Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 352 Coronation, the top-level external soul bone!

Chapter 352 Coronation, the top-level external soul bone!
Brutal, bloody, dilapidated.

The killing capital is like hell on earth.

Before the blood-red nine-headed bat king died, he spread a violent toxin in the killing capital.

Bloody Marys are no longer enough for these degenerates.

They need more kills, more blood.

"It's so delicious, hahahaha!!!"

The Fallen bit the throat of a young girl and sucked her blood.

The girl looked crazy, she didn't show pain, but gnawed on his arm.

Such scenes abound, and they will only become more bloody!
The killing capital is self-destructing.

Now, the fallen are in urgent need of someone who can replace the blood-red nine-headed Bat King.

At least, it's good for people who have the Death God Domain to come!

"It's over, it's over, what's the situation with Han Xiao?"

The three of Yan had already retreated to the city wall of the killing capital.

Inside the city, the sky was filled with flames and blood.

As for Han Xiao, he hasn't moved at all since he got off the road to hell.

"It won't happen, will it?"

Lin Ting looked worried.

Could that little electromagnetic disruptor really be the means to deal with the 10-year-old soul beast?

Xie Yue shook her head with a heavy expression: "I believe him."

Yan blasted out with one punch, defeating a Fallen who climbed up.

"Get rid of these crazy fallen people first!"

Those who fell found them watching from the city walls.

They even climbed up the city wall together.

The three hurriedly stopped, but more and more fallen people climbed up.

"Kill them, kill them!"

There is a fallen man of high status howling.

Under his order, the group stopped killing each other, and Qi Qi targeted the three of them.

"Damn it, I can't stop it!"

Yan's fist never stopped.

However, this group of fallen people is too crazy.

The pain nerves seemed to disappear, and they flocked to the city wall one after another.

In the capital of killing, soul abilities are not allowed to be released.

What's more, there are not too few strong people here.

Otherwise, Han Xiao would not think of ways to expand the population.

Xie Yue and Yan are just soul emperors, even though they occupy the high ground.

But under the continuous crowd, it was impossible to stop them.

In the sky, several flying soul masters descended from the sky.

Countless sharp claws aimed at Lin Ting, who was the weakest.

"not good!"

Yan's face changed after punching the fallen man wrapped around his body.

Xie Yue's double blades pierced into the fallen man's body, but he tried to pull it out but was firmly grasped.

The man smiled ferociously: "Become a sacrifice to the Great Killing God!"

Is it over?

At this moment, in the distance, a scarlet beam of light in the killing field of hell towered into the sky.

An incomparably rich and active murderous aura spread to every corner of the killing capital.

On the city wall, those fallen people who wanted to divide Shi Yan and Xie Yue stopped.

They looked at the scarlet beam of light obsessively.


Kneel down.

More and more fallen ones are doing this.

They worship devoutly.

It seems that a god appeared in the killing field of hell.

"I, we don't seem to have to wait to die."

Lin Ting sat down on the ground.

His legs were already weak.

Yan lay on the ground, panting heavily.

On his face, with the joy of the rest of his life:
"Damn it, I really thought I was going to be eaten by these monsters."

"As I said, he won't disappoint."

Xie Yue breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the scarlet beam of light, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

At some point, Han Xiao became their most trusted person.

"But I think the murderous aura should come from the King of Slaughter."

Yan trembled just looking at the scarlet beam of light.

It's not that he hasn't experienced Han Xiao's killing god domain.

Horror, violence, crushing.

However, it is still quite different from the one emitted by this red beam of light.

If Han Xiao's killing field is compared to a lake, then the red beam of light in front of him is the vast ocean.

Xie Yue nodded, "It is true that only the King of Slaughter can possess such a terrifying murderous aura."

Everyone has identified.

Even if Han Xiao succeeded in absorbing the spirit ring, his murderous aura would not increase by leaps and bounds.

"It seems that it should be the King of Slaughter who took action to suppress it."

Although Lin Ting didn't understand, he thought they were right.

However, a voice from the scarlet beam of light shook everyone's hearts violently.

"My people, why are you so violent?"

This is Han Xiao's voice!
The scarlet beam of light dissipated, and Han Xiao's figure stood tall in the sky.

He, like a god of killing, came from hell.

There was no expression on his face, but no one dared to peep.

Because as long as you look at it for a second, you will tremble all over because of the restrained murderous aura.

He seems to belong here, a born crown prince, a future supported by thousands of people!
"Welcome to my crown prince!"

"Welcome to my crown prince!"

"Welcome to my crown prince!"

The incomparably crazy voice of the fallen echoed in the killing capital.

Compared with the previous hoarseness.

This time, there was no hesitation in their voices.

It seems that as long as Han Xiao let them die.

They scratch their necks in an instant.

Dedicate your life to this great new king.

Han Xiao glanced at those fallen people who had already invaded the palace:
"Everyone is so anxious to come to see me, what's the matter?"

With just one glance, the group of people were scared out of their wits.

A Contra pressed his head firmly against the ground, his voice trembling:
"Dear King of Slaughter, I... we dare not."

"is it?"

Han Xiao raised his hand casually.

Wisps of red mist were emitting from the surface of their bodies.

Afterwards, they fought together until the entire army was wiped out.

Han Xiao would not want such a depraved person who is difficult to discipline.

What he needs is a dog that is extremely loyal to him.

Tang Chen's figure appeared behind him.

"King of Slaughter!"

"King of Slaughter!"

"King of Slaughter!"

The fallen ones shouted piously to show their loyalty.

It's just that the emotion contained in this shout is still a bit worse than that of Han Xiao.

Although, Tang Chen was stronger.

However, the murderous aura in Han Xiao's body reached its peak after absorbing the blood-red nine-headed bat king.

Even, now he can kill the field with the murderous monoclonal antibody.

It is also for this reason that these murderous fallen people yearn for Han Xiao even more.

"Children, this king happens to be announcing a big event here."

Tang Chen scanned the crowd, his voice was not loud but spread all over the killing capital.

"From now on, your Crown Prince will be the new generation of Slaughter Kings."

As soon as the words came out, no one questioned them.

Even, everyone's faces were filled with extreme excitement.

"Your Majesty, follow your decision!"

They fell to their knees and howled loudly.

In Tang Chen's hands, a magnificent crown appeared at some point.

At the top of the crown, there is a scarlet gemstone inlaid.

"I crown him today and welcome your new king!"

Tang Chen personally put the crown on top of Han Xiao's head.

"Welcome the new king! Welcome the new king! Welcome the new king!"

The degenerates looked ecstatic.

A few of them even broke their scalps.

However, even though the blood was all over his face, there was still a knocking sound.

Han Xiao glanced at the Fallen and waved his hand.

Layers of blood mist instantly filled the air.

The Corrupted devoured the blood mist greedily, their faces full of intoxication.

After absorbing the blood-red nine-headed bat king, Han Xiao naturally mastered its ability.

Controlling the Fallen is one of many abilities.

He can emit the same toxin as the blood red nine-headed Bat King.

Even, it is more pure than it.

This 10-year spirit ring seemed to belong to Han Xiao by nature.

It blends perfectly with his characteristics.

"My king, your people sincerely thank you!"

The tone of the fallen people's words is even humble to the ground.

Han Xiao pressed down, and everyone stopped praising and focused on him.

"I don't know if you have any doubts after you came here."

"Why, you have great strength, but you can only live here?"

"Why, the whole world wants to say that this is a gathering place for wicked people?"

"The Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire are well versed in power, smuggling and selling young girls, and public auctions. Those nobles are beautiful during the day and play with human nature at night."

"I want to ask, why no one in the whole world says they are villains?"

"Could it be that killing someone by someone else's hands is not considered murder? Isn't he a villain wearing a glamorous skin?!"

Han Xiao's words silenced everyone.

"If the deity gives you a chance to see whether the world is black or white, would you like it?"

Han Xiao's words hit everyone's hearts like a heavy drum.

After killing the blood-red nine-headed bat king, Han Xiao had already obtained the field of killing.

That is, as long as he wants to.

Taking back the killing domain, everyone here can release soul skills.

As for the restriction left by the predecessors, Han Xiao naturally has a way to break it.

This also meant that he had the keys to a group of wolves in the cage.

As long as Han Xiao is willing, he can open the door and release these wolves.

Now that the world has turned against itself.

Then use violence to control violence.

"My lord, we are willing to die for you!"

A fallen man shouted frantically.

"I don't need you to die for me!"

Han Xiao yelled coldly, "I need you to prove yourself and hunt down those evils hiding in the dark!"

As soon as the words came out, the audience fell silent.

In their eyes, they are the tools of the King of Slaughter.

However, this Lord of Slaughter seems to be a bit different from the original.

"I am willing!"

A voice sounded from the Fallen.

"I would too!"

"Your Majesty, we are willing to be the sharp knife in your hand and uncover the hypocrisy of this world!"

The fallen were excited.

Han Xiao pressed his hands down, and everyone quieted down in a tacit understanding, and they all looked at Han Xiao.

"In that case, then my people, make the best preparations for the Slaughter Capital!"

Before all the Slaughter Capital set off, this group of degenerates must go through a unified training.

Otherwise, if you go out without organization and discipline, it is simply a gift.

Back in the bedroom, only Tang Chen and Han Xiao were left.

"How about it?"

Tang Chen looked at Han Xiao with interest.

He really wanted to know what soul skills that blood-red nine-headed Bat King could bring him.

"Senior, there seems to be something wrong with my body."

Han Xiao frowned.

"what happened?"

Tang Chen's heart sank.

The soul ring of the blood-red nine-headed Bat King is really not that simple.

Even if it is absorbed, will it affect the soul master's body?
If so, Han Xiao might become his second self.

At that time, the blood-red nine-headed Bat King will have eternal life.

"My back is itchy."

Han Xiao frowned.

He is not sure about completely absorbing the blood-red nine-headed Bat King.

After all, this soul beast is really special.

So special that there is only one in the whole continent.

Therefore, Han Xiao is very cautious.

From the very beginning, he felt an itching on his back.

And now, the real itching is getting stronger.

"Wait, you said your back was itchy?"

Tang Chen's expression became weird.

"You try not to suppress it first."

His voice was a little hurried.

Han Xiao nodded.

Then, slowly close your eyes.

There were actually two humps on his back.

Afterwards, a pair of scarlet meat wings slowly opened.

The fleshy wings are huge, with dots of golden light shining on them.

This pair of meat wings is exactly the same as the blood red nine-headed Bat King.

"External spirit bone?!"

The two spoke in unison and said at the same time.

Unexpectedly, there was a big oolong.

I thought it wasn't completely absorbed, but I didn't expect the blood-red nine-headed Bat King to carry a pair of external spirit bones.

"I said why the blood-red nine-headed Bat King only dropped one soul bone."

Han Xiao figured it out.

It turned out that there was another soul bone hidden in this soul ring.

You know, external spirit bones are extremely rare.

Han Xiao only saw it once.

That was the Eight Spider Lances behind Tang San.

Unexpectedly, he could also obtain a pair of external spirit bones.

Moreover, his external spirit bone is directly 10 years old.

"Blood Killing Sky Wing."

Han Xiao read the name of the external spirit bone.

Immediately, a look of shock flashed in his eyes, and he clenched his fists.

This external spirit bone seems to be able to greatly improve himself.

Immediately, he took out the spine that fell from the blood-red nine-headed Bat King.

"Senior, after I absorb the soul bone, can you fight me?"

"Haha, naturally, the old man also wants to experience the strength of this blood-red nine-headed Bat King spirit ring."

Han Xiao nodded, sat cross-legged, and began to absorb the soul bone.

After a while, he opened his eyes, and his temperament changed drastically.

If it is said that he was only handsome in appearance before, he also possessed a great temperament.

So now Han Xiao seems to have an undeniable aura in his eyes.

Worried about damaging the palace, the two saw off and went directly to the killing field of hell.

Anyway, if the two of them want to reserve the venue, it's a matter of a word.

"Senior, be careful."

Han Xiao looked at Tang Chen who was standing opposite him, shook the blood-killing sky wings, and flew into the sky.

His speed was so fast that only afterimages remained.

The Dumbee under its feet disappeared, and its speed doubled.

Tang Chen gripped the Haotian Hammer tightly, with a dignified expression.

He felt an extremely powerful force approaching rapidly.

With your current strength, you have to be careful.

However, at the moment when Tang Chen was distracted.

Han Xiao's figure appeared behind him as if teleporting.

The speed was so fast that even Tang Chen couldn't react.

"not good!"

Tang Chen's complexion changed, and he stepped back quickly.

Han Xiao spread his wings, and an extremely strong murderous aura surged like a tide.

"Externally attached soul bone skills, killing the sky with blood!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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