Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 355 Tang San's plan to besiege the killing capital!

Chapter 355 Tang San's plan to besiege the killing capital!
Heaven Dou Empire, wartime headquarters.

Here, in response to the attack of Wuhundian, a temporary base was built.

Headed by Ning Fengzhi, the patriarch of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, Tian Dou Xingluo launched a resistance against Wuhundian.

Heaven Dou City, which was supposed to be prosperous and prosperous, is deserted at this moment.

Passers-by strode like meteors, with heavy faces.

Most of the rich and wealthy businessmen have already withdrawn and lived in seclusion.

In the pre-war camp, Ning Fengzhi's expression was heavy.

In front of him stood the assembled Shrek Six Monsters.

"Are you sure what you saw is true?"

Ning Fengzhi asked in a deep voice.

Tang San nodded, looking straight at him: "Uncle Ning, my father Tang Hao sent me to practice in the Slaughter City, and I saw with my own eyes that Han Xiao inherited the Slaughter King."

What does the King of Slaughter mean to this group of decent people.

Evil Soul Master.

And Han Xiao's identity is the leader of the Brotherhood.

Ning Fengzhi felt an unprecedented difficulty.

"Here, call me General."

Ning Fengzhi sighed and looked at the strategic map hanging on the wall.

After the failure of the extermination operation, Bibi Dong changed her strategy and started to attack the city.

In just a few months, four cities have been captured.

Although the Star Luo Empire quickly dispatched reinforcements.

But in front of the army of soul masters in the Wuhun Temple, it seemed childish.

"Yes, General Ning."

Tang San's expression changed, and he still whispered.

"What do you think of this matter?"

Ning Fengzhi thought about it, and asked Shrek for his opinion.

What Tang San was waiting for was Ning Fengzhi's inquiry, "Cooperate with the Spirit Hall to wipe out the evil spirit masters."

"What did you say?"

Ning Fengzhi immediately stood up, looking at Tang San with disbelief.

He didn't expect Tang San to be able to say the words of joining forces with the enemy.

Tang San nodded, and explained: "General Ning, please be calm and don't be impatient, just listen to my explanation."

Afterwards, he looked at the Shrek brothers behind him, "What we lack most now is not a steady stream of soul masters, but time."



Tang San looked at the people behind him.

The six Shrek monsters released their martial spirits one after another, and they were all six-ringed soul emperors.

"Our average age is only 17."

Tang San opened his mouth slowly, and continued: "How many 17-year-old Six-Huan Soul Emperors have General Ning met?"

Ning Fengzhi understood what Tang San wanted to express.

"If we are given a certain amount of time and absolute resources, I believe that in time, the Heaven Dou Empire will definitely have five Titled Douluo."

Tang San's words gave Ning Fengzhi extremely convincing power.

Exactly what he said.

They are too young and too good.

In time, it will definitely become the strongest combat power of the Heaven Dou Empire.

"what should we do?"

Ning Fengzhi was a little moved.


Tang San said, "It is said to hunt evil spirit masters, but you must give us plenty of time."

Ning Fengzhi was silent for a moment and gritted his teeth.

"I see, come on!"

He wrote the letter himself and sent someone to send it to Wuhundian.

The contents of the letter are all kinds of trumped-up charges and the idea of ​​jointly attacking the killing capital.

Unexpectedly, within a day, Wuhundian gave a reply.


Ning Fengzhi put down the letter and rubbed his bloodshot eyes.

Bibi Dong's reply was very simple, only two words: "Yes."

"In this case, let's show a little sincerity first."

Tang San propped his hands on the table, a blaze flashed in his eyes.

"How do you say that?"

"Destroy the Brotherhood and uproot Han Xiao's property in the Heaven Dou Empire!"

Tang San made a gesture of wiping his neck, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

"Tang San, do you know what you are doing?!"

It can be said that the Heaven Dou Empire can only lose four cities, and almost half of the reinforcements are from the Brotherhood.

And Han Xiao's business empire unconditionally sends resources to the front line.

Once these two major forces are destroyed, it means that one arm of the Heaven Dou Empire will be broken.

"General Ning, can't we take these for our own use?"

Tang San said.

Take it for your own use?

Ning Fengzhi's eyelids twitched.

Long before that, he had been envious of Nick's business empire.

It's just that there is Haotianzong behind them.

Ning Fengzhi had no choice but to give up.

"There is no need to worry about the Clear Sky School, they will understand us sooner or later."

Tang San continued to persuade.

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi gritted his teeth: "Okay."

Now, he has joined forces with Wuhundian, which means that he has no room to retreat.

However, when he sent heavy troops to the Brotherhood.

Only to find out that the Brotherhood had been evacuated.

On the huge site, only splendid buildings remained, and nothing of value remained.

"They already guessed?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tang San's face was as gloomy as water.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiao actually calculated this trick.

At the same time, the commercial empire also suddenly announced that as long as it is a store under its banner, all products will be free.

The news quickly spread to all parts of the mainland, and people all over the world celebrated together.

And the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School just closed down a shop.

Soon, the common people seemed to carry out the parade in an organized manner, and once forced them to the Heaven Dou Palace.


Ning Fengzhi was in the room, although he was quite self-cultivated, he was also trembling from anger.

In these two places, they can't move.

Once the commercial empire is forcibly incorporated.

Its outcome will inevitably lead to riots among the people.

At that time, the Heaven Dou Empire will take the lead in destroying the country without waiting for the Spirit Hall to take action.

"Han Xiao, good trick."

Tang San looked ugly, muttering to himself.

"Emperor Xue Ye has issued an order, and this business empire cannot be moved."

Ning Fengzhi shook his head, and sat down in a somewhat decadent position.

Just then, a palace guard broke in.

"National teacher, the emperor summoned."

There was still a bit of haste on his face.

"Little San, you go with me."

Ning Fengzhi got up, and brought Tang San to the Heaven Dou Palace.

Emperor Xue Ye sat on the throne, his face seemed to be quite haggard.

"Master, take a look!"

With an ugly expression, he threw a file in front of Ning Fengzhi.

Looking at the words in the dossier, Ning Fengzhi's face turned down.

"How is it possible, isn't Sir Snowflake's family already dead?!"

He couldn't believe it, and said in a low voice.

"I still want to know!"

Emperor Xue Ye sneered, his expression ugly.

After taking the file, Tang San looked at the text inside.

An orphan of Sir Snowflake, he founded his own country surrounded by the Brotherhood.

Country name, Assassin.

And the place where the country was founded was the former back cover of Sir Snowflake, the Kingdom of Clark.

"I heard that as soon as Sir Snow Flower's widow came to the City Lord's Mansion, the City Lord gave her the seat without any hesitation."

Emperor Xue Ye shook his head and sneered.

The Heaven Dou Empire is similar to the feudal system.

Local management is not strict.

Emperor Xue Ye also knew very well that although Sir Xue Hua was dead.

But his influence in the local area is still huge.

But as long as there are no immediate family members of Sir Snowflake, there will be no big waves.

But no one could have imagined that Sir Snowflake's family was not extinct.

He even got help from the Brotherhood.

With a group of soul masters standing there, Emperor Xue Ye no longer had the strength to quell the civil strife.


A servant rushed in recklessly, with a flustered look on his face.

"Your Highness...Your Highness, something has happened!"

"What's the matter, say it!"

Emperor Xue Ye's expression was heavy.

These things came one by one, and he was already numb.

"The widow of Sir Snowflake has...already occupied three cities."

The attendant's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally his head was almost buried in the ground.

Hearing this, Emperor Xue Ye's body trembled, and he collapsed on the seat.

"I will send troops immediately to take back the lost land!"

Ning Fengzhi gritted his teeth and was about to rush out the door.

"too late!"

Tang San shook his head, but at this moment he was extremely quiet.

"Then what else can we do now?"

Ning Fengzhi said angrily.

If Tang San hadn't aimed at Han Xiao, this incident would definitely not have happened.

A flash of determination flashed in Tang San's eyes: "Attack the Slaughter City immediately, capture the thief first and capture the king!"

Afterwards, he knelt down in front of Emperor Xue Ye.

"Chen Tangsan, I hope that I can get the full support of His Highness with the team. Give me five years. After five years, I will help His Highness recover the lost land!"

Emperor Xue Ye seemed to know the talent of everyone in Tang San.

He sighed, until now, this is the only way.

"Come here, take Tang San and the others to my Heaven Dou Treasure House."

Emperor Xue Ye waved his hand weakly, "Let's all step back."

Five years later, if there are six Titled Douluo in the Heaven Dou Empire, they still have the capital to fight against the Spirit Hall.


Killing capital.

After Tang Chen left, Han Xiao sat in the palace of the Slaughter King.

He looked down at the current policy.

If I didn't guess wrong, Tang San has already reported to the Heaven Dou Empire that he became the King of Slaughter, right?

And everyone in Zhou Tong should also start to act according to the strategy in their bag.

A brand new empire is about to be established.

At that time, Tiandou Xingluo will inevitably forcibly merge and unite the front.

And his own Assassin Empire will compete with the Wuhun Empire, Heaven Dou Xingluo, and the Three Kingdoms.

This is Han Xiao's plan.

Only by distracting the Heaven Dou Empire can he have a chance to build his own empire.

"Next, there is a good show to watch."

Han Xiao smiled coldly.

Tang San, you are still too young to play at my poker table.

Just then, there was a rapid knock on the door.


Horror knight Scott broke in with a panicked expression.

"Your Majesty, it's not good!"

He knelt in front of Han Xiao with an ugly expression.

"In the future, if you have something to say directly, don't talk nonsense, you understand?"

Han Xiao spoke coldly.


Scott lowered his head. He knew that he was delaying his efficiency too much, so he might as well explain the reason directly.

"The people have high fever, irritability and other negative emotions, and some of them started killing people like crazy, and now I have controlled them."

Han Xiao frowned.

It seems that he still has to find a way to solve this problem.

Otherwise, this group of fallen people who don't want to be loyal to themselves is a double-edged sword.

At any time, he could backstab himself.

"Take me to see."

Under the leadership of Scott, the two came to the bottom of the killing capital.

As soon as he entered, he heard the sound of a plus sign like a beast.

"This is?"

Han Xiao's pupils shrank.

In the prison, a middle-aged man was covered in scratched wounds.

He gnawed away at the fence like he was mad.

The teeth have fallen out one by one.

"You wait here."

After saying this, Han Xiao appeared on the road to hell in a flash.

Under his feet is the magma that is constantly pouring into the killing capital.

Sniffing the breath on the magma carefully, Han Xiao's expression turned cold.

"Tang San, it seems that it is impossible not to kill you."

Before this, Han Xiao had no enmity with Tang San.

Even because of Tang Chen's face, he helped Tang San out of crisis.

But now, he didn't expect this hypocrite to be so vicious.

He put a deadly slow poison in the mother river of the killing capital!
When this poison is fused with the control toxin of the blood red nine-headed bat king.

It will cause the poison in the fallen person's body to explode instantly.

Tang San's doing so meant destroying the order of the Douluo Continent.

If there is no killing capital in this world, then what should this group of vicious soul masters do?

It takes a lot of manpower to look after it?
You must know that ordinary prisons cannot hold them.

At that time, the Douluo Continent will be full of unstable factors.

And the capital of killing is the prison where they can settle down the most.

Han Xiao took a deep breath and reached into the magma.

Fortunately, the river was not completely polluted.

In this case……

Han Xiao secretly mobilized his soul power.

Then, with a loud noise, the river disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!

He is digesting the river.

Coincidentally, that Bloody Mary was a tasteless one.

Driven by the soul power, the river gradually dried up.

After doing all this, Han Xiao appeared in the sky above the Slaughter Capital in a flash.

A scarlet color appeared in his eyes.

Afterwards, the Killing Domain completely covered everyone in the entire Killing City.

Since the Killing Realm can control those fallen, there is no need for a Bloody Mary.

The fallen ones frowned, feeling the change in the air.

Under Han Xiao's control, their restless hearts gradually calmed down.

"Since it can be directly controlled in this way, why does the blood-red nine-headed bat king release chronic toxins?"

Han Xiao was a little puzzled.

What he didn't know was that the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King hadn't thought about this situation.

But it simply doesn't have that much murderous intent to control the killing capital.

That's when the second volume was published, choosing to use toxins.

However, Han Xiao is different from it.

After absorbing the blood red nine-headed bat king.

Even God Shura was amazed by Han Xiao's murderous aura.

without any exaggeration.

The murderous aura in Han Xiao's body is already comparable to that of a god.

"Wait, what is that?"

In the air, Han Xiao looked into the distance, frowning slightly.

A group of soul masters wearing the uniform of the Heaven Dou Empire are rushing in their direction.

Is the Heaven Dou Empire unable to sit still?

Han Xiao smiled coldly.

Unexpectedly, they came so fast.

Since they were coming to die, Han Xiao couldn't stop them.

In the next second, the Shura Demon Sword appeared in his hand.

"My people, it's time to let you out and let the world feel fear."

(End of this chapter)

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