Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 347 Crown Prince!

Chapter 347 Crown Prince!

Han Xiao was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

He had never made an agreement with Tang Chen before, when did he become his own in this capital of killing?
Even if he came here, he was just seeking a shelter for himself so that he could practice outside.

"I'm running out of time."

When Tang Chen said these words, his expression was calm.

It seems that the person who will die is not himself.

"My Tang Chen should have lived a legendary life, but I didn't expect it to be stained at this last moment, and let the bat control my body."

"However, there is no need to say these things now. I have delayed for too long here."

"The capital of killing must survive. It is not only a different kind of prison, but also harvests those evildoers every day."

"So, you see, I have been the King of Slaughter for so many years, now I should retire and do some things of my own?"

Tang Chen smiled slightly, and looked at Han Xiao with admiring eyes.

This young man has courage, foresight, decisiveness, and no sloppiness. He is the best person to manage this prison.

"You said to do your own thing, just to find an old lover?"

Han Xiao showed no mercy, and directly saw through Tang Chen's inner thoughts.

"Cough cough."

Tang Chen, who was drinking wine, almost choked.

Immediately, he said angrily: "What did you say, what is an old lover!"

Tang Chen blushed, pretending to be serious: "Why, don't you allow an old bone of my age to bravely pursue love?"

"Senior, this junior is unclear about one thing."

"tell me the story."

"Since the senior has gotten rid of the control of the Bat King, why don't you try to attack the Asura God?"

Hearing this, Tang Chen's expression became a lot more serious: "As far as I know, God Shura is the most difficult one to complete the assessment among all the gods."

"If you want to pass the ninth test, you need not only strong strength, but also the approval of God Shura."

"Now that I am possessed by a bat, my strength has been greatly reduced. It is impossible to become a god."

Han Xiao frowned when he heard these unknown secrets.

"However, you are still young, and you still have a chance."

Tang Chen looked at Han Xiao with piercing eyes: "Now, my obsession with becoming a god has been broken by my own hands. In order to become a god, I have given up too much. If I bring those words to the soil, I will become a god." Nor will there be peace."

"I have accepted my destiny as the guardian. Helping you become the Shura God is one of my obsessions for the rest of my life."

"But before doing the final work, you must let me rest first?"

Speaking of this, Tang Chen felt a little helpless.

Han Xiao's expression sank.

He knew what Tang Chen meant by the last job.

"Senior, why did you help me like this?"

Han Xiao didn't understand that the two were not related by blood, and they had never met each other.

"You underestimate yourself."

Tang Chen shook his head and couldn't help laughing: "To be honest, I was not as good as you when I was young. Now, is there any boy in Douluo Continent who can do what you do?"

"Even if I don't help you, after you are promoted to Title Douluo, there will be a lot of gods for you to inherit."

For a while, the two fell into silence.

Han Xiao looked at Tang Chen calmly, without speaking.

"How about you boy, how about taking care of the holy land of the villains in the Slaughter City for me, and how about I help you complete the last test of the Asura God Exam?"

Be the king of killing, everything you want is at your fingertips.

Stay in this one-third of an acre of land and become the god of these people.

Not only that, but there is also a once peerless powerhouse to help you pass the divine test.

Tang Chen felt that no one would reject him.

"Senior, you don't even want to become a god, why are you so sure I want it?"

Han Xiao spoke slowly, looking directly at Tang Chen.

Hearing this, Tang Chen's eyelids twitched.

"The matter of becoming a god would not have much appeal to me if it were put into the original."

"But now, I have to become a god."

Tang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he only felt a little absurd.

The majestic king of Haotian, who was a generation of Haotian, would feel uneasy because of a young man's decision.

See you soon.

"Senior Tang Chen, if I have nothing else to do, I will go to practice."

Every minute and every second now is extremely precious to Han Xiao, and he doesn't want to let it go.

"Don't be in a hurry."

Tang Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled, "With your talent and my guidance, I believe becoming a Title Douluo in a short time is not a problem."

"Don't you want to come and care about your people, they love you very much."


Hell Killing Fields
The sound of fighting and shouting filled the dome-shaped arena.

In the air, a layer of red veil was shrouded, and the smell of blood kept teasing the nerves of everyone here.

In the field, a corner cage battle is about to have only two people left, and the curtain is about to come to an end.

A slender and tall man kept pulling, and his opponent, a strong man who looked like a prehistoric giant, had countless wounds on his body.

At a glance, Han Xiao knew that he was already at the end of his battle.

The two walked into the luxurious room where only the Slaughter King could sit. This room was made of special one-way glass.

In other words, when Tang Chen didn't want to show up, he could "sneak peek" at the fighting among these bugs.

"Do you miss it?"

Tang Chen turned to look at Han Xiao.

Once upon a time, he also kept fighting for his life in the audience.

It's just that after many years, he came to the stage.

Han Xiao didn't answer, but quietly looked into the arena.

The strong man's movements became more and more sluggish, facing the two darts shot by the man, he opened his mouth and swallowed them.

Afterwards, his body began to swell, and he fell heavily to the ground. His eyes turned white, and he died of poisoning.

"King Shura, King Shura, King Shura!!!"

The whole audience reveled and paid homage to the man who stood proudly on the spot.

"Oh, King Shura?"

Tang Chen smiled disdainfully, "It seems that this period of time is too kind in their eyes, who dares to be called Shura?"

Han Xiao just looked calmly at King Shura surrounded by thousands of people, and didn't respond.

Unexpectedly, he could meet acquaintances in the killing capital.

Who else could this King Shura be if not Tang San?

Han Xiao glanced at Tang Chen beside him, but did not choose to tell him Tang San's identity.

Seeing this, Tang Chen simply snapped his fingers, and the color of the transparent glass in front of him gradually changed.

At this time, the audience in the stands discovered Tang Chen and Han Xiao standing on the dome.

"King of Slaughter, King of Slaughter, King of Slaughter!!!"

They turned around and bowed devoutly towards Tang Chen.

The hoarse, exhausted, and crazy shouts instantly filled the huge hell killing field.

And Tang San, as if aware of the realization of Han Xiao's throw, turned his head and looked at him.

Immediately, he frowned.

For some reason, the man standing next to Tang Chen always had a feeling of deja vu.

That kind of feeling made Tang San very disgusted.

"Arise, my children."

Tang Chen stretched out his hand to help. When facing these people, he also played the role of the king of slaughter.

Everyone didn't dare to be careless and stood up one after another, but they still looked at him with the piety that could die for him.

"Children, today, this deity has brought you a hope."


Everyone froze in place.

"Use your loudest voices to cheer for my Crown Prince, the next generation of King of Slaughter!"

He opened his arms and closed his eyes, as if waiting for the tidal scream.

This group of people whose brains were almost out of control could even sacrifice their hearts to Tang Chen, and frantically tore their own throats.

"He needs to pass the blood sacrifice!"

"Yes, that's right! I don't recognize the crown prince."

At this moment, one or two out-of-group voices sounded in the crowd.

Han Xiao looked over, and those who sang the opposite tune had just arrived in the Slaughter Capital, and there was still reason in their eyes.

"Yeah, to become the crown prince, don't you need to go through a blood sacrifice!"

"Dear King of Slaughter, please forgive us for being rude, but if he is not as wise and powerful as you, how can he lead the people of the Slaughter Capital?"

Some people objected, and those cheers became a little weaker.

Tang Chen turned his head to look at Han Xiao, with a smile hidden in his eyes.

It is not an easy thing to convince these lunatics to be ruled.

Han Xiao was expressionless and jumped down.

He stood in the middle of the field, moving his muscles and bones, crackling.

Immediately, he hooked his fingers towards King Shura who was not far away.

Whoa! ! !
The audience was like boiling water, once again restless.

"You have to know that King Shura was two games away from winning a hundred wins."

"It's crazy, it's crazy, hahahaha!!!"

"I bet three bitches, King Shura wins!"

"I took it!"

On the stage, a bet has already been started for the two of them.

Under the mask, Tang San frowned.

Immediately, he still took three steps forward, signaling to accept the challenge.

However, Han Xiao didn't move, but sat down cross-legged.

That means, I don't want to take advantage of others.

After all, he had gone through a brutal battle, and his physical strength had run out.

Tang San didn't bother, he ate a few herbs and recovered his strength.

The killing field of hell is rare and quiet at this moment.

Like the calm before the storm.

The eyes of these lunatics were red, their bodies were leaning forward, their hands trembling, and they stared at the two people in the field without blinking.

Once fighting starts, they will let out deafening screams to stir up the atmosphere.

Tang Chen also sat on the human leather sofa, looking at the two with interest.

After this period of fighting, he also knew that King Shura was a disciple of his Tang family.

However, at the age of over a hundred, he has already seen through the shackles of the world.

Family affection has become as pale as water to him.

Suddenly, Tang San moved.

Three seven-inch flying knives quickly flew towards Han Xiao in a position where three flowers gathered at the top.

The suppressed emotions of the audience in the stands erupted instantly at this moment, roaring to their heart's content.

Han Xiao slowly opened his eyes, looking calmly at the flying knife that stabbed his shoulders and head.

Immediately, his figure disappeared in place.

Tang San's face was dignified, and he stepped back on the shadow of ghosts.

The trick just now was just a test.

Next, he's going to do it.

Suddenly, Han Xiao's figure appeared behind him.

Tang San seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, grabbing him with both hands.

Control the crane and capture the dragon!

Han Xiao looked at the dancing claws and stretched out his palms to receive the move.

The powerful impact made Tang San's face change.

The power of this person is terrifying!
Not daring to be careless, his hands were like dragon claws, crawling towards Han Xiao's arm.

The most powerful way to control the crane and capture the dragon is to use force to fight.

During these two years in the Slaughtering Capital, his unique knowledge of the Tang Sect has gradually matured.

Han Xiao looked as usual, took half a step back, and pushed his palms towards Tang San's arms.

With just one movement, Tang San's Dragon Snake Hand was resolved.

His hands were shaken away, Tang San didn't want to fight, so he had to retreat.

However, Han Xiao did not intend to give him this chance.

He turned his palms into claws, grabbed Tang San's arm, and then pulled it inward violently.

Stab it!

Tang San's clothes instantly became broken.

On Bai Nen's arm, there were three unusually eye-catching scratches.

His body also lost his balance, and he was about to fall into Han Xiao's arms.

Seeing this, Tang San didn't even plan to resist, and went directly to meet him.

In his hand, at some point, a small black hammer appeared.

The distance between the two was rapidly approaching, Tang San lifted the Clear Sky Hammer and was about to knock it down.

However, Han Xiao seemed to have expected this trick long ago.

He raised his knee and slammed into Tang San, who subconsciously wanted to dodge.

One hit missed, another hit.

Han Xiao's fist swept towards Tang San's armpit like a cannon hammer.

This punch firmly hit Tang San's ribs, and there was a muffled sound.

Tang San snorted, and the Haotian Hammer, which was ready to go, also fell down.

This man is so strong!

In desperation, Tang San had no choice but to use three hidden weapons to open the distance between the two.

The arm has lost feeling for a short time.

And Han Xiao just tilted his head slightly, and avoided the hidden weapon he shot casually.

He hasn't used Wuhun yet.

Tang San's expression tensed up.

He somewhat regretted the challenge.

You know, in the killing capital, once you accept the battle, you will never die.

Because of his murderous aura, he rashly accepted the battle.

In the end, he found that he was not the opponent.

"Cough cough."

At this moment, Tang Chen's voice sounded from the stands.

"Children, this is the end of this battle."

Han Xiao looked at Tang Chen, did he feel compassion when he saw the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San's hand?
Although Tang San was a little curious, he still breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, now he must steadily complete the last two victories step by step, successfully enter the road to hell, and complete his father's exam.

"What does this prove?!"

"Yeah, it's not over yet!"

"Blood sacrifice, he is going to blood sacrifice!"

A voice of dissatisfaction sounded.

They just saw the most exciting time, but were interrupted.

Tang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and a monstrous killing intent was about to be unleashed.

Before he could make a move, Han Xiao had already disappeared into the arena.


The whole place was silent for a moment.

They saw a head roll to the ground.

It was the one who made the booing, his face was forever frozen in horror.

There were a few more muffled sounds, and they couldn't even see Han Xiao's figure clearly.

Every single human head instantly caused the temperature of the audience to drop suddenly.

"Blood sacrifice?"

Han Xiao reappeared in the arena, scanning the crowd: "Who else plans to sacrifice his blood?"

(End of this chapter)

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