Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 345 Escape from the Spirit Hall!

Chapter 345 Escape from the Spirit Hall!
Demon Bear Douluo was furious, turned around and rushed towards Han Xiao.

However, even though his strength is two realms higher than Han Xiao's.

But Han Xiao's speed was more flexible, and he opened the distance with Demon Bear Douluo with a few dodges.


With a loud shout, he turned his fist into a palm and slapped the tail of Tiangong No. [-].

Two forces, like rising waves, carried the heavy chariot into the sky.

"Damn it, we're flying!"

Yan was shocked and forgot to continue heating the internal combustion engine.

Tiangong-50 is now [-] meters above the ground.

Although a soul master can't be killed from this height, if the internal combustion engine explodes, they will be buried with them.

"Keep heating up, trust him!"

A flash of madness flashed in Lin Ting's eyes, and he turned the steering wheel quickly.

"Crazy, you are all a bunch of crazy."

Yan's face changed drastically, and finally he gritted his teeth and tried his best to output heat with all his soul power.

In the air, Han Xiao was still dealing with the crazy Demon Bear Douluo.

His agility seems to have reached the extreme, and every muscle in his body has been mobilized by Han Xiao.

Devil Bear Douluo became more and more angry, "Han Xiao, if you have the guts, fight me!"

Han Xiao sneered, the difference between the two is two realms, do you think I am stupid?

The two landed quickly, Demon Bear Douluo slapped the ground with a palm, and countless sharp ground thorns protruded, pressing towards Han Xiao.

However, these ground thorns turned out to be a springboard for Han Xiao.

I saw him stretching his limbs like a wild goose, stabbing lightly, tossing and turning, and after a few breaths, he crossed into the air again.

Demon Bear Douluo could only watch Han Xiao helplessly, his lungs were about to explode.

"It's about to hit it!"

Yan raised his head, seeing that Tiangong No. [-] was about to swoop down on the solid city wall.

"Get ready to jump, get ready to jump!"

Xie Yue's spirit was tense to the extreme, and she shouted loudly.

I can't wait anymore, maybe in the next second, this chariot will explode!

Lin Ting clenched his teeth, his eyeballs were bloodshot.

However, the gas pedal under his feet was still pressed to the bottom.

At this moment, Han Xiao's figure appeared on the side of Tiangong No. [-].

There was no expression on his face, neither emotion nor anger.

The aura cloak appeared, wrapping his right arm tightly.

A flash of hostility flashed in Han Xiao's eyes, and he grabbed Tiangong No. [-] with his hands like iron hoops.

The aura cloak wrapped around his right hand actually lit up with smoke.

As for Han Xiao's left hand, the joints are distinct, the blood vessels are protruding, and blood has already leaked out.

Every muscle in his body trembled.

Afterwards, the sleeves burst, revealing the muscles that were so strong that there was no cumbersome muscle inside.

With a loud shout, the veins on his forehead popped up, and Han Xiao turned his waist.

The Tiangong No. [-], which was heading straight for the city wall, actually shifted slightly under his influence.

It is also the offset of this point that makes it change direction directly, crashing into the city gate like a meteorite!

"how is this possible?!"

Demon Bear Douluo on the ground was dumbfounded.

From the very beginning, Han Xiao planned to break open the city gate in such a wild way.

"My grass!"

Yan looked at the city gate that was getting closer, and held his head tightly: "Crazy, what a crazy!"

"Everyone, protect yourself!"

Lin Ting didn't dare to drive anymore, curled up in the cockpit like a prawn.

Xie Yue took a deep breath, and directly released her defensive soul skills.

A loud noise echoed in the sky above Wuhun City, without stopping for a long time.

Even the Wuhun Hall in the distance was also affected. Those sleeping soul masters thought they were attacked by the enemy, so they hurriedly dressed and got up.

Bibi Dong stared coldly at the huge smoke that formed in the distance.

No one knew what she was thinking.

Qian Daoliu was dressed in white, and he looked extraordinarily dazzling standing in the dark night.

"Big priest, then Han Xiao has already escaped from the Wuhun Hall, should we take action to solve it now?"

Golden Crocodile Douluo asked respectfully beside him.

Qian Daoliu just glanced at him lightly: "Don't you think it's interesting to let Han Xiao and Bibi Dong kill each other?"

How much she wanted to be protected at all costs in the past, and now she wants to obliterate it!

Qian Daoliu sneered, "Han Xiao, what are you fighting with me?"


At the northern gate, Demon Bear Douluo looked at the city gate that had been knocked out with a big hole, and Han Xiao standing on the gate, his eyes straightened.

It turned out that there are really people in this world who can escape from the heavily guarded Wuhun Temple.

Han Xiao stood at the city gate, looking at the familiar street scene.

This may be the last time he looks at it in this state of mind.

The next time we meet, we will be sworn enemies!
Once the fangs are exposed, there is no need to hide them.

Han Xiao glanced lightly at Demon Bear Douluo at his feet, and said condescendingly: "I hope you can survive the next time we meet."

After saying this, his figure merged into the darkness.


Demon Bear Douluo destroyed the ruins in a fit of rage.

It is definitely a great shame for a soul sage to slip away from him.

Outside Wuhun City, a dilapidated chariot charged with smoke.

"It really escaped."

Yan collapsed on the seat limply, he felt lucky for his survival after the catastrophe.

Looking at the scenery like a white horse passing by outside the window, Xie Yue sighed: "I'm afraid I don't know when I can go back after I leave."

"Whatever, we're all doing this for the Spirit Hall."

Yan waved his hand, and then seemed to realize something: "I said Lin Ting, we are already a certain distance away from Wuhun City, so we don't have to run like this any longer?"

The two of them were silent for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, and almost forgot Lin Ting who had been silent all this time.

"Tiangong No. [-] seems to be..." Lin Ting's voice came from the front: "It's out of control."

"What did you say?!"

The two spoke in unison.

"The collision just now seems to have damaged the transmitter of Tiangong No. [-]."

Lin Ting explained to the two of them: "In order to make the operation of Tiangong-[-] more sensitive, I put the transmitter in the front cabin, affected by the collision, the transmission bearing was shaken..."

"I don't want to hear this, you tell me what to do now."

Yan yelled anxiously, he didn't have the time to listen to such cloudy things.

Lin Ting was silent for two seconds, and then said: "Actually, Tiangong No. [-] has not been completely completed, and the emergency escape device has not been installed, so we may..."

"I believe in your evil!"

Despair spread in everyone's heart.

The speed of Tiangong-[-] was getting faster and faster, and the internal combustion engine made loud noises from time to time.

Even if it wasn't heated, the speed of the piston was almost like a shadow.

Yan knew that the internal combustion engine was beyond his control.

No one knows when Tiangong-[-] will explode.


Xie Yue's voice broke the embarrassment.

"The hatch is locked, we can't get out."

Lin Ting poured a basin of cold water again.

Hearing this, Yan finally couldn't take it anymore, "Why didn't you fucking say that you didn't install the escape device!"

"I see that you are all very excited, afraid of splashing cold water." Lin Ting felt a little helpless, "Besides, do you know how expensive the escape device is? I sold all the houses in Wuhun City to build this thing."

Yan, Xie Yue: ...

"Then are we waiting to die now?"

Yan was a little desperate.

Fighting all the way, their soul power has bottomed out.

"Perhaps waiting for someone to come to rescue is also a good choice."

Lin Ting said weakly.


Only then did the two realize that Han Xiao was not in Tiangong-[-].

Thinking of this, a glimmer of hope ignited in their hearts.

But, can Han Xiao save them?
At this moment, a black shadow flew from behind, and quickly leveled with Tiangong No. [-].

The black shadow is Han Xiao.

"How to do?!"

Yan asked loudly.

Han Xiao looked at Lin Ting, "First find a way to turn off the engine, you should have set this switch."

Lin Ting clapped his hands and suddenly realized: "I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me, Yan, hurry up and press the red button next to the internal combustion engine compartment."

"Your sister is really unreliable!"

Yan cursed angrily, and immediately thought of something: "Can't the engine be frozen with ice?"

"are you crazy!"

Han Xiao and Lin Ting spoke in unison.

"If you do this, the engine will only explode due to the sudden cold, and you will die first."

Yan shrugged, and obediently tapped the red button.

Surprisingly, however, the internal combustion engine was not extinguished.

"How to do?!"

Yan was a little anxious.

Han Xiao stepped on Tiangong No. [-] and looked into the distance.

Next, the chariot will pass through a dense forest.

If you don't stop it, I'm afraid it will be too late.

"Lingguang, let's go."

Han Xiao looked at the cloak in his hand and threw it forward.

The speed of the Lingguang cloak was so fast that it was lying across the only way of Tiangong No. [-], and his body swelled up.

In the end, it stood in front of Tiangong-[-] like an air mattress.

"Remove the spear!"

Han Xiao shouted loudly.

Lin Ting understood, pressed the switch, and the spear in front of him slowly fell off.

As for Contra's corpse, Tiangong No. [-] crushed it mercilessly.

The two collided, and the aura cloak was retreating at a rapid speed.

Everyone held their breath at this moment.

If the aura cloak can't stop Tiangong No. [-], their ending can be imagined.

It seems that the god of death has not yet wanted to harvest their lives.

Under the interception of the Lingguang cloak, the speed of Tiangong No. [-] slowed down.

The internal combustion engine also stopped moving.

"Why is there so much smoke?"

Yan screamed from the engine compartment.

Lin Ting said hurriedly, and at the same time opened the hatch: "The hatch has been unlocked, it's about to explode, hurry up."

No one dares to play with their own lives.

Xie Yue and Yan were very fast, they opened the hatch at the same time, and ran outside desperately.

But Lin Ting was wrapped in the aura cloak and flew into the sky.

With a bang, the strong shock wave flattened the surrounding area.

Plumes of violent smoke rose in the sky.

In the distance, Yan and Xie Yue watched this scene with lingering fear.

If they took another step slower, they would have been blown to pieces by now.

"Lin Ting, where is Lin Ting?"

Xie Yue looked around, but did not find Lin Ting's figure, and asked anxiously.

"I'm here!"

Lin Ting's voice came from the sky.

The two looked together and found that he was slowly landing with his cloak on.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, no one was injured in the plan to escape from Wuhundian.

"Yan, why did you turn into coal balls?"

The joy of surviving after the catastrophe ignited in everyone's heart, Xie Yue looked at Yan and joked.

Hearing this, Yan became angry, "It wasn't the smoke from the engine that burned it."

If it wasn't for the terrific defensive power of the Flame Lord's martial soul, his body would have been burned a long time ago.

Lin Ting looked at Tiangong No. [-] with reluctance, and smiled like an old father:
"I didn't expect that your first appearance was so vigorous."

At this moment, he had completely understood the old blacksmith.

The old man's life was as short as fireworks, but so wonderful.

He created Xianhe and created a weapon that can shatter martial souls.

Although his body died, his soul was entrusted to the fish intestines and he obtained eternal life.

Lin Ting burst into tears, and now he has done the same.

The chariot created broke through the continent's most heavily fortified defenses.

that's enough.

Han Xiao patted his shoulder and said slowly:
"I guarantee that from now on, there will be Tiangong No. [-] and Tiangong No. [-]."

"You are welcome to join the Brotherhood, we need talents like you."

Lin Tingqiang rubbed his eyes with a smile: "Then I would like to thank the Suzerain for his great approval."

Han Xiao nodded, looked at Xie Yue and Yan who were sitting on the ground: "What about you?"

"Now you have become the rats that everyone in Wuhun Hall wants to beat, what else do you want to say?"

The two looked at each other with bitter expressions.

"Han Xiao, we can feel the painful struggle of the teacher now."

"Douluo Dalu, you are the only one who can help her escape from the abyss."

There was a gleam of determination in the eyes of the two of them: "You can leave the Wuhun Palace, because with your ability, even if you didn't join the Wuhun Palace at the beginning, nothing can restrict your development."

"But we can't, without Wuhundian, we are nothing now."

"So, the two of us will do our best to help you until the teacher is saved."

The corner of Han Xiao's mouth curled up, "If you don't want to leave the Brotherhood in the future, don't blame me."

"of course."

The two grinned, and the atmosphere relaxed for a moment.

"Stop chatting, the pursuers of Wuhundian will definitely find this place."

Han Xiao got up, although he was a little tired, but his face was still focused.

Everyone's complexion changed, and they nodded heavily.


Ten days later, at the junction of Wuhun City, Star Luo Empire, and Tiandou Empire, there was a border city.

The four of Han Xiao were sitting in a dilapidated tavern, drinking in silence.

Huge hoods, hiding them in darkness.

On the table, there are several simple dishes.

There were many tables of guests sitting in the tavern, all of whom were traders traveling between the two countries.

Their news is often the most well-informed.

"Have you heard that the Wuhun Palace completely established the Wuhun Empire, harvesting countless sects overnight."

A businessman said worriedly.

The person sitting next to him looked excited: "Seize the opportunity, we will make war fortune soon."

Han Xiao took a sip of sorghum wine and put down two gold soul coins.

When the four of them left the tavern, Yan couldn't help sighing: "Sure enough, it's just like what you said, Wuhundian really made a move."

Xie Yue looked a little heavy: "It's too early."

Those big sects seemed to have prepared early, and did not let the blitz of the Wuhun Temple succeed.

Missing one hit, Wuhundian had no choice but to aim at those small sects.

"Where should we go now?"

Han Xiao smiled slightly, and looked into the distance: "It's time to go back there and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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