Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 351 Absorbing the Ten Thousand Year Soul Ring!

Chapter 351 Absorbing a 10-year Soul Ring!
"Human, I take back what I said before. You are very strong, and you are still young. It seems that you are more suitable to be my body."

"I am immortal, and now I voluntarily become my body. When the mainland is unified, your statues will be everywhere, and your name will be praised by the people. Although you gave your life for me, your Souls live forever on this continent, aren't these conditions enough?"

The blood-red nine-headed bat king still didn't give up, and continued to confuse Han Xiao with words.

Han Xiao smiled coldly and gave him a thumbs up: "It is also your honor to be my soul ring."

His heart was burning with a fighting spirit.

This blood-red nine-headed bat king really has something extraordinary, if it is turned into a soul ring, it must be extremely powerful.

"Hahahaha." The blood-red nine-headed Bat King's pig nose opened and closed, and he laughed at humans: "Humans, your thinking is too simple, do you really think that a 10-year-old soul ring is so easy to absorb?"

"In this world, no one can make me his soul ring!"

After that, the pair of wings fluttered again, rolled up the sharp stone pillar and flew towards the two of them.


Han Xiao shouted and jumped up.

Tang Chen understood, lifted the Haotian Hammer and let it stand on the hammer surface.

Afterwards, he said solemnly: "Be careful!"

The Clear Sky Hammer soared into the sky, sending him into the sky.

Han Xiao opened the aura cloak, and actually stagnated in mid-air.

The dense wind blades scraped back and forth, destroying the cave.

Han Xiao has forgotten that this is the first time he has swung.

Suddenly, he swooped down and went straight to the blood-red nine-headed Bat King in the distance.

The blood-red nine-headed Bat King felt palpitations when he saw the glistening fish intestines.

"Will you still be tricked if you are really the king?"

The blood-red nine-headed bat king smiled coldly, and his flying speed was not slow at all.

Even with such a huge body, he is still very flexible.

In the direction where the blood-red nine-headed Bat King fell, a scarlet sarcoma appeared.

These sarcomas swelled and then exploded with scarlet fluid.

Han Xiao looked dignified, he knew that it would be extremely dangerous if he got this liquid.

"Human, since you don't want to be my body, then go die!"

Then, he spread his wings, and countless sarcoids rushed towards his face.

Those tumors exploded in mid-air.

Han Xiao wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

In desperation, he had no choice but to hide his body in the cloak.

The liquid stuck to the aura cloak, but it didn't flow down, and there was a crackling and burning sound.

At this moment, Tang Chen's figure appeared behind him again.

The Haotian Hammer exploded down.

"Tang Chen, how many times have I told you that it's useless for you to do this."

The blood-red nine-headed bat king sneered coldly, resisting the hammer forcefully.

However, when it turned its head, it found that Han Xiao had already arrived in front of its eyes.

Those scarlet eyes looked at him expressionlessly.

"how is this possible?!"

The blood-red nine-headed Bat King's complexion changed drastically, and he wanted to dodge but it was too late.

"Here's a present for you, little bat."

Han Xiao smiled coldly, and a palm-sized aluminum can suddenly appeared in his hand.

There are also extremely precise parts on the jar.

Looking at the jar flying towards him, the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King felt a deadly danger for some reason.

A sharp whimper came from the jar.

The blood-red nine-headed Bat King retreated, hanging upside down on the stone pillar in the distance, with lingering fear in his heart.

This young human being always has a lot of tricks.

What exactly is that jar, though.

The blood-red nine-headed Bat King frowned, extremely vigilant.

But it found that, apart from a soft beep, the jar didn't have any effect on itself.

"Trick me?"

The blood-red nine-headed Bat King sneered, "Now, it's my turn to fight back."

After all, it was about to flap its wings and prepare to go up to the grotto.

However, that huge body twisted around several times in the air, and finally almost fell into the magma.

"what happened?!"

The blood red nine-headed Bat King panicked.

His wings seemed out of control, like he was drunk.

"Little bat, are you panicking?"

Han Xiao smiled coldly, and picked up an aluminum can: "How can the power of technology be resisted by a monster like you who has never seen the world?"

Long before coming to the capital of killing, Han Xiao had already made preparations for hunting the blood-red nine-headed bat king.

It was he who asked Lin Ting to create this jar, which is why he insisted on bringing it to the capital of killing.

The bat's brain is transmitted through sound waves.

And that seemingly ordinary humming sound has actually reached negative decibels.

Even Tang Chen had tinnitus at this time.

When the bat is affected by this sound wave, it will become like a drunk, unable to find the north.

That's why he came to hunt and kill the blood-red nine-headed Bat King with full confidence.

In the next second, Han Xiao's figure appeared in front of it.

The blood red nine-headed Bat King's complexion changed drastically, and he wanted to spread his wings and fly away.

But its brain issued instructions, but its body didn't listen.

It was precisely this half-beat that slowed down, and a silver light hit accurately.

The fish intestines cut through the armor outside the wings like cutting tofu, and cut deeply into the tender meat.

The huge wings were split apart in an instant.


The severe pain made the blood-red nine-headed Bat King too late to speak human words, and let out a mouse-like cry.

"Want to run?"

Han Xiao grabbed the wing with only one left, and waved down the fish intestines again.

Blood splashed all over his face, but his expression remained expressionless.

"Be careful, the blood of the blood-red nine-headed Bat King also contains toxins!"

Tang Chen's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly reminded him.

Han Xiao's eyes were full of murderous intent: "Since you have nine lives, I'll kill them all with one blow!"

Afterwards, the fish intestines were deeply inserted into the neck of a head, and after shaking a few times, it convulsed violently, splashing a shower of blood.

"You humble human being, this king wants to kill you!"

Feeling that a clone lost contact, the blood-red nine-headed Bat King roared hysterically.

However, what responded to it was severe pain.

Han Xiao followed suit and continued to kill the second head.

Next, article three, article four.

The body of the blood-red nine-headed Bat King hadn't recovered before being wiped out by the fish intestines again.

Han Xiao didn't dare to be careless, because even he didn't know how long this simple sonic radar could disrupt the bat's magnetic field.

Therefore, he must do his best to quickly end the remaining seven lives of the blood-red nine-headed Bat King.

Before he knew it, he had become a blood man, covered in hot and sticky blood.

Even Tang Chen couldn't help being shocked when he saw Han Xiao at this time.

At this time, the murderous aura emitted by Han Xiao even far surpassed him.

One must know that although Tang Chen possessed the Killing Domain, it could increase his murderous aura to a certain extent.

The amount of murderous intent depends mainly on the individual.

"Don't, don't kill me, please."

At this time, only the last head of the blood-red nine-headed Bat King was left with his eyes open.

It once thought that it had obtained eternal life, but finally felt the fear of death.

All kinds of complicated emotions rose in my heart for a while.

He has lived so long that he has even forgotten the concept of death.

"I said, you should be honored that you can be my soul ring."

Han Xiao smiled coldly, stabbed the fish intestines without the slightest hesitation.

Its body trembled violently, and the blood in its body seemed to have drained dry.

Finally, the small scarlet eyes slowly dimmed.

Pull out the fish intestines, accompanied by a scarlet 10-year soul ring.

This spirit ring, just floating in mid-air, can make people overwhelmed and breathless.

Even the titled Douluo should be kept at a respectful distance.

It is hard to imagine how Han Xiao will absorb it next.

Han Xiao shook some shriveled corpses at will, and a soul bone fell out.


He frowned.

Logically speaking, when a 10-year soul beast dies, it will definitely drop two soul bones.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Looking at the scarlet spine on the ground, Han Xiao said, "Give this soul bone to you."

It can be said that Tang Chen has been doing his best to help himself during this period of time.

It was only natural for him to give this spirit bone.

Tang Chen shook his head and smiled wryly: "Boy, I appreciate your kindness, but the old man has already buried half of it in his bones, and this spirit bone is also useless."

Seeing this, Han Xiao stopped being pretentious with Tang Chen and accepted the soul bone.

"Senior, please protect me."

There was a burst of dryness in the chest, as if a hot current spread all over the body.

The frosty crown on the forehead also burst into a faint light at this moment.

"Murderous, are you going to lose control?"

This kind of thing can be said to be the first time in the past few years.

Even Han Xiao almost forgot the role of the skull.

The blood of the blood-red nine-headed bat king really has the effect of nourishing murderous aura.

Han Xiao vaguely felt that this was an opportunity.

He had to take advantage of this opportunity to quickly absorb the spirit ring.

At that time, his first soul skill and killing god domain will undergo a qualitative change.

Han Xiao took a deep breath and sat cross-legged.

He is constantly trying to blend with the spirit ring.

Suddenly, Han Xiao's pupils shrank, and he looked towards the entrance of the cave.

Tang San stood on one side, hiding behind the stone wall, panting heavily.

His hands were trembling uncontrollably, and his thighs were trembling uncontrollably.

"Has he seen me?"

Tang San swallowed subconsciously, his eyes filled with fear.

"what happened?!"

Looking at his hands, he couldn't believe it.

Just one look, did it become like this?

Those eyes were full of warning.

It seemed that he was looking at an ant, and he didn't even have the thought of stretching out his feet to crush it.

"I've seen that look before."

Thinking back carefully, Tang San's pupils suddenly shrank.

"It's Han Xiao, the Crown Prince of the Slaughter Capital will be him!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Tang San only had one thought in his mind at this moment.

Even though he saw the 10 year spirit bone, Tang San also understood that with his own strength, it was absolutely impossible to intervene.

However, it seems that this trip has not been fruitless.

Heir to the Killing City.

Han Xiao, once this matter comes to light, I see how you can gain a foothold in the Heaven Dou Empire.

Afterwards, Tang San walked out quickly.

He must leave the road to hell as soon as possible, otherwise the murderous aura in the air will soak into the marrow of his bones.

Inside the cave.

The 10-year soul ring has begun to slowly integrate into Han Xiao's body.

Of course he knew that it was Tang San who was spying outside the door.

It is also very clear what will happen if Tang San finds out his identity.

And this is exactly what he wanted.

Suddenly, a force almost torn the body came.

Han Xiao was about to grit his teeth, and blood dripped from his forehead.

His bones began to spasm, and his body sags and bulges from time to time.

The whistling sound of bats continued to come from within the body.

This tyrannical force almost crushed Han Xiao's bones into powder.

Tang Chen's face was serious, he certainly knew what the blood red nine-headed Bat King's soul ring meant.

At least, if it were him who was about to break through the Title Douluo back then, he wouldn't dare to absorb it easily.

And Han Xiao's reaction also confirmed how powerful this soul ring is.

His seven orifices have already started to flow out blood.

Han Xiao's throat made a hoarse sound from time to time.

Tang Chen knew that it was caused by too much pain.

Han Xiao almost subconsciously stuffed the prepared nine-petal meditation lotus petals into his mouth.

In an instant, the cracked skin was being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, this cannot be completely solved.

Even the nine-petal meditation lotus can only hold on for half a quarter of an hour.

Cracks appeared on Han Xiao's skin again.

However, he quickly stuffed another petal in.

Nothing else, just a lot of grass jelly.

At this time, Han Xiao not only had to endure the tyrannical soul power, but also endured the pain of murderous interference.

Time passed minute by minute.

Three days passed in a flash.

The blood-red nine-headed Bat King's soul ring has subsided.

However, at this time, Han Xiao had an extra layer of thick and rough skin on his body.

He is like a lifeless statue.

"Weird, all the signs of life have stopped, only the heart is still beating weakly."

Tang Chen frowned, even he had never seen such a thing.

In the air, the murderous intent became less and less.

The red mist that should have filled the air has also disappeared.

You must know that this is the road to hell, the most murderous place in the entire killing capital.

The murderous aura here has almost dissipated.

Not to mention the killing capital on the ground.

"Han Xiao, you don't have much time. If you don't wake up, I'm afraid your fallen army will be disbanded early."

Tang Chen's brows were serious, thinking in his heart.

At this time, the people in the inner layer of the killing capital have become terrified.

"Where is the King of Slaughter, we want to see the King of Slaughter!"

"Blood, I want to drink blood, who can drink blood for me!!!"

"Kill kill kill kill!!"

These fallen people, because they couldn't feel the murderous aura in the air, became extremely violent.

They were killing each other, devouring each other's body.

Some fallen ones even formed a team and were about to break into the palace of the killing capital.

"Do you feel it, this place has become different."

Yan said in a low voice.

"Yes." Lin Ting nodded, and looked at the dimming night pearl in his hand: "This calming pearl no longer shines."

Originally coming to the capital of killing, they had to resist through strong willpower.

Once let down, it becomes wanting to kill.

But now, this feeling is getting stronger.

Three days without exposure to the chronic toxin emitted by the blood-red nine-headed bat king is enough to cause some deeply poisoned people to erupt.

(End of this chapter)

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