the Wuhun Temple arrive, they are very enthusiastic."

Yan also spoke.

Han Xiao looked at the cracks on the ground: "If the soul master who makes trouble is the Wuhun Palace?"

"You stop joking."

The two looked at Han Xiao incredulously.

With the strength of Wuhundian, how could it be possible to bully a small town?
Even if you really want to bully, you should fight against a system like the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Han Xiao turned his head and saw a little girl huddled in a corner, looking at them with anxiety.

"Little sister, tell brother what happened here."

Yan tried his best to soften his facial expression.

But who would have thought that when the little girl saw the clothes Yan was wearing, she showed a frightened expression: "You... what else do you want, isn't everything that can be given to you?"


Yan and Xie Yue were stunned.

They didn't understand what the little girl was saying.

"Big Brother, I beg you, Dad really handed over all the money, don't beat him anymore."

The girl's eyes were filled with tears, and her voice trembled.

"Little sister, you have misunderstood the person, we are Wuhundian, the Wuhundian who has been protecting you all the time."

Yan was a little anxious, pulling the badge of Wuhundian on his chest.

"It's your Spirit Hall, a group of decent vampires!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man stood up and looked at Yan and Xie Yue angrily.

"Why are you here again, what else do you want, people or money?!"

"Fortunately, I saw them come to give fruit two days ago, what a bunch of beasts!"

More and more people appeared and surrounded the three of them.


Xie Yue and Yan looked at the hateful eyes of the residents in disbelief.

They have only left here for two months, what happened to Wuhundian?
Han Xiao, who had been watching silently, finally spoke:
"We were sent by His Highness the Pope to solve the problem, and if you continue to communicate in this way, the problem will never be resolved."

With just one sentence, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

(End of this chapter)

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