Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 342 361. Crazy Plan!

Chapter 342 361. Crazy Plan!
A group of Wuhundian guards armed to the teeth appeared from the front corner, blocking the way of the three of them.

The three of them narrowed their eyes slightly, turned around and were about to flee, only to find four or five soul masters appearing behind them.

Han Xiao glanced around, this is a narrow alleyway, there is no way to go except forward and backward.

"How to do?"

Yan carefully looked at Xie Yue and asked.

If they come out at this time and reveal their identities, they will definitely be able to get out of trouble.

It was even possible to unite with this group of guards to completely solve Han Xiao.

Xie Yue didn't answer him, she silently took out two moon blades and laid them across her chest.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

Yan frowned, and said in disbelief.

"Of course, I just want to save the teacher."

Xie Yue took a step forward and stood side by side with Han Xiao.

"Gah!" Seeing this, Yan spat helplessly, and then released his martial soul, the Flame Lord: "If you hit him, hit him, and at worst, he will be infamous forever!"

The two teams of people pressed forward step by step, trapping the three of them tightly in this alley.

"Yan, you are in charge of breaking through, remember to put it away, your martial soul is too dazzling at night." Han Xiao analyzed the situation, and commanded: "Xieyue, you and I are responsible for breaking through and rushing away from them."


The two said in unison, with excitement in their eyes.

Although they never said it, both of them wanted to fight side by side with Han Xiao.

But what I didn't expect was that for this first cooperation, the opponent would be Wuhundian.


Han Xiao drank in a low voice, his body merged with the darkness, only the gluttonous and fish intestines in his hands were shining brightly.

He seemed to disappear out of thin air in the whole alley, and it seemed that the whole alley was full of his figure in all directions.

With the knife in hand, the fish intestines pierced through the sharp armor like cutting tofu, and then blood spurted out.

In less than ten seconds, he eliminated a guard.

Xie Yue held her two knives across her chest, and her figure spun rapidly.

What he released was the self-created soul skill, Full Moon, that he had used in the battle with Han Xiao.

The pure white disc moved towards them silently.

"Stop him!"

The faces of the imperial guards changed. They knew that if they retreated, Xie Yue would open up a way to escape.

Three well-trained imperial guards stood in front of Xie Yue, forming an iron wall.

Sparks crackled and ignited the darkness, causing a piercing scream.

The legs of the imperial guards had been deeply inserted into the ground, and the full moon was also blocked.

"Yan, as the proud student of His Highness the Pope, you dare to betray the Hall of Spirits!"

The group of soul masters in the rear seemed to know Yan and cursed loudly.

"Grass, what do you know!"

Yan punched out, and continued: "I did this for the sake of Wuhundian. If you want to know something, get out of the way immediately!"

After saying that, the punch exploded in the air, and the powerful flame impact made the soul master retreat.

"Ghosts believe what you say!"

The attacks of the soul masters became more and more frequent.

"Okay, I can't stop it!"

His strength was already the weakest among the three, and it was already late at night, so he became creepy.

Han Xiao got rid of a guard and looked at Xie Yue and Yan who were being entangled.

He knew it couldn't be delayed any longer.

The longer the delay, the faster the opponent's follow-up reinforcements will be.

"Look at the light!"

Han Xiao shouted and threw out a dozen smoke bombs.

Afterwards, everyone's vision became blurred.

A cluster of light became more and more conspicuous in the smoke.

"Quick, follow the light."

The faces of the imperial guards changed, and they strode towards the light source.

After an unknown amount of time, the smoke dissipated.

Han Xiao crawled out from the pile of dead people, "Don't pretend to be dead, the other party will definitely come back when they sense something is wrong."

"Damn, I don't know which kind of resentment stepped on me."

Yan and Xie Yue stood up one after another.

At this moment, a melodious sound of a horn resounded through the air, which lasted for a long time.

"problem occurs."

Xie Yue frowned, and looked at the lit lights in the distance: "This trombone will only sound when the Wuhun Hall enters the first level of alert, and we can't escape."

The defense of Wuhun City is extremely strict. Once the horn is sounded, the whole city will be sealed off, and the intruder will not be stopped until the intruder is found.

In this Imperial Guard, there is even a Contra sitting in command.

With the strength of the three of them, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to escape.

However, the corner of Han Xiao's mouth curled up: "Who says you can't escape?"

As early as the first time he came to Wuhundian, he drew up an escape plan.

Didn't expect it to be used.

"Put on their clothes first, and follow me."

Han Xiao looked at the lights in the distance, illuminating the darkness like day, and said.


"All the residents of Wuhun City, close the doors and windows, don't light the lights!"

The footsteps of the guards were like heavy drums, breaking the silent night.

"Damn, we got scammed!"

Looking at the flares that had been extinguished, the Imperial Guard's face turned ashen.

"What are you panicking about?"

An officer came over and looked into the distance: "At the beginning of the design of Wuhun City, the situation of someone intruding was considered. Once the door is closed, even a fly cannot fly out."

A sternness flashed in his eyes: "I will make sure that he never returns!"

The silence of the night was broken, and thousands of imperial guards spread all over the Wuhun City, looking for the traces of Han Xiao and the three of them.

"Open the door."

Han Xiao knocked on the door of the blacksmith shop in front of him.

"I said, is this person reliable?"

After seeing for a while, no one came to open the door, Yan was a little hurried.

The footsteps of the imperial guards are getting closer and closer.

In another 2 minutes, they will be able to cross a street and see three people standing in front of the blacksmith shop.

"Get out."

Even Xie Yue became anxious.

If this continues, the three of them will throw themselves into the trap.

At this moment, the door was opened, revealing a pair of cautious eyes.

"It's you?!"

Seeing Han Xiao, Lin Ting's pupils shrank.

Then, he understood everything, "Come in."

Without the slightest hesitation, the three got into the blacksmith shop.

And in the next second, the imperial guards came to this street.

"Boss, why do I feel like someone came here just now?"

A soldier frowned as he looked at the deserted street.

"Cheer up, I heard that the little thief is extremely shrewd, don't let them escape!"

Inside the blacksmith shop, Lin Ting looked at Han Xiao strangely.

Of course he will not forget this boy who fulfilled his teacher's long-cherished wish.

"How did you become..."

Lin Ting opened his mouth and spoke halfway.

"It's too late to explain, have you researched the blueprint I gave you?"

In a few hours, the sky will be bright, and it will be even more difficult to escape from the Wuhun Temple.

"You, do you want it!"

Lin Ting's eyes widened, and he looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

Han Xiao nodded, expressionless: "Come with me, leave Wuhun City, you can't display your talent here."

"No, no, this is too crazy."

Lin Ting refused without thinking.

Immediately, he paced back and forth in the room restlessly.

"I said what kind of riddles are you playing, but just say it directly."

Yan was confused by the conversation between the two.

Lin Ting took out a blueprint and put it on the table: "Armored vehicle, Han Xiao gave me this blueprint when he left the Wuhun Temple."

Looking at the densely packed drawings, the two felt a little headache.

"Armored vehicles are not the key."

Han Xiao had no expression on his face, and pointed to the mosquito-like text on the blueprint: "The most important thing is the internal combustion engine."

In a previous life, the first internal combustion engines date back to the twentieth century.

It is absolutely impossible to manufacture it with the level of craftsmanship in today's era.

However, through continuous exploration and improvement, Han Xiao combined the Martial Soul with the structure of the internal combustion engine.

He drew the first internal combustion engine powered by soul power on this continent.

It can also be understood as a soul guide.

To put it bluntly, the core of an internal combustion engine is to convert the heat energy it releases into power through combustion.

Relying on Yan's fire attribute martial soul, coupled with the proposed piston movement, it can be fully realized.

"We can't understand what you said."

Yan scratched the back of his head, still confused.

Han Xiao looked at the two of them, and said slowly: "To put it simply, we are sitting on top of this big guy and forcing our way out."

"Are you crazy?!"

The muscles of the two were tense, and they looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

They have never imagined such a wild thing in their life.

"There are so many masters in Wuhundian, it is almost impossible to achieve it."

"Why is it impossible?"

Seeing that his masterpiece was questioned, Lin Ting directly refuted it.

"When I was making Tiangong No. [-], I covered it with a layer of stone that isolates the soul power. Besides, the entire armored vehicle is made of the toughest material!"

Lin Tingwu waved his hands and said excitedly: "If there is a soul sage, no, a soul emperor with fire attributes is enough. My Tiangong No. [-] can reach extremely exaggerated speed!"

He was like a lunatic when he said those words.

Han Xiao nodded, "If we break out from the north gate, which is the weakest defense, when we are handing over to the defenders of Wuhun City, we can succeed."

He turned his head to look at Lin Ting, with a firm voice: "Come with me, you should really want to see the moment when Tiangong No. [-] shows its power?"

"I assure you, when we leave Spirit Hall, you will have the most capable blacksmith as your helper in the future. Tiangong No. [-] and Tiangong No. [-] will not be a problem."

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Lin Ting's breathing became short of breath.

He turned his head to look at the portrait of the old blacksmith hanging on the wall, and took a deep breath.

Han Xiao's words hit his heart.

An invention must be used to show its value. Put it in the basement to rot a little bit. This is just a big toy.

"Wait a minute, I'm packing up now."

Lin Ting made a decision, got up and went back to his room to pack his luggage.

"Han Xiao, you are crazy, do you know what it means if you do this?!"

Xie Yue stood up and looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

"Are there any other options for me to do this?"

Han Xiao's eyes were calm, as if what they were going to do next was just an extremely trivial matter.

"You can hide here and wait until dawn to go back."

"I will pretend to be the illusion that you were knocked out by me. Don't worry, even a Titled Douluo can't see my disguise."

Han Xiao spread his hands, waiting for the two to make a decision.

There was silence in the room.

Only the sound of Lin Ting packing things in the back room was left.

After a while, Yan spoke slowly: "You said that you need a fire attribute soul master to activate the internal combustion engine?"

Han Xiao nodded, "Naturally."

Although he can be activated by the power of ice and fire, the effect will definitely be better if he has a fire attribute soul master.

"I did it!"

He slapped the table violently, with lingering excitement in his eyes.

"Mad, what a bunch of lunatics!"

Xie Yue looked at Yan in disbelief.

"Xieyue, it's time for us to meet new challenges."

Yan changed his usual hippie smile: "Nana chose the capital of killing, so you are not afraid to wait for her to come back, won't we catch up?"

In Wuhundian, their life is like a machine, completing tasks, practicing, and repeating itself.

And now, Han Xiao gave them a chance.

A chance for rebirth.

After a fierce thought struggle, Xie Yue slumped on the seat and let out a long sigh: "I hope Nana will forgive me when she finds out."

Hu Liena was the closest to Bibi Dong, and even had the idea of ​​appointing her as the next saint.

If she knew that these two brothers had done such a crazy thing with Han Xiao, she didn't know what expression she would have.

"I'm ready."

Lin Ting only took his necessities and the relics of the old blacksmith.


Han Xiao tapped on the table, and Yan spread a map of Wuhun City on it.

"I hid Tiangong No. [-] here, which is the basement where the master made fish intestines."

Lin Ting pointed to the location on the map and said.

"That is to say, if we want to get Tiangong-[-], we have to cross a whole street."

Xie Yue frowned tightly and felt a little headache.

Every street in Wuhun City is now patrolled by Imperial Guards.

It is impossible to pass through silently.

"How to do?"

The three looked at Han Xiao together.

This [-]-meter-long street has become difficult to walk.

Once the four of them appear, the guards in the surrounding streets will get the news instantly, and they will be able to gather in less than 5 minutes.

Among the imperial guards, the lowest rank is also the soul king.

It is impossible to quickly cross this street with a soul warrior.

"We'll just break through."

Han Xiao looked directly at the three of them and said.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Lin Ting, "Except for the chariot, all the things I asked you to build should be in the blacksmith's shop."

Hearing this, Lin Ting suddenly realized, "Why didn't I expect this to happen."

"You wait."

Immediately, he rummaged through the pile of debris and took out a huge shield.

This shield is triangular in shape with extremely sharp edges, and the surface of the shield is covered with a dense layer of barbs.

It's not so much a shield, but more like a murderous weapon.

"this is for you."

Handing the shield to Yan, Lin Ting said, "This shield can conduct heat, which is very suitable for soul masters with fire attributes."

"Good stuff!"

Yan's eyes lit up as soon as he got the heavy shield, he couldn't put it down.

Immediately, Lin Ting took out a meteor hammer connected by an iron chain from inside: "Can this hammer do it?"

Xie Yue's eyes lit up, she took the meteor hammer, "I can try."

Lin Ting nodded, put on a set of soft armor, and finally looked at Han Xiao.

"I don't need it anymore."

Han Xiao was expressionless, and directly released the first soul skill.

Immediately, a heavy machine gun appeared in his hand.

"Yan, hold your shield to open the way, remember to protect Lin Ting." Han Xiao looked at the three of them, "Xieyue, you are responsible for repelling the besieging soul masters from around you, don't love to fight."

He raised the heavy machine gun in his hand, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes: "I'll be in charge of firepower suppression."

(End of this chapter)

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