Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 341 360. Decisive!

Chapter 341 360. Decisive!

For the people in the small town, they will never understand the righteousness of reunification, and they will not care whether they are powerful or not.

Life is getting better and better, which is what they focus on.

"Is what you said true?"

The leading middle-aged man looked at Han Xiao suspiciously.

"of course."

"They are liars, don't believe them!"

Some people pointed at Han Xiao angrily.

"Yes! Wuhundian suddenly imposed so many taxes and robbed so many people as coolies, it must be uneasy and kind."

Hearing this, Han Xiao's pupils shrank.

With a few words, he can already think of what happened.

Bibi Dong took the lead in attacking the nearest town. With such a move, she must be planning something.

"Impossible, how much money is there in a small town, how could our Wuhundian think so much?"

Yan blurted out, although what he said was true, it ignited the anger of the crowd again.

"Yes, if you don't like it, get out if you don't like it, why are you here to burn, kill and loot?!"

"These soul masters are all like dogs, they speak nice words, but they never do anything human!"

The crowd surrounded the three of Han Xiao, holding a hoe and sickle in their hands, and their expressions became more and more excited.


Han Xiao shouted loudly, and the invisible soul power fluctuated and spread in the air.

Everyone subconsciously closed their mouths and stared blankly at Han Xiao.

"Now, let a calm person tell you what just happened."

Some people still want to shout and curse, but they are held back by Han Xiao's cold eyes.

It was exactly as he had guessed.

This morning, a group of soul masters from the Wuhun Temple came down the mountain to collect taxes like robbers.

The taxes on that price were simply not repayable.

Afterwards, this group of soul masters actually started robbing people.

All merchants who cannot pay the tax must use their heads as collateral, one hundred gold soul coins for men and two hundred gold soul coins for women.

In this way, Wuhundian snatched most of the people.

"The tax is too high, we simply can't afford it."

An old man was sitting on the curb, smoking a cigarette.

"Impossible, it is impossible for Wuhundian to collect so much tax for no reason."

Yan still didn't believe it, but his voice was much quieter.

"If my guess is correct, what Wuhundian collects should be the sum of your taxes from previous years, right?"

Han Xiao looked at the middle-aged man expressionlessly, and spoke slowly.

Hearing this, the man's expression changed.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth and said, "So what, our town hasn't paid taxes for more than ten years, and now we are asked to pay all the taxes in one go. How could it be possible to take out so much!"

Under the protection of Wuhundian, this group of people has become accustomed to living without paying taxes.

They don't understand that any city placed in Tiandou City has to pay a large amount of taxes every year.

"Wuhundian has protected you from bandits and bandits for more than ten years, and even allocated funds for your development. Even if Wuhundian really asks you for taxes now, isn't it okay?"

Xie Yue's voice cooled down.

"That can't be too much at once."

Someone muttered in a low voice.

Han Xiao glanced at the man lightly: "Let's go."

Some people don't deserve sympathy.

"Don't you live here?"

The two asked in surprise.

Han Xiao nodded, turned around and walked away.

Seeing this, the two quickly followed.

They all looked a little heavy.

"Who is it, what you say is so good, it's rubbish!"

"That's right, but also to help us rehabilitate, I think it's farting!"

Seeing the three walking away, the townspeople cursed loudly.

Suddenly, a silver light flashed across the sky.

Just brushed the townsman's cheek.

A stream of blood slowly flowed down.

The townspeople trembled all over, their lower body ticked, and they were so frightened that they lost control of their bladder and bowels.

The audience was silent.

The three of them walked farther and farther, towards the Wuhun Temple on the mountain.

"Why don't we stay?"

Both of them looked at Han Xiao with puzzled expressions.

"Some people don't deserve mercy."

Han Xiao looked at them and said, "Wuhundian's kindness to this town has already made them overjoyed."

The two were thoughtful, silent.

After this episode, the speed of the three became faster.

As night fell, they finally reached the outskirts of Wuhun City.

There are dozens of soul masters in charge of the solemn and solemn gate.

"Not good, Wuhun City has strengthened its defenses, how should we get in?"

Xie Yue said worriedly.

"Couldn't you go in openly?" Yan said.

Their identities are not considered low in the Spirit Hall, and the guards will never stop them.

"The Pope must have known the news that we were captured. How long has it been since then? How are you going to explain it?"

Hearing Xie Yue's words, Yan opened his mouth.

Indeed, as Xie Yue said, they had no reason to explain at all.

"follow me."

Han Xiao was expressionless, as if he knew that he couldn't force his way in.

The three of them traveled westward and came to a river.

"This...isn't this the canal in Wuhun City?"

Looking at the Wuhun City on the upper reaches of the river that disappeared above the mountain, the two looked a little surprised.

Han Xiao nodded, "From here, you can go directly to the Wuhun Temple, but the premise is that your water skills must be good."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to be hesitating, and plunged directly into the river.

"Let's swim."

Xie Yue sighed, leaving Yan who was still on the shore in a daze.

"No, how did he know that this place can directly reach the Wuhun Palace?"

Only at this time did he react.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Seeing that the two were swimming farther and farther, Yan jumped into the river, splashing a lot of water.

In the middle of the night, somewhere in a corner of the canal, three more heads appeared.

"Han Xiao, His Highness the Pope should still be practicing at this time."

Xie Yue looked at a group of guards who disappeared into the night in the distance.

"To be honest, I really admire you, knowing that the great priest wants to kill you, but you still dare to go back to the Wuhun Hall."

Yan looked at the familiar building and sighed.

If Han Xiao still stayed in Wuhun Palace, he believed that he would go through fire and water for him.

"Let's go."

Han Xiao tightened his wet clothes and walked towards the Pope's Palace.

With his proficient lurking skills, the three of them avoided the guards watching the night and went directly to the Pope's palace.

What the two of them didn't know was that Han Xiao had already figured out the route of the Night Carrier as soon as he came to the Wuhun Palace.

The map of Wuhundian is still engraved in his mind.

"Go up, the teacher is the only one in the room at this time, we will guard you."

The two whispered.

Han Xiao nodded, turned around and turned directly to the window on the second floor.

Thinking of seeing Bibi Dong again, his expression was a bit complicated.

From the window, he saw Bibi Dong sitting cross-legged on the futon.

Even if she closes her eyes, she is still so beautiful and charming that men and women all over the world will be impressed by her.

Looking at Bibi Dong, Han Xiao frowned tightly.

He could feel that there seemed to be an incomparably frenzied aura in Bibi Dong's body that did not belong to her.

And she has been desperately suppressing it.

What kind of breath is this?
Han Xiao felt it silently, but in the next second, the evil thoughts, greed, and evil desires contained in the Qixi Festival almost made him fall.

It's hard to imagine how Bibi Dong will feel when this kind of breath has been entwined around her body.

"You came?"

Bibi Dong, who closed her eyes tightly, seemed to have noticed Han Xiao's arrival long ago, and spoke slowly.

Han Xiao pushed open the window and jumped into the room.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The two had indeed not seen each other for a long time.

"Yeah, long time no see, we've all changed."

Bibi Dong looked at Han Xiao and let out a long sigh.

"Change or remain unchanged depends on your and my subjective consciousness, and has nothing to do with outsiders."

Han Xiao looked directly at Bibi Dong and said.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's heart trembled, and she raised her beautiful eyes:

"If one day you find out that I have done something incomprehensible, will you hate me?"

Han Xiao shook his head and said slowly: "Those things can't change my perception of you."

"It sounds nice."

Bibi Dong sneered coldly, and immediately said sharply: "Since that's the case, why do you want to stop me from hunting that 10-year-old soul beast?"

"You should know that I won't touch your people unless it is absolutely necessary."

The spreading momentum made it almost impossible to breathe.

"Bibi Dong, the definition of a person is not just to see what he is born with."

"Xiao Wu is no different from a human being, and she is also someone beside me."

"What's wrong with you, why do you use this method to break through yourself?"

Han Xiao's expression didn't change much.

"Han Xiao, do you know why I have been protecting you, even at the expense of confronting Qian Daoliu?"

Bibi Dong got up and walked to Han Xiao's side, her eyes were filled with purple evil spirit.

Without waiting for Han Xiao to answer, she continued: "That's because, I think you are the same as me."

"We are all cold-blooded strong men stepping on corpses to climb up step by step at all costs."

"Even, you used to be more cold-blooded than me."

There was a touch of disappointment in Bibi Dong's eyes: "But, I don't know what you have experienced in the past few years in the Heaven Dou Empire, but I know that your dagger is blunt."

"Your eyes have color and are no longer as sharp as before."

"Why, why did you abandon me?"

The purple energy in Bibi Dong's eyes became more and more intense, as if she was about to be unable to restrain it.

However, Han Xiao was not afraid at all, instead he smiled: "Bibi Dong, it seems that you have misjudged me from the beginning."

"For me now, the knife is even sharper. That's because I have a few more people in this world who I want to protect. For them, I can be an enemy of the whole world. Among these people, you are included."

These words made the evil spirit in Bibi Dong's eyes dissipate a bit.

However, this soft look only lasted for a few seconds: "So, in order to protect that girl, you even go against Wuhundian?"

"Even if I don't arrest her, she will die. How would you choose?"

Bibi Dong was aggressive and looked directly at Han Xiao.

"I'm an adult."

"What do you mean?" Bibi Dong frowned.

"The adult's choice is to have it all."

Han Xiao took two steps forward and grabbed Bibi Dong's shoulder.

Bibi Dong's delicate body trembled, her face blushed, and she subconsciously wanted to back away.

Han Xiao continued to press, "Stop, don't let the desire for power destroy your heart."

He could feel that Bibi Dong was much stronger than the last time they met.

This means that Bibi Dong pursues power too much, and also has to pay a price for it.

"What do you know!"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong shook off Han Xiao's hand.

She can't say that it's all for you to gain this power, can she?

However, when this force became stronger and stronger, it was already too late when Bibi Dong realized that she was out of control.

"Han Xiao, breaking into the Spirit Hall is a felony. I won't pursue it this time. If you find you again next time, don't blame me for being rude."

"You, let's go."

She closed her eyes and turned her back to Han Xiao.

Han Xiao's expression was a little dignified.

He could see that Bibi Dong seemed to be experiencing severe struggle when she said this sentence.

But the more this happened, the more evil spirit in that body seemed to be getting stronger.

It was even worse than he imagined.

Han Xiao once said that Bibi Dong's extremely special anti-social personality was difficult for even him to analyze.

But fortunately, Han Xiao has been trying to heal through words, which made that personality fall into a deep sleep.

But now, when these negative emotions piled up infinitely in Bibi Dong's alarm clock.

Her unscrupulous personality will wake up again.

At that time, no one will be able to control it.

"Bibi Dong, if you want to destroy the entire continent, I will stop you."

Han Xiao opened his mouth slowly, and his figure slowly retreated.

"If we meet next time, we will become enemies, so I hope not."

Hearing these words, Bibi Dong turned around abruptly.

But found that Han Xiao's figure had disappeared into the darkness.


There was a poignant smile on her face, "Could it be that I, Bibi Dong, deserve to be alone?"

In this case.

A sternness flashed in her eyes, and she said softly: "Then, let's destroy them all."


"How about it?!"

Seeing Han Xiao jumping down, the two quickly surrounded him.

"Come on."

Han Xiao looked dignified, turned around and was about to leave.

After coming to this continent, he knew that he was going to face real difficulties.

He suddenly remembered what Bibi Dong asked Ghost Douluo to bring him: "This is the last time I will help you, I don't have much time left."

Originally, Han Xiao thought it was Qian Daoliu who wanted to see him poorly.

But now, he understood the meaning of this sentence.

Perhaps, Bibi Dong knew that she would become like this.of
In this case, Han Xiao must find a way to save it.

However, with his current strength, it is impossible to defeat Bibi Dongki.

Han Xiao has to leave the Wuhun Temple quickly to avoid long nights and dreams.

"Hey, no, you wait for us!"

Yan and Xie Yue hurriedly followed.

"I hate his arrogant appearance. It's been like this since he was a child."

Xie Yue frowned.

Although the two were complaining, they still followed behind Han Xiao.

"Han Xiao, what happened between you and the teacher?"

The two followed Han Xiao and asked curiously.

"She is no longer the Bibi Dong you are familiar with."

Han Xiao's footsteps are getting faster and faster.

The faces of the two changed, "Then what should we do?"

Han Xiao looked at the two people who were reluctantly following behind him, "I have already left the Wuhun Palace, so naturally I can't stay here, but you, why did you follow?"

Hearing this, the two of them suddenly realized.

"Yeah, why should we follow him?"

Only then did the two of them realize that they were geniuses of the Wuhun Hall, a dignified golden generation.

However, when they wanted to stop, they found it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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