Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 343: Han Xiao Playing Monkey!

Chapter 343: Han Xiao Playing Monkey!

"I heard that the thief who broke in turned out to be the No. [-] pick in Wuhun Academy."

The guards patrolling the street looked around vigilantly. The street was eerily quiet, which made them feel relieved a lot.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I heard that he is the beloved disciple of His Highness the Pope, but it's a pity that he betrayed."

A soul master couldn't help sighing: "You say this is not a pure fool, how many people dream of becoming the Pope's apprentice."

"Just focus and shut up!"

The leading squad leader finally couldn't stand it anymore, and yelled.

The two guards shrank their necks and closed their mouths.

"After so many years in Wuhundian, don't you know if you can talk about anything?"

The captain snorted coldly. He has been in office for so many years, and he knows one thing is to keep his mouth shut.

It's just that maybe he has no chance to realize his ambition.

There was a strange cry from the old gate, and everyone turned their eyes in unison.

I saw four men in full armor coming out of a certain room.

As the cold wind blew, Yan, who was holding a giant triangular shield, smiled slightly: "Everyone, good evening."

The captain's expression suddenly changed, and he realized it, and hurriedly shouted: "There is an enemy..."

After speaking half a sentence, he found that his throat was hard, and he lowered his head slowly.

A silver feather bloomed a ray of cold light in the dark night, and stuck on his neck.

"Hurry up, the team gathers!"

The two guards hurriedly shouted at the top of their voices.

This sound was especially piercing in the silent night.


Han Xiao shouted loudly, and his figure disappeared into the darkness.


With a loud noise, Yan inserted the triangular shield into the ground and released the martial spirit.

Then, with a loud shout, he rushed towards the gathered crowd like a mad bull.

The dust was blown away by the shield, and the sharp blade on the surface of the shield was also burnt red.

"Block him, quick!"

The Praetorian Guards were well-trained to form a human wall.


A flash of excitement flashed in Yan's eyes, and the amplified soul ring burst into light at the same time.

He has been playing on tiptoe all night, and now he can finally show his skills.

With a loud noise, Yan's gigantic figure seemed a little small when he plunged into the imperial guards.

But he only paused for a few seconds, and the speed became even faster!
On Yan's temples, blue veins popped out, and his body trembled due to excessive force.

"Get up for me!"

With an angry shout, Yan set off the triangular shield, like Prometheus raised the fire in his hand.

Four or five guards were thrown into the sky by him, and then fell heavily to the ground.

You know, they are all covered with heavy armor, which weighs several hundred catties together.

The shield swept across, knocking away a guard beside him, and a look of joy flashed in Yan's eyes.

This is the fight he wants!
However, it was precisely this second of distraction that made him not notice the soul master who was behind him.

At this moment, a short and sharp hammer flew in the air, with a bang, the soul master's head shattered like a rotten watermelon.

"Damn, Xie Yue, take it easy!"

Seeing that the meteor hammer was less than one centimeter away from his face and quickly retracted, cold sweat appeared on Yan's forehead.

The meteor hammer Wu Wu fell into Xie Yue's hands, and he said expressionlessly: "I know it in my heart."

Afterwards, he threw out the meteor hammer again, and landed on the heads of several soul masters precisely.

He already has a good pair of knives in one hand, so of course he is also handy with this meteor hammer.

Behind him, Lin Ting kept throwing various shock bombs and fragmentation grenades into the crowd.

Although it can't break armor, it can also cause a lot of damage to them.

This 200-meter long street is really a step-by-step process.

"Damn it, I can't stand it anymore."

More and more imperial guards swarmed up, rushing towards him desperately.

The speed at which Xie Yue swung the meteor hammer also slowed down, and the landing point was no longer accurate, and was easily dodged by the group of imperial guards.

On the tall building, Han Xiao stood under the moonlight.

Under the reflection of the soft moonlight, that face showed no emotion at all.

Afterwards, Han Xiao raised the heavy machine gun and pulled the trigger.

Tongues of scarlet flames spewed out, sweeping toward the Praetorian Guards like a storm.

The silent night was turned into dusk by the murder weapon in Han Xiao's hand.

"Get down!"

Xie Yue's expression changed, she was afraid that her own people would be accidentally injured.

However, Han Xiao's hand was very steady, and the tongue of fire accurately swept over every bodyguard.

He is wantonly harvesting their lives, like a god of death.

Those soul masters who are only as strong as soul kings often cannot resist the second bullet.

The Soul Sage received Han Xiao's key care and was shot into a sieve.

"I rely on."

Yan held his head and remained motionless, watching the scene in front of him in horror.

After reaching the level of Soul Sage, Han Xiao's murderous aura was further integrated with the first soul skill.

Now, the heavy machine gun he condensed with murderous aura is capable of firing [-] rounds of bullets.


Han Xiao's voice rang in their ears.

Yan gritted his teeth, picked up the shield and bent over to the crowd.

For some reason, Han Xiao always has a magical power that can make all his teammates trust him unconditionally.

Just like now, Yan and the three faced the rain of bullets without hesitation, and rushed into the bloody road.

"How fucking far away?"

Yan knocked down the soul master in front of him with a shield, and roared loudly.

"I can already see it, it's there!"

Lin Ting pointed to the distance, and the residential building was less than 50 meters away from them.

Xie Yue dares to say that this is definitely the most difficult 50 meters he has walked in his life.

The meteor hammer in his hand has been stained black with blood.

And Yan in front of him really walked over step by step on a human body.

"It's almost here, and we are sticking to it."

Lin Ting touched his pocket, but the gunpowder had already been used up.

At this moment, Yan flew upside down like a broken kite and hit the ground heavily.

"Yan, are you okay?"

Seeing a mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth, Xie Yue asked anxiously.

"You be careful."

Yan stretched out a carp, spitting out a mouthful of bloody phlegm.

His eyes became extremely solemn.

Everyone looked around, only to see that there was no Imperial Guard right in front of them.

Instead, there was a man standing with his hands behind his back.

The man was wearing strong clothes, his eyes were as cold as iron.

"In this world, no one dares to challenge my Spirit Hall."

His voice sounded like a murderous errand.

"It's Contra."

Hearing Yan's words, the two also became serious.

The deputy head of the Imperial Guard is a Contra.

This also means that those Contras are also coming soon.

"How to do?"

With the strength of the two Soul Emperors, how could they be able to defeat a Soul Douluo?

"What else can I do?"

Xie Yue threw away the meteor hammer and called out the moon blade: "It's over."

As soon as the words fell, his figure drew a white light in the air and rushed towards Contra.

"Grass! Wait for me."

Seeing this, Yan didn't dare to show weakness, and turned himself into a flame lord.

"I didn't expect that you two would dare to betray Wuhundian. You really are beyond your control."

Contra sneered and pushed out his palm, and a powerful impact wave swayed.

After all, there are two big realms between the two sides.

The two of them couldn't stop the palm at all.


At the moment when Yan and Xie Yue were about to be blown away, a hand suddenly appeared and grabbed that Contra's wrist.

The pupils of all the people present shrank suddenly, and they all looked at Han Xiao who suddenly appeared in front of them.

"I'm in a hurry to die, who will be responsible for driving later?"

Han Xiao glanced at the two people behind him lightly, and began to exert his strength.

"Go, let's go!"

Lin Ting was the first to react. He knew that Han Xiao was delaying them, so he bypassed the two of them and ran towards the room behind him.

"Don't die."

The two gritted their teeth and simply followed behind Lin Ting.

Han Xiao smiled and didn't speak.

It was the Contra in front of him who narrowed his eyes: "Han Xiao, I have admired your name for a long time, I am this..."

Halfway through the conversation, Han Xiao interrupted: "Needless to say, no one deserves a name."

Contra narrowed his eyes, and said in a cold voice, "If you wait ten years to say this, I might bow my head and run away."

"But now, what are you?"

Han Xiao exuded a fierce air, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth: "It's not too early now."

As soon as the words fell, Han Xiao twisted his wrist and climbed up with one hand, intending to destroy Contra's arm directly.

"You will be buried with your madness!"

Contra yelled, and naturally he would not watch Han Xiao break his arm, and the surging soul power shook.

Han Xiao did not retreat from his edge, and also released his soul power, instead of facing the wave.

The two soul powers collided together, and a look of shock appeared on Contra's face.

He is obviously a soul sage, why is his soul power not weak at all, and he even has the stance to overtake him?

Not daring to confront Han Xiao head-on, he simply released the martial soul directly.

His body shrinks at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a whip-like tail grows behind him.

"Who am I, it turns out to be a stubborn monkey."

Seeing Contra's flushed monkey face, Han Xiao smiled disdainfully.


Under the atmosphere, Contra's face turned redder, and he let out a scream unconsciously.

His body became extremely soft and fell out of Han Xiao's palm.

Afterwards, the sharp claws swept towards Han Xiao's lower body at an extremely fast speed, and it was the monkey who stole the peach with one hand.

Han Xiao took it easy, stepped back half a step, raised his knee and bumped away.

Then, slightly bent his left hand, and grabbed Contra's arm again.

Contra looked flustered and wanted to dodge, but Han Xiao seemed to have seen through his evasion route and kicked on his knee.

Before he came back to his senses, his knee seemed to be hit hard by a hammer, Contra's lower body went limp, and his body wobbled and was about to fall.

In desperation, he had no choice but to release the eighth spirit ring, giving himself a big boost.

Then, the long tail on the buttocks thumped and stood up.

Contra actually took off his tail from behind, and danced in the air a few false circles.


Contra scratched his chin and slapped Han Xiao.

Han Xiao looked at the three people who had already entered the basement behind the monkey.

He smiled disdainfully, "Stubborn Monkey, Grandpa will play with you another day."

As soon as the words fell, he stepped on the dark bee without a shadow, merged with the darkness, and bypassed the monkey in two seconds.

Contra's complexion changed drastically, and it turned out that Han Xiao had no intention of fighting with him at all, but was just delaying time.

"I kill you!"

With a scream, the long stick in his hand gradually grew bigger, and it slashed towards the house where Lin Ting and the other three got into.

He no longer keeps this stick.

Since the other party has worked so hard to get into the basement, he will destroy it with his own hands.

"No, sir!"

The soldiers watching from the side shouted anxiously.

"You must not harm the residents of Wuhundian. Once something happens, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Seeing that Contra had lost control, the two imperial guards rushed over.

"Then tell me what to do!"

Seeing Han Xiao's figure disappear into the basement, Contra gritted his teeth angrily.

As a monkey spirit, what he hates the most is when others fight him with playful eyes.

"My lord, I am familiar with the basement here, there is no way out, as long as we send all our hands to block this door, he will definitely not be able to escape!"

A guard came up with an idea.

The reason why he persuaded Contra to stop was because his family lived nearby and he was afraid of being hurt.

"Okay, your team will gather people, and the rest will light the fire for me."

Contra smiled grimly, "I'll see if they can withstand the smoke inside."

In the basement, Han Xiao closed the door tightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

They all had to maintain their soul power, and there was still a long way to go.

"How about it?"

Pushing open the secret door, Han Xiao saw Yan and Xie Yue with helpless faces.

What he didn't expect was that this basement was even bigger than that blacksmith's shop, and had all the necessary equipment, even more comprehensive than that of the blacksmith's shop.

As for Tiangong No. [-], it was placed in the very center, and Lin Ting was inspecting it very carefully.

"I said let's just drive away. My buddy disagrees and has to check this big guy."

Yan was a little helpless, he thought Lin Ting's actions were unnecessary.

The outer skin of this Tiangong No. [-] is very strong just by looking at it, and the wheel track is made of forged steel bars.

There are also four or five sharp spears planted beside him.

Han Xiao looked down and saw that there was a space at the end of Tiangong No. [-] that could accommodate people, and it was reinforced.

Come to think of it, there is the heart of the whole machine, the engine compartment.

The world's first internal combustion engine is quietly placed inside.

No one can imagine what a crazy scene it will show next.

"Lin Ting is right. This extremely complex machine must be inspected all over before it is used. If there is a problem, we may not need to kill the opponent, but just explain it inside."

Han Xiao explained to the two of them.


Lin Ting's head popped out from the back position.

At this time, he was a little nervous, after all, it was time to test his achievements over the past few years.

"Yan, come here."

He dragged Yan into the engine compartment, and began to explain where to inject soul power and how to launch it.

Yan took a mouthful of the elixir and recovered his soul power.

He listened carefully and nodded immediately.

"The two of you are responsible for dealing with the enemies who come up from the siege, and I will be responsible for the driving position."

Lin Ting looked at Han Xiao and Xie Yue, and said.

"it is good."

Han Xiao has no objection.

Although he knew how to drive a tank in his previous life, it was made by Lin Ting after all, so he is more familiar with it.

Moreover, even if Han Xiao was asked to show off, Lin Ting could only sit in his seat and cheer up.

(End of this chapter)

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