Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 354 God Realm Stealing People?Tang Chen was shocked!

Chapter 354 God Realm Stealing People?Tang Chen was shocked!
Tang Chen said,

The difficulty of the Asura Divine Examination must definitely be ranked above all the divine exams.

However, according to what God Shura said, he has already completed the first eight tests.

Looking at the smiling God Shura, Han Xiao was puzzled: What's going on?

He didn't know that he had already received the attention of the God Realm.

Even, become the big celebrity of the gods.

In the God Realm, apart from the God of Shura, there are also other super gods such as the God of Goodness and the God of Evil.

It's just that they didn't spread their inheritance in Douluo Dalu.

However, Han Xiao has indeed become the sweet pastry in the eyes of the gods.

The reason why Shura God is like this is to let Han Xiao inherit the gods quickly, so as not to be robbed by other god kings.

"Didn't Tang Chen tell you?"

God Shura pretended to be surprised.

They had seen Tang Chen complete the eight exams.

It's a pity that at the last moment, his mind was bewitched and he was plotted against by a wisp of Rakshasa's soul.

"Senior Tang Chen told me that the Asura Divine Exam is extremely difficult, and you even have to risk your life."

Han Xiao said seriously.


Shura God caressed his chin, contemplating.

In his heart, he had already scolded Tang Chen a hundred times: "Damn Tang Chen, what are you talking about, I have to help."

"That's right." God Shura clapped his hands and smiled.

"Tang Chen is also considered your senior, your talent and strength are too powerful among human beings in all aspects, so he said this in the hope that you can guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and face the god with all your heart. "

Is it really?

Han Xiao frowned.

He always felt that something was wrong.

Especially this Asura God, he looks like a pyramid scheme leader.

"Yes yes, that's it."

God Shura looked determined, and looked at the misty sky in the distance, his complexion changed.

He felt two powerful auras coming.

not good!

Those gods are all dog noses, obviously the breath has been isolated, but they can still feel it.

He is very familiar with these two breaths.

It is the god of good and evil.

The two most powerful gods of the Divine Council.

What's even more frightening is that they are still a couple.

No, they must not let them see Han Xiao!
God Shura coughed, "Well, I have already told you about the assessment and rewards, and you are still ten soul rings short."

"So it's not cost-effective to increase the year of your soul ring now. I'll talk about it when you come next time. Then I'll send you back first. Remember to practice hard."

Han Xiao opened his mouth, and still has questions to ask.

But God Shura had already stretched out his index finger and touched his forehead.

In the next second, he was the only one left in the temple.


God Shura breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, two figures in the sky were getting closer and closer to him.

There was a man and a woman who came, the man was handsome and unrestrained, and the woman was all over the country.

These two are the gods of good and evil.


The God of Evil frowned, his voice cold.

The God of Kindness looked around, and his voice was like stringed music: "Sura, you look like you have done something shameful."

"Is there, I didn't do anything?"

God Shura avoided the eyes of the two of them, as if fleeing.

"I seem to... asked for a breath of human beings."

The voice of the God of Evil became colder, and he immediately glared at God Shura: "Did that human come to get the gods?!"

When the God of Kindness heard this, his face was a little sullen.

Seeing being exposed, Shura God simply sat back on the throne:
"Yes, so what?"

"Why didn't you inform the two of us about this matter?"

The two asked questions.

God Shura snorted coldly, and directly tore his face: "The two of you didn't spread the inheritance in the Douluo Continent. Han Xiao came here to find me in person and inherit the God of Shura. What does it have to do with you?"

Hearing this, the expressions of the two changed.

That monstrous human has indeed come.

The god of kindness seemed to have thought of something, and his expression eased: "Evil, don't worry, the inheritance of the gods will take a lot of time, and there is no Shura here, so the child has not yet reached the level of inheritance. "

Hearing this, the Evil God's face brightened a little.

But he still said angrily: "Sura, what you said is not important, the inheritance is a two-way inheritance, and he has full freedom to choose."

God Shura's face changed: "You want to rob people?"

"Healthy competition, very reasonable."

The God of Kindness said, "Nowadays there are many gods choosing one person, so naturally there is no such thing as first come, first served."

This is indeed the rule of the God Realm.

No matter how powerful Shura God is, there is nothing to argue against.

His face was ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "You two, I, Asura, have not had a new inheritance for thousands of years. I, Asura, beg to give this person to me."

God Shura's attitude was very low.

Xiaozhi moves with emotion and reason.

In order for Han Xiao to inherit the position of God, he actually pleaded with the two of them.

Although the evil and the good were a little surprised, they still shook their heads.

"I, Asura, is so humble, the two of you still don't want to let him go?"

Shura was a little angry, but more because he didn't understand.

"Sura, it's not that we deliberately targeted, but this human being is extremely important to us."

The God of Evil spoke coldly.

The God of Goodness nodded: "You should also be very clear that goodness and evil should be on opposite sides. Once they are separated, let alone the God Realm, the lower realm will become chaotic."

God Shura nodded.

The two gods are inseparable, and there are certain reasons for this.

They have to check and balance each other.

Once separated, the evil will definitely stir up bloody winds in the Ten Thousand Realms.

And kindness will also turn into stupidity. Those wicked people who don't deserve charity will disrupt the world with the help of the kind god.

Therefore, the God of Good and Evil knew this very well, and never had the idea of ​​finding an heir.

It is really rare for a couple like them to have both good and evil attributes, and they must be strong.

"In this case, why do you..."

God Shura was a little confused.

In his information, Han Xiao did not have a female companion.

The God of Evil sighed, "Although it's hard to believe, that human did satisfy both of us at the same time."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, even God Shura's expression was filled with shock.


He couldn't believe it.

A human being possesses goodness and evil at the same time?

These two attributes actually appeared on Han Xiao at the same time.

"That's the truth, and it was hard for us to believe it at first."

The God of Kindness is also a little helpless.

This also means that they have to teach Han Xiao the double gods!

What is the concept of double gods?

Thinking about it this way, the reason for the two people's reluctance to make concessions is also very fair.

God Shura's face was cloudy and uncertain.

It would be too unreasonable to persuade the two of them to give up.

"In that case, let's wait until Han Xiao reaches Title Douluo and see his choice."

God Shura was unwilling to give up, and his voice was stiff.

The God of Evil smiled disdainfully, "Sura, I have to admit that you are the strongest in my God Realm. But the two of us are twin gods after all."

God Shura shook his head, a look of anticipation flashed in his eyes: "You don't know that kid well, so you don't need to say much, we'll just wait and see."

He believed that Han Xiao would be on his side.

What's more, even if he switches to good and evil, he still has a plan B.


road to hell.

Tang Chen crossed his legs and closed his eyes.

The God of Shura doesn't know what perverted difficulty assessment will be given to Han Xiao.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

Boy, you should have been tripped once, right?
Thinking of the inhuman torture I have experienced before, I want to do it again on Han Xiao.

Tang Chen gloated a little.

If he chooses again, he will never embark on the road to becoming a god again.

Along the way, he left too much behind.

"I don't know if this decision will harm this kid."

Thinking of this, Tang Chen sighed.

He suddenly regretted it.

In order to become a god, Han Xiao is just like himself, going crazy and giving up everything.

Is it really worth it?
Thinking of this, the magma suddenly bubbled up.

Tang Chen quickly opened his eyes and saw Han Xiao emerging from the magma.

He looked a little puzzled.

"Why, being tortured by God Shura to the point of doubting life?"

Tang Chen asked.

Han Xiao floated in the air and landed beside Tang Chen, and asked the doubts in his heart:
"Senior Tang Chen, why did you lie to me?"

Logically speaking, Tang Chen had been with him for such a long time.

He should understand his own character.

Moreover, Tang Chen didn't bother to deceive himself with this reason of guarding against arrogance and impetuosity.

"I lied to you, what did the old man lie to you?"

Tang Chen also looked at Han Xiao in confusion.

"There is a big discrepancy between this Shura Divine Examination and what the senior said."

Han Xiao said.

"In and out?"

Tang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then realized it immediately.

Could it be that after so many years, that perverted God Shura has increased the difficulty of the assessment?
Thinking of this, he let out a long sigh, and patted Han Xiao on the shoulder, "I didn't make you fully prepared in advance, and it does have something to do with me."

Looking at it like this, it must have failed the examination, right?
Tang Chen really couldn't think of any words of encouragement, so he forced a smile and said:

"It's okay, with me here, at least you can pass the first five tests safely. As for the remaining four tests, we can only wait until you become the Ultimate Douluo."

Han Xiao frowned, "Senior, you misunderstood."


"Isn't the Nine Trials of Shura only the two requirements of pulling out the Demonic Sword of Shura and becoming a Titled Douluo?"


Tang Chen, the existence who once stood on top of a group of soul masters.

At this moment, his eyes widened and his mouth opened so wide that it was about to dislocate.

"What did you say?"

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to hear clearly, Han Xiao just thought it was old and deaf, and repeated it again.

"Shouldn't be."

Tang Chen looked at the magma underground and frowned.

"This is the position of the God of Shura. Could it be taken by some third-rate little god?"

Until now, Tang Chen still couldn't believe it.

This is all because the impression of Shura Divine Examination on him was too deep.

It was simply torture.

So when he heard that the content of Han Xiao's divine test was so easy, he had some doubts about life.

"Senior, this is the reward God Shura gave me."

Han Xiao flipped his wrist, and Yu Gu let out a dragon cry, lying quietly in his hand.

"Sure enough, it's the breath of God Shura!"

The Fish Intestine Sword seems to be endowed with spirituality.

In Han Xiao's hands, it is like a well-behaved swimming fish, with murderous intentions hidden.

This time, Tang Chen completely believed it.

But at the same time, he also began to doubt life.

So God Shura is a fucking fool, right?
For different people, the content of the assessment is also different, right?

Where is my father? !

Tang Chenqi's beard was about to stand on end.

"Senior, God Shura regretted your affairs during the chat with me. He said that you are the most likely successor in the past thousand years."

Hearing this, Tang Chen's face softened a lot: "Really?"


This sentence was made up by Han Xiao.

God Shura certainly didn't say that.

Smart as Han Xiao, of course he could see that Tang Chen was a little bit aggrieved.

"Senior, since the Asura Divine Test only requires me to raise my soul power to Title Douluo, then you can naturally go to Sea God Island to fulfill your wish."

Han Xiao said.

Hearing this, Tang Chen's eyes moved.

Yeah, that's a good thing.

You will be able to meet whoever you want right away.

It's just that, for some reason, there is always a sense of tension.

"Senior, no matter what, if you meet your sweetheart, don't be too strong, and pretend to be as miserable as you are."

Han Xiao exhorted.


Tang Chen frowned.

He is a chauvinist.

I have never liked to show weakness in front of the woman I love.

"Senior, think about it."

Han Xiao said slowly: "If you love a woman deeply, but she abandons you for decades because of the obsession in her heart, what will you think when you see her again?"

Hearing this, Tang Chen suddenly realized.

In doing so, it is indeed possible to directly break the ice.

Moreover, it's not a lie, I really don't have much time left.

Immediately, he became entangled again: "But, liking her is just my wishful thinking."

Han Xiao shook his head, his eyes solemn: "If you never forget, you must have memories."

"You have read her for countless years, and I believe she must be the same."

"What's more, even if she is married and has children at this time, shouldn't you be happier?"

"Why is that?"

When Tang Chen thought of his lover becoming someone else's wife, his heart ached.

Han Xiao smiled slightly: "Because she is not only your lover, but also represents half of your all-powerful life."

"Would you like to let her have a group of children and enjoy the family happiness, or do you want her to be like a husband stone, waiting for you and looking forward to you?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Tang Chen felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

In my mind, those memories buried deep in the soil sprouted.

His eye sockets became a little moist.

"Yes, yes, if she can find a good family, I will let her go."

Tang Chen felt relieved.

Love is not possession, not demand.

Love is fulfillment.

Han Xiao's gaze became firm, and he grabbed Tang Chen's shoulder.

"Senior, you must wait for me. When I become a god, I will try my best to extend your life."

Rao is a god, but he can't make the bones germinate.

However, for some reason, Han Xiao's words made Tang Chen extremely convinced.

His voice was choked up, and his eyes were moist: "Okay, good boy, I'll wait for you."

In my heart, it was warm.

At this moment, Han Xiao has become his relative.

Even, they are closer than those descendants of Haotian School.

This is the power of commitment.

Han Xiao, you must repay your kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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