Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 353 The powerful 8th soul skill, the approval of Shura Sword!

Chapter 353 The powerful eighth soul skill, the approval of Shura Sword!
Hell Killing Fields, Scarlet, Depression.

Wherever he looked, under the effect of the skill attached to the soul bone, everything turned into blood.

Han Xiao's murderous aura was abundant.

Under his feet, lava-like blood gushed out.

Standing in mid-air, he is like a demon god at this moment.

The blood gushing out from the ground made Tang Chen panic.

"Big Sumeru Hammer."

In order to deal with Contra in front of him, he unexpectedly had to use the strongest ultimate move.

A hammer hit the ground, and the earth cracked.

With this hammer, he forcibly resisted the blood and killed the sky.

"Where did this little monster come from?"

Even though he resisted, he was still shocked inside.

Han Xiao remained calm, and a phantom of a bat slowly appeared on his back.

Immediately afterwards, countless blood condensed, and the blood-red nine-headed Bat King reappeared.

The first skill of this 10-year-old spine is a chain skill with the external spirit bone.

After releasing Blood Slaughter, the plasma that burst out can be fused into the blood-red nine-headed Bat King.

And the blood-red nine-headed Bat King condensed by Han Xiao.

It is bigger and more terrifying than the original body.

This is precisely because of his excessive murderous aura.

"Boy, you are not giving me face."

Tang Chen smiled bitterly inwardly.

He is not as good as he was then.

It will be difficult to resist the next blood slaughter.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiao's Wang Zhan threw one pair at a time.

The eighth soul skill, Rakshasa!
His eyes became scarlet.

Above the head, the flickering light of the Frost Crown became more and more intense.

Then it turned red.

Even this soul bone couldn't suppress the murderous aura in Han Xiao's body.

The blood radiated into the sky, and the killing intent scattered.

A huge warrior armor condensed from murderous aura appeared behind Han Xiao.


A slash with a sword drawn.

This is Han Xiao's eighth soul skill.

Compared with Tai Sui's murderous condensation.

This eighth soul skill condenses into solid armor.

That slash with the sword was even more fierce.

"Stop, stop, stop fighting!"

In the last match, Han Xiao almost lost to Tang Chen.

But this time, it was just a soul ring.

It made Tang Chen give up the idea of ​​continuing to fight Han Xiao.

In Tang Chen's eyes, these skills acquired by Han Xiao are like a visual feast.

A giant nine-headed bat, a samurai in armor.

No matter who it is, I am afraid that they will lose their fighting spirit after seeing this scene.

Han Xiao withdrew his martial soul and frowned.

He also realized the power of this eighth soul ability.

"It seems that we must find someone to try it out?"

Han Xiao thought secretly.

He did not release the second soul ability provided by the eighth soul ring.

Because Han Xiao knows that once it is used, there will be casualties.

"You kid, what kind of monster are you?"

The two withdrew their spirits, Tang Chen complained.

Although he was seriously injured, he was still crushing Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo and his ilk.

"Because of the senior, I can feel that this blood-red nine-headed Bat King spirit ring is the most suitable for me among all the spirit rings."

Han Xiao arched his hands.

This feeling is strong.

Especially when releasing soul skills.

The consumption of soul power is unexpectedly low, and the effect after release is stronger than expected.

Tang Chen sighed, he had gotten used to it during this time.

"Next, there is only one last thing left, and I can retire."

Han Xiao's pupils shrank.

he knows.

I have to face it myself.

It is an existence beyond human beings.

Shura God!
"This road to hell, we have to go back again."

Han Xiao nodded when he heard this.

Then, look to the bat disc on the ground.

The field of killing is on.

Countless killing intent leaked.

The disk slowly opened, and the corridor of the road to hell reappeared.

Han Xiao didn't even want to sacrifice to the Fallen.

On the road to hell, the temperature suddenly rose.

The two came to the cliff closest to the magma.

Tang Chen didn't speak.

With a casual call, an eight-foot epee was placed on the ground.

This blood-colored giant sword with a length of more than two meters, the slender and broad sword is densely covered with dark golden earth magic patterns, and the blood-red long sword is full of extremely fierce killing aura.

He didn't use any force, and the heavy sword was deeply inserted into the granite.

Han Xiao's pupils shrank.

He still remembers.

The last time I saw this heavy sword.

I didn't dare to hold it.

Because of the murderous intent contained therein, he will be controlled by this Shura sword.

And now?

Han Xiao took a deep breath, and strode up to Shura Sword.

This blood-red giant sword exudes a fierce murderous aura just by standing here.

"It's not easy to pick up this sword."

"Even more rare, use it."

Tang Chen never used the Asura Sword.

Because he is very clear that his current strength is already difficult to wield.

And Han Xiao, can he get its approval?

Tang Chen looked heavy.

He is well aware of the pickiness of Shura Sword.

A loud bang.

Han Xiao grabbed the hilt of the sword.

A scarlet ripple scattered around.

The magma churned, as if it had been affected.

The sword trembled, as if it was resisting the challenger.

Han Xiao's eyes were completely covered with blood.

His body was also trembling.

Hold the hilt tightly with both hands.

At this moment, countless negative emotions rose from his heart.

Violence, greed, greed, cruelty.

These emotions are destroying Han Xiao's will!
"Weak and arrogant human beings, become the servants of this deity!"

The voice of Shura's sword soul echoed in Han Xiao's mind.

Han Xiao's clear eyes fell into madness.

This is a battle of wills.

Only by building the Great Wall in your heart can you resist this tyrannical ravage.

In his mind, Han Xiao saw his previous life.

As a boy, he stood in front of the Temple of the Assassins.

"Young man, you can think about it, once you join the Assassin Temple, you will enter the darkness forever."

"Is the darkness scary?"

"It's terrible. People's will will be corroded by it bit by bit. How many people have set their ambitions to become a success, but in the end they have even forgotten who they are."

"But why do so many people want to enter the Assassin Temple?"

"Because they all have a belief."

"Walking in darkness, serving the faith of light!"

All things are false, all things are permitted.

Walk in the dark, serve the light!
This is Han Xiao's epitaph from the beginning!

At this moment, Han Xiao felt a clarity that he had never had before.

It was like a light shining in the darkness.

"What bullshit Asura God, dare to try to destroy my will!"

His eyes became clear, and his pupils were filled with firmness.

"Here! Me! Get up!"

With an angry shout, Han Xiao's facial muscles were all straining.


Cracks appeared on the ground.

This Shura sword, which seemed to be rooted in the soil, was uprooted by Han Xiao!
"it is good!"

Tang Chen's eyes lit up, as expected he was the candidate he valued.

Then, he raised his foot and stepped on the ground that was almost broken.

Han Xiao only felt a moment of weightlessness.

Then, he grabbed the Shura sword and fell into the magma.

"Hope, you can get that person's approval."

Tang Chen stood on the cliff with a heavy expression on his face.

Probably no matter what the world thinks.

None of them could have imagined that the inheritance of the Asura God was hidden under the magma of the road to hell.

Even if someone thought about it, they would never dare to jump into the thousand-temperature magma.

"Boy, I hope you can get the approval of that god."

Tang Chen looked around and let out a long breath.

Han Xiao's ability to draw his sword means that he has been approved by God Shura.

It depends on what test that Asura God gave Han Xiao.

after all.

Thinking of God Shura, Tang Chen shook his head and smiled wryly.

That god is assessing the matter of inheritance, but he has always been willful and reckless.

Tang Chen shook his head, this was no longer something he had to worry about now.

Now, the throne has been passed on, and the divine test has been delivered.

All that is left is to wait for Han Xiao to complete the first few exams, then he will be able to...

Sea God Island!
Excitement flashed in Tang Chen's Gujing Wubo's eyes.

Han Xiao seemed to have fallen into a warm hot spring.

Peripheral vision becomes blurred.

The brain becomes chaotic.

"Here, where is it?"

I don't know how long it took, but Han Xiao's consciousness gradually recovered.

Gradually, sight was restored.

There was a gray fog in front of him, misty.

"Is this the Asura God Temple?"

Han Xiao frowned and walked forward.

After an unknown amount of time, he saw a standing palace.

There are sixteen columns standing in the palace, which are quite different from the gods in Greek mythology.

Han Xiao did not hesitate, and stepped into the palace.

He saw a man sitting on a throne, dozing off with his head on his hands.

The man had a handsome face, with long hair hanging down his shoulders.

"Excuse me, is it God Shura?"

Han Xiao asked.

The man opened his eyes ignorantly, revealing a pair of sharp eyes.


He was a little stunned, and then looked at the Shura Demon Sword in Han Xiao's hand.

There has been no human patronage here for too long.

It actually made him forget that he had spread the inheritance in this continent.

"My name is Han Xiao, and I come to obtain the inheritance of God Shura."

Han Xiao is neither humble nor overbearing.

Inheritance is a two-way choice.

There is no need for him to humbly ask God Shura to hand over the inheritance to him.

"You are Han Xiao?!"

God Shura's eyes widened, and he walked straight to Han Xiao.

Then, he looked himself up and down.

"Good, good, good."

He beamed and muttered to himself.

Han Xiao frowned. This seemed to be a little different from the god he imagined.

"Cough cough."

God Shura also realized his gaffe and sat back on the throne.

"Han Xiao, how many god positions are there in total, do you know?"

He squinted at Han Xiao with a calm voice.

"The younger generation doesn't know."

Han Xiao shook his head.

He doesn't know anything about God.

Because Han Xiao knows that when he is strong enough, God will come to him without exploring.

"Good good!"

However, God Shura seemed extremely happy, applauding.

What's there to be happy about?
Han Xiao frowned.

Could it be that this has become a god, and after living for a long time, there will be some problems in the head?

"Kid Han, remember, there are not many gods in the heavens, and you can even say a lot."

God Shura seemed to change his face, and said solemnly.

Han Xiao nodded.

"But." God Shura turned around and said, "Among all the gods, I, God Shura, am the strongest."

"What's more, I'm in the God Realm, and I'm in charge of killing, which completely matches your ability."

"Hmm... You should have acquired the Death God Domain, right?"

God Shura waved at Han Xiao: "Come here and let me have a look."

Han Xiao's eyebrows twitched, as if subconsciously, he walked to God Shura's side.

"The field of killing, you actually have a taste of the field of killing!"

God Shura said in surprise, "And this killing field seems to be..."

Realizing the gaffe, God Shura coughed twice: "Ahem, anyway, you should also know that we are the most compatible, right?"


Looking at the expectant Asura God, Han Xiao nodded helplessly: "Yes."

"Then let's... start inheriting it?"

God Shura asked cautiously.

Han Xiao nodded, with a serious expression on his face: "Senior, Han Xiao came here this time to participate in the Shura Nine Examinations."

"Oh~" God Shura showed a suddenly realized expression, and then he was ecstatic: "Tang Chen is doing well!"

"Ahem, these nine exams are unnecessary."

With a serious expression on his face, he continued, "I, just pass on Shendi to you."

"Isn't the Asura Sword also in your hand?"

Han Xiao frowned.

This seems to be different from what Tang Chen told himself.

"Senior, Han Xiao came this time just to take the Nine Examinations of Asura."

"To be honest, I have only reached Contra with my current strength, and I am still many levels away from becoming a god."

Hearing this, God Shura was a little dazed.

Immediately, his expression became extremely exciting: "You mean to say that you are the first to come to my shrine, just to take the Nine Examinations in advance?"

"Yes." Han Xiao nodded.

"Damn Tang Chen, why did you send him here so early!" God Shura muttered in a low voice.

"What should I do, forcibly increase my soul power?"

He murmured to himself, then shook his head.

"No, those guys are very sensitive, once they feel it, they will definitely rush over."

God Shura thought of several countermeasures, and finally scratched his head a little frantically.

"Senior, Han Xiao came here just to take part in the divine test."

Han Xiao frowned.

This Asura God, why are there so many things.

"That's it."

God Shura smiled and discussed with Han Xiao:

"I heard that you have a false artifact, how about I use it to upgrade you?"

Han Xiao was stunned for a moment, he knew that the false artifact that God Shura was talking about was fish intestines.

"Then trouble the seniors."

Han Xiao did not refuse.

Afterwards, he handed the fish intestines to God Shura.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it really is a fake artifact."

God Shura looked at the fish intestines, and was amazed: "It really is a fake artifact, which god gave it to you in violation of the regulations?"

Han Xiao shook his head, "A blacksmith made this for me."


God Shura's voice raised an octave: "Human?!"

Han Xiao nodded: "Yes."

God Shura showed an unbelievable expression.

"I can't believe that human beings can create such magical weapons."

Suppressing the shock, God Shura shook his head: "I'll upgrade you right away."

His hand gently brushed the fish intestines.

Afterwards, the short sword unexpectedly burst into bright light, and dense lines appeared on the sword body.

"take it."

Fish sausage is a pseudo-sacred weapon. To upgrade it to a divine weapon, you only need to inject a ray of divinity, which is not too difficult.

"Thank you senior."

Han Xiao took the fish intestines, and he also felt the changes above.

"Then please ask the seniors to issue the assessment task."

Han Xiao said.

Unexpectedly, God Asura showed surprise on his face, and asked, "Assessment? What assessment?"

"You have already completed the first eight tests when you are approved by Shura Sword. The task of the ninth test is to quickly rise to the Title Douluo, and then come back to inherit the gods."

Han Xiao:? ? ?
This seems to be a little different from the difficulty of hell that Tang Chen said.

(End of this chapter)

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