Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 346 Goodbye Tang Chen!

Chapter 346 Goodbye Tang Chen!

Heaven Dou City, Brotherhood headquarters.

Zhou Tong sat at his desk, kneading his temples.

The sanction of Wuhundian has already begun, and their brotherhood is the first to move.

Fortunately, he opened the first kit in advance and arranged the defense facilities according to the above method.

"Elder Niu, how is the construction progress of our bunker?"

Looking at Niu Gao who was sitting at the round table, Zhou Tong asked.

Niu Gao spread out a pair of intricate drawings, "We're halfway through the process."


Zhou Tong frowned, but the speed was still too slow.

But it's no wonder that Niu Gao, after all, when Niu Gao told him Han Xiao's plan for the first time, Zhou Tong was completely shocked.

Han Xiao could choose this address precisely because it is convenient to build an underground fortress.

With such a huge scale, half of it is now completed, which can be regarded as extremely fast.

"What's going on with the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect?"

Tai Tan responded in a deep voice: "Yu Tianqing, the suzerain of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, has accepted our request, and has started frequent visits with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect."

Zhou Tong nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

I have to admire that Han Xiao is too foresighted.

He knew very well that the first attack from Wuhundian would definitely be the Brotherhood.

While asking Niu Gao to build the fortress, he sent Yu Tianqing to fan the flames in Qibao Liulizong's ear.

Once Ning Fengzhi has the awareness of being prepared for danger in times of peace, he will definitely send troops to support the Brotherhood.

After all, who knows if the Brotherhood falls, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will be the next to die?
At that time, the brotherhood will become the first front in the battle against Wuhundian.

"Everyone, I believe everyone already knows how serious the current situation is."

Zhou Tong folded his hands together with a serious expression on his face.

Chen Mo is injured, so he can't work too hard in a short time, only he can stand up.

"Now, our leader is looking for a shelter for us. Everyone must stick to it and wait for him to come back. The pattern of the mainland will change."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in unison, their eyes determined.

Zhou Tong stood up, put the back of his hand in front of everyone, and lightly recited the slogan of the Brotherhood: "All things are false, all things are permitted."

"All things are false, all things are allowed!"

Brotherhood, will become the most united organization to fight against Wuhundian.


"What did you say?!"

Lin Ting looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

"I, I, we are going to the capital of killing?!"

He was so dumbfounded that he couldn't even speak.

Yan and Xie Yue were also at a loss.

They once heard Bibi Dong say that the Slaughter City has always been under the rule of the Slaughter King.

And this King of Slaughter is an extremely powerful Titled Douluo.

No matter how powerful Han Xiao is, taking Lin Ting to seek refuge in the Capital of Slaughter, isn't that just uncomfortable?
He is a great soul master.

"I know people in the city of killing."

Han Xiao opened his mouth slowly, his eyes flat.

"No, Brother Han."

Yan interrupted, and then said suspiciously: "I heard that the City of Slaughter is a place where you can only survive if you have strength. No matter how strong the relationship is, it won't work."

Xie Yue nodded, "I heard that if you want to survive there, you have to kill people every day."

There was both fear and excitement in the eyes of the two of them.

After the All-Soul Master Elite Competition ended, they didn't go to the Killing Capital with Hu Liena, precisely because the purgatory on earth was too terrifying.

It's not a place for people at all.

Han Xiao frowned, "Will you go?"

The eyes of the three were a little hesitant, and finally Yan gritted his teeth first: "Now the branches of the Wuhun Temple all over the mainland are chasing us. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is really no other place to go except that the capital of killing is close."

Besides the Slaughter Capital, there is also Sea God Island.

But that place is completely forbidden outside of the Douluo Continent, outsiders are absolutely not allowed to enter.

"Get ready to go."

Han Xiao spoke lightly.

They still don't know that the reason why the Slaughter Capital can gain a foothold on the mainland is necessarily related to the continuous supply of the Wuhun Hall.

Half a month later, the village outside the capital of killing.

I haven't been here for about ten years, so it looks the same as before.

It was still lifeless, and there was an almost depressive smell in the air.

The four of them stepped into the tavern that led to the killing capital.

The difference from before is that the bartender behind the wine cabinet seems to have changed.

"Open the door."

The four of them stepped here and immediately attracted the surrounding guests.

And Han Xiao's straightforward words aroused everyone's dissatisfaction.

"I said, do you guys with no hair at all know the rules here?"

"Jie Jie Jie, I've been drinking Bloody Marys here for many years, and I've never seen anything like this."

"Boy, do you dare to come here after drinking human blood?"

These burly men are not stingy with dirty words from their mouths.

Han Xiao just glanced at them lightly, and then felt a little helpless.

The people here seem to have nothing to say from the beginning to the end, it's life and death.

"If you want to enter the killing capital, you have to take out your ticket."

The bartender was about to curse, but seeing Han Xiao's familiar face, he said in a deep voice.

Han Xiao didn't say anything, and directly released his Death God Domain.


Except for the three of Yan, everyone was trembling with fear from the murderous aura like a monstrous wave.

The bartender knelt heavily on the ground.

"Respected Lord Killing God, please forgive my rudeness."

"Open the door."

This time, the bartender opened the door very cooperatively, knelt down and sent the four of them into the corridor respectfully.

"I'll go, I didn't expect that."

In the tunnel, Yan looked left and right, and said with admiration: "I knew that the King of Slaughter would be treated like this, and I also participated in it back then."

"Heh, do you think the City of Slaughter is that simple?"

Xie Yue smiled coldly, mercilessly, "Depending on you, I'm afraid you will die inside within a month."

Hearing this, Yan just muttered a few words, but did not refute.

He also knows how terrifying the killing capital is.

Passing through the corridor, everyone seemed to have stepped into a new world.

However, when they saw at least a thousand knights in heavy armor standing densely outside the corridor, they immediately became vigilant.

"The visitor is not good."

These sculpture-like knights, just standing there, give people an invisible sense of oppression.

Yan and Xie Yue entered into a state of fighting one after another. Is this to give them a blow?
However, the next scene made everyone dumbfounded.

The leading knight got off his horse and knelt down, knocking the halberd heavily on the ground:
"Head of the Horror Knights, Coster, see the Crown Prince!"

In the next second, all the knights got off their horses and knelt down on the ground, "Terrorist Knights, see the Crown Prince!"

The ground was shaken by the halberds in their hands.

When this group of nuclear weapons in this era knelt down in front of Han Xiao, the scene was extremely spectacular.

"Dang... Senior Slaughter King asked you to come? Get up."

Han Xiao looked as usual, and spoke slowly.

"Thank you Crown Prince!"

The knights got up one after another and turned into solemn sculptures again.

"What's the matter?"

Yan's voice trembled a little.

After being silent for a moment, Xie Yue slowly said, "I remember, he said that there are people here."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Lin Ting choked on saliva.

Adding the heads of the three of them together, I can't think of it. The person Han Xiao said would be the King of Slaughter.

"Crown Prince, please follow me. Your Majesty is already waiting for you in the palace."

The leader of the terrifying knights made a gesture of invitation: "Your friends will also receive the most gracious hospitality from the killing capital."

"Let's go."

Han Xiao nodded and followed behind Coster.

And three women with black tulle faces and hot figures also came over with twisted water snake waists: "Friends of the crown prince, please."

"Is this about me?"

Feeling a scent of fragrance, Lin Ting felt soft in his arms, as if he was in a dream.

"Ahem, let's go first, so as not to delay your business discussion."

A flush flashed across Yan's face, and he pushed Lin Ting who was stunned in place.

After finishing speaking, he grabbed the charming woman beside him and walked away quickly.

Men, not to mention having experienced a series of life and death in the past few days, it is normal to vent.

Coster led Han Xiao towards the most resplendent bedroom in the Slaughter Capital.

Along the way, Coster's respectful appearance and Han Xiao wearing a mask instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Even if it is a killing god, it is unlikely that the leader of the knights under the killing king will personally entertain him.

Step into the bedroom and push open the door which is ten meters high.

In the room, all kinds of rare treasures and precious buildings make people blind.

Even the roof is tens of meters high.

And in the center is a large bed covered by a veil.

Han Xiao could vaguely see the figure lying on the bed.

"Go down."

An eerie hoarse voice came from the bed.

All around retreated one after another, and the maid deliberately closed the door before leaving.

"Senior Tang Chen, long time no see."

Han Xiao was neither humble nor overbearing, and bowed slightly to salute.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank sharply.

A small hammer flew out from the veil, which was Tang Chen's return gift.

Looking at the small hammer that was slowly flying towards him, Han Xiao only felt his muscles tighten.

Afterwards, he instantly released the Killing God Domain, the Spiritual Light Cloak, and the sixth soul skill.

Numerous BUFF superpositions slow down that invisible pressure.

Han Xiao stepped on the shadowless bee, his body swayed, and he avoided the small hammer flying towards him.

A black shadow flew out from the veil, and the small hammer flew back into his hand.

"Let this old man see how your strength has improved after not seeing you for so many years."

Later, he unexpectedly predicted the route of Solder Aioh, and smashed it down with a hammer.

The seventh soul ring lights up.

Han Xiao didn't dare to be careless, and directly used the strongest killer move: "The junior is respectful rather than obedient."

His speed skyrocketed again.

With two short swords under his feet, Han Xiao didn't retreat at all, blocking Tang Chen's attack line.

In the air, the four daggers were entangled together, making dragon cries.

Light as a frightened bird, like a swimming dragon!
"Good come!"

Tang Chen's eyes burst into light.

In this world, those who dare to directly confront the Clear Sky Hammer, especially Tang Chen's Clear Sky Hammer, can be said to be rare.

Martial souls collided, and Han Xiao's martial soul was defeated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the expression on his face didn't change much.

It seemed that he had expected this ending a long time ago.

He waved the cloak of spiritual light, and the three giant dragons let out a long roar, and rushed towards Tang Chen together.

Golden Dragon, Azure Dragon, Thunder Dragon!

Looking at the three giant dragons coiled together, Tang Chen finally had a solemn look in his eyes.

With a flick of his wrist, the heavy Haotian Hammer instantly turned its direction and slashed towards the giant dragon.

With a loud noise, huge fluctuations of soul power scattered in all directions.

The figures of the giant dragon and Han Xiao disappeared at the same time at this moment.

In the next second, countless feathers swept from the aura cloak.

Tang Chen swung his hammer again.

Feather collapsed in an instant.

This is the strength of the Clear Sky Hammer, they don't need tricks, and they don't need fancy soul skills, they only need to swing the hammer.

It can break everything in the world.

However, Tang Chen's expression froze due to his keen sixth sense.

He turned his head hastily, and at some point Han Xiao appeared behind him.

In his hand, the dagger that swayed like a water snake emitted a bright light.


Tang Chen's complexion changed drastically. He never thought that Han Xiao would have such a magical weapon.

Without the slightest hesitation, Tang Chen quickly backed away.

Han Xiao changed from stabbing to throwing, and the fish intestines drew an arc in the air, flying towards Tang Chen at an extremely strange angle.


Tang Chen shouted loudly, and the first and second spirit rings erupted at the same time.

He didn't expect that Han Xiao would force him to release his soul skills.

The thousand-weight hammer hit the fish intestines heavily.

However, the fish intestines only trembled for a while, and then changed direction and flew towards his back.

For this move, Han Xiao has to thank Tang San.

Tang Chen swung the seven-seven-forty-nine hammer.

However, this powerful Clear Sky Hammer couldn't destroy fish intestines at all.

At best, he would let him bend, and attack Tang Chen in another direction.

"As expected of the kid I fancy!"

In the air, Tang Chen smiled heartily, swinging the hammer faster and faster.

Immediately afterwards, he retracted the Clear Sky Hammer, unexpectedly grabbed the fish intestines with both hands.

The slippery short sword brushed against his hands, and even though it finally stopped, it still caused damage to Tang Chen's hands.

Strands of blood slowly flowed down, but Tang Chen didn't care at all, picked up the fish intestines and looked at it.

"This magical weapon is not weaker than the Asura Sword."

A look of shock flashed in his eyes.

Although the fish intestines do not have a godhead, the aura it exudes is close to that of a divine weapon.

If Han Xiao can become the God of Shura, then this weapon will take another step forward.



Tang Chen threw the fish intestines to Han Xiao, and then simply bandaged the wound on his hand.

Afterwards, he pointed to the actions in the distance: "Sit down."

Han Xiao nodded, and Tang Chen took their seats one after another.

He knew that just now was just Tang Chen's temptation to him.

Tang Chen sat on the throne, with excitement and excitement flashing in his eyes: "Boy, you are finally back, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Han Xiao nodded expressionlessly: "Next, I'm afraid I will need the help of Slaughter Capital."


Hearing this, Tang Chen was a little astonished, "Isn't this city of killing yours? Help is not an appropriate word, is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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